


February 19, 2015


Coleman – None for CP English 10. The research note card assignment is due next


Twaddell: English 9: Reading Check tomorrow

English 10: Antigone Paper due tomorrow (Printed at the start of class)

English 11: Find an ad that uses persuasive techniques (online, newspaper, magazine)

Reading Check tomorrow

Reading: None

Guscott: Econ – none

Heckard: WH- newspaper article project Due monday 2/23

Raudensky: 1920's facebook projects due Monday.

Atkins: Alg 1B: 2/19: Quiz 7.4 & 7.5

Alg2: none

Lamb: BONUS: p. 223 #1-42 (attempt all problems and show all work to be eligible for up to 5 bonus points in the test category); Chapter 3 Online

Test ; Due test day

Gingrich: 2/19: Section 5.6, Pg. 318 #12, 13, 21-23

2/23: Ch. 5 Test

Puchalsky: LS Algebra 1A- 3.3 Skills Practice Worksheet #2-24 even

LS Algebra 1B- pgs. 459-461 #1-28, 32-41 (Mid-Chapter Test Open Book

Assignment) DUE MONDAY

Strauser: 2/18: Computation Worksheet

Computation Quiz moved back to 2/27. Students should review on a daily basis!!

Metzgar: Enviro Science: 2/24: Climate Change Pro/Con (per website)

Helock: Today cp bio will work on keystone prep through answering a writing prompt. We will also continue going over the section 8-3 study guide and the chapter 8 vocal review. We will also discuss the section 8-3 section summary.

Mohn: CP BIO: Any of the photosynthesis reviews not finished today in class are homework. They should have completed reviews 1 and 2 yesterday in class and 3 and 4 today in class. They are all four due tomorrow.

BIO II: Quiz corrections for anyone wishing to get extra points added back to the quiz score are due Friday.

Good: Chemistry

Tuesday - Build a Molecule Simulation Lab

Wednesday - none

Thursday - Octet Rule Worksheet

Lewis Dot Structure & Octet Rule Quick Quiz

Friday - Molecules & Compounds Review Worksheet

Molecules & Compounds Quiz

Yost: -



Tuesday - Unit 1 Vocabulary Quiz

Wednesday - None

Thursday - None

Friday - "Mr Prints" Analysis

All make sure pwrschool is current. You are missing some work.


Spanish 1-Study verbs on a http://quizlet.com/69816735/ir-dar-estarflash-cards /

Take this test as many times as you need to to get an A! You can re-test the one you took Friday, and I will average the 2 together. http://quizlet.com/18453002/10-en-la-escuela-flash-cards /

Is the entire school unit. We are having this test on Thursday

(2/19). Study, por favor!

Spanish II: plan for next week's chapter 11 test; study vocabulary

Spanish III: plan for next week's chapter 7 vocabulary quiz

Spanish IV: we'll be beginning chapter 7 next week, Colombia and

Venezuela. They should download their vocabulary
