Constitution of Sahuarita/Walden Grove High School Robotics Team Article I. Name Section I. The name of this organization will be Sahuarita High School Robotics Team. Article 2. Purpose Section II. The purpose of this organization will be to educate in the field of robotics (engineering and automation). Article II. Membership into level II or higher Section I. Membership is open to all eligible students who are interested in: a.) robotics b.) CAD c.) programming d.) designing e.) engineering Section II. All members must have previously taken Industrial Manufacturing I, a technology class, or have been approved by the instructor. Section III. Any member who is absent three meetings without reasonable excuse will have his or her name taken off the roll. Article III. Officers Section I. The student authority positions will be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, Historian, and Parliamentarian. Section II. All positions will be determined by the team by a majority vote. In the event of a tie, the final decision will be made by the team instructor. Section III. The duties of the positions are: a. President i. Run the meetings ii. Organize events iii. Oversee the secretary iv. Make extreme disciplinary decisions upon an issue with members of the team upon consultation with the instructor b. Vice-President i. Take the place of absent executive board members ii. Oversee the treasury iii. Make contact with sponsors and the media iv. Help run and oversee committees c. Secretary i. Helps manage engineering journal and meeting ii. Take notes of meetings d. Treasurer i. Manage the team's finances ii. Manage the inventory iii. Manage the sales records e. Historian i. Document meetings through photographs. ii. In charge of engineering journal notes f. Parliamentarian i. Enforces rules in team meetings. ii. Helps keep attendance at meetings focused and quiet Section IV. Vacancies in office will be determined by the discretion of the instructor and officers. Article IV. Meetings Section I. Meetings will be held at least once a month, at the discretion of the instructor. Section II. The quorum is made up of the main officers and representatives of each class in addition to an instructor or mentor and at least one executive board member. Section III. The order of business shall be: a.) Call to order b.) Reports c.) Unfinished business d.) New business e.) Planning for events f.) Adjournment Article V. Amendments Section I. This constitution may be amended by a motion passed by a 3/4 vote of the quorum. Section II. The amendments will take effect at the next meeting.