Introduction to Biomedical Informatics and its Application to Clinical and Translational Research INSTRUCTOR: Rakesh Nagarajan LAB INSTRUCTORS: Bijoy George Leslie McIntosh David Mulvihill Snehil Gupta Sharepoint Site: COURSE DESCRIPTION Biomedical Informatics (BMI) is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses individual areas of bioinformatics, computational biology, translational informatics, imaging informatics, medical informatics, and hospital informatics. It involves all aspects of management, analysis, organization and sharing of information in health care and biomedical science. This course aims to provide an overview of biomedical informatics and its application in facilitating clinical and translational research and in accelerating the application of research findings to clinical practice. The course will consist of introductory lectures outlining the principles of biomedical informatics, current use of informatics in clinical and translational research and quality improvement initiatives, and practical hands-on training in the use of local informatics tools to manage and execute biomedical research studies. COURSE OBJECTIVES Increase awareness of the discipline of biomedical informatics and its application in conducting clinical and translational research across Washington University. Educate clinicians, researchers, and students on the latest informatics tools and technology available to facilitate clinical and translational research. The course lab work will specifically focus on the use and application of the following three tools. 1. CIDER: Clinical Investigation Data Exploration Repository (CIDER) is created to maintain the comprehensive electronic medical record from both inpatient and outpatient encounters for patients who obtain medical care at Washington University and BJC practice sites. 2. ClinPortal: ClinPortal is a clinical studies data management application developed to allow PIs and study coordinators to develop and use electronic case report forms. 3. Tissue Suite: Tissue Suite is a comprehensive biospecimen informatics system which permits users to track the collection, storage, quality assurance, and distribution of specimens as well as the derivation and aliquotting of new specimens from existing ones (e.g. for DNA analysis). For more information about each of these tools please visit 1 Develop a sizeable body of professionals that understand and can apply the tools of biomedical informatics to their respective investigative foci in order to accelerate research and the bench to bedside transition. POLICIES Students taking the course for credit are required to attend both the lecture and laboratory components, to take laboratory quizzes, complete short assignments and participate in a group project. Short assignments are due the following week at the start of the laboratory session. TEXTBOOKS None. Reading materials for each lecture will be available at a later date SOFTWARE Access to the applications during the lab sessions will be via the computers in the 601B Becker library computer lab. Project Development on laptops or other computers will require: WUCON access or a VPN account to access the applications. A VPN account should be requested through your helpdesk for access the applications from offsite. Adobe Flash Player 8.0 Available at COURSE GRADING 25% laboratory quizzes 25% laboratory short assignments 50% project presentation We encourage you to work together on laboratory short assignments which will be assigned at the end of some laboratory sessions and will be due the following week. Short laboratory quizzes will be given at the end of learning sessions, and a group project must be developed, executed, and presented over the course of the semester. Letter grades: 90-100 = A, 80-89= B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, <60 = F COURSE TIMES and LOCATION Wednesdays: 4:00- 5:00pm Farrell Learning and Training Center (please see class schedule) 5:15-7:00pm Becker Library (601B) 2 3 Introduction to Biomedical Informatics and its Application to Clinical and Translational Research Lecture Schedule Fall 2009 Topic (4:00-5:00) Location Sept 1 4:00 Overview of Biomedical Informatics Rakesh Nagarajan FLT room 211 5:15 Lab Overview Rakesh Nagarajan 601B Becker Library Sept 8 4:00 Electronic Health Records (EHR)-part I: Rakesh Nagarajan FLT room 211 Secondary use of the electronic health record for research purposes 5:15 CIDER George Bijoy 601B Becker Library Sept 15 4:00 EHR part II: Quality Assurance/Quality Tom Bailey FLT room 202 Improvement (QA/QI) applications and Note location change Medical Decision Support 5:15 CIDER George Bijoy 601B Becker Library Sept 22 4:00 Study Design-part I (Best practices and Margie Olsen FLT room 211 caveats of using the EHR for research/QA/QI purposes) 5:15 CIDER George Bijoy 601B Becker Library Next Week's Class is on Thursday. Study Design Ramesh Raghavan FLT room 202 Sept 30 4:00 5:15 CSD Leslie McIntosh Oct 6 4:00 Clinical studies overview and Rakesh Nagarajan FLT room 211 management - Part I 5:15 ClinPortal Snehil Gupta 601B Becker Library Oct 13 4:00 Clinical studies overview and Rakesh Nagarajan FLT room 211 management - Part II 5:15 caTissue Dave Mulvihill 601B Becker Library Oct 20 4:00 Study design best practices Philip Miller FLT room 211 5:15 ClinPortal/caTissue Integration Snehil Gupta 601B Becker Library Oct 27 4:00 Bioinformatics Rakesh Nagarajan FLT room 211 5:15 ClinPortal/caTissue Query 601B Becker Library Nov 3 4:00 Translational & Pathology Informatics Mark Watson FLT room 211 5:15 Project Development 601B Becker Library Nov 10 4:00 Imaging Informatics Fred Prior FLT room 202 Note location change 5:15 Project Development 601B Becker Library Nov 17 4:00 Public health/epidemiology Graham Colditz FLT room 211 5:15 Project Development 601B Becker Library Nov 24 4:00 Thanksgiving Dec 1 4:00 Public health/epidemiology Tim Mcbride FLT room 211 5:15 Project Development 601B Becker Library Dec 8 4:00 Public health/epidemiology Jay McDonald FLT room 211 5:15 Project Presentations FLT room 211 Dec 15 4:00 Project Presentations FLT room 211 4