5MR Scheme of work

Richard Cloudesley School
Class:5MR (6th Form Group)
-multisensory play
-massage story
-messy play
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
:Martyna Raczka
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
Context: Around
the World.
NC Subject:
Context: Around
the World.
NC Subject:
Context: Around
the World.
NC Subject:
Context: Around
the World.
NC Subject:
Context: Around
the World:
NC Subject:
Context: Around
the World:
NC Subject:
To recognise and read a growing
repertoire of familiar words,
signs, symbols and pictures
To use knowledge of alphabetical
order to locate information
To recognise and read a growing
repertoire of familiar words,
signs, symbols and pictures
To use knowledge of alphabetical
order to locate information
To read and understand high
frequency words and words with
common spelling patterns.
To understand main events of
chronological and instructional
To read and understand high
frequency words and words with
common spelling patterns.
To understand main events of
chronological and instructional
To read and understand main
event of chronological and
instructional texts.
To understand main events of
chronological and instructional
To read and understand main
event of chronological and
instructional texts.
To understand main events of
chronological and instructional
To use words and written phrases
to record/present information
To spell correctly some personal
or familiar words.
To match letters and symbols to
simple words.
To use words and written phrases
to record/present information
To spell correctly some personal
or familiar words.
To match letters and symbols to
simple words.
To sequence events of a simple
To produce legible text.
To sequence events of a simple
To produce legible text.
To apply a growing range of
vocabulary in writing.
To produce legible text.
To apply a growing range of
vocabulary in writing.
To produce legible text.
Speaking and listening:
Speaking and listening:
Speaking and listening:
Speaking and listening:
Speaking and listening:
Speaking and listening:
To respond appropriately to
comments and requests.
To ask questions to obtain
specific information.
To respond appropriately to
comments and requests.
To ask questions to obtain
specific information.
To build theme vocabulary and
use it in context
To express clearly statements of
fact, short accounts and
To build theme vocabulary and
use it in context
To express clearly statements of
fact, short accounts and
To follow the gist of discussions
and make appropriate
To participate actively in
To follow the gist of discussions
and make appropriate
To participate actively in
Sensory Awareness
To develop sensory awareness
and respond to sounds, voices,
human touch, the touch of
objects, sight of people and the
sight of objects.
To develop anticipation in a range
of familiar contexts.
Language Comprehension
To listen and react to familiar
words or tactile signs in context.
To understand familiar single
words or tactile signs in context.
To interact with a range of
communication partners.
To sustain alertness and
motivation during interactions.
To take turns in interactions and
To make choices through
Sensory Awareness
To develop sensory awareness
and respond to sounds, voices,
human touch, the touch of
objects, sight of people and the
sight of objects.
To develop anticipation in a range
of familiar contexts.
Language Comprehension
To listen and react to familiar
words or tactile signs in context.
To understand familiar single
words or tactile signs in context.
To interact with a range of
communication partners.
To sustain alertness and
motivation during interactions.
To take turns in interactions and
To make choices through
Sensory Awareness
To develop sensory awareness
and respond to sounds, voices,
human touch, the touch of
objects, sight of people and the
sight of objects.
To develop anticipation in a range
of familiar contexts.
Language Comprehension
To listen and react to familiar
words or tactile signs in context.
To understand familiar single
words or tactile signs in context.
To interact with a range of
communication partners.
To sustain alertness and
motivation during interactions.
To take turns in interactions and
To make choices through
Sensory Awareness
To develop sensory awareness
and respond to sounds, voices,
human touch, the touch of
objects, sight of people and the
sight of objects.
To develop anticipation in a range
of familiar contexts.
Language Comprehension
To listen and react to familiar
words or tactile signs in context.
To understand familiar single
words or tactile signs in context.
To interact with a range of
communication partners.
To sustain alertness and
motivation during interactions.
To take turns in interactions and
Sensory Awareness
To develop sensory awareness
and respond to sounds, voices,
human touch, the touch of
objects, sight of people and the
sight of objects.
To develop anticipation in a range
of familiar contexts.
Language Comprehension
To listen and react to familiar
words or tactile signs in context.
To understand familiar single
words or tactile signs in context.
To interact with a range of
communication partners.
To sustain alertness and
motivation during interactions.
