ITW 101 Evaluating Library Resources POPULAR VERSUS SCHOLARLY Directions: Below, list each periodical and whether it is a popular or scholarly. Write down the characteristics which led you to your decision. Title: _______________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________________ Scholarly or Popular? _____________________________ Scholarly or Popular? _________________________________ CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS 1 ITW 101: USING ACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE TO FIND SCHOLARLY AND NON-SCHOLARLY ARTICLES T HE F O L L O W I N G A R TI C L E S A R E A L L I N D E X E D I N A C A D E M I C S E A R C H C O M P L E TE . F I N D E A C H A R TI C L E B A S E D O N T H E I N F O R M A TI O N P R O V I D E D I N I T S C I T A T I O N , A N D T HE N A N S W E R T HE Q U E S T I O N S B E L O W . Mason LibraryFind an eSourceIndexes & DatabasesAcademic Search Complete Karamanol, Alice, and Laura Salley. "ADAPTIVE Art Education." School Arts 104.5 (Jan. 2005): 27-27. 1. Is this a scholarly or non-scholarly article? ____________________ 2. How do you know?_______________________________________________________________________ 3. Is this item available in print or electronic form? _____________________ a. If it’s available in print, write down the periodical’s call number.____________________________ b. If it’s available electronically, how were you able to get to the full-text of the article? "THE HEALING CALM." International Review of African American Art 21.3 (June 2006): 60-61. 1. Is this a scholarly or non-scholarly article? ____________________ 2. How do you know?_______________________________________________________________________ 3. Is this item available in print or electronic form? _____________________ a. If it’s available in print, write down the periodical’s call number.____________________________ b. If it’s available electronically, how were you able to get to the full-text of the article? Elkis-Abuhoff, Deborah L. "Art therapy applied to an adolescent with Asperger's syndrome." Arts in Psychotherapy 35.4 (Oct. 2008): 262-270. 1. Is this a scholarly or non-scholarly article? ____________________ 2. How do you know?_______________________________________________________________________ 3. Is this item available in print or electronic form? _____________________ a. If it’s available in print, write down the periodical’s call number.____________________________ b. If it’s available electronically, how were you able to get to the full-text of the article? Williams, Elaine. "'When I was in the wave I felt like a little ant'." Times Educational Supplement (23 Sep. 2005): 15-15. 1. Is this a scholarly or non-scholarly article? ____________________ 2. How do you know?_______________________________________________________________________ 3. Is this item available in print or electronic form? _____________________ a. If it’s available in print, write down the periodical’s call number.____________________________ b. If it’s available electronically, how were you able to get to the full-text of the article? 2 Adapted by KY Fall 2008 from the University of Texas, original accessible from