Data Sources suitable for use in the National 5 Chemistry Assignment. Look at each of the sources and decide which you want to use in your report. You do not need to use them all. Make sure you select sources that are reliable, relevant or give different perspectives. A copy of the file will be available on edmodo in case you want to make a print out of any of the raw data you choose to process for your report. 1 Scientific education website This website is written and maintained by Nigel Saunders “I have written over twenty science books for teenagers, including a series of twelve books about the Periodic Table and a series of four books about Energy Resources. I have also contributed to text books for Key Stage 3 science, and GCSE and A Level Chemistry.” Alcohol Formula Carbon Atoms Energy Released (kJ/g*) Methanol Ethanol Propanol Butanol Pentanol Hexanol Heptanol Octanol CH3OH C2H5OH C3H7OH C4H9OH C5H11OH C6H13OH C7H15OH C8H17OH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 22.7 29.7 33.6 36.1 37.7 39.0 39.9 40.6 Energy from fuels source pack Lorna C. Webster, Armadale Academy (edited JD) 2 Extract from SQA Chemistry data book for higher and advanced higher. Published Jan 2008. The SQA is the national body in Scotland responsible for the development and certification of qualifications used in schools and colleges. 3 By: Ilia Rudnitskiy This website was created by Ilia Rudnitskiy for the 2008 Canada-Wide Virtual Science Fair. Currently, he is in grade 11 and attending Walter Murray Collegiate located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Project Summary Ethanol is a liquid alcohol fuel produced from biomass, most commonly corn and sugar cane. Although ethanol has numerous qualities that justify its position as a viable alternative fuel, how will its continued production affect the global economy and prices of corn? Blends Common blends used to contain only 10% ethanol, but in recent years that number grew to 85% and even 100%. Ethanol has become a major ingredient in gas. A frequently seen blend of automotive fuel today is E85, which is composed of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. Since ethanol contains oxygen, engines using it are more effective at fuel combustion, thus resulting in reduced pollution. Corn-based Ethanol Ethanol derived from corn is the most common type of ethanol in the world. Corn-based ethanol is largely produced in the U.S. since corn grows in cooler climates. The U.S. accounts for 40% of the global corn harvest and 70% of the global corn export. 90% of the ethanol produced in the U.S. is derived from corn feedstock, while the remaining 10% is mainly grain sorghum, barley, wheat, cheese whey and potatoes. Corn is valued among ethanol production because of its low cost. It is also very easily converted into sugars, which are later fermented and turned into fuel. The two frequent methods used for production of cornbased ethanol are dry-grind and wet-milling. The dry-grind process is used more frequently since it is more cost effective and requires less equipment than wet milling. However, for ethanol fuel to compete with gasoline, the production cost must be even lower. Sugarcane-based Ethanol The United States is not the only major producer of ethanol. Brazil is also an avid ethanol manufacturer. However, unlike the U.S., Brazil produces its fuel ethanol from fermented sugarcane which is fairly abundant due to Brazil's warm climate. Ethanol refineries are built where the cane is grown, eliminating the need for transport. The ethanol refineries are driven by a sugarcane by-product called bagasse, instead of petroleum as in the United States. Due to this production efficiency, Brazil is much more suited for ethanol production than the U.S. Cellulosic Ethanol Current ethanol fuel technology is without its serious disadvantages that discourage many scientists from supporting biofuel production. However, a new type of ethanol may brighten the future for biofuels. Cellulosic ethanol is produced from the cellulose of plant material rather than the live plant itself. Common materials include agricultural waste such as corn stalks and wood chips. global economy and prices of corn? 4 19/11/2014 Midwest Energy News, launched in 2010, is a nonprofit news site dedicated to passing on information concerning the shifts from fossil fuels to a clean energy system in the Midwest of the USA. Will E15 ethanol blend really save drivers money? As the ethanol industry lobbies to push higher-blend E15 fuel into the marketplace, a common refrain is that it will save consumers money at the gas pump. It’s true that ethanol costs less than gasoline, and that E15, which contains 15 percent ethanol, should cost less per gallon than regular gas or the 10-percent ethanol blend that’s standard in most of the country. But a gallon of ethanol contains fewer units of energy than gasoline, which means higher ethanol blends lower a vehicle’s fuel economy. So, like E85, the fuel will be cheaper. But whether it saves drivers money depends on a lot of variables. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency gave final approval to sell the higher-blend ethanol fuel earlier this summer, but producers still need to clear some state regulatory hurdles and convince gas station owners to sell it. Douglas Tiffany, a University of Minnesota assistant extension professor who has studied the economics of alternative fuel vehicles, ran some numbers for Midwest Energy News and concluded that E15 should be 1.67 percent cheaper per gallon than E10 (and 5 percent cheaper than pure gasoline) to be equal on a cost-perenergy-unit basis: One British thermal unit (Btu) = 1055 joules Douglas Tiffany is University lecturer in the University of Minnesota in the USA. He specialises in the economics of biofuel production and the impacts of greenhouse gases on climate change. 5 Energy Systems Research Unit (ESRU) This is part of the department of engineering at Strathclyde University which specialises in research into energy demands and using renewable energy. Bioethanol What is Bioethanol? The principle fuel used as a petrol substitute for road transport vehicles is bioethanol. Bioethanol fuel is mainly produced by the sugar fermentation process, although it can also be manufactured by the chemical process of reacting ethene with steam. Sugarbeet soon to be produced into ethanol The main sources of sugar required to produce ethanol come from fuel or energy crops. These crops are grown specifically for energy use and include corn, maize and wheat crops, waste straw, willow and popular trees, sawdust, reed canary grass, cord grasses, jerusalem artichoke, myscanthus and sorghum plants. There is also ongoing research and development into the use of municipal solid wastes to produce ethanol fuel. Ethanol or ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) is a clear colourless liquid, it is biodegradable, low in toxicity and causes little environmental pollution if spilt. Ethanol burns to produce carbon dioxide and water. Ethanol is a high octane fuel and has replaced lead as an octane enhancer in petrol. By blending ethanol with gasoline we can also oxygenate the fuel mixture so it burns more completely and reduces polluting emissions. Ethanol fuel blends are widely sold in the United States. The most common blend is 10% ethanol and 90% petrol (E10). Vehicle engines require no modifications to run on E10 and vehicle warranties are unaffected also. Only flexible fuel vehicles can run on up to 85% ethanol and 15% petrol blends (E85). What are the benefits of Bioethanol? Bioethanol has a number of advantages over conventional fuels. It comes from a renewable resource i.e. crops and not from a finite resource and the crops it derives from can grow well in the UK (like cereals, sugar beet and maize). Another benefit over fossil fuels is the greenhouse gas emissions. The road transport network accounts for 22% ( of all greenhouse gas emissions and through the use of bioethanol, some of these emissions will be reduced as the fuel crops absorb the CO2 they emit through growing. Also, blending bioethanol with petrol will help extend the life of the UK’s diminishing oil supplies and ensure greater fuel security, avoiding heavy reliance on oil producing nations. By encouraging bioethanol’s use, the rural economy would also receive a boost from growing the necessary crops. Bioethanol is also biodegradable and far less toxic that fossil fuels. In addition, by using bioethanol in older engines can help reduce the amount of carbon monoxide produced by the vehicle thus improving air quality. Another advantage of bioethanol is the ease with which it can be easily 6 integrated into the existing road transport fuel system. In quantities up to 5%, bioethanol can be blended with conventional fuel without the need of engine modifications (E5) . Bioethanol is produced using familiar methods, such as fermentation, and it can be distributed using the same petrol forecourts and transportation systems as before. Bioethanol Production Ethanol can be produced from biomass by the hydrolysis and sugar fermentation processes. Biomass wastes contain a complex mixture of carbohydrate polymers from the plant cell walls known as cellulose, hemi cellulose and lignin. In order to produce sugars from the biomass, the biomass is pre-treated with acids or enzymes in order to reduce the size of the feedstock and to open up the plant structure. The cellulose and the hemi cellulose portions are broken down (hydrolysed) by enzymes or dilute acids into sucrose sugar that is then fermented into ethanol. The lignin which is also present in the biomass is normally used as a fuel for the ethanol production plants boilers. There are three principle methods of extracting sugars from biomass. These are concentrated acid hydrolysis, dilute acid hydrolysis and enzymatic hydrolysis. Sugar Fermentation Process The hydrolysis process breaks down the cellulose part of the biomass or corn into sugar solutions that can then be fermented into ethanol. Yeast is added to the solution, which is then heated. The yeast contains an enzyme called invertase, which acts as a catalyst and helps to convert the sucrose sugars into glucose and fructose (both C6H12O6). The chemical reaction is shown below: The fructose and glucose sugars then react with another enzyme called zymase, which is also contained in the yeast to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide. The chemical reaction is shown below: The fermentation process takes around three days to complete and is carried out at a temperature of between 250°C and 300°C. Fractional Distillation Process The ethanol, which is produced from the fermentation process, still contains a significant quantity of water, which must be removed. This is achieved by using the fractional distillation process. The distillation process works by boiling the water and ethanol mixture. Since ethanol has a lower boiling point (78.3°C) compared to that of water (100°C), the ethanol turns into the vapour state before the water and can be condensed and separated. 7 s.html 06/02/14 Biodiesel and Bioethanol The AA is a motoring organization which continues to promote road safety and public awareness by highlighting issues and promoting drivers interests. Information and advice from AA Public Affairs UK motorists and the AA understand the need for development of car fuel technologies to reduce harmful emissions. More than a third of cars in Britain run on diesel, mainly because it offers significantly better fuel consumption, but also because that better fuel efficiency cuts CO2 emissions. In the search for alternative fuels or ways to improve existing fuels, fuel technologies have looked to bio-sources, alongside other technologies such as fuel cells, hydrogen and LPG. By virtue of development and use in other countries, two particular biofuels are being offered in the UK: bioethanol and biodiesel. The introduction of these fuels is set against the experience of "greener" Liquid Petroleum Gasoline (LPG) in recent years, when the extra cost of the vehicles, and the eventual removal of grants and reductions in fuel duty concessions, undermined confidence in a proven fuel amongst motorists and particularly fleets. Although the application of biofuels has been successful in other countries, motorists are presented with a number of options: improved diesel engines, direct injection petrol engines, electric hybrids and biofuels. The key questions that motorists ask are: 1. 2. 3. 