AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY, BUENOS AIRES LOCALLY ENGAGED STAFF (LES) APPLICATION FORM To complete this form on-line, use the Tab button to move to each data field. Complete check boxes by inserting ‘x’ or using the Space Bar. 1. Particulars of Position Applied For Position Number Title PN 5390 Driver & Administrative Assistant 2. Personal Particulars Title Last name(s) Given Name(s) Primary Contact Number (incl. Area Code) Postal Address Alternate Contact Number (incl. Area Code) City, Suburb or Town, Country Time difference to Buenos Aires Email Address Do you have authorisation to work in Argentina? YES NO Note: applicants MUST have appropriate paperwork to allow them to work legally in Argentina. State Postcode Citizenship (for security designated positions only - include all) 3. Voluntary Retrenchment Have you ever received, or are you expected to receive, a voluntary retrenchment benefit from the Australian Public Service or another Commonwealth Employer? NO YES Date Received Expected Date Which Department or Agency? 4. Referees Please provide the names and email addresses of two work-related referees whom we can contact. Both referees should be able to comment on your work performance in detail and have supervised you for at least 12 months - one should be your current supervisor. Referees who are coworkers, friends or family members are not acceptable. Referee’s Name/Company Referee’s Name/Company Referee’s Relationship to Applicant/Years of relationship Referee’s Relationship to Applicant/Years of relationship Email Address Email Address 5. Fit and Proper Person It is a requirement of employment that Embassy staff be ‘fit and proper’ persons. Have you ever been criminally convicted? If yes, provide details. NO YES If Yes, provide details 6. Evidence of current local Argentine Drivers Licence It is a requirement of the position to hold a current local Drivers Licence. Do you hold a current Argentine drivers licence? NO YES If Yes, provide a photocopy of your Drivers Licence: 7. Willingness to work flexible hours It is a requirement of the position for the occupant to be willing and able to work flexible hours (beyond normal business hours). Are you willing and able to work flexible hours? NO YES 8. Applicant’s Statement The above information, to the best of my knowledge, is true and correct. I consent to the Embassy collecting and using information, and to relevant employers/supervisors disclosing information, in relation to my work performance and conduct for the purpose of assessing my suitability to carry out the duties of the position I have applied for, and suitability for employment to become an Embassy employee. I understand that misstatements or omissions in my disclosures may result in a failure to hire or immediate discharge if they are discovered. Signature or tick box if completing form electronically Date Applicant’s Checklist Cover sheet completed including details of two referees YES Photocopy of drivers licence attached YES CV attached YES Email all documentation to: