1AC Inherency 1AC Inherency/Solvency Plan: United States federal government should substantially increase NOAA’s exploration of the Earth’s oceans. Increased federal funding for ocean exploration is key to jumpstart investment for a litany of adaptation technologies and ecosystem research Avery, 13 [Susan, Director of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, “Deep Dea Challenge: Innovative Partnerships in Ocean Observation” S. HRG. 113–268, accessed 6/15, AR] The importance of the ocean in daily life, whether you live on the East Coast, the Great Plains, or the Mountain West, cannot be oversimplified or understated. In short, it is one of the most fundamental reasons why our planet is capable of supporting life and why we are able to sustain the economy and way of life that are among our national hallmarks. Our fate has always rested in one way or another with the ocean and its interaction with the atmosphere, land, and humanity. The ocean plays a critical role in governing Earth’s climate system helping to regulate global cycles of heat, water, and carbon. The rates and regional patterns of land temperature and precipitation depend on the ocean’s physical and chemical balances. It touches us every day, wherever we live through our climate and weather; rainfall, floods, droughts, hurricanes, and devastating storm surges such as what we witnessed with Hurricane Sandy. The services the ocean provides—and that we often take for granted—range from endless inspiration and deep-seated cultural heritage to the very air we breathe and the rain that waters our crops. Roughly half of the oxygen we breathe and about 80 percent of the water vapor in our atmosphere comes from ocean processes. The ocean feeds us, processes waste, holds vast stores of mineral and petroleum reserves, and provides inexpensive transportation of goods and people. Its rich biodiversity is a potential source for new medicines and an insurance policy for our future. Many of these things it provides the planet without our intervention; other things we actively seek and extract— and we will continue to do so.¶ In 2010, maritime economic activities contributed an estimated $258 billion and 2.8 million jobs to the national economy.1 In addition, roughly 41 percent of the Nation’s GDP, or $6 trillion, including 44 million jobs and $2.4 trillion in wages, was generated in the marine and Great Lake shoreline counties of the U.S. and territories. 2 The key for the future of the ocean and for humanity will be to learn how to balance these economic activities with the natural functioning of the ocean.¶ We know that the ocean is taking up more than 80 percent of the heat that is generated by rising levels of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Excess carbon dioxide mixed into the upper ocean is lowering the pH of seawater, making it more acidic and raising the potential for large-scale change at the base of the marine food chain and in the coral reef ecosystems that are considered the breadbasket of the tropical oceans and an important source of biodiversity and income for many regions. Excess heat is causing Arctic sea ice to retreat to levels never before seen, setting up the likelihood of still further melting driven by positive feedback loops, as well as disruptions to the Arctic ecosystems that have evolved in an environment partly reliant on ice cover for millions of years. Sea level is also rising, both as a result of increased melting of terrestrial ice caps and of thermal expansion of the seawater, resulting in higher probabilities of more frequent and more severe storm surges such as those associated with Hurricane Sandy. Our ability to build properly designed and appropriately scaled adaptations into cities and societies around the world is predicated on our ability to accurately predict how, when, and how much the ocean will change in the future .¶ For these reasons and many others, our nation must recognize that the ocean is changing almost before our eyes. Perhaps the question is, not how much can we afford to invest in research on the ocean, but rather how can we afford not to? Despite its importance, there remain many unanswered questions about the ocean. It is far more difficult to observe than the atmosphere. Because the ocean is opaque to most forms of electromagnetic radiation, satellite observations are limited in the type and resolution of information they can gather. We are capable of monitoring many surface features, including waves, winds, temperatures, salinity, carbon, color (a measure of biological productivity), as well as some large-scale subsurface features. But satellites cannot tell us much about the diversity of life in the ocean or the many fine-scale dynamic processes at work beneath the surface, nor can they tell us much about the internal complex biogeochemistry that supports life. Satellites can’t show us the bottom of the ocean, where volcanic hydrothermal vents sustain rich communities of exotic organisms— which might answer questions about the early evolution of life. To learn more about these important parts of the ocean system, we must have more and better eyes in the ocean and, at the same time, work to surmount the huge challenges of working in a cold, corrosive, and physically punishing environment.¶ Frontiers in the Ocean¶ Jim Cameron is a visionary who is capable of looking beyond what we are currently able to see. Let me tell you about another visionary. In the mid1930s, a physicist from Lehigh University named Maurice Ewing sent letters to several oil companies. He asked them to support a modest research program to see whether acoustic methods used to probe buried geological structures on land could be adapted to investigate the completely unknown geology of the seafloor. Ewing later wrote: ‘‘This proposal received no support whatever. I was told that work out in the ocean could not possibly be of interest to the shareholder and could not rightfully receive one nickel of the shareholder’s money.’’ 4¶ Ewing did get a $2,000 grant from the Geological Society of America, however, and he and his students came to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to use its new ocean-going research ship, Atlantis. The ship and the institution were launched by a $3 million grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. The scientists launched novel experiments using sound waves to probe the seafloor. To Ewing, the ocean was annoyingly in the way. To study the seafloor, he and his colleagues had to learn how to negotiate the intervening water medium. In the process, they unexpectedly made profound and fundamental discoveries about ocean properties and how sound propagates through seawater.¶ In 1940, on the eve of war, Woods Hole’s director, Columbus O’Donnell Iselin, wrote a letter to government officials, suggesting the ways the institution’s personnel and equipment could be better utilized for the national defense. Soon after, one of Ewing’s students, Allyn Vine, began incorporating their newly gained knowledge to build instruments called bathythermographs, which measured ocean properties. Vine trained naval personnel to use them to escape detection by sonar. It was the first among many subsequent applications of this research that revolutionized submarine warfare.¶ Many scientists pursued the marine geophysics research initiated by Ewing. Their work culminated in the late 1960s in the unifying theory of plate tectonics. It transformed our understanding of continents, ocean basins, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and a host of other geological phenomena—including significant oil reservoirs beneath the seafloor—where oil companies now routinely drill and make money for their shareholders.¶ Al Vine remained in Woods Hole and spearheaded deep-submergence technology, including the research sub Alvin, which was named after him. Two years after it was completed, Alvin was applied to a national emergency, locating a hydrogen bomb that accidentally dropped into the Mediterranean Sea. A decade later, Alvin found seafloor hydrothermal vents. To humanity’s utter astonishment, the vents were surrounded by previously unknown organisms sustained not by photosynthesis but chemosynthesis. This discovery completely changed our conceptions of where and how life can exist on this planet and elsewhere in the universe.¶ Thirty-five years later, Alvin was again called into action to help assess and monitor the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and its impacts in the Gulf of Mexico, but at the same time, the ocean science community was able to bring much more to bear in a time of national crisis. The community’s unparalleled response in the Gulf was enabled by more than three decades of technological advancements related to development of remotely operated and autonomous underwater vehicles and new sensors and data assimilation techniques, and integrated networks of sensors, vehicles, and platforms that have opened the ocean to the light of new study, many of which were developed through novel partnerships with private funders.¶ Society has benefitted in the past from public-funded/private-funded partnerships that advance research and development, probably even before Queen Isabella financed Columbus’s voyage of discovery in 1492. But I emphasize: It’s a partnership. One doesn’t replace the other. Each augments the other. In an unexpected bit of poetry, the NSF annual report from 1952 says: ‘‘That which has never been known cannot be foretold, and herein lies the great promise of basic research. . . . [It] enlarges the realm of the possible.’’ The bottom line question is: How much are we willing to invest in enlarging the realm of the possible?¶ Jim Cameron did that with DEEPSEA CHALLENGER. He enlarged the realm of the possible by demonstrating that even the deepest part of the ocean is not beyond our physical presence. Still other advances are expanding the possible in many ways through the development and deployment of novel sensors, autonomous vehicles, and new ways for humans and machines to interact. There is a revolution in marine technology underway that is positioning us to reach many unexplored frontiers in the ocean—and the ocean has many. The deep ocean is only one.¶ We have barely gained access to explore the ocean beneath our polar ice caps— at a time when rapidly disappearing sea ice has profound implications for Earth’s climate, for ocean ecosystems, expanded shipping, oil and mineral resource development, and national security. There is the microbial frontier, where 90 percent of the ocean biomass resides and which is invisible to the human eye. There are about 300,000 times more microbes in the ocean than there are observable stars in the universe.5 Ocean scientists have just begun to explore this universe of marine microbes, which holds the key to healthy biological functioning of the ocean ecosystem, much as the microbiome in the human body is critical to our health. They are also searching for unknown biochemical pathways and compounds, for new antibiotics, and for novel treatments for diseases such as Alzheimer’s and cystic fibrosis.¶ Then there is the frontier of temporal and spatial scales that must be overcome to monitor and forecast changes to the deep and open ocean. The ocean exhibits large, basin-wide patterns of variability that change over periods ranging from days and weeks to years, decades, and longer. Understanding and observing these patterns, including El Nin˜ o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), offer potential for improved prediction of climate variability in the future. For most of my career, I have been an atmospheric scientist. The atmosphere and ocean are both fluids (one that is compressible, the other incompressible). These two systems are interwoven and inseparable.¶ But while we have long-established, extensive networks of meteorological instruments continually monitoring our atmosphere, we have just begun to establish a relative toehold of long-term observatories to understand, and monitor how the ocean operates. To truly comprehend Earth’s dynamic behavior and to monitor how it affects us back on land, scientists must establish a long-term presence in the ocean, including platforms and suites of physical, chemical, and biological sensors from which to view how the ocean and seafloor change in fine resolution over seasons, years, and decades. This same observing capability will provide the basis for improved forecasts from models that incorporate data and observations from the ocean, atmosphere, and land and that provide the basis for decision making by national, state, and local agencies.¶ Variability such as weather events associated with ENSO has significant societal and economic impacts in the U.S., and a combination of a dedicated ocean-observing system in the tropical Pacific plus models that forecast ENSO impacts is now in place to help society adapt in times of increased variability. The promise of additional benefits from observing, understanding, and predicting the ocean and its impacts is real. Modeled reconstructions by Hoerling and Kumar of the 1930s drought in the Central U.S. recently linked that event to patterns of anomalies in sea-surface temperature far from the U.S.6 The global scale of the circulation of the ocean and basin-scale patterns of ocean variability on decadal and longer time scales may present sources of improved predictive skill in future weather and climate models. Moving forward, we need to be even more adaptive and agile, applying new technologies in ways that both make crucial observations more effectively and make coincident observations of the biology, chemistry, and physics of the ocean. At the same time we need at our modeling and prediction centers to establish the resources and mindset that will support testing and adoption of research results that lead to improved predictions.¶ We are on the edge of exploration of many ocean frontiers that will be using new eyes in the ocean. Public-funded/private-funded investment in those eyes is required, but will not be successful without adequate and continuing Federal commitment to ocean science . Support such as Jim’s and the Schmidt Ocean Institute, which was founded by Eric Schmidt and operates the research vessel Falkor, help fill gaps in support for research and development or for access to the ocean. However, the fact remains that Federal funding is by far the leading driver of exploration, observation, and technical research and development that has a direct impact on the lives of people around the world and on U.S. economic growth and leadership. It also remains the bellwether by which philanthropic entrepreneurs judge the long-term viability of the impact their investment will have on the success that U.S. ocean science research will have around the globe. Advantage Shells 1AC Biodiversity Marine biodiversity on the brink of collapse and threatens global extinction – deadly trio of anthropogenic impacts Butler 13 (Simon Butler, Austrailian Ecosocialist, is a frequent contributor to Climate & Capitalism, and co-author of Too Many People? Population, Immigration, and the Environmental Crisis. “Oceans on the brink of ecological collapse” http://climateandcapitalism.com/2013/10/14/oceans-brink-ecological-collapse/ Oct 14 2013) In late September, many mainstream media outlets gave substantial coverage to the UN’s new report on the climate change crisis, which said the Earth’s climate is warming faster than at any point in the past 65 million years and that human activity is the cause. It was disappointing, though not surprising, that news reports dried up after only a few days. But another major scientific study, released a week later and including even graver warnings of a global environmental catastrophe, was mostly ignored altogether. The marine scientists that released the State of the Ocean 2013 report on October 3 gave the starkest of possible warnings about the impact of carbon pollution on the oceans: “We are entering an unknown territory of marine ecosystem change, and exposing organisms to intolerable evolutionary pressure. The next mass extinction event may have already begun. Developed, industrialised human society is living above the carrying capacity of the Earth, and the implications for the ocean, and thus for all humans, are huge.” Report co-author, Professor Alex Rogers of SomervilleCollege, Oxford, said on October 3: “The health of the ocean is spiralling downwards far more rapidly than we had thought. We are seeing greater change, happening faster, and the effects are more imminent than previously anticipated. The situation should be of the gravest concern to everyone since everyone will be affected by changes in the ability of the ocean to support life on Earth.” The ocean is by far the Earth’s largest carbon sink and has absorbed most of the excess carbon pollution put into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels. The State of the Ocean 2013 report warned that this is making decisive changes to the ocean itself, causing a “deadly trio of impacts” – acidification, ocean warming and deoxygenation (a fall in ocean oxygen levels). The report said: “Most, if not all, of the Earth’s five past mass extinction events have involved at least one of these three main symptoms of global carbon perturbations [or disruptions], all of which are present in the ocean today.” Fossil records indicate five mass extinction events have taken place in the Earth’s history. The biggest of these – the end Permian mass extinction – wiped out as much as 95% of marine life about 250 million years ago. Another, far better known mass extinction event wiped out the dinosaurs about 66 million years ago and is thought to have been caused by a huge meteor strike. A further big species extinction took place 55 million years ago. Known as the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum (PETM), it was a period of rapid global warming associated with a huge release of greenhouse gases. “Today’s rate of carbon release,” said the State of the Ocean 2013, “is at least 10 times faster than that which preceded the [PETM].”[1] Ocean acidification is a sign that the increase in CO2 is surpassing the ocean’s capacity to absorb it. The more acid the ocean becomes, the bigger threat it poses to marine life – especially sea creatures that form their skeletons or shells from calcium carbonate such as crustaceans, molluscs, corals and plankton. The report predicts “extremely serious consequences for ocean life” if the release of CO2 does not fall, including “the extinction of some species and decline in biodiversity overall.” Acidification is taking place fastest at higher latitudes, but overall the report says “geological records indicate that the current acidification is unparalleled in at least the last 300 million years”. Ocean warming is the second element in the deadly trio. Average ocean temperatures have risen by 0.6°C in the past 100 years. As the ocean gets warmer still, it will help trigger critical climate tipping points that will warm the entire planet even faster, hurtling it far beyond the climate in which today’s life has evolved. Ocean warming will accelerate the death spiral of polar sea ice and risks the “increased venting of the greenhouse gas methane from the Arctic seabed”, the report says. Ongoing ocean warming will also wreak havoc on marine life. The report projects the “loss of 60% of present biodiversity of exploited marine life and invertebrates, including numerous local extinctions.” Each decade, fish are expected to migrate between 30 kilometres to 130 kilometres towards the poles, and live 3.5 metres deeper underwater, leading to a 40% fall in fish catch potential in tropical regions. The report says: “All these changes will have massive economic and food security consequences, not least for the fishing industry and those who depend on it.” The combined effects of acidification and ocean warming will also seal the fate of the world’s coral reefs, leading to their “terminal and rapid decline” by 2050. Australia’s Great Barrier Reef and Caribbean Sea reefs will likely “shift from coral domination to algal domination.” The report says the global target to limit the average temperature rise to 2°C, which was adopted at the Copenhagen UN climate conference in 2009, “is not sufficient for coral reefs to survive. Lower targets should be urgently pursued.” Deoxygenation – the third component of the deadly trio – is related to ocean warming and to high levels of nutrient run-off into the ocean from sewerage and agriculture. The report says overall ocean oxygen levels, which have declined consistently for the past five decades, could fall by 1% to 7% by 2100. But this figure does not indicate the big rise in the number of low oxygen “dead zones,” which has doubled every decade since the 1960s. Whereas acidification most impacts upon smaller marine life, deoxygenation hits larger animals, such as Marlin and Tuna, hardest. The report cautions that the combined impact of this deadly trio will “have cascading consequences for marine biology, including altered food webs dynamics and the expansion of pathogens [causing disease].” It also warns that it adds to other big problems affecting the ocean, such as chemical pollution and overfishing (up to 70% of the world’s fish stock is overfished). “We may already have entered into an extinction period and not yet realised it. What is certain is that the current carbon perturbations will have huge implications for humans, and may well be the most important challenge faced since the hominids evolved. The urgent need to reduce the pressure of all ocean stressors, especially CO2 emissions, is well signposted.” [1] The pace at which carbon was released during the PETM is under scientific dispute. Until recently, most geologists assumed the process took many thousands of years. But an October 6 paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Rutgers University geologists Morgan Schaller and James Wright said the carbon release took place very rapidly, causing the oceans to turn acidic and average temperatures to rise by 5°C in just 13 years. US ocean exploration key to reversing destructive trend of previous exploitation – discoveries in sustainable energy, conservation practices, and the overall value of the ocean result from it Cousteau (special correspondent for CNN, co-founder EarthEcho International)March 13th, 2012 (Philippe,“Why exploring the ocean is mankind's next giant leap”, Light Years, http://lightyears.blogs.cnn.com/2012/03/13/why-exploring-the-ocean-is-mankinds-next-giant-leap/) We now have a golden opportunity and a pressing need to recapture that pioneering spirit. A new era of ocean exploration can yield discoveries that will help inform everything from critical medical advances to sustainable forms of energy. Consider that AZT, an early treatment for HIV, is derived from a Caribbean reef sponge, or that a great deal of energy - from offshore wind, to OTEC (ocean thermal energy conservation), to wind and wave energy - is yet untapped in our oceans. Like unopened presents under the tree, the ocean is a treasure trove of knowledge. In addition, such discoveries will have a tremendous impact on economic growth by creating jobs as well as technologies and goods. In addition to new discoveries, we also have the opportunity to course correct when it comes to stewardship of our oceans. Research and exploration can go hand in glove with resource management and conservation. Over the last several decades, as the United States has been exploring space, we’ve exploited and polluted our oceans at an alarming rate without dedicating the needed time or resources to truly understand the critical role they play in the future of the planet. It is not trite to say that the oceans are the life support system of this planet, providing us with up to 70 percent of our oxygen, as well as a primary source of protein for billions of people, not to mention the regulation of our climate. Despite this life-giving role, the world has fished, mined and trafficked the ocean's resources to a point where we are actually seeing dramatic changes that is seriously impacting today's generations. And that impact will continue as the world's population approaches 7 billion people, adding strain to the world’s resources unlike any humanity has ever had to face before. In the long term, destroying our ocean resources is bad business with devastating consequences for the global economy, and the health and sustainability of all creatures - including humans. Marine spatial planning, marine sanctuaries, species conservation, sustainable fishing strategies, and more must be a part of any ocean exploration and conservation program to provide hope of restoring health to our oceans. While there is still much to learn and discover through space exploration, we also need to pay attention to our unexplored world here on earth. Our next big leap into the unknown can be every bit as exciting and bold as our pioneering work in space. It possesses the same "wow" factor: alien worlds, dazzling technological feats and the mystery of the unknown. The United States has the scientific muscle, the diplomatic know-how and the entrepreneurial spirit to lead the world in exploring and protecting our ocean frontier. Discoveries from increased ocean exploration key to address biodiversity collapse – prerequisite to informed policy decisions Wheeler 12 (Quentin Wheeler, Senior Sustainability Scientist, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability and Professor at the School of Sustainability at Arizona State University, 3/27/2012, “Mapping the biosphere: exploring species to understand the origin, organization and sustainability of biodiversity”, Systematics and Biodiversity journal, pdf || Alice) Dynamic, constantly evolving and awesome in complexity, Earth's biosphere has proven to be a vast frontier that, even after centuries of exploration, remains largely uncharted. Its intricate webs of interacting organisms have created resilient sources of ecological services. In its diversity of species and their attributes are told the story of the origin and evolutionary history of life, reflecting billions of ways in which organisms have adapted, again and again, to a constantly changing planet. So beautiful, its flora and fauna have inspired poems, songs and great works of art. So creative, natural selection has successfully solved, many times over, challenges analogous to those facing human society today. In knowledge of biodiversity lie both clues to our past and our best hopes for the future. Exploring the biosphere is much like exploring the Universe. The more we learn, the more complex and surprising the biosphere and its story turn out to be. We have made, and are making, spectacularly impressive progress. Nearly 2 000 000 species are known and another 18 000 new plants and animals are discovered each year (Chapman, 2009; IISE, 2012). The number of eukaryotic species was recently calculated to be 8.7 million, suggesting that 87% remain undiscovered and undescribed (Mora et al., 2011). This number is close to the 10 million consensus estimate reported by Chapman (2009). Assuming that these numbers are close to the actual number, and recognizing that the challenge includes both description of new species and redescription of existing species, the magnitude of the challenge is in the range of 10.7 to 12 million species treatments. Recognizing that there are mitigating factors (e.g. some species descriptions are in relatively good shape; many undescribed species are already present in collections), we have used the round number of 10 million as a goal for initial planning purposes. In any case, the number of species will remain controversial until we have gained significantly more knowledge. Molecular sequencing is revealing unsuspected microbial diversity and adding critically important data for both species identifications and phylogenetic reconstructions. Ecologists continue to reveal the function of dynamic and massively complex living networks. The accumulated knowledge of biodiversity, more than 250 years of published literature and field observations, associated with several billion specimens in herbaria and natural history museums around the globe, is becoming accessible and analysable in digital form, enabling questions new in kind and scale about the ecology, biogeography and evolution of life. By adapting existing technologies and organizing a transdisciplinary workforce, we have the opportunity to make much faster progress exploring species and, in turn, enable society to make better-informed decisions about the environment. For the first time in human history, the rate of species extinction may exceed that of species discovery (Wilson, 1992; Raven, 1997) and foretell a mass extinction event (He & Hubbell, 2011 ). The consequences of losing so much biodiversity are neither known nor knowable without significantly greater understanding of the biosphere's structure, status and function. We stand to lose things of both great intrinsic and instrumental value (Vane-Wright, 2009). Increased knowledge of what species exist and where they live would prepare us to detect, monitor, measure and predict increases or decreases in biological diversity as well as the impacts of these changes on the functions of ecosystems. Beyond direct environmental benefits, an inventory of species taps a wellspring of living diversity from which we may seek new materials, processes, designs, inspirations and ideas to confront environmental, medical and engineering challenges in a rapidly changing world. Nature has had the benefit of billions of years of countless trial-and-error experiments to find creative and sustainable solutions to survival challenges. For the most serious issues facing humanity, we do not have the luxury of a nearly indefinite period of time to stumble upon effective solutions. The next best thing is to emulate the creativity of the natural world (e.g. Benyus, 1998), even when model does not map directly to solution (Reed et al., 2009 ). Technological advances mean that it is now possible to envision an exploration of Earth's species on an unprecedented scale and tempo (Wheeler, 2010). The benefits of knowing our planet's species are innumerable. We can learn what species exist and in what combinations, so that we are prepared to detect responses to environmental change and introductions of invasive species. We can analyse and understand the function of ecosystems, and delivery of ecological services, at a level of detail never before possible. And we can gather comprehensive evidence of phylogeny. 1AC Climate Change <Climate Change is real/anthro and its really bad> Increased oceanic data collection is the first step to respond to climate change McNutt 13 (Marcia McNutt, editor-in-chief of Science, 8/30/2013, “Accelerating Ocean Exploration”, Science journal, pdf || Alice) Last month, a distinguished group of ocean researchers and explorers convened in Long Beach, California, at the Aquarium of the Pacific to assess progress and future prospects in ocean exploration. Thirteen years ago, U.S. President Clinton challenged a similar group to provide a blueprint for ocean exploration and discovery. Since then, the fundamental rationale has not changed: to collect high-quality data on the physics, chemistry, biology, and geology of the oceans that can be used to answer known questions as well as those we do not yet know enough to pose, to develop new instruments and systems to explore the ocean in new dimensions, and to engage a new generation of youth in science and technology. Recently, however, exploration has taken on a more urgent imperative: to record the substantial changes occurring in largely undocumented regions of the ocean. With half of the ocean more than 10 kilometers from the nearest depth sounding, ecosystem function in the deep sea still a mystery, and no first-order baseline for many globally important ocean processes, the current pace of exploration is woefully inadequate to address this daunting task, especially as the planet responds to changes in climate. To meet this challenge, future ocean exploration must depart dramatically from the classical ship-based expeditions of the past devoted to mapping and sampling. As a first step, future exploration should make better use of autonomous platforms that are equipped with a broader array of in situ sensors, for lower-cost data gathering. Fortunately, new, more nimble, and easily deployed platforms are available, ranging from $200 kits for build-your-own remotely operated vehicles to long-range autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), solar-powered autonomous platforms, autonomous boats, AUVs that operate cooperatively in swarming behavior through the use of artificial intelligence, and gliders that can cross entire oceans. New in situ chemical and biological sensors allow the probing of ocean processes in real time in ways not possible if samples are processed later in laboratories. Exploration also would greatly benefit from improvements in telepresence. For expeditions that require ships (very distant from shore and requiring the return of complex samples), experts on shore can now “join” through satellite links, enlarging the pool of talent available to comment on the importance of discoveries as they happen and to participate in real-time decisions that affect expedition planning. This type of communication can enrich the critical human interactions that guide the discovery process on such expeditions. 1AC Science Diplomacy Current ocean exploration is insufficient – science diplomacy has potential to be effective but requires reinvigoration Tjossem 5 [Sara, Senior Lecturer @ SIPAMaster of Public Administration, “PICES: Scientific Cooperation in the North Pacific”, http://aquaticcommons.org/169/1/akub05002.pdf, accessed 7/16/14, AR] Traders, explorers, cartographers, and scientists have shaped our understanding of oceans as vital to the development of coastal states’ security, commerce, and prestige. Beginning in the middle of the nineteenth century, merchant sailing vessels started a systematic effort to exchange observations on the state of the seas on their trade routes. Not until the late nineteenth century, however, did marine science begin to reveal the ocean’s extraordinary complexity. Extensive seagoing expeditions like those of the HMS Challenger of the mid 1870s revealed ever-greater economic and scientific riches from coasts to depths.’ Although these expeditions required tremendous coordinating and marshalling of people and resources to carry out research at sea, the rewards of ocean exploration seemed well worth the costs. By the early twentieth century a growing number of scientists argued that a robust marine science was essential for the rational exploitation of the ocean and its resources. The ocean was both a source of valuable harvestable resources and a path to loftier goals of international exchange and cooperation. Ideally marine science could foster new understanding among nations and reduce world tensions through its international reach. Marine systems challenge scientific study with their vastness, and their complex processes that operate over equally extensive temporal dimensions. Exploring their processes is extremely expensive in ship time and researcher effort, encouraging careful planning for greatest cost-effectiveness. Marine expeditions require tightly coordinated teams of researchers working in cramped quarters on expensive research vessels in unpredictable, often poor, weather conditions. Because controlled experiments are difficult and some times impractical or impossible, marine scientists must at times interpret their observations by relying on natural experiments. For example, because winds cannot be turned on or off at will, studying the nature of coastal current upwelling requires a natural experiment comparing different coasts around the world. Such an undertaking requires cooperative efforts drawing on scores of field observations, which in turn depend on measurements of comparable quality and technique. Methodology and scientific approaches, however, can differ among fields, institutions, and nations. Producing a plausible explanation for large oceanic processes requires synthesis across these realms. Marine science is particularly dependent on effective cooperation among scientists, laboratories, disciplines, institutions, and governments. Although marine scientists have a long tradition of collaboration, it is generally through informal, temporary arrangements for particular projects. These ad hoc ventures by their nature lack continuity as researchers gather together for specific projects and disperse at their end. Scientists working on international projects also face scientific, political, and cultural challenges. Although science has been called a universal language, transcending the limitations of different languages and uniting scientists in a common cause, collaborative research reveals significant variety in scientific goals, styles, and techniques.2 One account of oceanography during the Cold War era has questioned whether, given disparate styles of scientific inquiry and the desire for national prestige, there could ever be a truly international, univer sal scientific community. It suggests the rhetoric of universalism and inter nationalism has been an ideal pursued only from a position of strength. US initiative in ocean exploration incentivizes other nations to advance efforts – bolsters science diplomacy Kearny 3, [William, Director of Media Relations, “Major Ocean Exploration Effort Would Reveal Secrets of the Deep,” 11/4, http://www8.nationalacademies.org/onpinews/newsitem.aspx?RecordID=10844, accessed 7/16/14, AR] WASHINGTON -- A new large-scale, multidisciplinary ocean exploration program would increase the pace of discovery of new species, ecosystems, energy sources, seafloor features, pharmaceutical products, and artifacts, as well as improve understanding of the role oceans play in climate change, says a new congressionally mandated report from the National Academies' National Research Council. Such a program should be run by a nonfederal organization and should encourage international participation, added the committee that wrote the report. Congress, interested in the possibility of an international ocean exploration program, asked the Research Council to examine the feasibility of such an effort. The committee concluded, however, that given the limited resources in many other countries, it would be prudent to begin with a U.S. program that would include foreign representatives and serve as a model for other countries. Once programs are established elsewhere, groups of nations could then collaborate on research and pool their resources under international agreements. "The United States should lead by example," said committee chair John Orcutt, professor of geophysics and deputy director, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego. Vast portions of the ocean remain unexplored. In fact, while a dozen men have walked on the moon, just two have traveled to the farthest reaches of the ocean, and only for about 30 minutes each time, the report notes. "The bottom of the ocean is the Earth's least explored frontier, and currently available submersibles -- whether manned, remotely operated, or autonomous -- cannot reach the deepest parts of the sea," said committee vice chair Shirley A. Pomponi, vice president and director of research at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Fort Pierce, Fla. Nonetheless, recent discoveries of previously unknown species and deep-sea biological and chemical processes have heightened interest in ocean exploration. For example, researchers working off the coast of California revealed how some organisms consume methane seeping through the sea floor, converting it to energy for themselves and leaving hydrogen and carbon dioxide as byproducts. The hydrogen could perhaps someday be harnessed for fuel cells, leaving the carbon dioxide – which contributes to global warming in the atmosphere – in the sea. Likewise, a recent one-month expedition off Australia and New Zealand that explored deep-sea volcanic mountains and abyssal plains collected 100 previously unidentified fish species and up to 300 new species of invertebrates. Most current U.S. funding for ocean research, however, goes to projects that plan to revisit earlier sites or for improving understanding of known processes, rather than to support truly exploratory oceanography, the report says. And because the funding bureaucracy is discipline-based, grants are usually allocated to chemists, biologists, or physical scientists, rather than to teams of researchers representing a variety of scientific fields. A coordinated, international ocean exploration effort is not unprecedented, however; in fact, the International Decade of Ocean Exploration in the 1970s was considered a great success. Science diplomacy solves a laundry list of impacts Federoff 8 [Nina, Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State, http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-110hhrg41470/html/CHRG-110hhrg41470.htm] Chairman Baird, Ranking Member Ehlers, and distinguished members of the Subcommittee, thank you for this opportunity to discuss science diplomacy at the U.S. Department of State. The U.S. is recognized globally for its leadership in science and technology. Our scientific strength is both a tool of ``soft power''--part of our strategic diplomatic arsenal--and a basis for creating partnerships with countries as they move beyond basic economic and social development. Science diplomacy is a central element of the Secretary's transformational diplomacy initiative, because science and technology are essential to achieving stability and strengthening failed and fragile states. S&T advances have immediate and enormous influence on national and global economies, and thus on the international relations between societies. Nation states, nongovernmental organizations, and multinational corporations are largely shaped by their expertise in and access to intellectual and physical capital in science, technology, and engineering. Even as S&T advances of our modern era provide opportunities for economic prosperity, some also challenge the relative position of countries in the world order, and influence our social institutions and principles. America must remain at the forefront of this new world by maintaining its technological edge, and leading the way internationally through science diplomacy and engagement. The Public Diplomacy Role of Science Science by its nature facilitates diplomacy because it strengthens political relationships, embodies powerful ideals, and creates opportunities for all. The global scientific community embraces principles Americans cherish: transparency, meritocracy, accountability, the objective evaluation of evidence, and broad and frequently democratic participation. Science is inherently democratic, respecting evidence and truth above all. Science is also a common global language, able to bridge deep political and religious divides. Scientists share a common language. Scientific interactions serve to keep open lines of communication and cultural understanding. As scientists everywhere have a common evidentiary external reference system, members of ideologically divergent societies can use the common language of science to cooperatively address both domestic and the increasingly trans-national and global problems confronting humanity in the 21st century. There is a growing recognition that science and technology will increasingly drive the successful economies of the 21st century. Science and technology provide an immeasurable benefit to the U.S. by bringing scientists and students here, especially from developing countries, where they see democracy in action, make friends in the international scientific community, become familiar with American technology, and contribute to the U.S. and global economy. For example, in 2005, over 50 percent of physical science and engineering graduate students and postdoctoral researchers trained in the U.S. have been foreign nationals. Moreover, many foreign-born scientists who were educated and have worked in the U.S. eventually progress in their careers to hold influential positions in ministries and institutions both in this country and in their home countries. They also contribute to U.S. scientific and technologic development: According to the National Science Board's 2008 Science and Engineering Indicators, 47 percent of full-time doctoral science and engineering faculty in U.S. research institutions were foreign-born. Finally, some types of science--particularly those that address the grand challenges in science and technology--are inherently international in scope and collaborative by necessity. The ITER Project, an international fusion research and development collaboration, is a product of the thaw in superpower relations between Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and U.S. President Ronald Reagan. This reactor will harness the power of nuclear fusion as a possible new and viable energy source by bringing a star to Earth. ITER serves as a symbol of international scientific cooperation among key scientific leaders in the developed and developing world--Japan, Korea, China, E.U., India, Russia, and United States--representing 70 percent of the world's current population. The recent elimination of funding for FY08 U.S. contributions to the ITER project comes at an inopportune time as the Agreement on the Establishment of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project had entered into force only on October 2007. The elimination of the promised U.S. contribution drew our allies to question our commitment and credibility in international cooperative ventures. More problematically, it jeopardizes a platform for reaffirming U.S. relations with key states. It should be noted that even at the height of the cold war, the United States used science diplomacy as a means to maintain communications and avoid misunderstanding between the world's two nuclear powers--the Soviet Union and the United States. In a complex multi-polar world, relations are more challenging, the threats perhaps greater, and the need for engagement more paramount. Using Science Diplomacy to Achieve National Security Objectives The welfare and stability of countries and regions in many parts of the globe require a concerted effort by the developed world to address the causal factors that render countries fragile and cause states to fail. Countries that are unable to defend their people against starvation, or fail to provide economic opportunity, are susceptible to extremist ideologies, autocratic rule, and abuses of human rights. As well, the world faces common threats, among them climate change, energy and water shortages, public health emergencies, environmental degradation, poverty, food insecurity, and religious extremism. These threats can undermine the national security of the United States, both directly and indirectly. Many are blind to political boundaries, becoming regional or global threats. The United States has no monopoly on knowledge in a globalizing world and the scientific challenges facing humankind are enormous. Addressing these common challenges demands common solutions and necessitates scientific cooperation, common standards, and common goals. We must increasingly harness the power of American ingenuity in science and technology through strong partnerships with the science community in both academia and the private sector, in the U.S. and abroad among our allies, to advance U.S. interests in foreign policy. 1AC STEM - Competitiveness The United States is behind in STEM education in the status quo – ocean exploration is a crucial stepping-stone to key to revitalizing career interest Beattie and Schubel 13 [Ted, President of Shedd Aquarium, Jerry, “The Report of Ocean Exploration 2020: A National Forum”, 7/19-21, http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/oceanexploration2020/oe2020_report.pdf, accessed 7/16/13, AR] In the current competitive global economy, the United States faces a distinct disadvantage. Only 16 percent of American high school seniors are proficient in mathematics and interested in STEM careers. And among those who do pursue college degrees in STEM fields, only half choose to work in a STEM-related career. The benefits of STEM education are clear. By 2018, the U.S. anticipates more than 1.2 million job openings in STEM-related occupations, including fields as diverse as science, medicine, software development, and engineering. STEM workers, on average, earn 26 percent more than their non-STEM counterparts, and experience lower unemployment rates than those in other fields. In addition, healthy STEM industries are critical to maintaining a quality of life in the United States. A national program of ocean and Great Lakes exploration provides myriad ways to capture public imagination and curiosity to support sustained involvement and more intense exposure not only to STEM topics, but also the humanities and arts. New less expensive tools, such as small ROVs, remote sensing stations, and underwater cameras, enable everyone to participate in ocean and freshwater exploration as citizen scientists. These types of public engagements around exploration, such as through the NOAA kiosks stationed in Coastal Ecosystem Learning Centers, provide a glimpse into the true nature of science: not merely as a bundle of textbook facts, but a dynamic enterprise of investigation that is constantly changing as our understanding evolves. The effectiveness of STEM-focused programs are evident; studies have shown not only that young people enjoy inquiry-based STEM activities in and out of school settings, but also that sustained involvement and more intense exposure to STEM topics increase youth interest and confidence in their scientific abilities. By engaging the public with ocean and Great Lakes observation, we provide people of all ages with opportunities to explore their natural aquatic environments, and to fall in love with the magic and mystery of scientific exploration. New exploration funding is key to inspiring STEM education Bidwell 13 (Allie, US News, 9/25/13, “Scientists Release First Plan for National Ocean Exploration Program,” http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/09/25/scientists-release-first-plan-for-nationalocean-exploration-program, accessed 7/15, AR] More than three-quarters of what lies beneath the surface of the ocean is unknown, even to trained scientists and researchers. Taking steps toward discovering what resources and information the seas hold, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Aquarium of the Pacific released on Wednesday a report that details plans to create the nation's first ocean exploration program by the year 2020. The report stems from a national convening of more than 100 federal agencies, nongovernmental organizations, nonprofit organizations and private companies to discuss what components should make up a national ocean exploration program and what will be needed to create it. "This is the first time the explorers themselves came together and said, 'this is the kind of program we want and this is what it's going to take,'" says Jerry Schubel, president and CEO of the Aquarium of the Pacific, located in Long Beach, Calif. "That's very important, particularly when you put it in the context that the world ocean is the largest single component of Earth's living infrastructure ... and less than 10 percent of it has ever been explored." In order to create a comprehensive exploration program, Schubel says it will become increasingly important that federal and state agencies form partnerships with other organizations, as it is unlikely that government funding for ocean exploration will increase in the next few years. Additionally, Schubel says there was a consensus among those explorers and stakeholders who gathered in July that participating organizations need to take advantage of technologies that are available and place a greater emphasis on public engagement and citizen exploration – utilizing the data that naturalists and nonscientists collect on their own. "In coastal areas at least, given some of these new low-cost robots that are available, they could actually produce data that would help us understand the nation's coastal environment," Schubel says. Expanding the nation's ocean exploration program could lead to more jobs, he adds, and could also serve as an opportunity to engage children and adults in careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM. "I think what we need to do as a nation is make STEM fields be seen by young people as exciting career trajectories," Schubel says. "We need to reestablish the excitement of science and engineering, and I think ocean exploration gives us a way to do that." Schubel says science centers, museums and aquariums can serve as training grounds to give children and adults the opportunity to learn more about the ocean and what opportunities exist in STEM fields. "One thing that we can contribute more than anything else is to let kids and families come to our institutions and play, explore, make mistakes, and ask silly questions without being burdened down by the kinds of standards that our formal K-12 and K-14 schools have to live up to," Schubel says. Conducting more data collection and exploration quests is also beneficial from an economic standpoint because explorers have the potential to identify new resources, both renewable and nonrenewable. Having access to those materials, such as oils and minerals, and being less dependent on other nations, Schubel says, could help improve national security. Each time explorers embark on a mission to a new part of the ocean, they bring back more detailed information by mapping the sea floor and providing high-resolution images of what exists, says David McKinnie, a senior advisor for NOAA's Office of Ocean Exploration and Research and a co-author of the report. On almost every expedition, he says, the scientists discover new species. In a trip to Indonesia in 2010, for example, McKinnie says researchers discovered more than 50 new species of coral. "It's really a reflection of how unknown the ocean is," McKinnie says. "Every time we go to a new place, we find something new, and something new about the ocean that's important." And these expeditions can have important impacts not just for biological cataloging, but also for the environment, McKinnie says. In a 2004 expedition in the Pacific Ocean, NOAA scientists identified a group of underwater volcanoes that were "tremendous" sources of carbon dioxide, and thus contributed to increasing ocean acidification, McKinnie says. Research has shown that when ocean waters become more acidic from absorbing carbon dioxide, they produce less of a gas that protects the Earth from the sun's radiation and can amplify global warming. But until NOAA's expedition, no measures accounted for carbon dioxide produced from underwater volcanoes. "It's not just bringing back pretty pictures," McKinnie says. "It's getting real results that matter." STEM is a controlling factor in economic leadership – it drives innovation to compete on the global market Huggins 11 [Michael, Air force research laboratory, “Air Force Research Laboratory Investments in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education” 11/28, Astropolitics, Volume 9, pg. 93–212, accessed 7/15, AR] Innovation in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) has served as the cornerstone of the rise to global leadership for the United States. Such innovation will be essential if the nation hopes to maintain its technological and competitive edge in an increasingly competitive global economy. The ability to maintain that edge is at risk, however. There is great concern about the diminishing production of U.S. citizen STEM graduates. Recent trends show that the educational system in the United States is failing to produce graduating seniors who are academically equipped to pursue degrees in STEM fields.1 This dearth of science and technology literacy in the young professional workforce will diminish the country’s ability to create new products and generate high-value jobs. The National STEM Education Caucus agrees, reasoning that the ‘‘foundation of innovation lies in a dynamic, motivated, and well-educated work force equipped with science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills.’’2 Others fear that U.S. national security will be placed at risk if student interest in STEM subject areas continues to dwindle. The United States Commission on the National Security in the Twenty-First Century has summed up this fear as follows: The harsh fact is that the U.S. need for the highest quality capital in science, mathematics and engineering is not being met . . . Second only to a weapon of mass destruction detonating in an American city, we can think of nothing more dangerous than a failure to manage properly science, technology and education for the common good over the next century.3 Economic competitiveness is the vital internal link to effective US influence Hubbard 10 [Jessy, Program Assistant at Open Society Foundations, “Hegemonic Stability Theory: An Empirical Analysis”, National Defense University, University of Oxford, 2010, accessed 7/16/14, AR] Regression analysis of this data shows that Pearson’s r-value is -.836. In the case of American hegemony, economic strength is a better predictor of violent conflict than even overall national power, which had an