4. does it work? does it suit my circumstances? when will it be available, along with adequate refuelling facilities? and how much will it cost me? 8 Bioethanol At the moment bioethanol is available in some areas of the country, including Somerset where it is being tested by the county council, local police force and other users. The AA Driving School also evaluated some bioethanol cars in that area as fuel availability is good. Some branches of Morrisons, mainly in the Norfolk area, used to sell bioethanol but stopped doing so at the end of 2010. Morrison's decision is a reaction to the withdrawal of government subsidies for biofuels, meaning that the cost of biofuels is set to rise - the current 20p tax relief on B30 and other biofuels on the forecourts is to be removed in April 2011. Blends of Bioethanol Bioethanol comes in two blends: E5 and E85, differentiating between the percentage blend of ethanol with petrol. E85 is the higher concentration used to power "flex-fuel" vehicles, which are also capable of running on standard unleaded petrol. E5 is a low blend of bioethanol and petrol, for use in conventional petrol engines, although this kind of fuel is usually marketed as normal unleaded petrol. The bioethanol, currently imported, will soon be produced from UK-grown grain and sugar beet, and is mixed with petrol in the ratio 85% bioethanol, 15% petrol. A 100% ethanol fuel is not suitable for use in this country – ethanol does not vaporise well so petrol is needed to aid cold starting. Ethanol blended petrol in France A new type of fuel, SP95-E10 (Sans Plomb 95 Octane, Ethanol 10% = Lead Free 95 Octane containing 10% of Ethanol) is now being sold throughout France. This fuel is not suitable for use in all cars and you should check compatibility with your vehicle manufacturer before using it. If in doubt use the standard SP95 or SP98 Octane unleaded fuel which continues to be available alongside the new fuel. Car manufacturers producing 'flex-fuel' models Saab (its whole range of new vehicles) and Ford (Focus Flex-Fuel) manufacture cars which are suitable to run on bioethanol E85. Others, including Citroen, Volvo and Renault are also introducing flex-fuel vehicles. The fuel systems of these vehicles are treated to resist the corrosive effects of bioethanol and the electronic control units (ECU) of the engine management system is re-programmed to take advantage of the higher octane rating of bioethanol. You can't use bioethanol E85 in a car with a fuel system designed for existing petrol engines. Take-up of this fuel will depend on its availability, the cars themselves do not cost very much more than the equivalent petrol model. However, conversion of an existing car which was not designed to run on bioethanol E85 is not really economically viable. 9 Performance and MPG Although the octane rating (that's its resistance to damaging engine 'knock' or pinking) of ethanol is higher than petrol – so engine performance may be better, the energy content is lower so vehicles which run on E85 (the bioethanol mix) will do fewer miles to the gallon. Biodiesel Biodiesel is manufactured from oil seed rape, waste cooking oil, palm oil etc. Modern (HDi) diesel engine pumps run at very high pressures. All diesel pumps depend on the fuel itself for lubrication – diesel is oily, biodiesel has very good lubricating properties. However, viscosity of the fuel is critical for correct pump operation. Many pumps, especially those fitted to the latest HDi engines will not run for very long on pure biodiesel. Biodiesel has a higher water content than conventional, fossil fuel diesel so the engine oil and filters will need changing more frequently to avoid corrosion. A small amount of this water may be left in the biodiesel by the production process, but it is more likely to be absorbed by the fuel during storage. Energy content is again lower than that of conventional diesel and consequently fuel consumption is higher. Biodiesel blends Biodiesel is being produced in three main blends: B5, the five per cent mix with diesel, B30, the 30 per cent mix, and B100, which is pure biodiesel, containing no 'fossil fuel' diesel. B5 is already being retailed on many UK filling station forecourts, but B30 is a more specialist fuel and is not as widely available. Whichever blend, the biodiesel should meet the standards of BS14214. Some diesel engines will run on biodiesel, but if you choose to use this fuel it is essential you check with the vehicle manufacturer that biodiesel is suitable for your car. Future legal requirements for biofuels Currently fuel companies are permitted and, from 2010, will be legally obliged to mix five per cent bioethanol with 95 per cent petrol and five per cent biodiesel with 95 per cent conventional diesel. Mixes at these levels will not do any damage to fuel systems, nor require any adjustments, and will be a