To take turns in interactions and
Sensory Awareness
To develop sensory awareness
and respond to sounds, voices,
human touch, the touch of
objects, sight of people and the
sight of objects.
To develop anticipation in a range
of familiar contexts.
Language Comprehension
To listen and react to familiar
words or tactile signs in context.
To understand familiar single
words or tactile signs in context.
To interact with a range of
communication partners.
To sustain alertness and
motivation during interactions.
To take turns in interactions and
Richard Cloudesley School
Life Skills
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
To make choices through
vocalisation, expression, gestures
or AAC in a range of contexts.
Vocalisation and Speech
To develop vocalisations in a
range of contexts, with a range of
communication partners.
To make choices through
vocalisation, expression, gestures
or AAC in a range of contexts.
Vocalisation and Speech
To develop vocalisations in a
range of contexts, with a range of
communication partners.
vocalisation, expression, gestures
or AAC in a range of contexts.
Vocalisation and Speech
To develop vocalisations in a
range of contexts, with a range of
communication partners.
vocalisation, expression, gestures
or AAC in a range of contexts.
Vocalisation and Speech
To develop vocalisations in a
range of contexts, with a range of
communication partners.
vocalisation, expression, gestures
or AAC in a range of contexts.
Vocalisation and Speech
To develop vocalisations in a
range of contexts, with a range of
communication partners.
To make choices through
vocalisation, expression, gestures
or AAC in a range of contexts.
Vocalisation and Speech
To develop vocalisations in a
range of contexts, with a range of
communication partners.
Context: Around
the World.
NC Subject: Maths
Context: Around
the World.
NC Subject: Maths
Context: Around
the World.
NC Subject: Maths
Context: Around
the World.
NC Subject: Maths
Context: Around
the World.
NC Subject: Maths
Context: Around
the World.
NC Subject: Maths
The learners will receive some
guidance on how to approach the
situation but will need to make
decisions which mathematical
techniques to apply, which
models to select or how to adapt
the approaches.
To use mathematical skills in
practical activities of cooking
(shopping, counting money,
paying, counting, measuring
products, adding and taking
The learners will receive some
guidance on how to approach the
situation but will need to make
decisions which mathematical
techniques to apply, which
models to select or how to adapt
the approaches.
To use mathematical skills in
practical activities of cooking
(shopping, counting money,
paying, counting, measuring
products, adding and taking
The learners will make
independent choices as to what
mathematical techniques and
models to use and evaluate these,
the response to the problem may
involve several connected steps.
The learners will make
independent choices as to what
mathematical techniques and
models to use and evaluate these,
the response to the problem may
involve several connected steps.
The learners will make
independent choices as to what
mathematical techniques and
models to use and evaluate these,
the response to the problem may
involve several connected steps.
-To understand and use number
up to 100
-To use everyday language to
describe the properties, size and
measurements including length,
width, height, weight and make
simple comparisons.
-To recognize and select coins
and notes
-To understand and use number
up to 100
-To use everyday language to
describe the properties, size and
measurements including length,
width, height, weight and make
simple comparisons.
-To recognize and select coins
and notes
-To develop sensory awareness
-To develop sensory awareness
and respond to movement, touch,
sound, smells and tastes
-To develop anticipation in a
range of contexts, supported by
touch cues, objects of reference,
music cues, repetition and
-To demonstrate understanding of
a language in familiar contexts
and respond accordingly
and respond to movement, touch,
sound, smells and tastes
-To develop anticipation in a
range of contexts, supported by
touch cues, objects of reference,
music cues, repetition and
-To demonstrate understanding of
a language in familiar contexts
and respond accordingly
-To understand and use addition
and subtraction in practical
situation in practical situation
-To sort and classify objects using
a single criterion
-To extract information from
simple lists.
-To develop sensory awareness
and respond to movement, touch,
sound, smells and tastes
-To develop anticipation in a
range of contexts, supported by
touch cues, objects of reference,
music cues, repetition and
-To demonstrate understanding of
a language in familiar contexts
and respond accordingly
-To develop awareness and
respond to people and objects in a
-To increase and sustain
motivation by making choices
and requesting continuity of
-To understand and use addition
and subtraction in practical
situation in practical situation
-To sort and classify objects using
a single criterion
-To extract information from
simple lists.
-To develop sensory awareness
and respond to movement, touch,
sound, smells and tastes
-To develop anticipation in a
range of contexts, supported by
touch cues, objects of reference,
music cues, repetition and
-To demonstrate understanding of
a language in familiar contexts
and respond accordingly
-To develop awareness and
respond to people and objects in a
-To increase and sustain
motivation by making choices
and requesting continuity of
-To understand and use addition
and subtraction in practical
situation in practical situation
-To sort and classify objects using
a single criterion
-To extract information from
simple lists.
-To develop sensory awareness
and respond to movement, touch,
sound, smells and tastes
-To develop anticipation in a
range of contexts, supported by
touch cues, objects of reference,
music cues, repetition and
-To demonstrate understanding of
a language in familiar contexts
and respond accordingly
-To develop awareness and
respond to people and objects in a
-To increase and sustain
motivation by making choices
and requesting continuity of
The learners will receive some
guidance on how to approach the
situation but will need to make
decisions which mathematical
techniques to apply, which
models to select or how to adapt
the approaches.
To use mathematical skills in
practical activities of cooking
(shopping, counting money,
paying, counting, measuring
products, adding and taking
-To understand and use number
up to 100
-To use everyday language to
describe the properties, size and
measurements including length,
width, height, weight and make
simple comparisons.
-To recognize and select coins
and notes
-To develop sensory awareness
and respond to movement, touch,
sound, smells and tastes
-To develop anticipation in a
range of contexts, supported by
touch cues, objects of reference,
music cues, repetition and
-To demonstrate understanding of
a language in familiar contexts
and respond accordingly
Richard Cloudesley School
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
-To develop awareness and
respond to people and objects in a
-To increase and sustain
motivation by making choices
and requesting continuity of
-To develop awareness and
respond to people and objects in a
-To increase and sustain
motivation by making choices
and requesting continuity of
-To develop awareness and
respond to people and objects in a
-To increase and sustain
motivation by making choices
and requesting continuity of
Who am I?
Democracy and
-To share and explore our
personal qualities
-To understand different
relationships: friendships
- To explore social cues and
develop awareness of how to
speak with unfamiliar people
in different contexts.
-To show interest and sustain
attention to another person in
close proximity.
-To respond to and initiate
physical contact.
-To respond to and initiate
vocalisations and speech.
-To react differently to
familiar and unfamiliar
people, forming and
demonstrating attachments.
-To be aware of imitation of
vocalisations/gestures and to
imitate others.
-To initiate and participate in
playful interactions and
Arts and Crafts
-To explore how we can
make choices and express
opinions within school and
within our local community.
To show interest and sustain
attention to another person in
close proximity.
To respond to and initiate
physical contact.
To respond to and initiate
vocalisations and speech.
To react differently to
familiar and unfamiliar
people, forming and
demonstrating attachments.
To be aware of imitation of
vocalisations/gestures and to
imitate others.
To initiate and participate in
playful interactions and
-To communicate our
likes/dislikes, needs and
-To respond to and initiate
physical contact.
-To respond to and initiate
vocalisations and speech.
-To react differently to
familiar and unfamiliar
people, forming and
demonstrating attachments.
-To be aware of imitation of
vocalisations/gestures and to
imitate others.
-To initiate and participate in
playful interactions and
To participate and co-operate
in familiar routines and
activities, with verbal and
physical cues when
Spring 2
Relationships and
our bodies.
-To explore changes in our
-To explore emotional
-To understand public and
private places.
-To assert their wants, needs
and preferences.
-To protest and reject
undesired activities or
-To test others and show
awareness of positive and
negative reactions.
-To express a range of
emotions such as pleasure,
surprise, frustration and
-To express differentiated
emotions consistently in
different contexts.
Summer 1
exploring E-Safety
-To explore the difference
between private and public
information and its impact.
-To show a differentiated
response to their own image
and recognise themselves.
-To assert their wants, needs
and preferences.
-To protest and reject
undesired activities or
-To test others and show
awareness of positive and
negative reactions.
-To express a range of
emotions such as pleasure,
surprise, frustration and
-To express differentiated
emotions consistently in
different contexts.
Summer 2
-To make healthy choices:
leisure activities, food.
-To show a differentiated
response to their own image
and recognise themselves.
-To assert their wants, needs
and preferences.
-To protest and reject
undesired activities or
-To test others and show
awareness of positive and
negative reactions.