r-value of -.819. The data is also well within the realm of statistical significance, with a p-value of .0014. While the data for British hegemony was not as striking, the same overall pattern holds true in both cases. During both periods of hegemony, hegemonic strength was negatively related with violent conflict, and yet use of force by the hegemon was positively correlated with violent conflict in both cases. Finally, in both cases, economic power was more closely associated with conflict levels than military power. Statistical analysis created a more complicated picture of the hegemon’s role in fostering stability than initially anticipated. VI. Conclusions and Implications for Theory and Policy To elucidate some answers regarding the complexities my analysis unearthed, I turned first to the existing theoretical literature on hegemonic stability theory. The existing literature provides some potential frameworks for understanding these results. Since economic strength proved to be of such crucial importance, reexamining the literature that focuses on hegemonic stability theory’s economic implications was the logical first step. As explained above, the literature on hegemonic stability theory can be broadly divided into two camps – that which focuses on the international economic system, and that which focuses on armed conflict and instability. This research falls squarely into the second camp, but insights from the first camp are still of relevance. Even Kindleberger’s early work on this question is of relevance. Kindleberger posited that the economic instability between the First and Second World Wars could be attributed to the lack of an economic hegemon (Kindleberger 1973). But economic instability obviously has spillover effects into the international political arena. Keynes, writing after WWI, warned in his seminal tract The Economic Consequences of the Peace that Germany’s economic humiliation could have a radicalizing effect on the nation’s political culture (Keynes 1919). Given later events, his warning seems prescient. In the years since the Second World War, however, the European continent has not relapsed into armed conflict. What was different after the second global conflagration? Crucially, the United States was in a far more powerful position than Britain was after WWI. As the tables above show, Britain’s economic strength after the First World War was about 13% of the total in strength in the international system. In contrast, the United States possessed about 53% of relative economic power in the international system in the years immediately following WWII. The U.S. helped rebuild Europe’s economic strength with billions of dollars in investment through the Marshall Plan, assistance that was never available to the defeated powers after the First World War (Kindleberger 1973). The interwar years were also marked by a series of debilitating trade wars that likely worsened the Great Depression (Ibid.). In contrast, when Britain was more powerful, it was able to facilitate greater free trade, and after World War II, the United States played a leading role in creating institutions like the GATT that had an essential role in facilitating global trade (Organski 1958). The possibility that economic stability is an important factor in the overall security environment should not be discounted, especially given the results of my statistical analysis. Another theory that could provide insight into the patterns observed in this research is that of preponderance of power. Gilpin theorized that when a state has the preponderance of power in the international system, rivals are more likely to resolve their disagreements without resorting to armed conflict (Gilpin 1983). The logic behind this claim is simple – it makes more sense to challenge a weaker hegemon than a stronger one. This simple yet powerful theory can help explain the puzzlingly strong positive correlation between military conflicts engaged in by the hegemon and conflict overall. It is not necessarily that military involvement by the hegemon instigates further conflict in the international system. Rather, this military involvement could be a function of the hegemon’s weaker position, which is the true cause of the higher levels of conflict in the international system. Additionally, it is important to note that military power is, in the long run, dependent on economic strength . Thus, it is possible that as hegemons lose relative economic power, other nations are tempted to challenge them even if their short- term military capabilities are still strong . This would help explain some of the variation found between the economic and military data. The results of this analysis are of clear importance beyond the realm of theory. As the debate rages over the role of the United States in the world, hegemonic stability theory has some useful insights to bring to the table. What this research makes clear is that a strong hegemon can exert a positive influence on stability in the international system. However, this should not give policymakers a justification to engage in conflict or escalate military budgets purely for the sake of international stability. If anything, this research points to the central importance of economic influence in fostering international stability. To misconstrue these findings to justify anything else would be a grave error indeed. Hegemons may play a stabilizing role in the international system, but this role is complicated. It is economic strength, not military dominance that is the true test of hegemony. A weak state with a strong military is a paper tiger – it may appear fearsome, but it is vulnerable to even a short blast of wind. US influence prevents great power war, economic collapse, and global governance failures Thayer 13 [PhD U Chicago, former research fellow at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center, political science professor at Baylor (Bradley, professor in the political science department at Baylor University, “Humans, Not Angels: Reasons to Doubt the Decline of War Thesis”, International Studies Review Volume 15, Issue 3, pages 396–419, September 2013] Accordingly, while Pinker is sensitive to the importance of power in a domestic context—the Leviathan is good for safety and the decline of violence—he neglects the role of power in the international context, specifically he neglects US power as a force for stability. So, if a liberal Leviathan is good for domestic politics, a liberal Leviathan should be as well for international politics. The primacy of the United States provides the world with that liberal Leviathan and has four major positive consequences for international politics (Thayer 2006). In addition to ensuring the security of the United States and its allies, American primacy within the international system causes many positive outcomes for the world. The first has been a more peaceful world. During the Cold War, US leadership reduced friction among many states that were historical antagonists, most notably France and West Germany. Today, American primacy and the security blanket it provides reduce nuclear proliferation incentives and help keep a number of complicated relationships stable such as between Greece and Turkey, Israel and Egypt, South Korea and Japan, India and Pakistan, Indonesia and Australia. Wars still occur where Washington's interests are not seriously threatened, such as in Darfur, but a Pax Americana does reduce war's likelihood—particularly the worst form—great power wars. Second, American power gives the United States the ability to spread democracy and many of the other positive forces Pinker identifies. Doing so is a source of much good for the countries concerned as well as the United States because liberal democracies are more likely to align with the United States and be sympathetic to the American worldview. In addition, once states are governed democratically, the likelihood of any type of conflict is significantly reduced. This is not because democracies do not have clashing interests. Rather, it is because they are more transparent, more likely to want to resolve things amicably in concurrence with US leadership. Third, along with the growth of the number of democratic states around the world has been the growth of the global economy. With its allies, the United States has labored to create an economically liberal worldwide network characterized by free trade and commerce, respect for international property rights, mobility of capital, and labor markets. The economic stability and prosperity that stems from this economic order is a global public good. Fourth, and finally, the United States has been willing to use its power not only to advance its interests but to also promote the welfare of people all over the globe. The United States is the earth's leading source of positive externalities for the world. The US military has participated in over 50 operations since the end of the Cold War—and most of those missions have been humanitarian in nature. Indeed, the US military is the earth's “911 force”—it serves, de facto, as the world's police, the global paramedic, and the planet's fire department. There is no other state, group of states, or international organizations that can provide these global benefits. Without US power, the liberal order created by the United States will end just as assuredly. But, the waning of US power, at least in relative terms, introduces additional problems for Pinker concerning the decline of violence in the international realm. Given the importance of the distribution of power in international politics, and specifically US power for stability, there is reason to be concerned about the future as the distribution of relative power changes and not to the benefit of the United States. Advantages: More Ev Biodiversity Brink/Impact Ocean biodiversity collapsing now Anderson(Journalist)June 25th, 2014(Dawn, “World oceans on brink of collapse, report warns”, The State Column, http://www.statecolumn.com/2014/06/world-oceans-on-brink-of-collapse-report-warns/) The Global Ocean Commission on Tuesday released a report forecasting a stark future for the world’s population. The report states that regional stability, climate resilience, and food security are at risk if world governments fail to take immediate action to curb “habitat destruction, biodiversity loss, overfishing, pollution, climate change and ocean acidification” that are “pushing the ocean system to the point of collapse.” The GOC, comprised of leading business persons and former prominent political figures, has just completed an 18 month investigation into the effects of humanity on the high seas, the 65% of global waters that lie outside the jurisdiction of any national government. Included in the report is a five-year “rescue package”, which the GOC admits may be painful in the short term, but is necessary for long term survival. Besides meeting with current political leaders during the course of the investigation, the GOC conferred with a diverse group of scientists, economists, business leaders, ocean users, and trade unions. Biodiversity collapsing now- threatens human existence Wolf(Climate science director, Center for Biological Diversity)4/17/2014(Shaye, “Reports Reveal Terrifying Climate Threat to Biodiversity”, Huffington Post, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/shayewolf/reports-reveal-terrifying_b_5169815.html) The IPCC reports released over the past several weeks confirm that a large percentage of the world's species face an increased extinction risk unless we take bold action to reduce carbon pollution. And President Obama and other world leaders must shift very quickly to cleaner energy sources, the panel's experts say, because emissions of planet-warming pollutants have risen so sharply over the last decade. Changes like rising seas, hotter temperatures, and deepening droughts are already making life increasingly difficult for many plants and animals -- and, in many cases, threatening to push them off the planet. Here in California, the San Bernardino flying squirrel -- which uses wingsuit-like flaps of skin to glide from tree to tree -- has found its forest habitat moving upslope as temperatures warm. Like many mountain-dwelling creatures, this amazing escape artist may soon have no place left to run. Walrus mothers and babies in Alaska can no longer find sea ice they need for resting, and are forced into dangerous locations. Florida's tiny Key deer is seeing its island home being swallowed by rising seas. What price will we pay for declining biodiversity? Some harms to human societies are obvious. The IPCC's experts say climate disruption threatens fisheries in the United States and many other parts of the world. Chinook salmon in the Pacific Northwest, for example, may decline as much as 50 percent in the coming decades. Some crop yields have already been hurt by climate change. If warming continues unchecked, many countries will face growing food insecurity, according to the report. And rising temperatures and ocean acidification caused by carbon pollution are already harming coral reefs and their remarkable diversity of life, which threatens tourism. But there's something more fundamental at stake -- something you can't put a price on. We're locking ourselves into a future in which a terrifying loss of biodiversity will fundamentally transform the Earth. We risk leaving our children a lonelier planet -- a world where many animals and plants are just a memory. The IPCC report's most important message, that we can avoid many climate dangers if we make ambitious cuts to carbon pollution, is a strong call to action. The bolder and quicker the cuts, the better the future for all life on this planet, including humans. Biodiversity loss threatens all life on earth Rivers (writer for the Helium Network)September 19th, 2012(Christyl, “Loss of Biodiversity Means Loss of Human Life”, Sciences 360, http://www.sciences360.com/index.php/loss-of-biodiversity-means-loss-of-human-life-2409/) The loss of biodiversity means the loss of all life supported by inter-connected dynamics which supply air, water and nutrients. Biodiversity is in effect, everything evolved on earth that is not mere mineral or inanimate chemical. In school, many students have learned about the food chain, or even the great chain of being. The chain theory, however, is obsolete and has been replaced by the new comprehension that all life complements other life. Life exists in a web of interconnected bits. It is not just the survival of fittest, but the interaction of everything that lives and dies which creates the carbon cycle, the hydrology cycle, the replenishment of the soil and the restoration, daily and ongoing, of the water and air that support life upon earth. Without insects, pollinators, and seed depositors, there is no way to propagate or continue sustainable populations of plants and animals, no less human beings. For example, cattle when fed on grasslands do not rely upon the monoculture of artificially fertilized corn. Grazing cattle do not add concentrated methane, or deteriorate landscapes. In their naturally evolved context, cattle replenish and support biodiversity. In the factory farm, they are yet another aberration that adds to the loss of biodiversity. Another simple way to look at it, it to see that which evolved in nature arrived at the present system of life on earth that in “circle of life” fashion, continues to ensure life on earth. As humans developed agriculture, then cities and factories, biodiversity began to decline. Most mega-fauna (large animals) were hunted to extinction eons ago. Pollution, garbage, waste, deforestation, mining and much more human activity, notably burning of fossil fuels, threatens current remaining biodiversity, and, so too, the future of life. This bleak future is avoidable, as described by E.O. Wilson, in his book, the Future of Life. Also since modern times, those things brought about by humans that threaten biodiversity can all be reduced to the idea of waste. Annihilation of the American Bison for example, shows how one missing creature virtually extinguished native American ways of life. In nature, there is no waste. All debris and death gives rise to life. The idea of garbage, toxins, waste, plastic and contaminants threatens all biodiversity because artificial waste, in huge quantity, cannot be digested by nature. The great Pacific garbage patch, a plastic floating Texas size mess, kills marine animals and birds because they have no natural ability to digest, or disentangle from plastic trash. Glass would be a simple technology to protect such life, but few people care because they do not know loss of biodiversity threatens human life, too. Solvency Ocean exploration will lead to environmental stewardship Cousteau(special correspondent for CNN, co-founder EarthEcho International)March 13th, 2012 (Philippe,“Why exploring the ocean is mankind's next giant leap”, Light Years, http://lightyears.blogs.cnn.com/2012/03/13/why-exploring-the-ocean-is-mankinds-next-giant-leap/) We now have a golden opportunity and a pressing need to recapture that pioneering spirit. A new era of ocean exploration can yield discoveries that will help inform everything from critical medical advances to sustainable forms of energy. Consider that AZT, an early treatment for HIV, is derived from a Caribbean reef sponge, or that a great deal of energy - from offshore wind, to OTEC (ocean thermal energy conservation), to wind and wave energy - is yet untapped in our oceans. Like unopened presents under the tree, the ocean is a treasure trove of knowledge. In addition, such discoveries will have a tremendous impact on economic growth by creating jobs as well as technologies and goods. In addition to new discoveries, we also have the opportunity to course correct when it comes to stewardship of our oceans. Research and exploration can go hand in glove with resource management and conservation. Over the last several decades, as the United States has been exploring space, we’ve exploited and polluted our oceans at an alarming rate without dedicating the needed time or resources to truly understand the critical role they play in the future of the planet. It is not trite to say that the oceans are the life support system of this planet, providing us with up to 70 percent of our oxygen, as well as a primary source of protein for billions of people, not to mention the regulation of our climate. Despite this life-giving role, the world has fished, mined and trafficked the ocean's resources to a point where we are actually seeing dramatic changes that is seriously impacting today's generations. And that impact will continue as the world's population approaches 7 billion people, adding strain to the world’s resources unlike any humanity has ever had to face before. In the long term, destroying our ocean resources is bad business with devastating consequences for the global economy, and the health and sustainability of all creatures - including humans. Marine spatial planning, marine sanctuaries, species conservation, sustainable fishing strategies, and more must be a part of any ocean exploration and conservation program to provide hope of restoring health to our oceans. While there is still much to learn and discover through space exploration, we also need to pay attention to our unexplored world here on earth. Our next big leap into the unknown can be every bit as exciting and bold as our pioneering work in space. It possesses the same "wow" factor: alien worlds, dazzling technological feats and the mystery of the unknown. The United States has the scientific muscle, the diplomatic know-how and the entrepreneurial spirit to lead the world in exploring and protecting our ocean frontier. Having an interest in the ocean means we protect it- exploration promotes this Diamandis (Chairman & CEO of XPRIZE)10/24/13( Dr. Peter H., “A New Age of Ocean Exploration May Just Save Us”, Huffington Post, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/x-prize-foundation/a-new-age-of-oceanexplor_b_4158380.html) With the challenges we currently face, environmentally and economically, we cannot leave exploration of our blue planet up to governments alone. Instead, quite the opposite: We need to crowdsource innovators from around the globe to take up the charge of discovering the secrets our ocean holds, while working to preserve it. Consider the challenges facing the ocean: carbon dioxide absorbed from the atmosphere has made the ocean 30% more acidic than it was just 200 years ago, with devastating consequences for corals, mollusks, fish, and entire ecosystems. Pollution from plastics to fertilizers creates massive "dead zones" and swirling gyres of garbage that further sicken the seas upon which the health of the planet depends. Unabated overfishing has shown that 90% of the big fish in the sea are now gone. How can we turn back this tide of challenges affecting the health of our ocean unless we first value the ocean? And valuing it means not just taking a personal interest, but taking the time to understand the challenges and creating real incentives, particularly financial incentives, behind the sustainable use of our ocean. By building industries that have a vested interest in the ocean, we stand a much better chance of protecting the health of the planet. This is the model of XPRIZE: to catalyze industries that not only build economies based on new frontiers, but industries that become the leaders in serving humanity's needs now and in the future. There is a very real opportunity with our ocean to build these industries. Because they remain unexplored, there is tremendous value still ready to be discovered. Indeed, the opportunities for things like pharmaceuticals from deep-sea creatures bring us new biochemical discoveries from nearly every deep-sea mission. And with an estimated 91% of sea life still unknown, this gives us a literal ocean of opportunity to discover more. By properly measuring and documenting the chemical and physical characteristics of our seas, we can initiate whole new industries in ocean services - the type of data-driven information and forecasting that can be used by every company dependent on the ocean, from tourism to trade to weather services. I believe now is the critical time to ignite a new age of ocean exploration. At XPRIZE we recently launched our second ocean prize, the Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health XPRIZE, to spur development of breakthroughs in pH measuring tools that explore the chemistry of our seas. And we are, for the first time, committing to launch three additional ocean prizes by 2020. Because we trust that by harnessing the power of innovation, and the dreams of explorers around the world, valuable new discoveries can help us achieve a healthy ocean. NOAA exploration uncovers research and solutions to marine biodiversity loss CAS 10 (California Academy of Sciences, Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability “Deep-Sea Exploration and Biodiversity Discovery” http://research.calacademy.org/izg/news/2961) Gary Williams, Curator of Invertebrate Zoology and Geology, was the invertebrate zoologist on board the ROV Deep-Sea Coral Cruise in the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (GFNMS), between October 1 and 12. The goals of the cruise included the exploration and documentation of deep reefs in the marine sanctuary, and to conduct digital imaging and specimen collection . The cruise took place on the NOAA Research Vessel Fulmar and was sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), that part of the U.S. Department of Commerce that administers the National Marine Sanctuary system. An ROV was used for the deep-sea exploration. ROV stands for Remote Operational Vehicle, a tethered undersea robot that is capable of still and video photography as well as specimen collection. Three deep-sea regions were explored on the continental shelf near the Farallones Islands and on the edge of the shelf near the continental slope. The Academy is the repository of all specimens collected during the cruise. A wealth of material was brought back for the Academy’s marine invertebrate collections, including sponges, corals, barnacles, and echinoderms. Rockfish and lingcod were the most commonly encountered fish at all depths. High resolution digital images and video of deep-sea biotic communities between 125 and 450 meters in depth was highly successful. A robotic grasping arm is used to collect specimens and to deposit them in a collecting box at the front of the ROV. The intense pressure encountered at depth and the change to sea level does not affect organisms that do not have air spaces, such as marine invertebrates. Management and conservation policy-making in our marine reserves calls for knowledge of regional deep-sea biodiversity and the monitoring of the impact of past trawling practices, as well as the effects of pollution and other environmental factors. In addition, proposed boundary changes for marine reserves is dependent on deep-sea exploration and biodiversity assessment, such as was conducted on this cruise. Long-term data collection facilitates the exploration of marine species and adaptation Hofmann et al 2/24 (Gretchen Hofmann, professor of Evolution and Marine Biology in the Department of Ecology at the University of California Santa Barbara, 2/24/2014, “Exploring local adaptation and the ocean acidification seascape – studies in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem”, Biogeosciences journal, pdf|| Alice) A central goal of researchers within the OMEGAS consortium is to link biological performance with environmental variability in ocean carbonate chemistry along what we hypothesized would be a mosaic or gradient of conditions that might foster local adaptation. Long-term observations have been invaluable in defining the rate of OA progression in lowlatitude, open ocean biomes and records from sub-tropical gyre time-series stations (e.g., Bermuda Atlantic Time Series “BATS”, http://www.bios.edu/research/bats.html; Hawaiian Ocean Times Series “HOT”, http://hahana.soest.hawaii.edu/ hot/hot_jgofs.html; European Station for Time Series in the Ocean “ESTOC” http://www.eurosites.info/estoc.php) show a decline of ocean pH from −0.02 to −0.04 pH units over a 20 yr period against low-frequency seasonal oscillations of similar magnitude (Bates et al., 2012; Dore et al., 2009; Santana-Casiano et al. 2007). For coastal regions, the scientific community is just now assessing the longer-term variability in pH. Recent analyses of long-term data sets indicate that pH is changing rapidly in coastal Washington (Wootton and Pfister, 2012), in coastal upwelling zones along the US Pacific coast (Harris et al., 2013; Chan et al., 2014), at a coastal region in the Netherlands (Provoost et al., 2010), and in the Monterey Bay area where low pH water is associated with low oxygen water masses that reach the shallow, nearshore regions (Booth et al., 2012). Cruise data have provided snapshots of carbonate chemistry along the coast of the CCLME (Feely et al., 2008), and suggested that at some locations in northern California, undersaturated waters shoaled in the inner shelf. Prior to OMEGAS, however, no coordinated inner-shelf time series were available that would allow evaluation of the frequency, intensity and spatial expanse with which coastal ecosystems experience rapid acidification. The recent development of autonomously recording pH sensors (Martz et al., 2010) has helped to bridge this data gap. Easily deployed on either moorings or benthic (e.g., rocky intertidal) locations, these sensors facilitate the collection of environmental pH data in a variety of habitats and support the collection of long-term data sets that more comprehensively characterize the OA seascape (Hofmann et al., 2013). Recent deployments of these sensors has highlighted that different ocean ecosystems display a great deal of natural variability in pH (Frieder et al., 2012; Hofmann et al., 2011; Kroeker et al., 2011; Price et al., 2012). Importantly, these sensors have created an affordable option for marine scientists to describe spatial patterns in ocean chemistry across dynamic coastal systems. In these environments, characterization of local-scale differences can be ecologically and economically critical, but require discrete sampling efforts that are often logistically and cost-prohibitive. Additionally, this strategy facilitates identification of refuges from future ocean acidification, information that would provide information to managers of coastal ecosystems and resources. It also allows the exploration of patterns of local adaptation to carbonate chemistry across large marine ecosystems such as the CCLME, where previous studies have demonstrated possible genetic differences among populations (De Wit and Palumbi, 2012; Kelly