1 ‐ AFM (Gabriela Coux ‐
Methods in Molecular Biophysics (Serdyuk – Zaccai – Zaccai). Cap. F2
(pag. 641 ‐ 657)---
Impreso en Cátedra
AFM: a nanotool in membrane biology. Muller DJ. Biochemistry. 2008.
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2 ‐ Electroforesis capilar (Guillermo Bahr ‐
Methods in Molecular Biophysics (Serdyuk – Zaccai – Zaccai). Cap. D5
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DNA Adsorption to the Reservoir Walls Causing Irreproducibility in Studies of Protein_DNA Interactions by Methods of Kinetic Capillary
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3 ‐ In cell NMR (Lisandro Gonzalez ‐
Macromolecular NMR spectroscopy for the non-spectroscopist. FEBS
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In ‐ cell NMR for protein ‐ protein interactions (STINT ‐ NMR). D. S. Burz, K.
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Mapping structural interactions using in ‐ cell NMR spectroscopy
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Looking into live cells with in-cell NMR spectroscopy. P. Selenko, G.
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4 ‐ Single Molecule (Ana Bortolotti ‐
“Single-Biomolecule Kinetics: The Art of Studying a Single Enzyme”. V. I.
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“Dissecting the multistep reaction pathway of an RNA enzyme by single ‐ molecule kinetic‘‘fingerprinting’’. S. Liu, G. Bokinsky, N. G. Walter, and X. Zhuang. PNAS. 2007 vol. 104 no. 31, 12634
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“Single-molecule super-resolution imaging in bacteria”. DI Cattoni, JB
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“Single-Molecule Fluorescence Imaging in Living Cells”. T. Xia, N. Li, and
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5 ‐ Citometría de Flujo (Julia Cricco ‐ jcricco@
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Flow cytometric characterization of marine microbes. T. W. Petersen, C. B.
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Photoacoustic flow cytometry. (2012). E. I. Galanzha and V. P. Zharov
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6 ‐ Calorimetría (Rocío Meini ‐
Methods in Molecular Biophysics (Serdyuk
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Isothermal Titration Calorimetry of Protein ‐ Protein Interactions. Michael M.
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Thermodynamics of Cooperative DNA Recognition at a Replication Origin and Transcription Regulatory Site. M. Dellarole, I. E. Sanchez and G. de
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Transparente Virtual.
7 ‐ DIGE (Anabella Lodeyro ‐
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2D-DIGE: Comparative Proteomics of Cellular Signalling Pathways. N. B.
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Light Induced Changes in Protein Expression and Uniform Regulation of
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8 ‐ SPR (Cecilia Garófalo ‐
Methods in Molecular Biophysics (Serdyuk – Zaccai – Zaccai). Cap. C4
(pag. 234 ‐ 246)--Impreso en Cátedra .
CHAPTER 1 ‐ Introduction to Surface Plasmon Resonance (A. TUDOS and
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Surface Plasmon Resonance: A Versatile Technique for Biosensor
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9- Microscopía de Fluorescencia (Leticia Llarrull -
Methods in Molecular Biophysics (Serdyuk – Zaccai – Zaccai). Cap. F3
(pag. 658- 682).--Impreso en Cátedra .
FRET in Cell Biology: Still Shining in the Age of Super-Resolution? (2011).
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Imaging Protein States in Cells. H. E. Grecco and P. I. H. Bastiaens
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