Name:____________________ Natural Disaster Research Guide Timeline: Media Center Research Guide Due Booklet Rough Draft due Diorama and Booklet due Project Show January 12-15 Wednesday January 14 Thursday January 15 Wednesday January 21 Thursday, January 22 Tutoring Times: Wednesday, January 14, 4-5 Tuesday, January 20, 4-5 Topics: Please choose a Natural Disaster and research the event. You may choose from the list below or have Mrs. Cunningham approve your request. Suggested Topics for Plate Tectonics Events: Suggested Topics for Weather Events: Vesuvius 79AD Hurricane Katrina 2005 Krakatoa 1883 Hurricane Rita 2005 Eruption of Mt St Helens May 18, 1980 Hurricane Ike 2005 Chile Earthquake 2010 Superstorm Sandy 2012 Haiti Earthquake 2010 Joplin Tornado 2011 California Earthquake 1906, 1989, 1994 Mississippi Flood The Great Flood of 1993 Indonesian Tsunami 2004 Cyclone Nargis 2008 Japanese Tsunami 2011 Hurricane Andrew 1993 Pakistan Earthquake 2005 Bastrop Fire 2011 Oso Washington Mudslide 2014 Suggested Topics for Anthropogenic Events: Suggested Topics for Extraterrestrial Events: BP Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 2010 Chixalub Crater 65 million years ago Exxon Valdez Oil Spill 1989 Pacific Gyre Garbage Patch – Ongoing Three Mile Island Nuclear Disaster 1979 Chernobyl 1986 Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone, Ongoing Global Climate Change Name:____________________ Natural Disaster:___________________________ Magnitude:___________________ Death Toll:_______________ Type of Disaster:___________________ Date of Occurrence:___________________ Cost:_________________ Questions: Sources: Use What is a Natural Disaster? Describe the general characteristics associated with the disaster type you are researching. How is the disaster type measured and classified? Name:____________________ What is the magnitude the Natural Disaster that you have researched? Describe your disaster. What factors make an area prone to your disaster? How many lives were lost during the disaster? What causes the disaster? Is the disaster a Plate Tectonic or an Weather Phenomenon? Where does it usually occur? For plate tectonics, please explain the associated crustal feature (fault, volcano) and plate boundary. Please include the names of the plates. Name:____________________ For atmospheric phenomena, please explain the associated weather event. How frequently does it occur? Is the natural disaster a repetitive event? How can it be predicted? How did it affect people, property, land and economy? What steps were taken for disaster preparation prior to the event? What role did the government play in the execution of the disaster plan? How can a both individuals and the community prepare for future disasters? Name:____________________ 10 Interesting Facts about the Natural Disaster Sources: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Name:____________________ 4 Graphics about your Natural Hazard 1. Map of the region affected by your disaster. Sources: 2. Scientific Model of your disaster. Sources: 3. Please include at least 5 Interesting picture or drawing that relates to the information presented in your paper. Sources: 4. Find a graph regarding the impacts of your natural disaster. Sources: a. What type of graph did you choose (circle graph, bar graph or line graph) b. Is your graph showing reliable data? c. What is the purpose of the graph? Name:____________________ Diorama Requirements: Diorama be no larger than a copy paper box. Diorama must contain a minimum of two interactive elements. Diorama should be engaging, neat and scientifically accurate. Major Components of your diorama. Interactive elements of your diorama: Diorama Sketch: Booklet Rubric Name:____________________ A Content 25% Accurately includes requirements for booklet. Supporting Evidence 25% Includes all research criteria with accurate supporting details for each. B Missing one or two requirements or inaccurate. Has some relevant details that support topic. Graphics 25% At least 5 relevant graphics. Graphics are present but not relevant. Sources 10% Derived from at least 3 reliable sources cited correctly in MLA format Derived from 2 reliable sources, but not cited correctly. Easy to read Organization Appropriate size and And Presentation spacing No spelling or 15% grammatical errors One or two spelling or grammatical errors. Size and spacing needs some adjustment. C Missing 3 or 4 requirements. D Missing more than 4 requirements. Needs more relevant details. Does not attempt to have any supporting evidence. Minimal Graphics Graphics not included Has one source, but may not be cited correctly. Does not cite any sources. Spacing and size are too small or large. More than 3 spelling or grammatical errors. Does not show any organization of thoughts. Diorama Rubric A Scientifically Accurate Representation 35% Interactive Elements 30% Creativity and Appearance 35% Diorama is realistic and informative interpretation of disaster. Include 2 interactive elements that enhance the quality of the diorama. The diorama presents an engaging interpretation of the disaster. Booklet Rubric Score: __________ Diorama Rubric Score: _________ Overall Grade:_________________ B Diorama contains unrealistic aspects, but is still informative. C Diorama contains unrealistic elements and is not scientifically sound. Two interactive One interactive elements are present. element is present. The diorama is lacks creativity or neatness. The diorama is lacks both creativity and neatness. D Diorama is inadequate representation of disaster. Diorama is missing interactive elements. The diorama shows minimal effort.