Article 17 - Department of Agriculture

European Communities Regulation No. 183/2005
of the European Parliament and of the Council of
12 January 2005 laying down requirements for
Feed Hygiene (S.I. 432 of 2009)
Declaration by a feed business which acts solely as a trader without holding feed
on its premises – Article 17 of Reg 183/2005
Please complete this form with due care and return to:
Crop Policy, Production & Safety Division
(Animal Feedingstuffs Section)
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Administration Building, Backweston Campus
Celbridge, Co Kildare.
Section A
If different to Premises Address
All future correspondence will be sent to this person
Landline: ________________________________________________________
For definitions of feed additives, premixtures, mineral feed and the different types of compound feeds please
refer to Articles 3 of Regulation (EC) No 767 of 2009, and Article 2 of Regulations (EC) No 1831 of 2003.
To summarise:
Feed additives means substances, micro-organisms or preparations, other than feed material and
premixtures, which are intentionally added to feed or water in order to perform, in particular, one or more
of the functions mentioned in Article 5(3); - Art 2.2(a) of Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 on additives for use
in animal nutrition.
Note: See EU Community Register of Feed Additives
Premixtures means mixtures of feed additives or mixtures of one or more feed additives with feed materials
or water used as carriers, not intended for direct feeding to animals; Art 2.2(e) of Reg (EC) No. 1831/2003.
Note: Premixtures and feed additives must be homogeneously mixed with a feed material, in a compound
feed or in water (according to the feed additive’s authorisation) before feeding to animals. Premixtures and
feed additives must not be used directly on farm without prior approval from the Feedingstuffs Division of
DAFM in accordance with Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 183/2005 laying down requirements for feed
Feed materials means products of vegetable or animal origin, whose principal purpose is to meet animals’
nutritional needs, in their natural state, fresh or preserved, and products derived from the industrial
processing thereof, and organic or inorganic substances, whether or not containing feed additives, which are
intended for use in oral animal-feeding either directly as such, or after processing, or in the preparation of
compound feed, or as carrier of premixtures; Art 3.2(g) of Reg (EC) No. 767/2009.
Note: See Regulation (EC) 68/2013 Catalogue of Feed Materials, Part C, List of Feed Materials.
Compound feed means a mixture of at least two feed materials, whether or not containing feed additives,
for oral animal-feeding in the form of complete or complementary feed; Art 3.2(h) of Reg (EC) No. 767/2009.
Complete feed means compound feed which, by reason of its composition, is sufficient for a daily ration; Art
3.2(i) of Reg (EC) No. 767/2009.
Note: Where an additive has a maximum or minimum content fixed in its authorising Regulation, they must
be complied with in complete feed.
Complementary feed means compound feed which has a high content of certain substances but which, by
reason of its composition, is sufficient for a daily ration only if used in combination with other feed; Art 3.2(j)
of Reg (EC) No. 767/2009.
Note: Although not defined in legislation, products commonly labelled as nutritional supplements are
complementary feeds. They can be in many forms such as powders, liquids, gels, pastes, blocks etc. These
products do not include veterinary medicinal products.
Mineral feed means complementary feed containing at least 40 % crude ash; Art 3.1(k) of Reg (EC) No.
Note: Mineral feeds can be in many forms such as powders, liquids, gels, pastes, blocks etc but must have a
crude ash content of at least 40 %. A mineral feed can be fed directly to animals.
Milk replacer means compound feed administered in dry form or after dilution in a given quantity of liquid
for feeding young animals as a complement to, or substitute for, post-colostral milk or for feeding young
animals such as calves, lambs or kids intended for slaughter; Art 3.1(l) of Reg (EC) No. 767/2009.
Feed intended for particular nutritional purposes (commonly referred to as dietetic feed) means feed which
can satisfy a particular nutritional purpose by virtue of its particular composition or method of manufacture,
which clearly distinguishes it from ordinary feed. Art 3.2(o) of Reg (EC) No. 767/2009. This does not include
medicated feedingstuffs within the meaning of Directive 90/167/EEC.
indicate if
are for
Wholesaler of
Food producing
Non-food producing
(tick all relevant
(tick all relevant activities)
Silage Additives and/or Mixtures of Silage Additives
Premixtures of Additive(s)
Feed Materials
Feed Materials from Surplus Food*
Feed Materials By-Products
Compound Feed for Sale
Compound Feed containing Surplus Food*
Compound Feed – Nutritional Supplements
Compound Feed – Petfood
Mineral Feed (Crude Ash ≥ 40%)
Tallow for Animal Feed
Retailer of
(tick all relevant activities)
Silage Additives and/or Mixtures of Silage Additives
Premixtures of Additive(s)
Feed Materials
Feed Materials from Surplus Food*
Feed Materials By-Products
Compound Feed for Sale
Compound Feed containing Surplus Food*
Compound Feed – Nutritional Supplements
Compound Feed – Petfood
Mineral Feed (Crude Ash ≥ 40%)
Tallow for Animal Feed
Importer of
Silage Additives and/or Mixtures of Silage Additives
Premixtures of Additive(s)
Feed Materials
Feed Materials from Surplus Food*
Feed Materials By-Products
Compound Feed for Sale
Compound Feed containing Surplus Food*
Compound Feed – Nutritional Supplements
Compound Feed – Petfood
Mineral Feed (Crude Ash ≥ 40%)
Food producing
Non-food producing
(tick all relevant
(tick all relevant activities)
Section B
I declare that as the feed business in Section A above, that the products this business trades on the
market are not held on premises under its control and this business is one to which Article 17(1) of
Regulation (EC) No.183/2005 (the European Feed Hygiene Regulation) applies. I further declare that
the products are sourced, stored and transported by feed businesses that are approved or registered in
accordance with Regulation 183/2005.
1. All records regarding the feed business shall be made available to the Department on request.
2. All the details contained in this declaration are true, accurate and complete to the best of my
Name: (Print) ________________________________________________________________________
Date: __________________
This declaration is in respect of Feedingstuffs Legislation.
It is an Offence to engage in activities without prior approval/registration by
this Department