The University of Stirling Students Union Stir It Up (Sports Zone

The University of Stirling Students Union
Stir It Up (Sports Zone) Meeting
Minutes of Meeting held on 11th November 2014
1. Members Present:
Amy McDermott
Union President and Chair (AMc)
Chris Priddle
Sports President
Lauren Marriott
Lauren Mckay
VP Education
Paddy Wilson
Participation and Engagement
Paige Turner
Communications Officer (PT)
Jenny Lister
Health Promotions
In Attendance:
Netball -
Rachel Venton
Equestrian -
Jennifer Rae
Emma Maitland
Ellie Murdoch
Athletics -
Ben Murdoch
Josh Taylor
Golf -
Christopher Long
Volleyball -
Markus Ostlund
Josefin Dahlin
Tennis -
Nikki Howie
Callum Scott
Fraser Hamilton
Women’s Basketball -
Nicola Bradley
Meghan Plummer
Emma Cuthill
Women’s Lacrosse - Hannah Welshman
Badminton -
Steven Watson
Yule Zhang
Men’s Basketball -
James Williamson
Fencing -
Jamie Grant
Kevin Linklater
Tanya Dunton
Alistair Gordon
Dance -
Clair Duncan
Georgia Danso
Kelly McDonach
Jenna Holland
Jess Morris
Squash -
Ben Maddley
Men’s Football -
Alex Wilson
Men’s Rugby -
Jack Hardie
Cricket Men’s Hockey (DMac)
Robbie Swan
Graeme Etheridge
Stephen Thrower
Fraser McClelland
Callum Brown
Matthew Brews
Touch Rugby -
David Glen
Sarah Dunn
Greg Mihill
Connar Davidson
American Football -
James Lighbody
Jorge Gutierrez
Ladies Hockey -
Robyn Blair
Mhairi Hall
Ladies Football -
Carolyn Reid
Aliexa Ball
Nature Society -
Alastair Buchannan
Scott Chaplain
Not Applicable
Absent without Apologies: Not Applicable
AMc – Welcome everyone to the ‘Sports Zone Stir it Up’. As you may be aware the
Student Union structure changed last year and we now have three zones:
Liberation, Communities and Sport. Within each zone there is a ‘Stir it Up’
meeting where motions cab be passed. As this is a ‘Stir it Up’ I will be chairing
the meeting. Following this meeting the minutes shall be available online from
the Students Union website.
Other Business is moved to the end
Charities Week 10th – 14th November
VP Communities (LMa) – Charities Week is ongoing this week. In relation to
sports club tomorrow (Wednesday) is the big day. During the day in the
Atrium we have Forth Valley students coming in to do leg waxing. In the
evening we have Blind Date and signups are going well, we also have the
Sports Union Quiz. All the funds raised will go to Connors Journey.
AMc – As we have Rugby President in attendance can you tell us more about
Connors Journey?
JH –
One of our players, Connor, suffered a serious spinal injury in the first game
of the season back in September. Since then he has remained in a Glasgow
hospital and has no feeling from shoulder down. His family are trying to raise
25,000 to get Connor to California. Part of the fundraising the Rugby club are
selling ‘Blue Bands’ and they can be bought in the Atrium on Thursdays. We
appreciate all the support and fundraising to date.
CP -
Bands can also be purchased from the Union Office for £2
AMc - I would also like to add that I extremely proud and impressed with how all the
sports teams have come together to show support and help one of their own.
Free Education Demo 19th November
AMc - The Free Education Demo in London on the 19th of November. It is a great
cause I would encourage everyone to get involved. Education is a right not
privilege so if anyone is interested in attending let us know as there is a bus
running from the University.
De-Stress Week 17th – 21st November
VP Education (LMc) De-stress is running from the 17th to the 21st
November. Over the course of the week there will be a number of activities
that aim to highlight ways in which we can De-Stress for example are we
have the ‘Paws Against Stress’ are bring the puppy’s back in on Monday,
tickets will be available from the atrium. On Tuesday we have a ‘Fitness and
Exercise’ day were the Badminton and Muay Thai Boxing are doing
demonstrations in the Atrium. We have a chill zone and Yoga activity during
the week.