standard ingredient of the fuel. Renault and Peugeot-Citroen are now offering some of their vehicles with the ability to use B30 - a 30 per cent biodiesel/70 per cent conventional diesel mix. Biofuels may help to ease our reliance on fossil fuels and biodiesel is an excellent way of reusing waste cooking oil, but at current rates of fuel use they are not the complete answer. There is simply not sufficient land to grow enough crops for both food and fuel. 10,163182&_dad=portal&_schem a=PORTAL Excerpts from website 6 / Feb 2014 The Biomass Energy Centre is the UK government information centre for the use of biomass for energy in the UK emission on combustion Carbon emissions of different fuels Fuel Net calorific value (MJ/kg) Carbon emission on combustion g/litre Petrol 44 635 Diesel 42.8 713 LPG (mainly propane) 46 418 Bioethanol (from sugar beet) 27 410 Bioethanol (from wheat) 27 410 Biodiesel (from rapeseed oil) 37 678 Biodiesel (from waste vegetable oil) 37 678 Note 44 MJ/Kg is the same as 44 J/g 11 Common ethanol fuel mixtures From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Several common ethanol fuel mixtures are in use around the world. The use of pure hydrous or anhydrous ethanol in internal combustion engines (ICEs) is only possible if the engines are designed or modified for that purpose. Anhydrous ethanol can be blended with gasoline (petrol) for use in gasoline engines, but with high ethanol content only after minor engine modifications. On the other hand, the ethanol destroys plastic fuel tanks and fuel lines in many motorcycles and aircraft using aviation approved fuel systems, resulting in dangerous fuel system failures. Ethanol fuel mixtures have "E" numbers which describe the percentage of ethanol fuel in the mixture by volume, for example, E85 is 85% anhydrous ethanol and 15% gasoline. Low-ethanol blends, from E5 to E25, are also known as gasohol, though internationally the most common use of the term refers to the E10 blend. 12 This newletter is written by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). This is a USA government supported organisation which promotes the use of clean energy and helping develop the market for areas such as sustainable transport and energy saving homes. 13 14 Since 1981, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) has been committed to helping the USA become cleaner, safer, and more energy independent by promoting and providing information about the use of bio fuels. World Fuel Ethanol Production 2013 World Fuel Ethanol Production 2011 World Fuel Ethanol Production Continent Continent Millions of Gallons United States 13,300 Millions of Gallons Brazil 6,267 North & Central America 14,401.34 Europe 1,371 South America 5,771.90 China 696 Brazil 5,573.24 India 545 Europe 1,167.64 Canada 523 Asia 889.70 727 China 554.76 Canada 462.30 Rest of World Source: USDA-FAS 2012 World Fuel Ethanol Production Continent Australia 87.20 Africa 38.31 Source: RFA, F.O. Lichts 2010 World Fuel Ethanol Production Millions of Gallons Continent Millions of Gallons North & Central America 13,768 5,800 North & Central America 13,720.99 South America Brazil 5,577 South America 7,121.76 Europe 1,139 Europe 1,208.58 Asia 952 Asia China 555 Australia 66.04 Canada 449 Oceania 66.04 43.59 Australia 71 Africa Africa 42 Source: F.O. Lichts Source: RFA, F.O. Lichts Source: F.O. Lichts 15 785.91 2009 World Fuel Ethanol Production 2007 World Fuel Ethanol Production Country / Continent Country / Continent Millions of Gallons USA 10,600.00 Millions of Gallons USA 6498.6 Brazil 6577.89 Brazil 5019.2 Europe 1039.52 Europe 570.3 China 541.55 China 486.0 Thailand 435.20 Canada 211.3 Canada 290.59 Thailand 79.2 Other 247.27 Colombia 74.9 Colombia 83.21 India 52.8 India 91.67 Central America 39.6 Australia 56.80 Australia 26.4 Turkey 15.8 Pakistan 9.2 Peru 7.9 Argentina 5.2 Total 19,534.99 Source: RFA, F.O. Lichts 2008 World Fuel Ethanol Production Country / Continent Millions of Gallons USA 9000.0 Brazil 6472.2 European Union 733.6 China 501.9 Canada 237.7 Other 128.4 Thailand 89.8 Colombia 79.29 India Australia Total 66.0 26.4 17,335.2 Source: RFA, F.O. Lichts 2008 Estimates © 2005-2014 Renewable Fuels Association. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy | Site Map | Contact Us 425 Third Street, SW - Suite 1150 - Washington, DC 20024 - (202) 289-3835 16