et al., 2013; Pespeni et al., 2012, 2013a, b, c). The oceans are under-recorded—increased exploration is crucial for ecosystem services and biodiversity Webb et al 10 (Dr. Thomas Webb, Research fellow at the Department of Animal and Plant Sciences at the University of Sheffield (UK), “Biodiversity's Big Wet Secret: The Global Distribution of Marine Biological Records Reveals Chronic Under-Exploration of the Deep Pelagic Ocean”, PLOS ONE journal, pdf|| Alice) Our results clearly show that the deep oceans are vastly under-represented in OBIS, the world's largest provider of information on the distribution of marine species. More than this, however, we have also shown that midwater habitats throughout the global oceans are under-recorded relative to surface waters and the sea bed. Taken together, this shows that the least well recorded region of the marine environment is the largest by volume: the deep pelagic ocean. There are two possible explanations for this: either the deep pelagic ocean is especially low in biomass, or it has been especially under-sampled (or some combination of the two). Historically, the first of these possibilities has been espoused. For instance, Charles Wyville Thomson, leader of the Challenger Expedition in the 1870s which effectively launched the discipline of deep sea biology [11], believed that ’the fauna of deep water is confined primarily to two belts, one at and near the surface and the other on and near the bottom; leaving an intermediate zone [i.e., the deep pelagic] in which larger animals… are nearly or entirely absent' (quoted in Ref. 9). More recent evidence suggests, however, that it is under sampling and net avoidance rather than a lack of organisms that generate the patterns we have observed. However, new technologies have dramatically altered perceptions of the deep pelagic ecosystem [10], [21], suggesting that with past techniques, even high sampling effort may not have resulted in correspondingly high numbers of biological specimens being collected. The ability to view animals in situ means that the diversity of organisms not captured by traditional sampling methods, such as the gelatinous fauna that constitutes up to a quarter of pelagic biomass [10] is now better understood. Importantly, their abundance is now known to be much higher than most deepsea biologists expected [10]. For instance, the recently discovered new clade of large, active deep sea annelids (including holopelagic species) occur at high biomass [12]. Thus, the deep pelagic appears to conform to dictum that the more you survey, the more you find, as witnessed recently in other marine habitats including fish in the hadal zone [22] and microbes in surface waters [23], [24]. Such findings have led to estimates of a million undescribed species in the deep pelagic [10] and the proposal that ‘within this vast midwater habitat are the planet’s largest animal communities… These animals probably outnumber all others on Earth' (Ref. 10:848). Clearly, there is much work still to be done before we can draw conclusions regarding the depth distribution of actual marine biodiversity from databases of recorded marine biodiversity. Increasing our understanding of these communities is important for a number of reasons. First are the ecosystem services they provide, for instance supporting global fisheries, climate regulation, and bioprospecting [11]. In addition, they have considerable potential as a model system for testing biogeographic hypotheses, such as large-scale gradients in diversity. The deep pelagic environment is spatially homogeneous and has been very stable over time, with little in the way of seasonal and latitudinal variability [10], and yet latitudinal gradients appear to exist in the diversity of at least some deep pelagic taxa [8]. Might this provide a means to tease apart the confounding effects of the environment, geometric constraints, and species tolerances in explaining biogeographic patterns [25], [26]? More generally, it may prove easier to unravel the multiple drivers of change in marine ecosystems, including historical human influences and future climate change, by studying those habitats that have been least affected to date – the mid-ocean, midwater environment – before transferring this understanding back into more heavily disturbed coastal and benthic systems [27]. Finally, even if pelagic ecosystems remain less impacted than coastal regions, there is increasing concern that human activities including fishing, pollution and climate change have already had substantial effects, and that these pressures are only likely to increase in future [11], [28]-[30]. Although some conservation measures, in particular the establishment of pelagic marine protected areas, may be possible in the absence of detailed biological information [28], clearly an increased understanding of the temporal and spatial dynamics of pelagic organisms will improve their effectiveness. We hope that exposing biodiversity's big wet secret will stimulate further exploration of Earth's biggest ecosystem. Ocean exploration and monitoring allows scientists to link data and create reliable models—key to adaptive strategies and maintaining ecosystems Nicol et al 12 (Dr. Simon J Nicol, principle fisheries scientist at the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, 10/9/2012, “An ocean observation system for monitoring the affects of climate change on the ecology and sustainability of pelagic fisheries in the Pacific Ocean”, Climatic Change journal, pdf || Alice) Comprehensive monitoring of mid-trophic level organisms is crucial for parameterising and constraining the numerical models of those communities that allow explicit linking of ocean circulation, biogeochemical interactions and higher trophic-levels (Le Borgne et al. 2011). Further validation of the sub-model describing the functional groups of micronektonic prey is an identified priority for SEAPODYM (Lehodey et al. 2012). Similar needs are also identified for the multi-species model for theWestern PacificWarm Pool (Allain et al. 2007). Acoustic surveys are increasingly showing that mid-trophic biomasses are generally higher than previously thought (Kloser et al. 2009). Combining acoustic data with taxonomic data from stomach analyses will produce more reliable inputs into regional ecosystem models (e.g. Griffiths et al. 2010). In addition, time series of distribution and abundance of midtrophic level species are necessary to identify indicator species and monitor community level changes associated with environmental variability, climate change, and/or fishing impact. Indicator species may act as sentinels for pending large-scale changes in pelagic ecosystems, thereby giving fisheries managers cues to rapidly implement adaptive strategies (e.g. adjustment of regional tuna fishing effort allocations; Bell et al. 2011). We encourage comparisons and standardizations of the pelagic ecosystem models already developed for the Pacific, to compare both the function and structure of the Eastern, Central, Western and Southern Pacific Ocean ecosystems, and the methods used to develop the models. This comparison would also help develop a candidate list of indicators of ecosystem status and change, including and beyond the sentinel species described above. This information is needed for managing marine resources to ensure ecosystem integrity and the maintenance of beneficial services and products for PICTs and other nations. Indicators could also serve to include Pacific Ocean ecosystems within existing international comparative initiatives that report and study marine ecosystem structures and functions thereby providing opportunity for global analyses (Shin et al. 2012). Climate Change Ocean concentrations key to solving climate change Conley 11 (Daniel Conley, Professor of Biogeochemistry and Lund University, Research field: Variations in the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere over millions of years, in order to better understand climate changes and the greenhouse effect. “Evidence on ocean floor illuminates changes in climate” http://www.wallenberg.com/kaw/node/378) Researchers at Lund University are mapping evidence in sediment at the bottom of the sea that is tens of millions of years old. This primordial geology can be tied to carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, something that can shed new light on the planet’s changes in climate.Many scientists around the world are eager to understand how the earth’s climate has changed throughout the time, and in this quest analyses of the weathering of rocks during millions of years play a key role, according to Daniel Conley, professor of biogeochemistry at Lund University.“Today we have only limited knowledge of how the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere has varied across long periods of time, and knowing more about this would be of great importance in achieving a detailed picture of the whole course of development.”Now, with the distinction of being named a Wallenberg Scholar, Daniel Conley has the opportunity to embark upon a new research project. The idea is to chart geological processes up to 542 million years back in time. There are in fact strong links between the weathering of rocks and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. When carbon dioxide moves from the atmosphere to the earth, a chemical process starts. Carbon dioxide affects the chemical composition of rocks, which begin to weather, transform and breakdown into elements dissolved in water. Therefore, the rate of decomposition of mineral types is an indication of how the carbon dioxide cycles function. But this is not the only knowledge that this research project can contribute. In the course of evolution, organisms emerged that use silicon dioxide their shells or supporting structutes. Many of these species are found at the bottom of the sea.“These include, among others, sponges and diatoms,” says Daniel Conley. “They take up enormous amounts of silicon dioxide and thereby change the concentration of silicon in the oceans. If there’s lots of silicon dioxide in the water, then they take up a lot, and vice versa. They can therefore be used as a litmus test to determine what the silicon concentration has looked like.” The findings thereby tell indirect tales about changes in carbon dioxide content, since the link is so strong between carbon and silicon. Analyzing fossils on the ocean floor To obtain reliable figures, these researchers are using different approaches. One method is to examine traces that lie hidden in fossils, on the bottom of the seas and in cliffs. Daniel Conley shows some pictures of fossils that are 45 million years old. “These are from drill cores in ocean sediment. We take something that looks like dirt, clean it, and find different organisms. They have different enzyme systems that have different capacities to take up silicon dioxide. Diatoms are very efficient, whereas the older sponges are very inefficient. No one has researched sponges in the past, and we believe that the key has been found to recreate the entire process.” Another approach is to analyze isotopes of silicon in various materials. What’s more, the scientists are creating models based on already gathered data that can show how the geochemical processes have developed throughout the ages. The grant from the Foundation now enables them also to carry out their own field studies. “We’re visiting the Okavango Delta in Botswana, among other sites. It’s a biological hotspot, a truly incredible environment.” What primarily interests Conley are ecosystems that are dominated by grasses. Grass takes up large amounts of silicon dioxide, so the project is also studying how the development of grassy areas has influenced the turnover of silicon dioxide over time. “Bamboo, which is actually a grass, consists of one fifth silicon dioxide. This explains why bamboo is so durable as a construction material.”“I was elated when I heard about the award. Now I’ll have five years of freedom to develop ideas I’ve been carrying around in my back pocket for several years. This is a tremendous opportunity and a great honor.” A broad observing system monitors climate change—key to prevention of further consequences of warming Smith 10 (Ryan Smith, Postdoctoral Research Assistant in the Robotics Embedded Systems Laboratory, Department of Computer Science at the University of Southern California, March 2010, “USC CINAP Builds Bridges”, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Robotics & Automation Magazine, pdf|| Alice) As a whole, the CINAPS network provides a small area of coverage in a larger global ocean observation initiative. Global ocean monitoring is vital to the future of mankind, as the ocean is a vast resource that provides transportation and food, as well as regulates the earth’s climate. Rising sea temperatures, overfishing, and pollution pose threats that need to be constantly measured and monitored. An integrated ocean observation system could provide early warning of storms ( e.g., hurricanes and tsunamis), safer maritime operations and conservation of fish stocks, as well as a collection of the vital signs of the ocean needed to monitor and assess long-term climate change . Starting in 2008, the National Science Foundation proposed to spend US$309.5 million more than six years to build an integrated ocean observatory network; an additional US$240 million will be spent on maintenance and operations [30]. This project will be managed by the scientistled Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Network (ORION), which will contract with oceanographic institutions and companies to build the separate pieces. As this project is in the initial stages, it is currently up to the individual institutions to raise money and construct regional observing systems, e.g., the CINAPS network. As more centers are constructed, we can integrate our center into a larger ocean observing network, aggregate our collected data, and contribute to the assessment of the world’s oceans. Currently, we are in collaboration with MBARI as well as the California Coastal Ocean Observing System (CCOOS), which contains the Northern, Central, and Southern (NCOOS, CenCOOS and SCCOOS, respectively) regional components. Ocean exploration resolves variability and data collection is necessary for long-term climate change assessments Abraham & Nuccitelli 14 (John Abraham, professor of thermal and fluid sciences at the University of St. Thomas School of Engineering, and Dana Nuccitelli, environmental scientist, 6/11/2014, “Scientists in focus – Lyman and Johnson explore the rapidly warming oceans”, http://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2014/jun/11/scientists-infocus-lyman-johnson || Alice) "Deep Argo! Most of the world oceans under 2000 meters are woefully under- sampled. Deep Argo will extend the Argo array to the bottom and for the first time we will be able to resolve most of the large-scale variability in the world’s oceans. We will be able to resolve how much heat is really going deep. There is also the added excitement of exploring an area of the world that so little is known about and being the first to describe it." While John has made many great contributions to the field, he is most fond of two items in particular. The first is a major study he had published in Nature that described and quantified warming of the oceans and another study that was written while a post-doc that used a simple stability model to describe tropical waves; these waves are important to the ENSO process. I put the same questions to Greg, an oceanographer at the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, and an affiliate professor with the University of Washington. He told me that he went into oceanography because he, “wanted to combine my interest in physics with my love of the sea. For the first decade or so of my career, I studied mostly ocean temperature, salinity, and currents, and their variability. However, as time has gone on, the importance to climate variations over seasons to millennia have become increasingly apparent, and important in my work.” Johnson's research is important because, "With the buildup of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, more energy enters the Earth environment than escapes. Over the last 4 decades, 93% of this energy imbalance has warmed the ocean, with about 3% warming the land, 3% melting ice, and 1% warming and adding moisture to the atmosphere. Warmed oceans also expand, raising sea level. Hence measuring how much the oceans are warming and where is important to understanding how much and how fast the Earth will warm and sea level will rise." Greg and his team collect much of their data using Conductivity-Temperature-Depth instruments (CTDs for short). They make accurate measurements of the ocean waters. The CTDs are positioned on autonomous floats (Argo floats), lowered on ship-borne cables, or even attached to marine animals. He also says, “In my research, I also use data from many other sources including sea level, sea-surface-temperature, sea-surface-salinity, winds, and even ocean mass variations from satellites. I also use current data from drifting buoys, Argo floats, and various types of current meters including acoustic Doppler instruments.” I asked Greg what his biggest scientific contribution has been and he responded, “The data my research group and I have worked to collect over the past three decades.” He's right; those data allow long-term assessments of the changes to the world’s waters . So why write about these oceanographers in my first SCIENTISTS IN FOCUS post? It is because, whenever someone asks me whether we can prove the world is warming, it is to the research of Greg, John, and their colleagues that I point them. The story of climate change is largely a story of the oceans. They are wide, deep, and hard to measure. But the painstaking work these scientists have undertaken has provided a remarkably good picture of the health of the oceans and a view toward the future of the planet. Increased oceanic data collection is the first step to respond to climate change McNutt 13 (Marcia McNutt, editor-in-chief of Science, 8/30/2013, “Accelerating Ocean Exploration”, Science journal, pdf || Alice) Last month, a distinguished group of ocean researchers and explorers convened in Long Beach, California, at the Aquarium of the Pacific to assess progress and future prospects in ocean exploration. Thirteen years ago, U.S. President Clinton challenged a similar group to provide a blueprint for ocean exploration and discovery. Since then, the fundamental rationale has not changed: to collect high-quality data on the physics, chemistry, biology, and geology of the oceans that can be used to answer known questions as well as those we do not yet know enough to pose, to develop new instruments and systems to explore the ocean in new dimensions, and to engage a new generation of youth in science and technology. Recently, however, exploration has taken on a more urgent imperative: to record the substantial changes occurring in largely undocumented regions of the ocean. With half of the ocean more than 10 kilometers from the nearest depth sounding, ecosystem function in the deep sea still a mystery, and no first-order baseline for many globally important ocean processes, the current pace of exploration is woefully inadequate to address this daunting task, especially as the planet responds to changes in climate. To meet this challenge, future ocean exploration must depart dramatically from the classical ship-based expeditions of the past devoted to mapping and sampling. As a first step, future exploration should make better use of autonomous platforms that are equipped with a broader array of in situ sensors, for lower-cost data gathering. Fortunately, new, more nimble, and easily deployed platforms are available, ranging from $200 kits for build-your-own remotely operated vehicles to long-range autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), solar-powered autonomous platforms, autonomous boats, AUVs that operate cooperatively in swarming behavior through the use of artificial intelligence, and gliders that can cross entire oceans. New in situ chemical and biological sensors allow the probing of ocean processes in real time in ways not possible if samples are processed later in laboratories. Exploration also would greatly benefit from improvements in telepresence. For expeditions that require ships (very distant from shore and requiring the return of complex samples), experts on shore can now “join” through satellite links, enlarging the pool of talent available to comment on the importance of discoveries as they happen and to participate in real-time decisions that affect expedition planning. This type of communication can enrich the critical human interactions that guide the discovery process on such expeditions. Observational data and modeling is key to understanding climate change— ocean exploration tech solves Yang 13 (Jun Yang, Associate Professor at the Center for Earth System Science at Tsinghua University, October 2013, “The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies”, Nature, pdf|| Alice) Observational data and model simulations are the foundations of our understanding of the climate system1. Satellite remote sensing (SRS) — which acquires information about the Earth’s surface, subsurface and atmosphere remotely from sensors on board satellites (including geodetic satellites) — is an important component of climate system observations. Since the first space observation of solar irradiance and cloud reflection was made with radiometers onboard the Vanguard-2 satellite in 19592, SRS has gradually become a leading research method in climate change studies3. The use of satellites allows the observation of states and processes of the atmosphere, land and ocean at several spatio-temporal scales. For instance, it is one of the most efficient approaches for monitoring land cover and its changes through time over a variety of spatial scales4,5. Satellite data are frequently used with climate models to simulate the dynamics of the climate system and to improve climate projections6. Satellite data also contribute significantly to the improvement of meteorological reanalysis products that are widely used for climate change research, for example, the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis7. The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) has listed 26 out of 50 essential climate variables (ECVs) as significantly dependent on satellite observations8. Data from SRS is also widely used for developing prevention, mitigation and adaptation measures to cope with the impact of climate change9. Disease Ocean exploration pioneers resistant antibiotics—solves public health NAS 7 (The National Academies, “Oceans and Human Health: Highlights of National Academies Reports,” http://dels.nas.edu/resources/static-assets/osb/miscellaneous/Oceans-Human-Health.pdf) The Ocean Is the Most Promising Frontier for Sources of New Drugs In 1945, a young organic chemist named Werner Bergmann set out to explore the waters off the coast of southern Florida. Among the marine organisms he scooped from the sand that day was a Caribbean sponge that would later be called Cryptotethya crypta. Back in his lab, Bergmann extracted a novel compound from this sponge that aroused his curiosity. The chemical Bergmann identified in this sponge, spongothymidine, eventually led to the development of a whole class of drugs that treat cancer and viral diseases and are still in use today. For example, Zidovudine (AZT) fights the AIDS virus, HIV, and cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) is used in the treatment of leukemias and lymphomas. Acyclovir speeds the healing of eczema and some herpes viruses. These are just a few examples of how the study of marine organisms contributes to the health of thousands of men, women, and children around the world. New antibiotics, in addition to new drugs for fighting cancer, inflammatory diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases (which often cannot be treated successfully today), are greatly needed. With drug resistance nibbling away at the once-full toolbox of antibiotics, the limited effectiveness of currently available drugs has dire consequences for public health. Historically, many medicines have come from nature—mostly from land-based natural organisms. Because scientists have nearly exhausted the supply of terrestrial plants, animals, and microorganisms that have interesting medical properties, new sources of drugs are needed. Occupying more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, the ocean is a virtually unexplored treasure chest of new and unidentified species—one of the last frontiers for sources of new natural products. These natural products are of special interest because of the dazzling diversity and uniqueness of the creatures that make the sea their home. One reason marine organisms are so interesting to scientists is because in adapting to the various ocean environments, they have evolved fascinating repertoires of unique chemicals to help them survive. For example, anchored to the seafloor, a sponge that protects itself from an animal trying to take over its space by killing the invader has been compared with the human immune system trying to kill foreign cancer cells. That same sponge, bathed in seawater containing millions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, some of which could be pathogens, has developed antibiotics to keep those pathogens under control. Those same antibiotics could be used to treat infections in humans. Sponges, in fact, are among the most prolific sources of diverse chemical compounds. An estimated 30 percent of all potential marine-derived medications currently in the pipeline—and about 75 percent of recently patented marinederived anticancer compounds—come from marine sponges. Marine-based microorganisms are another particularly rich source of new medicines. More than 120 drugs available today derive from land-based microbes. Scientists see marinebased microbes as the most promising source of novel medicines from the sea. In all, more than 20,000 biochemical compounds have been isolated from sea creatures since the 1980s. Because drug discovery in the marine frontier is a relatively young field, only a few marine-derived drugs are in use today. Many others are in the pipeline. One example is Prialt, a drug developed from the venom of a fish-killing cone snail. The cone snails produce neurotoxins to paralyze and kill prey; those neurotoxins are being developed as neuromuscular blocks for individuals with chronic pain, stroke, or epilepsy. Other marine derived drugs are being tested against herpes, asthma, and breast cancer. The National Research Council report Marine Biotechnology in the Twenty-First Century (2002) concluded that the exploration of unique habitats, such as deep-sea environments, and the isolation and culture of marine microorganisms offer two underexplored opportunities for discovery of novel chemicals with therapeutic potential. The successes to date, which are based upon a very limited investigation of both deep-sea organisms and marine microorganisms, suggest a high potential for continued discovery of new drugs. Marine algae increases tracking capability—mitigates disease breakout NAS 7 (The National Academies, “Oceans and Human Health: Highlights of National Academies Reports,” http://dels.nas.edu/resources/static-assets/osb/miscellaneous/Oceans-Human-Health.pdf) Better Tracking Can Help Prevent Human Exposure to Algal Toxins Scientists are now developing exciting new technologies for identifying algal blooms, including ways to spot them from space. Scientists have also been designing a number of promising tools to detect the presence of algal toxins rapidly and to track their route of transfer throughout the environment. Being able to predict when a harmful algal bloom will become dangerous for humans would make health officials better prepared to make management decisions that protect the public from exposure, such as temporary beach and fishing closures. Epidemiology—the study of the occurrences of diseases in populations—can be used to identify disease “hot spots.” By investigating what sick people have in common, scientists can often trace the cause of the problem, such as an algal bloom, and warn the public accordingly. Without such warnings, people can become ill and not know why. In many cases, illnesses related to marine toxins go unreported. Epidemiological studies also alert the medical community to the presence of harmful algal blooms or other events so they recognize the symptoms in their patients. From Monsoons to Microbes concludes that there is a need both to document the incidence of toxin-related illness in coastal areas and among