World Aids Day 1st December
VP Communities (LMa) This will include Atrium activity with LGBT, GEM and
First Aid Africa, and is open to any other societies too, and possibly external charities
such as Africa on the Ball. We are pursuing turning the lighting in Studio red to help
raise awareness
Elect one member to the Elections Committee
AMc – We have a position on the election Committee that we need to fill. This can be
postponed if there isn’t any interest or if anyone is interested it good way of getting
involved in Union activity and gaining more experience. It may also be a good
opportunity for anyone who is thinking of running for a Sabbatical position in the
future. The main part of the role is to assist with organising and facilitating the Union
elections, which it would involve workshops, meetings and general publicity. Is
anyone interested?
No response
AMc – Ok we shall move on.
Sport President Report
CP – In terms of projects and work I have on at the minute:
Women in Sport: The conference was a massive success and congratulations to
Rebecca, for delivering such a fantastic line up of speakers on the day. Scott is also
in the process of the writing up a report that shall be presented to the Principal then
onto Shona Robison. We are also looking into running another conference next year
however changing the focus on a more action and solutions based conference.
Wheelchair Basketball: We are currently trying to set up a Wheelchair basketball
club. We had a demonstration session from Basketball Scotland in October and have
another session on Wednesday 3rd December from 1 – 3. We also applied to the
Stirling Fund to get sport wheelchairs.
New Clubs: We have had a couple of new clubs form such as, Futsal and Self
Defence, with the further possibility of Shinty.
Active Stirling: We have also been working closely with Active Stirling. We are
trying to expand the Stirling Games event to 8 sports this year. A number of our clubs
such as American Football and Table Tennis have been volunteering in the
community. The Hockey club are also going to be going on the Hockey UKCC Level
1 course at the weekend in partnership with Stirling Wanderers.
Wallace Community Sports Hub: We are also working with Active Stirling within the
Wallace Community Sport Hub, which is aiming to enhance community sport
Scottish Student Sport: My work with SSS on the competition committee is also
continuing, we also now have two Play Sport Promoters now volunteering for them.
SSS have also asked us about clubs looking for more activity. I know Netball and
Hockey have been in touch. So anyone is looking to do more then let us know.
BUCS: We obviously have BUCS Wednesdays that is continuing. I was also at a
BUCS conference last week in Nottingham. One of the main focuses was how
student sport in Australia was structured. Over there due the distances between
universities they focus more on inter-mural sport between schools or halls.
Men’s Rugby: I would also like to show appreciation for the work that the Men’s
Rugby are and the fantastic fundraising work they are doing for one their teammates
De-Stress: As mentioned in the key dates we have De-Stress week next week, there
shall be loads of activity of the Atrium so get involved.
President Report
AMc –
Free Education: As mentioned previously mentioned in the key dates, I am
organising a group of students to go down to London next week for the Free
Education Demo. It is for a really good cause that effects as all is again if anybody is
interested in coming let me know.
Equalities Campaign: I would just like to say how proud I was last week when all
the home teams wore Rainbow Laces as a stand against Homophobia in sport. It
would also like to give the Men’s Hockey team a special mention as it was their idea
to wear. So thank you to everyone who got involved. It was great to see so many
sport teams and members support the campaign.
Participation and Engagement Officer
PW SSS: As a Play Sport Premotor with SSS I am working on project with Pam to look
into how we can best integrate different student groups within clubs. For example
looking at how we bridge the gap socially between Fresher’s and Scholars> we are
using the tennis club as a pilot for the project.
