Santa Barbara County Special Education Local Plan Area …….A Joint Powers Agency Request for Program Transfers and/or Services Activities and Timelines Checklist Directions: This form is to be completed by any Local Educational Agency (LEA) in Santa Barbara County Special Education Local Plan Area (SBCSELPA) requesting to take back programs and/or services. (This includes students previously served in a regional program.) Each step should be submitted by the due date to SBCSELPA Director and other applicable persons as noted. Remember transfers require a year and a day notice to SBCSELPA and this form submitted to the SBCSELPA with final plan two weeks prior to the JPA Board meeting in November. Name of LEA requesting program transfer and /or services: Step 1 – Letter of Intent Activity 1) Letter of Intent to SELPA and sending LEA by the receiving LEA 2) Letter to include date on which the proposed transfer will take effect Date Due Evidence of Activity Submitted to SELPA SELPA Director Initials JPA Board Approval Date Evidence of Activity Submitted to SELPA SELPA Director Initials JPA Board Approval Date Prior to the first day of the second fiscal year beginning after the date on which the transfer will take place Comments: Step 2 - Development of a Detailed Program Transfer Plan Activity 1) Evidence pupil needs within the SELPA can be met 2) Evidence availability of a full continuum of services to affected pupils has been considered 3) Evidence continuation of current IEPs of affected pupils has been considered 4) Evidence provision of services and LRE for affected pupils has been considered 5) Evidence of maintenance of all IEP support services has been considered 6) Assurance statement that there will be compliance with all federal and state laws and regulations and SELPA policies 7) Evidence parents and staff were represented in the planning process for both the sending and receiving LEA 8) Evidence of an agreed upon plan between sending and receiving LEAs for transfer of equipment 9) Proposed plan for facilities 10) Certification of the receiving LEA’s governing board Comments: SELPA51 11-25-14 (E) Date Due Two weeks prior to the JPA Board meeting in November Page 1 of 1