travelers who visit high-risk areas and to train public health authorities in coastal states to recognize and respond to toxin-related illnesses. Tracking has been most useful in cases where the acute effects from toxic algae resulted in a cluster of illnesses. It is also important to consider sublethal or subsymptomatic effects that can result from low-level exposure to toxic algae, which are only now being studied and understood. Science Diplomacy Solves Proliferation Science diplomacy key to non-prolif – cooperation catalyzes the necessary political conditions Davison et al. 10 (Niel, PhD, Senior Policy Adviser in the Science Policy Centre at the Royal Society; Koppelman Ben, Senior Policy Adviser in the Science Policy Centre at the Royal Society; Tannenbaum, Benn, PhD, Program Director, Center for Science, Technology and Security Policy. Royal Society, March 2010. royalsociety.org/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=4294970228) JM Despite political challenges, progress can still be made through international cooperation on the scientific aspects of disarmament. Investing in such research has diplomatic benefits by providing concrete evidence of Nuclear Weapon States taking seriously their obligations to pursue disarmament under the NPT. This cooperation could catalyse the political conditions necessary for multilateral disarmament by helping to build much needed trust between states . Since all states will be stakeholders in any future disarmament process, international cooperation must also include NonNuclear Weapon States from the outset to ensure the transparency of this process. The scientific community often works beyond national boundaries on problems of common interest and so is well-placed to help prepare the foundations for future multilateral negotiations .1 The timescale for complete nuclear disarmament will be long, and so focusing now on the detailed challenges of the final stages of the process may be premature. A more practical approach might be to establish the scientific requirements of a monitoring and verification system to support future negotiations, especially when this can produce tangible and immediate improvements to international security. Scientific cooperation is also essential in related nonproliferation and arms control areas to ensure that new instabilities are not introduced that could undermine nuclear disarmament. This includes research into: managing the civilian nuclear fuel cycle; improving the physical security of nuclear material and facilities; verifying a Fissile Material CutOff Treaty; and strengthening the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Given the growing political momentum for nuclear arms control and disarmament, the scientific community has an opportunity to advise the international community about this research and the cooperation needed to carry it out. Disarmament laboratories have the potential to develop a truly international approach. They could help facilitate exchange not just between states; but also between government, industry and academia so that the latest scientific advances can be integrated into the development of solutions to the challenges that lie ahead. Solves Conflict Science diplomacy is key to collaborating with adversaries despite political tensions Park 12 (Madison Park, reporter for CNN International, 4/18/2012, “Using science to bring together enemies”, http://www.cnn.com/2012/04/18/health/north-korea-science-diplomacy|| Alice) (CNN) -- While tensions remain high between the United States and North Korea, the relationship is more cordial between their scientists. Scientists from both nations are collaborating via nongovernmental organizations and universities on projects ranging from tuberculosis research and deforestation issues to digital information technology. The idea behind science diplomacy is to build bridges and relationships through research and academics despite political tensions. This month, a delegation of North Korean economic experts visited Silicon Valley to see various American businesses and academic institutions such as Stanford University. It may seem like a bizarre concept that two countries, at odds with each other, would share scientific knowledge. But science diplomacy existed between the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War, as researchers cooperated on nuclear issues, space missions and technology. And this practice continues, with U.S. scientists working with academics and researchers from adversarial states like Iran, Cuba and North Korea. "A group of us who believe in science diplomacy, believe that it is useful to find people in those countries with whom you can find something in common, with whom you can discuss and can perhaps cooperate in areas not strategic, military or defenserelated ," said Dr. Norman Neureiter, senior adviser to the Center for Science, Technology and Security Policy, which is part of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing science. Solves Climate Change + Prolif Science diplomacy responds to climate change and prevents nuclear prolif Espy 13 (Nicole Espy, PhD candidate in Biological Sciences of Public Health at Harvard University, 2/18/2013, “Science and Diplomacy”, http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2013/science-and-diplomacy|| Alice) Science as a topic of Diplomacy Science is at the heart of many international diplomatic discussions. For example, nuclear research has been a hot topic in international politics for the past 60 years. Nuclear research has enabled us to harness the power of nuclear fission for nuclear energy, but it has also resulted in the creation of nuclear arms that have led to a great deal of destruction. To ensure nuclear research continues in a safe and responsible manner, nations have worked together to develop a system of oversight and accountability. These diplomatic efforts have resulted in the establishment of the International Atomic Energy Agency, whose early slogan was “Atoms for Peace.” This agency provides technical guidelines and assistance to countries for safe use of tools and techniques involving nuclear and radioactive materials. It also attempts to make public the development of nuclear arms programs in countries around the world so that other world leaders can take appropriate action. The International Atomic Energy Agency is a model for how scientists and policy makers can share information and work toward shared interests. Climate change is another major driver of international diplomatic negotiations. The impact of climate change on people’s lives is largely unpredictable and non-uniform across different regions. In response, national leaders similarly vary in their willingness to consent to international agreements concerning means to cut green house gas emissions. While the scientific consensus is that greenhouse-gas emissions are a major cause of global warming, the debate surrounding climate change at the global diplomatic level concerns the methods that should be employed to slow global warming and which countries should carry the brunt of the socioeconomic responsibility Solves Stuff Science diplomacy improves scientific tools and facilitates intellectual exchange—this increases US soft power—prevents nuclear prolif and responds to climate change Espy 13 (Nicole Espy, PhD candidate in Biological Sciences of Public Health at Harvard University, 2/18/2013, “Science and Diplomacy”, http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2013/science-and-diplomacy|| Alice) Diplomacy to improve science Sometimes diplomacy is used to make new scientific tools available and to facilitate intellectual exchange . After the Second World War, European scientists in the field of nuclear physics imagined an organization that would increase collaboration across Europe and coordinate cost sharing for the building and maintenance of the facilities this research required. This idea resulted in the formation of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN. The political negotiations to manage the shared operating costs and the use of CERN facilities, like the Large Hadron Collider, by over half of the world’s physicists from many different nations and academic institutions are now carried out within the CERN framework to manage the shared operating costs and the use of the facilities, like the Large Hadron Collider, by over half of the world’s physicists. This use of diplomacy has enabled many important discoveries, including the most recent discovery of the Higgs Boson. Other organizations that are the result of global collaboration include ITER, former known as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, for the development of nuclear fusion for energy production , the Square Kilometre Array for the design of the world’s largest radio telescope, and the International Space Station for space exploration. All of the above organizations have helped scientists overcome technical (and financial) challenges in their respective fields that they would not have surmounted on their own. Science to improve Diplomacy Beyond the contentious subjects of nuclear proliferation and climate change, science can be a tool to improve diplomatic relations between conflicting nations . The former Dean of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University Dr. Joseph Nye, Jr., noted that “ soft power,” such as international cultural and intellectual collaborations between international groups, helps maintain a positive global attitude between participating nations and can result in favorable political alliances. Scientific collaborations are a powerful example of soft power, since science is internationally respected as an impartial endeavor. The United States is using science as soft power in its diplomatic relations between Yemen, North Korea, and others. Yemen currently suffers from multiple social and environmental issues, including a large influx of African refugees, displaced Yemenis due to internal conflict, and a disappearing water supply. Each person in Yemen is estimated to have access to only 136 cubic meters of freshwater per person, well below the “water poverty line” set by the United Nations Development Program at 1000 cubic meters per person. This large gap can only be overcome with improvements in water technology that are innovative and sustainable. Toward this end, American and Yemeni scientists, engineers and students met last summer in Jordan, another water poor country, for a conference hosted by the Middle East Scientific Institute for Security to discuss strategies for better water management and to establish collaborations. While limited in impact, this conference was an indirect way for the US to practically demonstrate its support for the people of Yemen and to shift favor away from Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, an affiliate of the international Al-Qaeda terrorist network. Thus, meetings like this, in conjunction with political support, military support and development aid, are a part of the US’s efforts to improve diplomatic ties with Yemen, as well as combat the spreading influence of extremist groups. As was the case for the conception of CERN, the Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME) is the result of interest among Middle Eastern nuclear physicists to have a local laboratory dedicated to the nuclear science. The construction of SESAME in Jordan will bring scientists in the region much closer to facilities similar to those found at institutions like CERN. While SESAME necessitated diplomacy for scientific advancement, the scientific leadership involved in establishing SESAME set the stage for the unlikely diplomatic relations between Iran, Palestine, and Israel, among others. This practical collaboration for the pursuit of science has the unique potential to ease the hostilities between these countries. It also serves as an example of how scientists can make an impact beyond their respective fields. Traditionally, science training does not include instruction on how to engage with the public or with politicians. But in our increasingly globalized world, environmental and technological issues are shared problems. These problems require scientists to share their knowledge with the public, politicians, and colleagues in their own countries and others around the world. It requires science itself to be a more international endeavor. Used properly, science and diplomacy can complement each other and help tackle the many problems facing our world today. STEM - Competitiveness Advantage 1: Competitiveness Ocean exploration is key to US economic competitiveness Cousteau 12 [Philippe, special correspondent for CNN, “Why exploring the ocean is mankind's next giant leap,” March 13th, http://lightyears.blogs.cnn.com/2012/03/13/why-exploring-the-ocean-ismankinds-next-giant-leap/, accessed 6/15, AR] A new era of ocean exploration can yield discoveries that will help inform everything from critical medical advances to sustainable forms of energy. Consider that AZT, an early treatment for HIV, is derived from a Caribbean reef sponge, or that a great deal of energy - from offshore wind, to OTEC (ocean thermal energy conservation), to wind and wave energy - is yet untapped in our oceans. Like unopened presents under the tree, the ocean is a treasure trove of knowledge. In addition, such discoveries will have a tremendous impact on economic growth by creating jobs as well as technologies and goods. In addition to new discoveries, we also have the opportunity to course correct when it comes to stewardship of our oceans. Research and exploration can go hand in glove with resource management and conservation. Over the last several decades, as the United States has been exploring space, we’ve exploited and polluted our oceans at an alarming rate without dedicating the needed time or resources to truly understand the critical role they play in the future of the planet. It is not trite to say that the oceans are the life support system of this planet, providing us with up to 70 percent of our oxygen, as well as a primary source of protein for billions of people, not to mention the regulation of our climate. Despite this life-giving role, the world has fished, mined and trafficked the ocean's resources to a point where we are actually seeing dramatic changes that is seriously impacting today's generations. And that impact will continue as the world's population approaches 7 billion people, adding strain to the world’s resources unlike any humanity has ever had to face before. In the long term, destroying our ocean resources is bad business with devastating consequences for the global economy, and the health and sustainability of all creatures - including humans. Marine spatial planning, marine sanctuaries, species conservation, sustainable fishing strategies, and more must be a part of any ocean exploration and conservation program to provide hope of restoring health to our oceans. While there is still much to learn and discover through space exploration, we also need to pay attention to our unexplored world here on earth. Our next big leap into the unknown can be every bit as exciting and bold as our pioneering work in space. It possesses the same "wow" factor: alien worlds, dazzling technological feats and the mystery of the unknown. The United States has the scientific muscle, the diplomatic know-how and the entrepreneurial spirit to lead the world in exploring and protecting our ocean frontier. Inherency/Solvency: More Ev Fund NOAA Solvency No Exploration Now b/c no funding US is neglecting ocean exploration in the status quo – the resources and framework already exist McClain 12 [Craig, National Evolutionary Synthesis Center Assistant Director of Science, & Alistair, Australian marine biologist, 10/16, Deep Sea News, “We Need an Ocean NASA Now Pt.1”, http://deepseanews.com/2012/10/we-need-an-ocean-nasa-now-pt-1/, accessed 7/16/14, AR] Whether giant fish or giant crustaceans, are opportunities to uncover the ocean’s mysteries are quickly dwindling.¶ The Ghost of Ocean Science Present¶ Our nation faces a pivotal moment in exploration of the oceans. The most remote regions of the deep oceans should be more accessible now than ever due to engineering and technological advances. What limits our exploration of the oceans is not imagination or technology but funding. We as a society started to make a choice: to deprioritize ocean exploration and science.¶ In general, science in the U.S. is poorly funded; while the total number of dollars spent here is large, we only rank 6th in world in the proportion of gross domestic product invested into research. The outlook for ocean science is even bleaker. In many cases, funding of marine science and exploration, especially for the deep sea, are at historical lows. In others, funding remains stagnant, despite rising costs of equipment and personnel.¶ The Joint Ocean Commission Initiative, a committee comprised of leading ocean scientists, policy makers, and former U.S. secretaries and congressmen, gave the grade of D- to funding of ocean science in the U.S. Recently the Obama Administration proposed to cut the National Undersea Research Program (NURP) within NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a move supported by the Senate. In NOAA’s own words, “NOAA determined that NURP was a lower-priority function within its portfolio of research activities.” Yet, NURP is one of the main suppliers of funding and equipment for ocean exploration, including both submersibles at the Hawaiian Underwater Research Laboratory and the underwater habitat Aquarius. This cut has come despite an overall request for a 3.1% increase in funding for NOAA. Cutting NURP saves a meager $4,000,000 or 1/10 of NOAA’s budget and 1,675 times less than we spend on the Afghan war in just one month.¶ One of the main reasons NOAA argues for cutting funding of NURP is “that other avenues of Federal funding for such activities might be pursued.” However, “other avenues” are fading as well. Some funding for ocean exploration is still available through NOAA’s Ocean Exploration Program. However, the Office of Ocean Exploration, the division that contains NURP, took the second biggest cut of all programs (-16.5%) and is down 33% since 2009. Likewise, U.S. Naval funding for basic research has also diminished.¶ The other main source of funding for deep-sea science in the U.S. is the National Science Foundation which primarily supports biological research through the Biological Oceanography Program. Funding for science within this program remains stagnant, funding larger but fewer grants. This trend most likely reflects the ever increasing costs of personnel, equipment, and consumables which only larger projects can support. Indeed, compared to rising fuel costs, a necessity for oceanographic vessels, NSF funds do not stretch as far as even a decade ago.¶ Shrinking funds and high fuel costs have also taken their toll on The University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) which operates the U.S. public research fleet. Over the last decade, only 80% of available ship days were supported through funding. Over the last two years the gap has increasingly widened, and over the last ten years operations costs increased steadily at 5% annually. With an estimated shortfall of $12 million, the only solution is to reduce the U.S. research fleet size. Currently this is expected to be a total of 6 vessels that are near retirement, but there is no plan of replacing these lost ships.¶ The situation in the U.S. contrasts greatly with other countries. The budget for the Japanese Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) continues to increase, although much less so in recent years. The 2007 operating budget for the smaller JAMSTEC was $527 million, over $100 million dollars more than the 2013 proposed NOAA budget. Likewise, China is increasing funding to ocean science over the next five years and has recently succeeded in building a new deep-sea research and exploration submersible, the Jiaolong. The only deep submersible still operating in the US is the DSV Alvin, originally built in 1968. NOAA doesn’t have the budget that it needs for exploration Conathan (Director of Ocean Policy for the Center for American Progress) June 20, 2013(Michael, “Space Exploration Dollars Dwarf Ocean Spending”, News Watch, http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2013/06/20/space-exploration-dollars-dwarf-oceanspending/) “Star Trek” would have us believe that space is the final frontier, but with apologies to the armies of Trekkies, their oracle might be a tad off base. Though we know little about outer space, we still have plenty of frontiers to explore here on our home planet. And they’re losing the race of discovery. Hollywood giant James Cameron, director of mega-blockbusters such as “Titanic” and “Avatar,” brought this message to Capitol Hill last week, along with the single-seat submersible that he used to become the third human to journey to the deepest point of the world’s oceans—the Marianas Trench. By contrast, more than 500 people have journeyed into space—including Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL), who sits on the committee before which Cameron testified—and 12 people have actually set foot on the surface of the moon. All it takes is a quick comparison of the budgets for NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, to understand why space exploration is outpacing its ocean counterpart by such a wide margin. In fiscal year 2013 NASA’s annual exploration budget was roughly $3.8 billion. That same year, total funding for everything NOAA does—fishery management, weather and climate forecasting, ocean research and management, among many other programs—was about $5 billion, and NOAA’s Office of Exploration and Research received just $23.7 million. Something is wrong with this picture. House budget for NOAA cuts funding for key exploratory functions Woglom 5/8 (Emily Woglom is Vice President, Conservation Policy and Programs, for Ocean Conservancy. Ocean Conservancy “House of Representatives Ignores Calls for Investments in Our Ocean and the People that Depend on It”http://blog.oceanconservancy.org/2014/05/08/house-of-representatives-ignores-calls-for-investments-in-our-ocean-and-thepeople-that-depend-on-it/ 5/8/14) Just a few months ago, President Obama called for a much-needed boost in federal funding for our ocean. The U.S. House of Representatives, however, has refused to stand up and answer that call. The House’s proposed funding bill for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which was released this week ignores needed investments in critical areas of ocean science and conservation, and would even take steps backward, decreasing the amount of funding for our ocean from current levels. Overall, the bill fails to provide $22.7 million for the National Ocean Service and $46.6 million for the National Marine Fisheries Service that NOAA has requested – a total loss of nearly $70 million for our oceans, and $24.5 million below current funding levels. A closer look reveals that the House proposal: Fails to increase investment in ocean acidification research to improve our understanding of acidification impacts on vulnerable communities and businesses—and to devel-op tools and strategies to tackle the economic, on-the-ground impacts. Fails to fund Regional Coastal Resilience Grants that could help build resilient coastal communities that are prepared to face changing ocean conditions, economic conditions, and major events, such as Superstorm Sandy, that threaten people’s businesses, livelihoods, homes and way of life. Fails to invest in improvements to oil spill response capacity in the Arctic, where no demonstrated technology or technique exists to respond effectively to an oil spill in icy waters. The House also fails to increase funding for the Arctic Observing Network to track and understand profound changes in the Arctic. Guts funding for climate change science to the tune of nearly $40 million below current levels, and nearly $70 million below the amount NOAA says we need. This means that that funding for many much-needed activities would be at risk, from baseline science and data collection on climate and weather, to cuttingedge research on extreme events — like heat waves, droughts — and how our communities and businesses can best prepare for them. Experts agree that we need to invest in our ocean now to support its health and productivity in the future. For example, Secretary of State John Kerry is hosting a major international conference called “Our Ocean” in June to bring together government officials, scientists, and industry representatives from all over the world to determine how to address marine issues in a way that will make a difference in people’s lives. At the same time, efforts like the XPrize Ocean Initiative are leveraging private sector dollars and innovation to answer key questions about our ocean and advance solutions. The House will pass this funding bill through Committee today, and likely vote on it later this month. The Obama administration and millions of coastal residents and businesses understand the importance of smart investments in the health and productivity of our ocean. We hope to see the Senate take responsible action when they produce their own budget for consideration. K2: Generic Ocean Exploration Exploration is decreasing as funds go down Gonzalez (Senior Editor) 3.19.12 (Robert, “James Cameron says today's ocean exploration is “piss poor.” He's right.”, IO9, http://io9.com/5894566/james-cameron-says-the-current-state-of-ocean-explorationis-piss-poor-hes-right) The lack of knowledge surrounding the oceans' depths isn't particularly surprising when you realize that funding for deep sea research has been dwindling for years. And according to Craig McClain — chief editor at Deep Sea News, and a deep sea researcher, himself — more cuts to deep sea funding are imminent. McClain says that John R. Smith, the Science Director at the Hawai'i Undersea Research Laboratory, recently sent out an email notifying the community that NOAA has zeroed out funding for the Undersea Research Program (NURP) for FY13 beginning Oct 1, 2012, and put all the centers on life support funding (or less) for the current year. Many other NOAA programs, mostly extramural ones, have been cut to some level, though it appears only NURP and another have had their funding zeroed out completely. McClain says that what's especially striking about this "is that within the FY13 NOAA Budget, the Office of Ocean Exploration [the division that contains NURP] took the second biggest cut of all programs (-16.5%). Sadly, the biggest cut came to education programs (-55.1%)." With any luck, Cameron's efforts will go a long way in piquing public interest in deep sea research. (We know, for example, that Pandora's oceans will feature prominently in the Avatar sequel, and that Cameron has even toyed with the idea of filming parts of the movie in the Marianas Trench.) Doug Bartlett, a marine microbiologist at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography and Cameron's chief scientist for the dive, thinks that the mission will help get kids "dreaming of the possibility of going into engineering and oceanography and all sorts of science fields." But Cameron says that reversing the decline of deep sea research will take more than his expedition, alone. K2: Mapping Increase in funding is key to ocean mapping Adams(Bachelor of Science in Journalism from the University of Florida and a Master of Arts in Environmental Studies from Brown University)March 25, 2014(Alexandra, “A Blue Budget Beyond Sequester: Taking care of our oceans”, Switch Board, http://switchboard.nrdc.org/blogs/aadams/a_blue_budget_beyond_sequester.html) Unfortunately, some critical programs won’t get what they need this year. This year’s budget cuts funding for Ocean Exploration and Research by $7 million. This funding has supported exploration by the research vessel Okeanos of deep sea corals and other marine life in the submarine canyons and seamounts off the MidAtlantic and New England coasts that fisheries managers and ocean conservation groups, including NRDC, are working to protect. Even though funds are stretched, shortchanging exploration and research will lead to weaker protections for species and resources that are already under stress. While we often think about all of the cutting edge science and data NOAA provides us, we often forget that it takes experts and assets to bring us those benefits. To address this, the budget includes an increase for NOAA’s corporate functions and agency management. From forecasting the days’ weather, to protecting our nation’s fish stocks and helping vulnerable areas prepare for climate change, NOAA can only provide us these services if it has the capacity and support it needs to