Active Stirling: I am also working with Active Stirling on the Community Sport Hub
AirTV: As a Head of Sport at Air TV I am looking at how we can get more coverage
and commentary on games
Communications Officer
PT –
Media Officer: It’s been a bit of a slow to my role on the Exec Committee as I have
been waiting for the Bye-Elections and the media officer to be elected. Now they
have been elected I shall be working with them on how best to promote the sport
teams from the university media outlets
Club Marketing: I am also looking at what clubs could do to market themselves
better. This might, in the future, involve workshops with clubs on how best to create
posters and videos.
Communication: Another thing I am looking at is how we can best communicate
with teams. For example instead of speaking to clubs in the corridors about getting
involved in the campaigns, could we have another forum where we can offer these
opportunities to all clubs for example at a Presidents Forum. If there is anything you
want from or the rest of the exec committee then just let me know.
Health Promotions Officer
JL –
Health Promotions: I have been getting involved in all the health promotion stuff we
have going on such as De-stress Week and World Aids Day. Get along and get
CP – Moving on to the discussion and decision topics. The first one we have on the
agenda is Kukri Kit. So has anybody got anything to say?
Kukri Kit
AG – We change kit provider
AMc – The thing I would add is that it isn’t as easy as moving away from Kukri as
have a sponsorship agreement with them which involves us receiving sum of money
and we would have to give that up. I am aware that we now have a new Sales
contact. We need to make them accountable and make sure that they have to
provide a level of service which makes them deserve the Sports Union contract. I feel
that we need to give the new Sales person time to change and improve the service
they give to us.
CP – What I would add is that if we are looking to change kit provider then midsemester isn’t the best time to do it. It would be much easier to do it at the end of the
year. I have also been involved in communication with the University about getting
one kit deal for the whole of the university. It is in the early stages but it is something
that we can work on.
CMc – The Netball club have also had issues with the quality and type of material
that the dresses are made of. There hasn’t been a consistent design used, some of
the logos on the dresses are stickers and some are embroidered. It doesn’t look
great when the dresses are different. We have also had dresses that we only long
purchased rip already.
RB – Ladies Hockey have also been taken off the website for some reason
AMc – If you could collate all your issues then we can take them to Kukri
FH – The scholars within the tennis club have a different provider however when we
have order Kukri kit is has taken a while to be delivered
CP - If any of you have issues come and speak to us about your individual kit
We Want Wednesday Win
CP – This was a policy that was passed last year and we are just wondering how well
it is has been applied. How many of you have got classes on a Wednesday
JH – I have a mandatory attendance lecture on a Wednesday afternoon
LMc – If any have classes that is impacting on playing sport then can you email me,
John Gardener will be furious
President Forum or Clubs Council Return
CP – As Paige mentioned earlier we are looking at what are the best ways to
communicate with you as Sport Union members and Club Presidents. There has
been the suggestion that the return of Presidents Forum or Club Council would be
seen as a good thing. What are your thoughts?
PT – I think the return of Presidents Forum would be a good thing. I was on the exec
last year and the Presidents Forum was a good way of communicating with
Presidents to get across information in a less formal way. I felt it had more
commitment and interest from Presidents as opposed to these meetings. The
informal nature of them was a big part to it.
CP – For those of you that aren’t aware of Presidents Forum it was as Paige says
less formal and was held in W1 as opposed to a big lecture theatre that we are in
here. We also got free pizza which was good as well.
AMc – I would like to add that in terms of the types of meetings, Club Council is what
you are sitting in now. I would encourage you all too fully interact in these meetings
and bring things to us to help shape what these meetings are. You can also make us
accountable, as Sabbatical officers.
PT – The thing about President Forums, they were more regular and had better
AMc – I would absolutely encourage more engagement from the Sport Union
members in union activity as they are the biggest cohort within the student
population. The need more engagement to ultimately shape what we do as a Union.
CP –Can we have a quick show of hands on who would like a return of Presidents
Vote result in favour of a return
Sports Ball
CP – This year we are looking to hold Sports Ball on Saturday 18th April. So pencil it
in your diaries
AW – Is it going to be at Murrayfield again?
CP – I am not sure what were your thoughts on Murrayfield last year?
