Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Block Diagram: Vendors: Agilent Technologies, Inc. Dionex Beckman Coulter Bio-Rad Lumex Research Articles: Johnson, Paul H; Grossman, Lawrence I. Electrophoresis of DNA in Agarose Gels. Optimizing Separations of Conformational Isomers of Double and Single-Stranded DNA. Biochemistry, 1977 16 (19), pp 4217 – 4225. Gallardo, Jose M; Sotelo, Carmen G.; Pineiro, Carmen; Perex-Martin, Ricardo I. Use of Capillary Zone Electrophoresis for fish species identification. Differentiation of flatfish species. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 1995. 43: 1238-1244. Bocek, Petr; Fanali, Salvatore; Foret, Frantisek; Nardi, Annalisa. Capillary zone electrophoresis of rare earth metals with indirect UV absorbance detection 2005, Electrophoresis, Vol. 11 Issue 9, pp 780-783. Uses of CZE: Analysis of drugs Drug screening Separation of proteins, amino acids, and carbohydrates Separation of synthetic herbicides, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals that are ion based