fulfill its vital missions. The news is largely better for NOAA programs after damaging sequester cuts, though we are still not nearly where we need to be to ensure the best outcomes for our marine resources. Congress now has the opportunity to fund NOAA under the President’s Budget to bring us closer to retaining the benefit of plentiful fisheries, cutting edge science to help us adapt to climate change, environmental intelligence to help ensure healthy oceans and many other critical services. After the damaging impacts of sequester, it’s time to find our way to a budget that can support all we demand from our oceans, while protecting them for future generations. AT: NOAA Bad Ocean exploration 2020 conference disproves all of their claims about NOAA Edwards, 13 (Andrew, Press-Telegram staff writer, “Aquarium of the Pacific forum produces new report to guide ocean exploration,” http://www.presstelegram.com/science/20130925/aquarium-of-thepacific-forum-produces-new-report-to-guide-ocean-exploration, 9/25/13, AW) Marine explorers and scientists who gathered this past summer at Aquarium of the Pacific published a report Wednesday outlining imperatives to explore polar waters, to study ocean acidification and to develop a national policy to guide ocean exploration. “A strong commitment to ocean exploration and research is an opportunity, an urgent necessity, and an issue of national security,” the report states. “Every ocean exploration expedition yields new data and information, often new species, and sometimes entirely new ecosystems.” The report is the outcome of the Ocean Exploration 2020 Conference that took place in July at the Aquarium of the Pacific. More than 110 experts attended the meeting. The meeting was the “first time the community came together to tell the federal government that this is what needs to happen,” said Jerry Schubel, Aquarium of the Pacific president. Only 5 to 10 percent of the planet’s oceans have been explored, according to the report. The document outlines several priorities that those who attended the July meeting chose as the best means to explore more of the ocean . They include the increased exploration of Arctic and Antarctic waters, studying ocean acidification, developing at least one dedicated federal vessel for ocean exploration, encouraging the cooperation between governmental and private entities interested in ocean exploration and focusing on autonomous vehicles — not requiring human occupants — to explore the world beneath the waves. Essays included in the report, respectively authored by Marcia McNutt, editor in chief of Science, and retired Navy Admiral Paul G. Gaffney note that increased study of the polar regions could provide new knowledge relevant to the understanding of climate issues and submarine operations. Federal law requires the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which is part of the Commerce Department, to develop a national ocean exploration program. July’s meeting at the aquarium was part of that process. “We’re pretty excited about the results,” said David McKinnie, NOAA’s senior advisor for its Office of Exploration and Research, calling the report a road map to guide future research. The report also called for acceptance of the work of citizen explorers, a broad classification that McKinnie said could range from the likes of filmmaker James Cameron to less famous people with the interest and capability to build technology to observe the underwater world. The Squo No Exploration Now – Generic NOAA is supposed to do ocean research CCST (Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation) October 11, 2004 (House Bill, http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CRPT-108srpt400/html/CRPT-108srpt400.htm) The purpose of S. 2280, the National Ocean Exploration Program Act, is to establish a national ocean exploration program within NOAA and authorize appropriations for the program for fiscal years 2005 through 2016. The program's main purpose would be to explore the oceans to ``benefit, inform, and inspire'' the American people, while facilitating the discovery of new living and non-living resources, documenting shipwrecks and submerged archaeological sites, and encouraging the growth of new technologies. The bill would also establish an interagency task force to coordinate Federal and non- government cooperation. Background and Needs Ocean exploration has encompassed charting ocean depth and bathymetry and identifying and studying marine organisms. Although ocean exploration has occurred since the 1800s, only 5 percent of the ocean floor has been explored to date and scientific understanding of undersea environments remains cursory. Current ocean exploration excursions continue to probe uncharted territory and locate and identify new species and resources, ranging from hydrothermal vents and deep sea corals to shipwrecks and other cultural artifacts. The potential for identifying new and profitable energy sources and biomedical resources in the oceans is significant, but it remains largely untapped. Progress has generally been limited due to the Federal government's narrow focus and limited financial and other support for ocean exploration. For decades, the ocean science, research, and education communities have called for strengthening Federal ocean exploration programs and priorities in order to fill critical scientific knowledge gaps, develop potential economic resources, and inspire greater ocean literacy among the general public. The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy's (the Ocean Commission) final report to Congress, released on September 20, 2004, reiterated these needs. Within its report, the Ocean Commission highlighted the need for a strong, comprehensive ocean exploration program, citing the persistent call for a national program from various commissions and expert panels since the 1970s. Ocean is being ignored in favour of space Mangu-Ward(managing editor of Reason magazine and a Future Tense fellow at the New America Foundation) September 4, 2013(Katherine, “Is the Ocean the Real Final Frontier?”, Slate, http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2013/09/sea_vs_space_which_is_the_real_fin al_frontier.html) We shall not cease from exploration and the end of our exploring shall be to return where we started and know the place for the first time That tidbit of T.S. Eliot is stolen from Graham Hawkes, a submarine designer who really, really loves the ocean. Hawkes is famous for hollering, “Your rockets are pointed in the wrong goddamn direction!” at anyone who suggests that space is the Final Frontier. The deep sea, he contends, is where we should be headed: The unexplored oceans hold mysteries more compelling, environments more challenging, and life-forms more bizarre than anything the vacuum of space has to offer. Plus, it’s cheaper to go down than up. (You can watch his appealingly arrogant TED talk on the subject here. Is Hawkes right? Should we all be crawling back into the seas from which we came? Ocean exploration is certainly the underdog, so to speak, in the sea vs. space face-off. There’s no doubt that the general public considers space the sexier realm. The occasional James Cameron joint aside, there’s much more cultural celebration of space travel, exploration, and colonization than there is of equivalent underwater adventures. In a celebrity death match between Captain Kirk and Jacques Cousteau, Kirk is going to kick butt every time. In fact, the rivalry can feel a bit lopsided—the chess club may consider the football program a competitor for funds and attention, but the jocks aren’t losing much sleep over the price of pawns and cheerleaders rarely turn out for chess tournaments. But somehow the debate rages on in dorm rooms, congressional committee rooms, and Internet chat rooms. No Funding for NOAA – Generic NOAA lacks funding now—cuts have grown exponentially Woglom 13 (Emily Woglom is Vice President, Conservation Policy and Programs, for Ocean Conservancy. Ocean Conservancy ”Three Questions to Ask About NOAA’s Funding” http://blog.oceanconservancy.org/2013/07/09/three-questions-to-ask-aboutnoaas-funding/ Jul 9 2013) This week in Congress, the House of Representatives will put forth a bill to fund the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for the 2014 fiscal year. We saw earlier this year that President Obama’s 2014 budget for NOAA would provide a bright future for our ocean, but the funding bill in the House paints a much grimmer picture. How will you know whether the bill will support a healthy ocean? Here are three questions to ask: 1. NOAA’s topline budget: does it cover the costs? Despite being one of the most important agencies to our ocean, NOAA has faced significant funding cuts in recent years, and it is likely that the House will attempt to steeply cut NOAA’s budget again this year. With the sequestration, NOAA’s budget is already hovering at 13 percent below the current request for $5.4 billion. This bill could demand even lower numbers. NOAA’s mission of protecting, restoring and managing our ocean and coasts is vitally important to our ocean and coastal economies, which contribute more than $258 billion annually to the nation’s gross domestic product and support 2.7 million jobs through fisheries and seafood production, tourism, recreation, transportation and construction. Adequate funding for NOAA is critically important to the health of our nation’s ocean and coasts, and the economies and communities that depend on them. Cutting resources will cost us—now and in the future. 2. Is there balance between NOAA’s wet and dry missions? NOAA has been tasked with a broad range of duties, from the National Weather Service and weather satellite programs (dry side) to the National Ocean Service and ocean and coastal programs (wet side). Congress must maintain balanced investments across NOAA’s missions. Americans shouldn’t have to choose between weather satellites and ocean and coastal resources that support and protect our coastal economies and communities. We simply need both. One example of the importance of NOAA’s “wet side” programs is the role they play in disaster preparedness and mitigation. Coastal wetland buffer zones in the United States are estimated to provide $23.2 billion per year in storm protection, and a single acre of wetland can store 1 to 1.5 million gallons of floodwaters or storm surge. In addition, ocean and coastal observations and monitoring supports severe storm tracking and weather forecasting systems, which greatly reduce the cost of natural disaster preparation, evacuation and mitigation. We know that disasters, both natural and man-made, will strike our shores again. Let’s ensure we’re better prepared. 3. Does the bill attack the National Ocean Policy? In past years, attempts have been made to use NOAA’s funding bill to attack the National Ocean Policy. The policy is about balance, good governance and ensuring long-term sustainability for our ocean economy and ocean environment. Without creating new regulations, the National Ocean Policy calls for federal agencies to coordinate their ocean activities and leverage limited resources to more efficiently carry out activities like mapping and monitoring. Attacks on the National Ocean Policy risk ongoing conflict and uncertainty for our nation’s ocean and coasts. In addition, because the National Ocean Policy focuses on coordinating existing laws and services, there is a risk that attacks on it could affect programs that communities currently rely on. This could even harm plans critical to Superstorm Sandy recovery and restoration efforts in places like the Gulf of Mexico and the Chesapeake Bay. Investing in our ocean will benefit coastal ecosystems and the economies they support. If we shortchange NOAA, we shortchange the communities that rely on the ocean. Congress must ensure that the funding levels match the importance of NOAA’s tasks at hand. NOAA Research and Exploration department is only given 23.7 million a year Conathan( Director of Ocean Policy at American Progress)5/18/2013(Michael, “Rockets Top Submarines: Space Exploration Dollars Dwarf Ocean Spending”, Center for American Progress, http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/news/2013/06/18/66956/rockets-top-submarinesspace-exploration-dollars-dwarf-ocean-spending/) Hollywood giant James Cameron, director of mega-blockbusters such as “Titanic” and “Avatar,” brought this message to Capitol Hill last week, along with the single-seat submersible that he used to become the third human to journey to the deepest point of the world’s oceans—the Marianas Trench. By contrast, more than 500 people have journeyed into space—including Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL), who sits on the committee before which Cameron testified—and 12 people have actually set foot on the surface of the moon. All it takes is a quick comparison of the budgets for NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, to understand why space exploration is outpacing its ocean counterpart by such a wide margin. In fiscal year 2013 NASA’s annual exploration budget was roughly $3.8 billion. That same year, total funding for everything NOAA does—fishery management, weather and climate forecasting, ocean research and management, among many other programs—was about $5 billion, and NOAA’s Office of Exploration and Research received just $23.7 million. Something is wrong with this picture. Space travel is certainly expensive. But as Cameron proved with his dive that cost approximately $8 million, deep-sea exploration is pricey as well. And that’s not the only similarity between space and ocean travel: Both are dark, cold, and completely inhospitable to human life. No Funding – Climate Specific Specifically—significant cuts for climate change research Valentine 3/29 (Katie Valentine is a reporter for Climate Progress. Previously, she interned with American Progress in the Energy department, doing research on international climate policy and contributing to Climate Progress. Katie graduated from the University of Georgia in 2012 with a bachelor of arts in journalism and a minor in ecology. While in school, she wrote for UGA’s student newspaper, The Red & Black, and was a contributing editor for UGAzine. She also interned at Creative Loafing, Points North, and in UGA’s Office of Sustainability. “One House Republican’s Latest Plan To Undermine Climate Research” http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/03/29/3420703/noaa-bill-more-weather-research/ Mar 29 2014) After years of attempts at cutting the agency’s funding, House Republicans want the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to focus more on predicting storms and less on studying climate change. The House is set to vote next week on a bill that would force NOAA to prioritize its forecasting over its climate research. The bill, introduced last June by Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), wouldn’t require NOAA to stop its climate research, but it would require the agency to “prioritize weather-related activities, including the provision of improved weather data, forecasts, and warnings for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the national economy.” Among other things, it would direct the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, NOAA’s research and development arm which studies weather, climate and other environmental forces, to create new weather programs, including one focused on tornado warnings. Bridenstine, whose home state of Oklahoma was ravaged by severe tornadoes last year, said that the bill’s intent was to “protect lives and property by shifting funds from climate change research to severe weather forecasting research.” But though scientists are still trying to determine what, if any, impact climate change has on tornadoes, science has shown that climate change is a driver of other forms of extreme weather. Bridenstine is also a known climate denier who last year asked President Obama to apologize to Oklahoma for investing in climate change research. “We know that Oklahoma will have tornadoes when the cold jet stream meets the warm Gulf air, and we also know that this President spends 30 times as much money on global warming research as he does on weather forecasting and warning,” he said. Congress has tried to influence what NOAA spends its time and money on in the past, but it hasn’t always been in line with a pro-weather research agenda. In 2011, a House-passed bill cut funding for NOAA satellite programs, which play a key role in weather forecasting, and in 2012, Republican lawmakers proposed further cuts to the satellite program. NOAA was also hit by last summer’s across-the-board sequester cuts, which forced NOAA to furlough employees so it could keep its weather forecasting and satellite operations intact. Already, NOAA spends more on weather forecasting than it does on climate research. In 2013, NOAA spent about $742 million on local weather warnings and forecasts, compared to the $108 million it spent on ocean, coastal and Great Lakes research and $176 million it spent on climate research. And though the link between climate change and severe weather has grown clearer, NOAA has called for more research into the potential link between climate change and tornadoes, which is not as well understood. NOAA Funding Requests NOAA funding requests an increase of at least 12 million for climate observations and mapping. NOAA 2014 (FY 2014 budget summary, http://www.corporateservices.noaa.gov/nbo/fy14_bluebook/FINALnoaaBlueBook_2014_Web_Full.pdf) Ocean Coastal and Great Lakes Research Laboratories and Cooperative Institutes: NOAA requests an increase of $1,505,000 and 0 FTE to fund grant opportunities for Cooperative Institutes to identify new methods of addressing scientific questions that define NOAA’s mission goals in ocean, coasts, weather, and climate. Ocean research and observation systems are the basis for predictions of: economically important global climate phenomena such as El Niño and La Niña; measurements of the health of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems and fisheries; understanding the oceanic components of weather; and detecting and understanding other coastal hazards such as tsunamis. The economic benefit of the research and forecasts from ocean systems is well founded, but the current methods of maintaining these systems and observations (which are critical input for the forecasts) are becoming more costly due to growing fuel and port fees, and increasing maintenance expenses of the aging NOAA fleet. These factors are contributing to a decline in NOAA’s ability to support the Agency’s ocean-related man- dates. The amount of information collected per ship day could be increased significantly through the development of a more economical operational model that uses a portfolio of observational platforms. This funding will provide grant opportunities to NOAA Cooperative Institutes to help NOAA integrate sensor suites, optimize configuration of ocean observing platforms, and identify candidate technologies to enhance the cost-effectiveness of the NOAA fleet. Projects will focus on the development and use of these technologies to help replace capabilities that are currently only considered for shipboard operations. National Sea Grant College Program: NOAA requests an increase of $9,711,000 and a decrease of 2 FTE. Highlights include: National Sea Grant College Program: NOAA requests an increase of $4,495,000 and an increase of 0 FTE to support competitive research focused on developing more resilient coastal communities and sustaining diverse and vibrant economies. Coastal communities in the United States provide vital economic, social, and recreational opportunities for millions of Americans. At the same time, coastal communities are more vulnerable than ever to natural and technological hazards. This funding increase will sup- port coastal resilience research projects at state, regional, and national levels through a competitively-awarded grants process to sea grant colleges and universities. Specific areas of competitive research will include: marine-related energy sources and efficiency; wise use of water resources; climate change adaptation; coastal processes studies; resilience from natural hazards; technology development; and resilient coastal businesses and industries, including fisheries and tourism. In addition to helping our coastal communities and economies become more resilient, this funding will also help create and retain private sector jobs National Sea Grant College Program: Grand Challenge: NOAA requests an increase of $10,000,000 and 1 FTE to sponsor a Grand Challenge in the field of ocean map- ping and observing. NOAA requests funding for an ocean “Grand Challenge” as part of President Obama’s Strategy for American Innovation. NOAA is launching this challenge as a way to focus innovative thinkers on exploration, mapping, and observing needs that would further NOAA’s missions. The challenge model enables NOAA to leverage funds in order to spur even greater investments from the academic community and industry. New technologies in these fields that modernize our at-sea research, monitoring, and application methods will help NOAA accomplish its mission more cost effectively in the future. The Grand Challenge initiative will also foster science and technological innovation that will increase the rate of discovering and mapping new energy sources, seafloor features, spe- cies, ecosystems, artifacts, and resources that may lead to new types of pharmaceuticals. Increasing the rate at which NOAA can collect these ocean observations will also improve understanding of the role oceans play in our weather and climate. NOAA request another 10 million for research NOAA 2014 (FY 2014 budget summary, http://www.corporateservices.noaa.gov/nbo/fy14_bluebook/FINALnoaaBlueBook_2014_Web_Full.pdf) Ocean Exploration Program: NOAA requests an increase of $10,070,000 and 4 FTE to continue NOAA’s mission to map and explore the extended continental shelf. Ocean Exploration provides a critical baseline of knowledge which serves to catalyze new lines of research and scientific inquiry, support ocean resource management decisions, and improve ocean literacy and stewardship. Areas beyond 200 nautical miles of U.S. coastlines have been the focus of high-resolution bathymetric mapping and seismic reflection profiling over the past several years, in ongoing efforts to define the limits of the U.S. extended continental shelf (ECS) in accordance with international law. These efforts have already led to scientific discoveries, such as the existence of previously unknown seamounts in the Arctic Ocean, and never before seen mega-plumes of gas from major vent fields off the U.S. West Coast. This funding increase will provide grants and other extramural funding for ocean exploration including assessing unknown and poorly known ocean areas, locat- ing important submerged cultural resources such as shipwrecks, developing advanced undersea technologies, and conducting exploration to support U.S. claims to our ECS. This funding will enable NOAA to perform ECS mapping expeditions and expand Ocean Exploration’s telepresence-enabled program conducted with partners using the NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer and Exploration Vessel Nautilus. NOAA wants at least 10 million for mapping NOAA 2014 (FY 2014 budget summary, http://www.corporateservices.noaa.gov/nbo/fy14_bluebook/FINALnoaaBlueBook_2014_Web_Full.pdf) Navigation, Observations & Positioning: Accelerate Processing of Hydrographic Survey Data. NOAA requests an increase of $1,710,000 and 0 FTE for mapping and charting activities that will improve the accuracy of nautical charts for safe navigation and deliver mapping data for coastal hazards and resilience decision-support. NOAA’s map- ping and charting activities enable safe navigation in U.S. territorial waters and the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone, a combined area of 3.4 million square nautical miles extending 200 nautical miles offshore from the Nation’s coastline. This increase will support both navigation and non-navigation requirements (such as living marine resource, habitat conservation, and post-storm event marine debris identification), and will enable NOAA to increase the number of surveys evaluated, validated and applied to nautical charts by 20 percent over existing production levels. Navigation, Observations & Positioning: Coastal LIDAR Data Collection and Coordination. NOAA requests an increase of $7,993,000 and 2 FTEs to participate in an integrated, government-wide LIDAR (light detection and ranging) data col- lection effort in high priority coastal regions. With this increase, NOAA will work with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Geological Survey through the 3D Elevation Program, the Interagency Committee on Ocean and Coastal Mapping and the Interagency National Digital Elevation Program, to streamline Federal LIDAR data acquisition activities, improve LIDAR data collection methods, ensure that all data meet shared standards reflecting application and integration requirements, support cooperative development of data collection, processing, and delivery capabilities across the community of practice, and substantially increase the quantity and quality of data collected and processed to meet a broad range of integrated ocean and LIDAR data is often collected by air, such as with this NOAA survey aircraft (top) over Bixby Bridge in Big Sur, California. Here, LIDAR data reveals a top-down (bottom left) and profile view of Bixby Bridge. LIDAR data supports activities such as inundation and storm surge modeling, hydrodynamic modeling, shoreline mapping, emergency response, hydrographic surveying, and coastal vulnerability analysis. coastal mapping applications. NOAA currently uses shoreline data primarily for nautical charting and aids to navigation. Resources provided would focus on addressing priority data gaps and newly arising needs as identified through stakeholder engagement with regional ocean alliances and coastal zone resource and emergency management agen- cies at the State, Tribal, and Federal levels. In addition, this increase will allow for broader LIDAR data collection concurrent with aerial imagery and vastly improve coordination across agencies through shared products, standards and protocols. Misc. NOAA Exploration Includes Mapping NOAA’s Okeanos Explorer is mapping Meyers 12 (Meredith Meyers. NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Student Mapping Intern. McDaniel College. “Ocean Floor Mapping from the Perspective of an Intern and an Interview with a Marine Ecologist” http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/explorations/acumen12/1204_interview/welcome.html) It is often said that we know more about the surface of the moon than we know about the surface of the seafloor. After serving as an intern aboard the Okeanos Explorer during the ship’s second cruise as part of the Atlantic Canyons Undersea Mapping Expeditions project, it is hard to argue with this comparison. It is impossible to grasp the sheer expanse of the oceans until you have spent time on the water, far away from shore. As a recent college graduate with a degree in environmental biology, I pictured this internship as the perfect opportunity to expand my field skills. With a degree in biology and hopes of pursuing marine biology and policy in graduate school, I was eager to acquire experience in the field of oceanography. Through the use of multibeam sonar technology and the accompanying backscatter data, we are able to create images detailing the topography of the seafloor. The priority areas being surveyed for this expedition are deep water canyons that lie along the continental shelf, from the Mid-Atlantic states to as far north as Massachusetts. An Interview with David Packer Ocean exploration holds the key to our ability to better understand and manage issues such as climate change, natural resource use, geological processes, and marine species conservation. Being a biologist, I am interested in how the data we collect during this expedition can be applied to species conservation and the development of marine policy. Lucky for me, a member of the science team, David Packer, is using the data in order to identify deep-sea coral habitat. He hopes that the identification of prime coral habitat will expedite plans for legislation in order to protect these areas and ensure healthy coral populations in years to come. It is known that deep-sea corals prefer hard substrate and deep depths, so Packer predicts that the deep-water canyons we are surveying would serve as prime habitat. I sat down with Packer in order to better understand his mission for this expedition. Question 1: As a marine ecologist, which agency do you work