AW - I liked the fact we ate in one room then moved to another at night
RB - We had issues seeing the stage from where we were sitting last year. It meant
that we didn’t see any of the presentation.
CP – It hasn’t been decided yet where to go this year but these are factors to
consider. We also need to take in the consideration of the capacity of the venue.
Local venues have a reduced far reduced capacity to those in Glasgow or Edinburgh,
but with those you have to take travel into account
AMc – Sports ball is an example of what I was talking about earlier in terms of
shaping and inputting in what we do. It might be an idea to try and form a Sport Ball
Committee that gets input from a wide range of members.
PT – That is the role of the Sport Exec
7.5 Women in Sport
CP – We obviously held the Women in Sport conference last month and it was a
great success. We are looking for some feedback on the event and wither it is
something we should continue with next year. Carolyn you were there, what was your
thoughts on it?
CR – It was really good. I enjoyed all the talks I went to and thought the SSS was
good. The only thing was that the tickets were expensive and it was hard to get them.
It being on Wednesday wasn’t ideal as people were playing sport and I also had to
go to class between sessions.
CP – Yeah those are things to consider. As a mentioned, Scott is writing up a report
so if anyone has any feedback or anything to input into it, them just let him know. We
also looking at how to progress the good work that has been done, this may involve a
different conference format
AMc – In terms of actions and initiatives to come out the conference we are looking
to deliver a Women and Sport Leadership programme in the New Year. So look out
for that and get involve if that interests you
ABa – One thing I think the sport teams within the Sports Union should help promote
each other by for example the Women’s Football tweeting support to the Men’s
Football team. I also think that they’re should be a better working relationship
between teams.
LM – Just to let you all know that Rate awards opened please nominate any fantastic
members staff. They are open till the 13th March. Also to let you be aware ELIR
(Enhancement led Institutional Review) has student focus groups on for the
Reflective Analysis. The student voice is key in this aspect to ensure changes that
are made are what students need. If any of you want to join keep an eye on your
8.1 Transport
FM - Men’s Hockey are having issues with transport. We can’t get a 14 seat minibus; we can only get a 12 seat bus. This has resulted in us doubling on costs on fuel
CP – I am aware of this issue and have been speaking with Arnold Clark
8.2 Previous Motions
AB – What progress has been made with the last two motions past that the last Stir
AMc – The Divestment motion we had a good discussion in our exec meeting and
we are current looking at the organisational structures to see what can be done. In
terms of the gender natural toilets; Jenny and I will be working on research paper and
the motional has been mentioned to University.
8.3 Cancelation of Pitches
AW – The football team have had issues with pitches getting called off when there
doesn’t seem to be a valid reason. Who is it that makes the decision?
JH – Men’s Rugby have also had this problem. We have had a game called off at
9am and we lost points because of it
AMc – This was brought up in a recent meeting with the Union Secretary and she is
aware of it. Leigh Robinson is also aware it and she added that it is a common
recreationally as well. We can chase that up for you. In terms of who makes the
decision as far as I am aware it is Estates and Campus services.
AW - It is also frustrating when you walk past and external teams are using the
pitches which then results in the cancelation of the Uni games
AMc – That is an absolute valid and was something we raised at the meeting with
the Union Secretary and Leigh Robinson, that University teams need to be given
priority when it come the sport facilities
CP - Has Amy has said it is something that has already been raised with SDS and
with Estates, we shall work through with them to get the best outcome for the
University teams
8.4 Gannochy Facilities
SW – In terms of facilities we have also had issues with the sports hall floor being
slippery. I know it can be a common problem but it seems to happening a lot recently.
CMcE – The Netball club have also had issues in the courts in Gannochy sports hall
not being cleaned properly before we use them. That the weekend we had a
tournament and the deconstruction of the kit for the previous booking made our start
time delayed
CP – After this meeting if you come and have a chat about these issues I can take
them to the facilities staff in the Gannochy
Tuesday 25th November, 5pm – 6pm in LT A4
There will be no reserve business