Women HIV/AIDS Prevalence among Women Since the beginning of the epidemic, women have accounted for approximately 25% of persons living with HIV in Minnesota as well as new HIV diagnoses. As of December 31st 2014, there were 1,880 women living with HIV in Minnesota. Race/Ethnicity Women of color account for a disproportionate Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Minnesota by Race/Ethnicity, 2014 number of women living with HIV in Minnesota. (n = 1,880) White women account for Afr Amer 27% just 24% of women living White with HIV, while women of 25% color account for 73% of prevalent female HIV/AIDS cases whereas only 17% of Other 3% the general female population in Minnesota Asian 2% are women of color. The Amer Ind largest number of women Afr born 3% 33% living with HIV/AIDS is Hispanic 7% among African-born women (672 persons) followed by African-American and white women (515 and 459 women, respectively). Mode of Exposure The majority (81%) of women living with HIV in Minnesota have an estimated mode of exposure of heterosexual contact. Injection drug use accounts for 9% of prevalent HIV infections in Minnesota among women. Across all race/ethnicity groups, females most frequently report heterosexual contact with someone with or at risk for HIV infection as their mode of HIV exposure. However, IDU also accounts for the next largest percentage of female cases among most race/ethnicity groups. The largest estimated percentage of IDU cases are among American Indian women (20%), followed by white women with 16%, African Americans with 14% and Hispanics with Minnesota HIV/AIDS Epidemiologic Profile—Women December 2015 9%. Among Asian and Pacific Islander females, heterosexual contact accounted for an estimated 81% of cases, and IDU for an estimated 2%. However, the number of prevalent cases among Asian/Pacific Islander and American Indian females is quite small, so the results need to be interpreted carefully. Finally, while African-born women make up the largest proportion (33%) of females living with HIV in Minnesota, they account for less than one percent of the IDU cases among HIV positive women. HIV Diagnoses among Women In 2014 the number of newly diagnosed HIV positive women increased by 7%, from 68 cases in 2013 to 73 cases. Race/Ethnicity In 2014, women of color accounted for 13% of the female population in Minnesota but made up 79% of new infections among females, with African American and African-born women accounting for 66% of infections among women. White, non-Hispanics make up approximately 83% of the female population but only 23% of new infections among women in 2014. Africanborn women continue to have the highest number of new infections among women annually. The annual number of new infections diagnosed among Hispanic, American Indian, and Asian females continues to be quite small. HIV Infections* Among Females by Race/Ethnicity† and Year of Diagnosis, 2005 – 2014 50 White Asian 45 African American American Indian Hispanic African-born 2009 2010 Year 2012 40 Number of Cases 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2011 2013 2014 * HIV or AIDS at first diagnosis † “African-born” refers to Blacks who reported an African country of birth; “African American” refers to all other Blacks. Cases with unknown race are excluded. Minnesota HIV/AIDS Epidemiologic Profile—Women December 2015 Mode of Exposure Throughout the epidemic, heterosexual contact has been the predominant mode of HIV exposure reported among females accounting for 73% of female cases in 2014. IDU is the second most common known mode of transmission, and accounted for 3% of cases among women in 2014. An unspecified risk has been designated for a growing percentage of cases for the past several years and represented 24% of female cases in 2014. HIV Treatment Cascade among Women There were 1,778 HIV positive women included in the treatment cascade analyses. Compared to the overall cascade, women are retained in care at a slightly higher rate (73% versus 72%). Women achieve viral suppression at a slightly lower rate than the overall cascade (61% versus 63%). There were 68 cases among women reported in 2013 that were included in the linkage to care calculation. Women were linked to care at a slightly higher rate than the overall cascade in 2013 (80% versus 87%). Percentage of females diagnosed with HIV engaged in selected stages of the continuum of care, 2014– Minnesota 100% 90% 100% 100% 90% 87% 80% 73% 72% 70% 63% 61% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Overall Cascade for Minnesota PLWH Linkage to Care n=7,728 Retention in Care Females Viral Suppression n=1,778 Minnesota HIV/AIDS Epidemiologic Profile—Women December 2015