for, and what is its purpose? Answer: I work for NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC). The agency manages the nation’s federal marine fish stocks and their habitats. The Northeast Fisheries Science Center is essentially the northeast and mid-Atlantic’s research arm of the National Marine Fisheries Service – we have six laboratories in the region. Question 2: How did you obtain your position at NEFSC? Does the job reflect what you studied during your academic career? Answer: I received my undergraduate degree in zoology from Ohio State University. Before graduate school, I held many part-time jobs with the federal government. For instance, I volunteered and worked for the National Park Service and the Bureau of Land Management. I also volunteered at the Smithsonian Institution’s Marine Systems Laboratory. The latter helped me to get into graduate school at the University of Maine where I received my Masters degree in oceanography. After grad school, I was an intern with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Chesapeake Bay Program in Annapolis, Maryland. While I was interning, I applied for and received a full-time position at NEFSC’s James J. Howard Marine Sciences Laboratory in Highlands, New Jersey, as a marine ecologist. And the rest is history. Question 3: Did you have any ocean floor mapping experience, or experience using multibeam sonar, before this cruise? Answer: I never had true hands-on experience with this type of sonar technology in the field. However, I took a marine geography course in graduate school, and I had experience working with geologists before and during graduate school. Essentially, I understood the concept and the lingo, but had never experimented with the actual technology. Question 4: How did you become involved with this Okeanos Explorer expedition? Answer: My colleague at the Smithsonian Institution, Martha Nizinski, and I are currently working on deep-sea coral research off the northeastern United States. Several months before this cruise we started having discussions with Jeremy Potter from the Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, and the expedition manager for this cruise, about collaborating and doing opportunistic mapping surveys using the Okeanos Explorer. The focus would be in mapping the submarine canyons on the edge of the continental shelf and slope. Deep-sea corals are found in many of these canyons, but we know very little about their habitats, or even if they’re present or how many there are. The first step is to get accurate bathymetric maps, so we gave Potter and his colleagues our priority areas for mapping. But first, in order to learn more about their program, Potter invited me to visit the University of Rhode Island’s Inner Space Center, where I got a good introduction as to how Okeanos Explorer operates and the technology involved. I then volunteered to go on one of the Okeanos cruises, and was assigned to participate in this expedition, where many of our priority canyon areas were set to be surveyed. AT: CP’s USFG k2 cooperation/partnerships Strong federal influence key to coordination of public-private partnerships in ocean exploration McNutt, 13 (Marcia, PhD, Executive Chief of the Ocean Exploration 2020 Forum, “Partnerships,” in The Report of Ocean Exploration 2020: A National Forum, July 19-21, 2013, http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/oceanexploration2020/oe2020_report.pdf, AW) Each individual and each institution brings experience, expertise, and creativity to the table. Partnerships that bring together individuals and institutions that span multiple interfaces among different sectors enhance the potential for significant new advances in discovery, understanding, wisdom, and action. In a time of shrinking federal resources, if there is to be an effective national program of exploration, it will be accomplished through partnerships. There was a strong consensus—near unanimity—that in 2020 and beyond, most ocean exploration expeditions and programs will be partnerships— public and private, national and international. NOAA has been assigned a leadership role in developing and sustaining a national program of ocean exploration under the Ocean Exploration Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-11). The act mandated that NOAA undertake this responsibility in collaboration with other federal agencies. Ocean Exploration 2020 invitees felt that federal and academic programs should be more assertive in seeking partnerships with ocean industries. It was, however, acknowledged that the necessity of sharing data might pose a challenge for some industry partners as well as federal agencies with restricted missions, like the Navy’s Office of Naval Research . There was a strong feeling that the community of ocean explorers needs to be more inclusive and more nimble, two sometimes conflicting qualities. Nimbleness will require more non-governmental sources of support and a small, dedicated, dynamic decision-making group that represents the interests of the ocean exploration community and that commands their trust. A coherent, comprehensive national program of ocean exploration requires sustained core support at some predictable level from the federal government and demonstrated coordination among the federal agencies involved in ocean exploration, in order to leverage involvement of business, industry, foundations, and NGOs. Timely and effective communication among partners is necessary to build and sustain the expanded community of ocean explorers. AT: K’s Public Engagement Ocean exploration key to public engagement – highest imperative to inspire emotional connection for environmental protection Lang, 13 (David, Co-founder of OpenROV – a DIY community and product line focused on open source undersea exploration, and author of Zero to Maker, “From Exploration to Engagement,” in The Report of Ocean Exploration 2020: A National Forum, July 19-21, 2013, http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/oceanexploration2020/oe2020_report.pdf, AW) The solutions to the challenging issues facing our oceans—global warming, acidification, over-fishing— require the right combination of strong science, informed policy, and skilled engineering. However, there is one challenge (indeed, the grandest ocean challenge) that doesn’t fit that formula: public engagement. Solving the ocean challenges require an engaged and supportive public. A public that understands what is at stake, and can draw a clear connection between ocean health and the health of their families and communities. Unfortunately, the same tactics needed to address the pressing ocean issues also work to cognitively erase that public connection with the ocean. The immensity of the ocean and its corresponding challenges create a willful blindness among the public—it’s just too overwhelming to comprehend, so people stop trying. The most effective way to build an engaged and informed public is just the opposite. Instead of highlighting the problems, we need now more than ever to use a positive approach to show what’s wonderful about our oceans. We need to strengthen the public connection through positive association. From a postive perspective, there’s no better tactic than ocean exploration . It taps into everything that’s aweinspiring about the ocean: its vastness, its mystery, its wonder. But it also taps into everything that’s awe-inspiring about our humanity: our curiosity, our ingenuity, our wonder. Public engagement is the highest imperative—every other issue is derivative. People will only protect and pursue something in their field of awareness. We need a direct emotional connection. Ocean exploration gives us the power to tell that story. Exploration improves ocean literacy NOAA 13 (“What Is Ocean Exploration and Why Is It Important? We have explored about five percent of Earth’s ocean. “What does that mean?” “Who cares?” “What difference does it make?” “So what?”” http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/backmatter/whatisexploration.html National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Jan 7 2013) Ocean exploration is about making new discoveries, searching for things that are unusual and unexpected.Although it involves the ocean exploration is disciplined and systematic. It includes rigorous observations and documentation of biological, chemical, physical, geological, and archaeological aspects of the ocean. Findings made through ocean exploration expand our fundamental scientific knowledge and understanding, helping to lay the foundation for more detailed, hypothesis-based scientific investigations. While new discoveries are always exciting to scientists, information from ocean exploration is important to everyone. Unlocking the mysteries of deep-sea ecosystems can reveal new sources for medical drugs, food, energy resources, and other products. Information from deep-ocean exploration can help predict earthquakes and tsunamis and help us understand how we are affecting and being affected by changes in Earth’s climate and atmosphere. Expeditions to the unexplored ocean can help focus research into critical geographic and subject areas that are likely to produce tangible benefits. Ocean exploration can improve ocean literacy and inspire new generations of youth to seek careers in science, technology, search for things yet unknown, engineering, and mathematics. The challenges of exploring the deep ocean can provide the basis for problemsolving instruction in technology and engineering that can be applied in other situations. Exploration leaves a legacy of new knowledge that can be used by those not yet born to answer questions not yet posed at the time of exploration.The Ocean Explorer website chronicles ocean explorations co-funded by the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, explains the tools and technology used during these explorations, and provides opportunities for people of all ages to expand their understanding of the ocean environment. Scientists, policy makers, and others interested in learning more about the “business” behind the science presented on this site are encouraged to visit the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research website. Exploration/Science = Good Their claims of science being coopted are overblown – all forms of thought involve some extent of political relevance – must look at the tangible reality of our truth claims Haack, 03 (Susan, Cooper Senior Scholar in Arts and Sciences and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Miami, “Defending Science – Within Reason,” http://www.cfh.ufsc.br/~principi/p323.PDF, AW) We have arrived, in short, at the New Cynicism Now it is commonplace to hear that science is largely or wholly a matter of social interests, of negonation, or of mythmaking, the production of inscriptions, narrative, that appeals to "fact" or "evidence" or "rationality" are nothing but ideological humbug disusing the exclusion of this or that oppressed group The natural world, Harry Collins wntes, "has a small or non-existent role in the construction of scientific knowledge",3 the validity of theoretical propositions in the sciences, Kenneth Gergen assures us, "is in no way affected by factual evidence "4 According to this new orthodoxy, not only does science have no peculiar epistemic authority and no uniquely rational method, it is really, like all purported "inquiry," just politics "Femmist science," Ruth Hubbard writes, "must insist on the political nature and content of scientific work” "I don't see any difference," Steve Fuller announces, "between `good scholarship' and 'political relevance ' Both will vary, depending on who[m] you are trying to court in your work " 6 "The only sense in which science is exemplary," Richard Rorty tells us, "is that it is a model of human solidarity "7 It isn't enough just to protest that this is ridiculous, it isn't enough, even, to show, in however much detail, that what the New Cynics offer in place of evidence or argument for their startling claims is an incoherent farrago of confusion, non sequitur, and rhetoric An adequate defense against the extravagances of the New Cyniasm requires an adequate account of the epistemology of science — a realistic account, in the sense explained earlier Intrinsic knowledge is good ROZWADOWSKI 10 ( HELEN M. ROZWADOWSKI, Environmental History, Vol. 15, No. 3 (JULY 2010), pp. 520-525. “Forest History Society and American Society for Environmental History” http://www.jstor.org/stable/25764467) Tracklessness, opacity and vast scale are physical aspects of the ocean that are identified, to some degree, relative to human senses and scale. Especially based on my recent research into undersea exploration of the 1950s and 1960s, I have begun to understand that-for historians at least-consideration of extreme environments requires the context of human bodies (including their absence). One characteristic of the depths relative to land, which is that voyagers leave no tracks in the water (although they can, and do, leave traces in the sea). This quality strongly shapes perception of the ocean and presents a challenge to efforts to tell ocean history. To a voyager gazing at the horizon, the sea appears the same at that moment as at all times in the past. Sailors often feel an affinity with each other and with sailors of past times. Storms likewise evoke universal reactions among mari ners (and sometimes nonmariners): terror, despair, and relief at their end. The sense of constancy conveys an impression of the sea as an a historic place. Literature contributes to the idea of the ocean as apart from history. This perception is deeply and also shared by the sea's surface, is widely held, including by many historians, who treat the sea as a backdrop for human activities rather than as a place susceptible to, and involved in, historical change. Just as the ocean seems outside history, it also seems unimaginably enormous relative to human scale. The sea's opacity forces the use of indirect methods to gain knowledge of its depths, such as deploying sounding gear or fishing nets to find the bottom contour or sample marine life. The vastness, in all three dimensions, impedes meaningful scientific knowledge based on direct, personal experience and demands, instead, systematic sampling using standardized instruments across large parts of the sea. Both the ocean's scale and its opacity mean that knowledge of the sea is mediated by technology and knowledge systems. These include the gear and knowledge of fishermen, navigators and others who work at sea as well as the tools and understanding of modern science. Indeed, our knowledge of the ocean is so dependent on technology and knowledge systems that these can be understood as, to some extent, constituting the ocean.3 As central as technology was, and remains, for knowing the ocean, motive is the critical precursor to technology. Cultural notions and political and economic intentions for using the ocean spurred efforts to probe the depths. In the mid nineteenth century, expectations for a transatlantic submarine telegraph cable exerted a powerful influence on the interpretation of soundings along the proposed track of the cable. The resulting image of the sea floor as a plateau of mod erate depths, perfectly suited for submarine telegraphy, diverged from previous understanding of the ocean bottom as rugged and forbidding and, within two decades, gave way to the discovery of a major mid-ocean mountain chain. In the 1960s, promoters of ocean exploration described the sea as a "frontier" to evoke the wealth of living and non-living resources they believed possible to extract. Perhaps the most striking evidence that culture-in the form of motive or desirematters as much or more than technology comes with the recognition that the ability to reach great depths did not guarantee continued efforts to do so. After the bathyscaphe Trieste reached the bottom of the Marianas Trench at the Challenger Deep, the deepest point of the ocean, in i960, no further efforts were made to revisit the deepest sea floor areas for over three decades. The categories of imagination and desire are critical for the ocean.4 It may seem to some observers that actual human bodies were no longer relevant for the deep ocean by the mid- to late-twentieth century. Strikingly unlike experimental rocket tests, for which unmanned shots preceded manned missions, the Trieste's first and only dive to the Challenger Deep was manned. When exploration of the spot resumed in 1995, it was by robot. Despite the scientists and explorers who continue today to insist on the need for human presence underwater, the debate is largely over. Remotely operated vehicles and, increasingly, autonomous underwater vehicles, appear to be the technology of choice for today's exploration of the great depths and much of the sea floor. That does not, however, mean that historians should cease considering the ocean, even the depths, in terms of human physiology. While scientists define the ocean by fixed categories such as shelf, slope, and abyss, historians must, I believe, define zones of the sea differently-more fluidly, less geographically and, most of all, in ways that reflect the activities and desires of historical actors. In the mid-nineteenth century, for example, the functional depth of the "deep ocean" changed over time and depending on who defined it. Hydrographers at the start of the century considered any depth beyond their 200-fathom sounding lines (1,200 feet) as deep, while dredgers defined the category in relation to the vessels and gear they used to collect samples. People interested in the underwater realm in the 1950s and 1960s likewise defined "undersea" differently over time, always in reference to human ability to survive in an environment otherwise hostile to humans. Generally speaking, the first thirty-three feet (to 1 atmosphere of pressure) underwater is the zone where ordinary people, both free divers and those using conventional scuba gear, are most comfortable, although beginning recreational diver training now extends to 120 feet. But human limits in the sea can change with technology. Adjustments to the mix of breathing gases can extend depth range, while the use of gear such as slides and lift assists can enable breath-holding free divers to achieve record depths of over 650 feet. Properly trained and outfitted technical divers can operate to 180 feet; record dives with scuba gear have dipped below 980 feet. Time spent at depth need not be short. Experiments with saturation diving have demonstrated that humans can live at depths of 200 feet for 30 days, 328 feet for 22 days, and 980 feet for 14 days.5 In short, parts of the ocean (defined by the intersection of human physiology and tech nology) can be viewed as an accessible environment. Science is not authoritative – its encouragement of investigation and epistemic inquiry prevent it Haack, 03 (Susan, Cooper Senior Scholar in Arts and Sciences and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Miami, “Defending Science – Within Reason,” http://www.cfh.ufsc.br/~principi/p323.PDF, AW) One might almost say that as the Old Deferentiahsm, once itself a rebellion against an older orthodoxy, became an orthodoxy itself, and as the hard-earned distinction of the natural sciences was allowed to congeal into uncriticized privilege, the exaggerated response of the new rebels was only to be expected But the exaggerated response is as unnecessary as the supposed epistemic privilege of science is indefensible Our standards of good, strong, supportive evidence and of well-conducted, honest, thorough, imaginative inquiry are not internal to the sciences In judging where science has succeeded and where it has failed, in what areas and at what times it has done better and in what worse, we are appealing to the standards by which we judge the solidity of empirical beliefs, or the rigor and thoroughness of empirical inquiry, generally But the sciences, at least some of them at least some of the time, have succeeded remarkably well by those standards. To say that standards of good evidence and well-conducted inquiry are not internal to the sciences is not to say that a lay person is able to judge the evidence for a scientific claim or the conduct of a scientific inquiry as well as someone in the relevant scientific specialism Often — usually — only a specialist can judge the weight of the evidence or the thoroughness of the precautions against experimental error, etc , for such judgments are apt to require a broad and detailed knowledge of background theory, not to mention a familiarity with technical vocabulary, not easily available to the lay person But, though only specialists may be in a position to judge the worth of this or that evidence, nevertheless, respect for evidence, care in weighing it and persistence in seeking it out, are neither exclusively nor essentially scientific desiderata, but are the standards by which we judge all inquirers — detectives, historians, investigative journalists, etc. The presumption that epistemic standards (supposmg, as they would say, that there were any) would be internal to science also plays a covert role in encouraging a dreadful argument ubiquitous among the New Cynics — an argument ultimately bound up with their shift of attention away from warrant and onto acceptance Since, the argument goes, what has passed for, i e, what has been accepted by scientists as, known fact or objective evidence or honest inquiry, etc , has sometimes turned out to be no such thing, the notions of known fact, objective evidence, honest Inquiry etc , are revealed to be ideological humbug The premiss is true, manifestly, however, the conclusion doesn't follow Indeed, this dreadful argument — I call it the "Passes-for Fallacy"8 — is not only fallacious, but self-undermining, for if the conclusion were true, the premiss could not be a known fact for which objective evidence had been discovered by honest inquiry The obvious response is available to the Critical Commonsensist scientific inquiry does not always live up to the epistemological ideal, but only by honest investigation of the evidence can we find out when and where it fails — a response which, however, is not quite so easily available to one who supposes that the epistemological ideal is set by the sciences There is nothing inherently wrong with science – the presence of an internal organization of peer review and rival approaches keeps it honest AND our truth claims on physical science are uninfluenced by race, sex, and class Haack, 03 (Susan, Cooper Senior Scholar in Arts and Sciences and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Miami, “Defending Science – Within Reason,” http://www.cfh.ufsc.br/~principi/p323.PDF, AW) Questions about objectivity require a similarly nuanced approach A scientific claim is either true or else false objectively, i e, independent of whether anybody believes it 'The evidence for a scientific claim is stronger or weaker objectively, i e, independent of how strong or how weak anybody judges it to be But there is no guarantee that every scientist is entirely objective, i e, is a completely unbiased and dismterested truth-seeker Scientists are fallible human beings, they are not immune to prejudice and partisanship But the natural sciences have managed, by and large and in the long run, to overcome individual biases by means of an institutionalized commitment to mutual disclosure and scrutiny, and by competition between partisans of rival approaches — by an internal organization, In other words, that has managed on the whole to keep most scientists, most of the time, reasonably honest These complex issues are confused by that popular stereotype of "the scientist" as objective in the sense, not merely of being free of imas or prejudice, but as unemotional, ummagmative, stohd, a paradigmatically convergent thinker Perhaps some scientists are like this, but not, thank goodness, all of them "Thank goodness," because imagination, the ability to envisage possible explanations of puzzling phenomena, is essential to successful scientific inquiry, and because a passionate obsession with this or that problem, even, not so seldom, a passionate commitment to the truth of this or that elegant but as yet unsupported conjecture, or a passionate desire to best a rival, have contributed to the progress of science As this reveals, when I speak of "bias and partisanship" what I have primanly in mind is, so to speak, professional bias and partisanship a scientist's too-ready willingness to accept an approach or theory because it was thought up by his mentor, or because of his own many years' investment In developing it, or his too-ready willingness to dismiss an approach or theory because it was thought up by his rival in the profession, or because of his own many years' Investment in developing an alternative, and so on In the New Cynics' camp, by contrast, the focus is on political prejudice and partisanship, on the sexism, racism, classism, etc , with which the New Cynicism perceives science as pervaded Where the physical sciences are concerned, given the manifest irrelevance of sex, race, class, to the content of physical theory, the idea seems foolish Where the human and social sciences are concerned, however, given the manifest relevance of sex, race, class, to the content of some theories, political and professional preconceptions come together, and it seems only exaggerated. The truth claims of our science are still inherently good – no reason that the risk of cooption for bad results devalues them – we have an imperative to incorporate science into epistemological analysis Haack, 03 (Susan, Cooper Senior Scholar in Arts and Sciences and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Miami, “Defending Science – Within Reason,” http://www.cfh.ufsc.br/~principi/p323.PDF, AW) As this suggests, the vexed question of science and values is vexed, in part, because of its many ambiguities Scientific inquiry is a kind of inquiry, so epistemic values, chief among them respect for evidence, are necessarily relevant (which is not to say that scientffic inquiry always or inevitably satisfies epistemic desiderata or exemplifies epistemic values) But, as the previous paragraph reminds us, there are also moral and political questions both with respect to scientific procedure (for example, about whether some ways of obtaining evidence are morally unacceptable), and with respect to scientific results (for example, about whether and how access to and applications of potentially explosive seientific results should be controlled) — that ambiguity, by the way, was intentional! Some among the New Cynics seem to imagine that the fact that scientific discoveries can be put to bad uses is a reason for doubting the bona fides of those discoveries, and some seem to take for granted that those who think that science has made many true discoveries, or even there is such a thing as objective truth, reveal themselves to be morally deficient in some way But it isn't enough simply to point out the obvious confusion, nor simply to protest the blatant moral one-up-personship It is essential, also, to articulate sober answers to those difficult questions about the role of science In society to point out, inter alia, that only by honest, thorough inquiry can we find out what means of achieving desired social changes would be effective And, as always, it is essential to avoid the exaggerations of the scientistic party as well as the extravagances of the antiscience crowd to point out, inter alia, that decisions about what ways of handling the power that scientific knowledge of the world gives us are wise or just, are not themselves technical questions that may responsibly be left to scientists alone to answer The aff’s struggle to change the world through tangible action is an inherently good embracement of life May, 05 (Todd, Memorial Professor of Philosophy at Clemson University, “To change the world, to celebrate life: Merleau-Ponty and Foucault on the body,” Clemson University Philosophy & Social Criticism vol. 31, no. 5-6, http://psc.sagepub.com/content/31/5-6/517.abstract, AW) We seek to conceive what is wrong in the world, to grasp it in a way that offers us the possibility for change. We know that there is much that is, to use Foucault’s word, ‘intolerable’. There is much that binds us to social and political arrangements that are oppressive, domineering, patronizing, and exploitative. We would like to understand why this is and how it happens, in order that we may prevent its continuance. In short, we want our theories to be tools for changing the world, for offering it a new face, or at least a new expression. There is struggle in this, struggle against ideas and ways of thinking that present themselves to us as inescapable. We know this struggle from Foucault’s writings. It is