Motif Projects – A Separate Peace

Motif Projects – A Separate Peace
MOTIF - An image, object, action or idea that reoccurs in a single work of literature, in a group of works from a single
author [note the use of grey/ashes in The Great Gatsby], or in a genre of literature [ugly lady who is actually a
beautiful princess in folklore].
You will trace a set of two motifs in A Separate Peace to learn
 how an author develops a motif over the course of a novel
 how the motif develops over the course of the novel
 how the motif contributes to fictional elements in the novel (setting, mood, character, plot, theme, etc.)
Collecting Process:
1. Choose one set of motifs to trace (not interchangeable):
A. Clothes
B. Sports
D. Trees
Latin & Roman references
E. Smoking
C. River
2. For each set, label a sheet of loose leaf with the motif example.
3. As you reread the novel, make a list of all the occurrences of each motif in the novel.
4. Record your observations in a two column chart on your loose leaf page:
Motif Mentioned (Write the original sentence or use ellipses to highlight the key part)
5. Bring these lists to class! It is perfectly legitimate to take notes on them as we discuss chapters in depth. Plus,
it will be part of your finished product.
Completing Process: Once you have finished your lists, for EACH motif
6. Write one paragraph on the motif’s significance/how the motif contributes to one or more fictional elements.
The significance becomes clearer as you analyze its role by looking at the list of your references.
7. Choose the four best examples of the motif, the ones that best reflect on your analysis of the motif’s
contribution to fictional elements, and copy them down with the correct page number (use proper citation).
8. Create a visual representation of the motif/its significance in the novel. You can combine the two motifs into
one visual or you can create something separate. The form can be a drawing, picture/pictures from magazines,
photograph, original art, etc. The key here is for a strong visual interpretation of the motif.
The Finished Product
9. Create a motif booklet which includes your complete list of motifs mentioned; the two analysis paragraphs; the
four best examples; and your visual representations.
1. Four Best Examples (with proper citation)
2. A Visual Representation
3. Paragraph on Motif’s Significance
4. Complete Motif List