WEEDON SURGERY NEWSLETTER Please visit our website: www.greensnortonandweedonmedicalpractice.co.uk Numbers to keep handy: Surgery: 01327 340212 Out of Hours Assistance: 111 WEEDON SURGERY PATIENT PARTICIPATION PANEL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING This year’s AGM will be held at the surgery on Wednesday 9th October at 7pm. The invitation is open to any patient of Weedon Surgery and Greens Norton Medical Practice. STAFF CHANGES Dr Richard Gardner is leaving the practice. He wanted to send this message to all of his patients: “I am retiring on October 1st with mixed feelings. I would like to thank all my patients for their kind words and support over the years. I shall miss you all and will often wonder how you all are. I wish Dr Joe Robson all the best. I hope he feels as privileged to look after you as I have done.” We will be sad to see him leave but wish him the very best and thank him for his humour and insight over the years. Dr Gardner’s replacement will be Dr Jo Robson He introduces himself: “I am 35 years old and graduated from Birmingham University in 2001 staying within the West Midlands to complete my hospital training. During this time I developed an interest in Paediatric medicine and undertook 3½ years specialist training in this field before moving to General Practice in 2006. I now enjoy all aspects of General Practice whilst maintaining a particular interest in Men’s Health and Paediatrics. I am married with 3 young children aged 3, 6 and 8 and at the weekends we are usually found outdoors somewhere, either making use of our National Trust membership, in the park or walking in the local countryside. I am also a keen (although not necessarily that talented!) tennis player and usually play a couple of times a week. I am looking forward to joining the Practice and getting to know all of you in due course.” On Reception The administration team says goodbye to Louise Quinn who has worked at the practice for almost 11 years and will be missed by patients and staff alike. She has been replaced by Liz Grantham and we hope she will enjoy working at the surgery as much as Louise did. Produced in conjunction with the Patient Participation Group: Barry Fuller, Dr Katy Hill, Paul Geldart, Sarah Hennings, Sarah Hyatt, Tony Johns, Julie L’Abraham, Devina Moore, Eileen Perry, Tammy Preece, Marlene Trotman and Diana Wright Friends of Weedon Surgery raise money for the Surgery Contact: Eileen Perry, 38 West Street, Weedon NN7 4QU Telephone 01327 340271 RESULTS OF THE RECENT CONSULTATION SATISFACTION PATIENT SURVEY CARRIED OUT AT BOTH PRACTICE SITES In this survey, patients attending the surgery during one week in April 2013 were asked questions about the consultation they had just had with a doctor. The table below shows the Practice score in each area that questions were asked about, compared with the national benchmark score. NB: ‘Your score’ denotes Greens Norton and Weedon Medical Practice score. The highest score was for Professional care, and the lowest score was for length of consultation. The practice scored higher than the national benchmark scores in all areas. A full copy of the results is on the Doctor’s waiting room noticeboard. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ These are the latest National GP Patient Survey aggregated results for the surveys conducted between July-September 2012 and January-March 2013. The summary shows practice satisfaction ratings for four of the key questions within the survey: Generally, how easy is it to get through to someone at your GP surgery on the phone? Overall, how would you describe your experience of making an appointment? Overall, how would you describe your experience of your GP surgery? Would you recommend your GP surgery to someone who has just moved to your local area? At practice level, the relative ranking nationally and within the Area Team 1 is shown; as is the percentage and ranking change in comparison to the previous set of results. Results of GP Patient Survey July 2012 - March 2013 for GREENS NORTON & WEEDON MEDICAL PRACTICE (Herts & South Midlands Area Team1) National top decile Ease of getting through on the phone 95% Recommend Overall Overall GP surgery to Average experience of experience someone who of 4 making an of GP has just indicators appointment surgery moved to the local area 94% 96% 93% 95% Change in % vs JanSept 2012 -2% Change National H&SMAT in rank 1 Rank Rank vs Jan(8094) (324) Sept 2012 594 12 This placed us in the top 10 of over 300 practices in the Herts & South Midlands Area Team Further details can be found on the GP Patient website: http://www.gp-patient.co.uk/results/ ~ Thank you to those of you who took the time to complete these surveys ~ 67