not clear that he ever wrote about anything else. But this is not the struggle I want to address here. For there is, on the other hand, another search and another goal. They lie not so much in the revisioning of this world as in the embrace of it. There is much to be celebrated in the lives we lead, or in those led by others, or in the unfolding of the world as it is, a world resonant with the rhythms of our voices and our movements. We would like to understand this, too, to grasp in thought the elusive beauty of our world. There is, after all, no other world, except, as Nietzsche taught, for those who would have created another one with which to denigrate our own. In short, we would like our thought to celebrate our lives. To change the world and to celebrate life. This, as the theologian Harvey Cox saw, is the struggle within us.1 It is a struggle in which one cannot choose sides; or better, a struggle in which one must choose both sides. The abandonment of one for the sake of the other can lead only to disaster or callousness. Forsaking the celebration of life for the sake of changing the world is the path of the sad revolutionary. In his preface to AntiOedipus, Foucault writes that one does not have to be sad in order to be revolutionary. The matter is more urgent than that, however. One cannot be both sad and revolutionary. Lacking a sense of the wondrous that is already here, among us, one who is bent upon changing the world can only become solemn or bitter. He or she is focused only on the future; the present is what is to be overcome. The vision of what is not but must come to be overwhelms all else, and the point of change itself becomes lost. The history of the left in the 20th century offers numerous examples of this, and the disaster that attends to it should be evident to all of us by now. The alternative is surely not to shift one’s allegiance to the pure celebration of life, although there are many who have chosen this path. It is at best blindness not to see the misery that envelops so many of our fellow humans, to say nothing of what happens to sentient nonhuman creatures. The attempt to jettison world-changing for an uncritical assent to the world as it is requires a selfdeception that I assume would be anathema for those of us who have studied Foucault. Indeed, it is anathema for all of us who awaken each day to an America whose expansive boldness is matched only by an equally expansive disregard for those we place in harm’s way. Our attempt to take tangible action to change the world is inherently good and necessary – experiment is necessary May, 05 (Todd, Memorial Professor of Philosophy at Clemson University, “To change the world, to celebrate life: Merleau-Ponty and Foucault on the body,” Clemson University Philosophy & Social Criticism vol. 31, no. 5-6, http://psc.sagepub.com/content/31/5-6/517.abstract, AW) What are we to make of these references? We can, to be sure, see the hand of Heidegger in them. But we may also, and for present purposes more relevantly, see an intersection with Foucault’s work on freedom . There is an ontology of freedom at work here, one that situates freedom not in the private reserve of an individual but in the unfinished character of any historical situation. There is more to our historical juncture, as there is to a painting, than appears to us on the surface of its visibility. The trick is to recognize this, and to take advantage of it, not only with our thoughts but with our lives. And that is why, in the end, there can be no such thing as a sad revolutionary. To seek to change the world is to offer a new form of life-celebration. It is to articulate a fresh way of being, which is at once a way of seeing, thinking, acting, and being acted upon. It is to fold Being once again upon itself, this time at a new point, to see what that might yield. There is, as Foucault often reminds us, no guarantee that this fold will not itself turn out to contain the intolerable. In a complex world with which we are inescapably entwined, a world we cannot view from above or outside, there is no certainty about the results of our experiments. Our politics are constructed from the same vulnerability that is the stuff of our art and our daily practices. But to refuse to experiment is to resign oneself to the intolerable; it is to abandon both the struggle to change the world and the opportunity to celebrate living within it. And to seek one aspect without the other – life-celebration without world-changing, world-changing without life-celebration – is to refuse to acknowledge the chiasm of body and world that is the wellspring of both. If we are to celebrate our lives, if we are to change our world, then perhaps the best place to begin to think is our bodies, which are the openings to celebration and to change, and perhaps the point at which the war within us that I spoke of earlier can be both waged and resolved. That is the fragile beauty that, in their different ways, both Merleau- Ponty and Foucault have placed before us. The question before us is whether, in our lives and in our politics, we can be worthy of it. Exploration is inherently good – the struggle for existence and the wonder of creation is innate to human existence Ausubel, 13 (Jesse, Rockefeller University and Co-founder of The Census of Marine Life, “Ocean Exploration,” in The Report of Ocean Exploration 2020: A National Forum, July 19-21, 2013, http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/oceanexploration2020/oe2020_report.pdf, AW) Being territorial animals, we instinctively explore. In the struggle for existence we scout for both threat and opportunity. Territory implies land, but most of the unexplored earth is ocean. The Census of Marine Life (2000-2010) collected tens of millions of observations of marine species from old and new expeditions. We organized data on more than 200,000 forms of marine life. We mapped the known and thus also defined the blank spaces, the unknown. When we mapped from above the seas, we found, for example, that even our huge database had no reliable records of marine life in most of the Arctic (Figure 1) or the eastern and southern Pacific (Figure 2). When we mapped over the ship’s side, we found that our huge database recorded almost entirely near the shore, surface, and seafloor (Figure 3). The largest habitat on Earth, the vast mid-waters, had almost no observations. Moreover, between about half a million and two million marine species that would earn a Latin binomial like homo sapiens surely remain to be discovered. And inspire us with the wonder of creation. Census researchers mapped the unexplored oceans for life. Marine historians and archaeologists could try to map the one million or more shipwrecks on the sea floor and put pins on the few that have been visited. But, of course, we do not know what we do not know, except that surprises await. Maybe giant plumes of methane occasionally stream from the seafloor and sometimes reach the atmosphere and cause an airplane to crash, or erupt in a great bubble that causes a tsunami. And hint at unexpected resource abundance. The unexplored ocean offers both threat and opportunity. Let’s follow our instinct, expand exploration, reduce threat, and seize opportunities, both practical and amazing. Exploration is innate to human nature and holds a unique place in human existence – discovery extends beyond the scientific process Mayer, 13 (Larry, Professor and Director of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/ NOAA-UNH, “Exploration as Discovery,” in The Report of Ocean Exploration 2020: A National Forum, July 19-21, 2013, http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/oceanexploration2020/oe2020_report.pdf, AW) Exploration is innate to human nature. We are compelled to explore—watch how a baby learns about its surroundings. Exploration (at many scales) has provided the framework for much of what we know about the world we live in. Early explorers ventured out to unknown lands and on the SURFACE of the ocean to discover new territories, extend the sovereignty of nations, and to find new sources of wealth and enterprise. As we have developed tools and technologies to more efficiently and effectively explore, our vision has expanded beyond our own planet and we now venture into space exploring, discovering, and learning about the Universe. And yet… nearly three quarters of our own planet—that part of it that is BENEATH the surface of the ocean—remains virtually unexplored. This is surprising and frightening considering that we DO KNOW that the ocean regulates our climate system and is a critical source of food and fuel—in essence it sustains life on our planet. It is even more frightening to recognize that despite our current efforts to understand the ocean and despite tremendous advances in technology, we continue to make new and startling discoveries that radically change our view of how our planet works. The discovery of deep-sea vents and the remarkable life forms associated with them, the discovery of many new species of plants and animals, and the discovery of new mountain systems and deep passages on the seafloor that control the circulation of deep sea currents (that in turn control the distribution of heat on the planet) are but a few examples of important ocean discoveries that have changed our understanding of ocean processes but were not part of the planned scientific process. Biodiversity conservation relies on valuing species in terms of their global value for a neoliberal future. Büscher et al ’12, (Bram Büscher, Sian Sullivan, Katja Neves, Jim Igoe & Dan Brockington, “Towards a Synthesized Critique of Neoliberal Biodiversity Conservation,” Capitalism Nature Socialism, (2012), 23:2, 4-30, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10455752.2012.674149)//erg An additional aspect of this distinctiveness of capitalism is an intense focus on the future, accompanied by dismissal of historical context and awareness. For companies, last year’s performance is important primarily as a reference point for this and next year’s performance. The future, not the past, is the only avenue for further profits.11 This is echoed in contemporary development policy, for which Mosse (2005, 1) notes that: ‘‘better theory, new paradigms and alternative frameworks are constantly needed; in the development policy marketplace the orientation is always ‘future positive.’’’ In conservation, ideas about a ‘‘sustainable future’’ similarly are rarely moderated through discussions of our rather unsustainable (recent) past. Instead, the opposite seems to be occurring. As Stahel (1999, 124) elaborates: Only within a mechanical time framework can the economic valuation of single species be conceived . It is only within this framework, too, that the global value of an ecosystem’s biodiversity can be expected to be obtained by simple summing-up of single values, ignoring the emergent properties which arise from the interrelations and interdependencies of the different species within the whole . Through such (currently very common) valuation efforts,12 the discipline of capitalism’s ‘‘mechanical (and linear) time’’ is further reinforced, which works well for conceptually entraining biodiversity with economic valuation and commodifica- tion methodologies, but has somewhat questionable implications for biodiversity (Walker, et al. 2009; Burkett 2006; Robertson 2008). It is in failing to recognize these contributions that mainstream conservation conflates a seemingly general ‘‘economics’’ and related terminology with the ideology and practices of neoliberal capitalism. More fundamentally, this error conflates general human economic practice (the conceptualization, production, distribution, and exchange of goods and services) with the particular ideology of neoliberalism (as defined above). These conflations are often repeated in the broader realm of ecological economics through its emphasis on a ‘‘Coasean economics’’ that assumes the emergence of social and environmental optima through the incentivized bargaining of those with private property allocations (Muradian, et al. 2010).13 In outlining this argument, we seek to highlight our central concern with the ways in which particular ideologies, mistaken as objective and universal descriptions of human economic activity, are shaping economic thought and producing depoliti- cized policy discourses in conservation. Governing the natural world turns it into a neoliberal object to be exploited—nature is commodified to stretch human neoliberal regimes— our evidence assumes your cap good answers Büscher et al ’12, (Bram Büscher, Sian Sullivan, Katja Neves, Jim Igoe & Dan Brockington, “Towards a Synthesized Critique of Neoliberal Biodiversity Conservation,” Capitalism Nature Socialism, (2012), 23:2, 4-30, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10455752.2012.674149)//erg The aim of this paper is to provide a synthesized critique of neoliberal biodiversity conservation. This, we think, is necessary for two reasons. First, most work on the intersection of neoliberalism, capitalism, and non-human nature(s) has focused on neoliberal natures (Castree 2008a; Castree 2008b; Heynen and Robbins 2005; McCarthy and Prudham 2004), neoliberal ecologies (Castree 2007), and neoliberal environments (Heynen, Prudham, McCarthy, and Robbins 2007), not on neoliberal conservation. These literatures explore ways in which natural realms are transformed through and for capital accumulation. McCarthy and Prudham (2004, 279), for example, refer to neoliberal nature as ‘‘the politics of transforming and governing nature under neoliberalism’’; Heynen and Robbins (2005, 6) refer to the acceleration of ‘‘the ongoing commodification of natural things’’; while Heynen, et al. (2007, 3) refer to neoliberal environments as ‘‘the ways that attempts to ‘stretch’ and ‘deepen’. . . the reach of commodity circulation rely on the re-working of environmental governance and on entrenching the commodification of nature, and vice versa.’’ Our synthesis, by contrast, focuses on neoliberal conservation as an amalgamation of ideology and techniques informed by the premise that natures can only be ‘‘saved’’ through their submission to capital and its subsequent revaluation in capitalist terms, what McAfee (1999) has aptly labeled ‘‘selling nature to save it.’’ Put another way, neoliberal conservation shifts the focus from how nature is used in and through the expansion of capitalism, to how nature is conserved in and through the expansion of capitalism. Second, a spate of recent publications investigates the trend of neoliberal conservation, yet their lessons remain disconnected. We refer, amongst others, to Sullivan (2005; 2006; 2009), Igoe and Brockington (2007), Dressler and Bu ̈scher (2008), Bu ̈scher (2008; 2010a; 2010b), Brockington, et al. (2008), Brockington (2009), Igoe (2010), Fletcher (2010), Brockington and Duffy (2010), Roth and Dressler (2012), and Arsel and Bu ̈scher (2012),1 as well as several writings in conservation biology that deal with ‘‘neoliberal’’ conservation in all but name.2 This flurry of scholarly activity recalls Castree’s (2008a) critique of geographers’ understanding and writing about neoliberalism and nature: practitioners and scholars are ‘‘using the same terms*‘neoliberalism’ and ‘neoliberalization’*to refer to and judge phenomena and situations that are not necessarily similar or comparable.’’ James Ferguson (2010) additionally asserts that ‘‘ uses of neoliberalism’’ in ‘‘progressive scholarship’’ can produce something of a kneejerk reaction against any initiative that contains neoliberal elements, even while that initiative might manifest progressive outcomes in some terms and at some scales. For these reasons, it is important to synthesize the wider lessons of this emerging literature, especially since ongoing work on neoliberal conservation and neoliberal natures remains strangely disconnected.3 We attempt in the discussion that follows to provide a clearer picture of what is meant by neoliberal conservation, how it relates to literatures on neoliberal nature, ecology and environments, and why it bears relevance for those interested in biodiversity conservation and human/nature entanglements. Given the diverse and hybrid ‘‘uses of neoliberalism’’ (Ferguson 2010; Larner 2000), and in order to simplify our mission, we use the term neoliberalism in a specific way: as a political ideology that aims to subject political, social, and ecological affairs to capitalist market dynamics (Bu ̈scher 2008; Foucault 2008). However, we do not see neoliberalism as functioning as some universal code behind practices. We follow Foucault in understanding neoliberal ideology to be accompanied by and made manifest through distinct governmentalities (techniques and technologies for managing people and nature) and embodied practices in social, material, and epistemological realms. Combined, these work as biopower to construct and regulate life and lives in significant ways (Nally 2011). We commence with the assertion that there has been a conflation of what is generally (and simplistically) referred to in conservation discourses as economics with the ideological assumptions of neoliberalism. Through elaborating this conflation, its links with wider capitalist processes, and their effects on ecosystems, we argue that it becomes easier to distinguish various negative impacts of neoliberal win-win models for biodiversity conservation and so to construct a more synthesized critique around three main points: 1) the stimulation of contradictions; 2) appropriation 1And the articles in the special issues of Antipode, Geoforum, and Development and Change introduced by the latter three articles. 2See, for example, Vira and Adams (2008), Walker, et al. (2009), Chan, et al. (2007). Peterson, et al. (2009) is an exception where the structuring influence of neoliberalism specifically is highlighted. 3Existing writing on neoliberal natures, ecologies, and environments seems largely to ignore scholarship on neoliberal conservation. Certainly the relative youth of the latter may explain its scarcity in key collections such as Heynen, et al. (2007). But that could not explain its complete absence from, for example, Bakker’s (2010) recent paper in Progress in Human Geography. A major exception is Robertson’s (2004) prescient work on wetland mitigation banking. Downloaded by [Birkbeck College], [Sian Sullivan] at 10:23 09 May 2012 6 BRAM BU ̈ SCHER ET AL. and misrepresentation; and 3) the disciplining of dissent. Inspired by Bruno Latour’s recent ‘‘compositionist manifesto,’’ our conclusion outlines some ideas for moving beyond critique. First, however, we briefly outline what marks a focus on conservation and why this is important. 3. Science diplomacy reproduces neoliberal competition – the plan is deployed to attract scientists to the US to empower the American economy Flink & Schreiterer 10 (Tim Flink, Research Fellow of the Research Group @ WZB Berlin Social Science Center, & Ulrich Schreiterer, Research Fellow of the President's Project Group @ WZB Berlin Social Science Center, “Science diplomacy at the intersection of S&T policies and foreign affairs: toward a typology of national approaches”, Science and Public Policy, 37(9), November 2010, pages 665–677) Nowadays it is widely acknowledged that¶ science, technology and international affairs affect one another, bearing pervasive mutual influences. It goes without saying that globalization has considerably enhanced and extended the importance of science and technology (S&T) for and in international relations (IR) beyond their traditional domains. National policy-making, for instance, today can no longer afford to ignore S&T developments and activities abroad, especially not those of rivaling countries. At the same time , S&T issues underpin many concurrent global challenges while scientific collaboration clearly bears upon social capital and trust-building badly needed to nourish civil relations between different and above all adversarial countries or cultures. No wonder, then, that S&T somehow or other have found their way into the foreign policy of¶ numerous leading industrial countries. Notwithstanding their different objectives and¶ dynamics, S&T have gained grounds in IR, both as an issue in its own right as well as a tool for ‘science diplomacy’ (SD). Apart from strengthening a nation’ s knowledge and innovation base, international scientific cooperation comes to be seen as an effective agent to manage conflicts, improve global understanding, lay grounds for mutual respect and contribute to capacity-building in deprived world regions . All in all it has become subject to policy initiatives around the world, though its scope and objectives, instruments and intensity differ widely.¶ The ongoing de-nationalization of scientific research (Wagner and Leydesdorff, 2005), economic globalization, and growing international competition on all markets for goods and services keep extending the playing fields of IR. S &T have gained an important and ever-increasing role in the competitive quarrel for market shares, power, and influence (Skolnikoff, 1993; Wagner, 2002).¶ The more a nation’s prosperity and economic success hinge on its ability to tap into global resources and to attract talent, capital, support and admiration, the better it is advised to look for strategies to use its R&D assets most effectively to secure competitive advantages . At the same time, global phenomena such as climate change, infectious diseases, famines, migration, nuclear non-proliferation or terrorism call for international collaboration in S&T to tackle, or at least to ease, the many multi-faceted problems they raise or entail. The controversial Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an important example for this new kind of global approach and science policy, the less prominent Global Science Forum of the OECD just another. The development of scientific research is a form of technological dynamism. It continues bourgeoisie rule and maintains the production chain through continued manipulation of the resources Rosenberg ’74 (Nathan Rosenberg, PhD in the history of technology, University of Wisconsin, July – Aug 1974, “Karl Marx on the Economic Role of Science’, http://www.jstor.org/stable/1837142 .) //ky It is a well-known feature of the Marxian analysis of capitalism that Marx views the system as bringing about unprecedented increases in The author is grateful to Professors Stanley Engerman and Eugene that "the bourgeoisie, during its rule of scarce one hundred years, has created more massive and more colossal productive forces than have all preceding generations to- gether. Subjection of Nature's forces to man, machinery, application of chemistry to industry and agriculture, steam-navigation, railways, electric telegraphs, clearing of whole continents for cultivation, canalisation of rivers, whole populations conjured out of the ground-what earlier cen- tury had even a presentiment that such productive forces slumbered in the lap of social labour?" (Marx and Engels 1951, 1: 37). No single question, Smolensky for critical comments on an earlier draft. 713 human productivity and in man's mastery over nature. Marx and Engels told their readers, in The Communist Manifesto, therefore, would seem to be more important to the whole Marxian anal- ysis of capitalist development than the question: Why is capitalism such an immensely productive system by comparison with all earlier , the social and economic structure of capitalism is one which creates enormous incentives for the generation of technological change. Marx and Engels insist that the bourgeoisie is unique as a ruling class because, unlike all earlier ruling classes whose economic interests were indissolubly linked to the maintenance of the status quo , the very essence of bourgeois rule is technological dynamism.' Capitalism generates unique incentives for the introduction of new, cost-reducing technologies. The question which I am particularly interested in examining is the role which is played, within the Marxian framework, by science and forms of economic organization? The question, obviously, has been put before, and certain portions of Marx's answer are in fact abundantly plain. In particular scientific progress in the dynamic growth of capitalism. For surely the growth in resource productivity can never have been solely a function of the development of capitalist institutions. It is easy to see the Surely the technological vitality of an emergent capitalism was closely linked up with the state of scientific knowledge and with industry's capacity to exploit such knowledge. Marx's (and Engels's) position, briefly stated, is to affirm that science is, indeed, a fundamental factor accounting for the growth in resource productivity and man's enlarged capacity to manipulate his natural environment for the attainment of human purposes. However, the state- ment requires two immediate and highly significant qualifications, which will constitute our major concern in this paper: (1) science does not, according to Marx, function in history as an independent variable; and (2) science has come to play a critical role as a systematic contributor to increasing productivity only at a very recent (from Marx's perspective) I"The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionising the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society. Conservation of the old modes of production in unaltered form, existence of such institutions as a necessary condition but hardly as a sufficient con- dition for such growth. was, on the contrary, the first condition of existence for all earlier industrial classes" (Marx and Engels 1951, 1:36). point in history. The ability of science to perform this role had necessarily to await the fulfillment Just as the economic sphere and the requirements of the productive process shape man's political and social institutions, so do they also shape his scientific activity at all stages of history. Science does not grow or develop in response to forces internal to science or the scien- tific community. It is not an autonomous sphere of human activity. Rather, science needs to be understood as a social activity which is respon- sive to economic forces. It is man's changing needs as they become articulated in the sphere of production which determine the direction of scien- tific progress. Indeed, this is generally true of all human problem-solving activity, of which science is a part. As Marx states in the introduction to his Critique of Political Economy: "Mankind always takes up only such problems as it can solve; since, looking at the matter more closely, we will always find the problem itself arises only when the material conditions necessary for its solution already exist or are at least in the process of formulation" (Marx 1904, pp. 12-13). Marx views specific scientific disciplines as developing in response to problems arising in the sphere of of certain objective conditions. What these con- ditions were has not been understood adequately. I Marx's treatment of scientific progress is consistent with his broader his- torical materialism. production. The materialistic conception of history and society involves the rejection of the notion that man's intel- lectual pursuits can be accorded a status independent of material con- cerns. It emphasizes the necessity of systematically relating the realm of thinking and ideas to man's material concerns. Thus, the scientific enter- prise itself needs to be examined in that perspective. "Feuerbach speaks in particular of the perception of natural science; he mentions secrets which are disclosed only to the eye of the physicist and chemist: but where would natural science be without industry and commerce? Even this 'pure' natural Egyptian astronomy had developed out of the com- pelling need to predict the rise and fall of the Nile, upon which Egyptian agriculture was so vitally dependent (Marx 1906, p. 564, n. 1). The in- creasing (if still "sporadic") science is provided with an aim, as with its material, only through trade and industry, through the sensuous activity of men" (Marx and Engels 1947, p. 36). resort to machinery in the seventeenth century was, says Marx, "of the greatest importance, because it supplied the great mathematicians of that time with a practical basis and stimulant to the creation of the Like all other sciences, mathematics arose out of the needs of men; from the measurement of land and of the content of vessels; from the computation of time and mechanics" (Engels 1939, p. 46; emphasis Engels's. Cf. Marx 1906, p. 564). gearing as science of mechanics."2 The difficulties encountered with 2 Marx 1906, pp. 382-83. Engels states: " waterpower was being harnessed to larger millstones was "one of the circumstances that led to a more accurate investigation of the laws of friction."3