-To express a range of
emotions such as pleasure,
surprise, frustration and
-To express differentiated
emotions consistently in
different contexts.
Context: Around
the World
Context: Around
the World
Context: Around
the World
Context: Around
the World
Context: Around
the World
Context: Around
the World
Students will use a range of
media and techniqes including
drawing, painting and
Students will use a range of
media and techniqes including
drawing, painting and
Students will use a range of
media and techniqes including
drawing, painting and
Students will use a range of
media and techniqes including
drawing, painting and
Students will use a range of
media and techniqes including
drawing, painting and
Students will use a range of
media and techniqes including
drawing, painting and
Richard Cloudesley School
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
sculpture; they will collect,
record, review and evaluate
ideas that reflect the topic.
sculpture; they will collect,
record, review and evaluate
ideas that reflect the topic.
sculpture; they will collect,
record, review and evaluate
ideas that reflect the topic.
sculpture; they will collect,
record, review and evaluate
ideas that reflect the topic.
sculpture; they will collect,
record, review and evaluate
ideas that reflect the topic.
sculpture; they will collect,
record, review and evaluate
ideas that reflect the topic.
-Demonstrate awareness and
expectation of the environment
and events
-To show awareness of an
-To use actions in order to
cause an effect
-To explore objects visually
and in a tactile manner and
respond to their properties
with appropriate actions
-To manipulate objects,
combine them and act
appropriately on different
problem-solving activities
-To be able to be directed by
another person to attend to
-To attend jointly to activities
-To be able to gain attention
and signal a desire of attention
-To be able to take turns
-To imitate people
-To sort objects according to
type, colour and size and
match accordingly
-Demonstrate awareness and
expectation of the environment
and events
-To show awareness of an
-To use actions in order to
cause an effect
-To explore objects visually
and in a tactile manner and
respond to their properties
with appropriate actions
-To manipulate objects,
combine them and act
appropriately on different
problem-solving activities
-To be able to be directed by
another person to attend to
-To attend jointly to activities
-To be able to gain attention
and signal a desire of attention
-To be able to take turns
-To imitate people
-To sort objects according to
type, colour and size and
match accordingly
-Demonstrate awareness and
expectation of the environment
and events
-To show awareness of an
-To use actions in order to
cause an effect
-To explore objects visually
and in a tactile manner and
respond to their properties
with appropriate actions
-To manipulate objects,
combine them and act
appropriately on different
problem-solving activities
-To be able to be directed by
another person to attend to
-To attend jointly to activities
-To be able to gain attention
and signal a desire of attention
-To be able to take turns
-To imitate people
-To sort objects according to
type, colour and size and
match accordingly
-Demonstrate awareness and
expectation of the environment
and events
-To show awareness of an
-To use actions in order to
cause an effect
-To explore objects visually
and in a tactile manner and
respond to their properties
with appropriate actions
-To manipulate objects,
combine them and act
appropriately on different
problem-solving activities
-To be able to be directed by
another person to attend to
-To attend jointly to activities
-To be able to gain attention
and signal a desire of attention
-To be able to take turns
-To imitate people
-To sort objects according to
type, colour and size and
match accordingly
-Demonstrate awareness and
expectation of the environment
and events
-To show awareness of an
-To use actions in order to
cause an effect
-To explore objects visually
and in a tactile manner and
respond to their properties
with appropriate actions
-To manipulate objects,
combine them and act
appropriately on different
problem-solving activities
-To be able to be directed by
another person to attend to
-To attend jointly to activities
-To be able to gain attention
and signal a desire of attention
-To be able to take turns
-To imitate people
-To sort objects according to
type, colour and size and
match accordingly
-Demonstrate awareness and
expectation of the environment
and events
-To show awareness of an
-To use actions in order to
cause an effect
-To explore objects visually
and in a tactile manner and
respond to their properties
with appropriate actions
-To manipulate objects,
combine them and act
appropriately on different
problem-solving activities
-To be able to be directed by
another person to attend to
-To attend jointly to activities
-To be able to gain attention
and signal a desire of attention
-To be able to take turns
-To imitate people
-To sort objects according to
type, colour and size and
match accordingly
Community walks
Visit different work places/ invite in
Art galleries
Community walks
Visit different work places/ invite in
Art galleries
Community walks
Visit different work places/ invite in
Art galleries