objective 7b presentations and communication student version

Objective #7b. Create presentations using effective communication skills and
advanced features of multimedia, including photo, video and audio editing.
OVERVIEW: Communications lesson – Creating a Google Slides presentation –
inserting audio, video and images; Using Share to submit your presentation.
Compare Microsoft Powerpoint to Google Slides.
OUTLINE: Using persuasive language; Creating an effective persuasive presentation.
-- YOU are the presentation – you are just constructing a visual aid; Using Google
Slides; create an audio recording or written speech to accompany your presentation,
in lieu of presenting in class. Narrating a powerpoint; Using Google Share feature
LESSON: Creating persuasive presentations
 A persuasive presentation contains a call to action, even if it's just to
invite the audience to learn more about a product or idea.
 Your slides have two purposes: to act as prompts for your
presentation and to reinforce the points you want your audience to
remember. Choose four or five main points from your talk that you
want your audience to remember. They will probably not remember
more than that.
 Your powerpoint is a visual aid to help with information retention.
Create graphically clean slides that effectively frame and reinforce
your chosen points and don’t divert their attention from you. Don't
clutter your slides with lots of content. You want your audience to
remember having seen your concepts as well as heard them. Slides
that are heavy with text and images are harder to take in than
streamlined slides that feature lots of white space.
 Follow the 7 x 7 rule – no more than seven bullets per slide, no more
than 7 words per bullet. If you have detailed information that you
want your audience to have, you can create handouts for distribution
after the presentation.
The following are two links that provide tips for preparing an effective persuasive
presentation. You should review these before starting your research.
Create a Slides presentation in Google drive (or a Powerpoint presentation and
upload it to Google Drive) that you would use to present a topic in your field of
interest to persuade a selected audience to act. Your available topics appear as a
reply to your first post in this class in Edmodo. When you are finished, you will
share your Google Slides presentation with me at wphscareer@gmail.com. Sharing
your presentation will allow me to grade and make comments electronically and
send them back to you. If we had people interested in the same careers, you would
share with them also, and they would critique. Since this is a small class, we don’t
have that luxury, so after I review and you have revised, you will share with another
designated classmate so that you can learn to critique electronically as well.
Remember to cite your sources on the last slide.
Google slides makes it easy to create presentations that include both images and
YouTube videos. While you might not always use a Youtube video clip in a
persuasive presentation, for purposes of this class (and one of the objectives), we
will include a video clip as well as at least one picture. Your YouTube clip should
appear toward the end of your presentation. (Choose the Video option under the
Insert menu. You can either paste the URL of an existing YouTube video or you
can search YouTube videos inside Google Docs itself and insert any video from
the search result by picking the video thumbnail and choosing the Select button.)
Remember that the powerpoint is a visual aid not the presentation itself. Ideally,
you would present these to the class in an oral presentation; however, since time is
an issue, we won’t be able to present in class. Therefore, you will either narrate
your Microsoft Office powerpoint OR create a Google slides presentation and create
either a podcast or a written document that would contain your “speech.”
If you decide to podcast your presentation, you will record yourself on your phone.
Use the Opinion app (it’s free) to record on your phone and then share using
Google+ or by attaching the recording to an email to me. (If you don’t have an Apple
product, we can look at Android apps.) In the alternative, you just type out what you
would say during your persuasive presentation, and share your Google Docs speech
with me as well to use when I review your powerpoint.
You also have the option to record your audio as a part of your presentation, but
that is not an option in Google slides. You would have to record your narration in
powerpoint and then upload the presentation to Google slides.
Slide presentation in Google drive – shared with instructor
7 x 7 rule
Persuasive words/language
At least one meaningful picture to engage audience
YouTube video clip to continue to persuade or show an example
Cite sources
Cover topic adequately
Support your opinion
Use professional and persuasive language
Use correct spelling and grammar
Avoid plagiarism and copyright violations
Remember that in addition to your Slides presentation, you must also upload a
written speech or a recording of your speech OR narrate a powerpoint presentation,
upload it to Google Drive, and then add your YouTube video clip in Google slides.