Radolinski Lesson Plans 9/20—9/24/24–candy questions may occur at close when time allows Biologyperiod 1 /Biochemistr Tuesday 9/21/10 WED. Thurs. Fri. 9/22 9/23 9/24/10 Opener Opener Opener Openers Openers Learning journal Learning journal Learning journal Learning Journal Learning journal Check hw Check hw Check hw Check hw Monday 9/20/10 yBio. 3a,b,c/1e,f,a, d,I Hw review/announce ments(10-15) go over Present new/review old(20-25) Microscope Lab review vocab w/ definition combination word search activity-Ms Washington ch 2 vocab/spelli ng quiz microscope quiz Quiz Activity(30-35) Begin note discussion Ch 2 continue notes discussion with choerograph ed notes Computer lab research for organism portfolio discuss more ch 2 – through endreview’creat e macromolec ule labeled bodies macromo lecule feastThey must explain how what they brought is the class of molecule they claimalong format of handout/ They are going to make posters for each class of macromo lecules in groupsw/set guideline s on handout Guided Practice (10-15) Reteach /review (10-15) Exit ticket more vocab review/Hope fully time to do “subatomic particle’ ws together Cont’d contd review microscope for quiz explain guidelines of macromolecu le feast Cont’d Closure (5-10) Hw- ch 2 ws-rec’d Friday-due tomorrow;Partial ch 2 vocab and spelling quiz Wed;Microscope quiz Thursday;Microsope lab due wed;subatomic particles ws due Thurs-if not done together in class earlier;Ch 2 quiz 3 Friday,Macromolecul e feast due Friday,organism portfolio due Oct.5 ADV Monday Biologyperiod 4 Hw-;Partial ch 2 vocab and spelling quiz Wed;Micros cope quiz Thursday;M icrosope lab due wed;subato mic particles ws due Thurs-if not done together in class earlier;Ch 2 quiz 3 Friday,Macr omolecule feast due Friday,orga nism portfolio due Oct.5 HwMicroscope quiz Thursday;;su batomic particles ws due Thurs-if not done together in class earlier;Ch 2 quiz 3 Friday,Macr omolecule feast due Friday,organ ism portfolio due Oct.5 Hw;Ch 2 quiz 3 Friday,Macr omolecule feast due Friday,organ ism portfolio due Oct.5 Hworganism portfolio due Oct.5 Tuesday 9/21/10 WED. Thurs. Fri. 9/22 9/23 9/24/10 Opener Opener Opener Openers Openers Learning journal Learning journal Learning journal Learning Journal Learning journal Check hw/discuss Check hw Check hw Check hw 9/20/10 /Biochemistr yBio. 3a,b,c/1e,f,a ,d,I Hw review/announc ements(10-15) Present new/review old(20-25) microscope lab cont notes discussion Activity(30-35) cont’d Guided Practice (1015) ch 2 vocab/spelli n quiz microscope quiz ch 2 quiz 3Probabl ya combina tion from notes and a “DYRI” quiz Student Aquarium body pH lab outlines in groups and label required info about macromolec ules macromolec ule drillactivity to completely identify and discern macromolec ules macrom olecule feaststudent s must rationali ze example s per handout cont noteas discussion w/notes and ppt Cont’d Cont’d Cont’d review ch 2 Reteach /review (1015) Exit ticket review vocab review Closure (5-10) Hw-subatomic particles ws due Tuesday ,as well as ws for ch 2 rec’d last Friday;quiz Wed on ch 2 vocab and spelling;quiz Thursday on microscope;Microsc ope lab due Wed.;Macromolecu le feast-handout Hw-;quiz Wed on ch 2 vocab and spelling;quiz Thursday on microscope; Microscope lab due Wed.;Macro molecule feasthandout will Hw- quiz Thursday on microscope; Microscope lab due Wed.;Macro molecule feasthandout will be provideddue Cont’d Exit ticket hw/organism portfolio due Oct.5,aquari um lab due next Wed.,quiz tomorrow;fe ast due tomorrow Exit ticket hw/organis m portfoli o due Oct.5,aq uarium lab due next Wed,ch will be provideddue Friday;quiz Fri. on ch concepts;Organism portfolio due Oct.5/ch 2 quiz 3 Fri Human Anatomy and Physiology- Monday 9/20/10 be provideddue Friday;quiz Fri. on ch concepts;Or ganism portfolio due Oct.5 Friday;quiz Fri. on ch concepts;Or ganism portfolio due Oct.5/aquari um lab due next Wed. 2 review due Monday Tuesday 9/21/10 WED. Thurs. Fri. 9/22 9/23 9/24/10 Opener Opener Openers Openers Learning journal Learning journal Learning Journal Learning journal Check hw check hw period 2Biochemistry/C ells and Tissues Hw review/announceme nts(10-15) Opener Learning journal Check hw Present new/review old(20-25) complete HOUSE episode and notes ch 2 quiz 2 – inc. spelling review using ch review and workbk Activity(30-35) Discuss ch 2 notes w/handout and ppt complete posters in groups They notes ch 3 rationalize contributio ns to macromolec ule picnic Guided Practice (1015) Macromolecule posters in groups cont to review for test ch 2 test Cont’d cell discussion begin tissue lab and histolohy assignmen t due next week Reteach /review (1015) Review material macromolec ule drill Cont’d notes discussion Cont’d Closure (5-10) hw-ch 2 workbk due tomorrow;quiz tomorrow on designated portion of notes w/spelling as designated;;ch 2 review due Wed;Macromolecul e picnic on Wed.,Ch 2 Test Thursday/ch 3 text questions Friday/intro project due Oct.5 hw- ch 2 review due Wed;Macro molecule picnic on Wed.,Ch 2 Test Thursday/ch 3 text questions Friday/intro project due Oct.5 hw-,Ch 2 Test Thursday/c h 3 text questions Friday/intro project due Oct.5 hw- ch 3 text questions Friday/intro project due Oct.5 hw- intro project due Oct.5/hist ology assignmen t due next week