Minutes of the LIU ions crash study meeting on November 19, 2015 Agenda (https://indico.cern.ch/event/462618/) 1. Beam dynamics studies 2. Discussion on the operational use of both RF cavities 3. AOB Present: S. Albright, J. Axensalva, H. Bartosik, A. Blas, C. Carli, S. Gilardoni, S. Jensen, V. Kain, D. Küchler, A. Huschauer, D. Manglunki, M. Meddahi, S. Pasinelli, D. Quartullo, G. Rumolo 1. Beam dynamics studies (H. Bartosik, A. Huschauer, V. Kain) H. Bartosik presented an overview of last week’s activities. Emphasis was put on setting up the BIOMD cycle, which has a length of four BPs, in order to increase the accumulated intensity. The next step after copying and adjusting the settings from MDNOM was to correctly adjust the B-train offset (ER.TRAIN). Therefore, the RF capture was advanced and the beam was centered while keeping the FREVCORR at zero. Attention has to be paid, as these settings crucially affect the TFB. Furthermore, it was reported that the beam performance seems to depend on the previously played LEIR user and the accumulation on BIOMD was significantly improved after putting NOMINAL in front instead of EARLY. D. Manglunki mentioned that EPC will profit from a planned beam stop of half an hour on Friday afternoon to investigate ETL.BHN10, as the corresponding sampler shows an important ripple at 50 Hz on this device. To understand the effect of the different users on each other, all settings should be homogenized. H. Bartosik added that the chromaticity on EARLY had not been changed so far and, therefore, the settings of the sextupoles are significantly different than on NOMINAL and MDNOM. Furthermore, the cycle following NOMINAL or BIOMD seems to be degraded as well. Magnetic measurements of ETL.BHN10 were suggested to fully understand its behavior. C. Carli reminded that even if the correction of the injection efficiency takes place with ETL.BHN10, a different element could actually cause the problem. D. Manglunki suggested to check ITE.BHN40 as well, as it is the only PPM element in that line. The transfer line settings could also be made completely non-PPM, but this would obviously cause troubles if changes were required during an MD. H. Bartosik continued by presenting a screenshot of the MATLAB LEIRmonitor, showing 13 injections on BIOMD, a maximum accumulated intensity of 9 x 1010 charges and a maximum intensity of 6.65 x 1010 charges on the flat top. During the last injections the setting of the horizontal tune is critical, which hints to a space charge related effect. Therefore, it will be necessary to investigate the transverse shape of the beam with the IPM in order to compute the variation of the Laslett tune shift along the cycle. A. Huschauer added that currently only up to two seconds can be acquired with the IPM. J. Axensalva replied that this was a known issue and that L. Jensen is looking into a problem with the FESA class causing this issue. J. Axensalva furthermore reported the availability of the timing ER.BGI-START, which can be used to shift the start of the IPM acquisition. C. Carli confirmed that also in the past losses were observed to critically depend on the working point, but rather after capture and that twice the intensity of NOMINAL was accumulated in the past using a special coast mode. The vacuum at that time was apparently better than today and the life time was less affected. D. Manglunki informed that investigations of the vacuum are planned during the YETS and S. Gilardoni suggested to try to reactivate the NEGs before opening the machine. 1|Page Minutes of the LIU ions crash study meeting on November 19, 2015 The FREVCORR was observed to start at a non-zero value on all users, which potentially also leads to malfunctioning of the TFB. M. E. Angoletta fixed this issue. D. Manglunki enquired whether the loss at capture could be related to this fact and whether the loss currently occurs at capture or at the start of the ramp. H. Bartosik replied that with the current setup of BIOMD, losses appear only at the beginning of the ramp. The improved performance of BIOMD causes the intensity trace to be no longer visible on the LEIR vistar. An offline discussion was suggested to search for possibilities of adjusting the intensity gain, maybe even depending on the user. H. Bartosik presented observations related to the Schottky spectrum. Depending on the settings of the e-cooler, the beam systematically disappears from the measured spectrum after about five injections. C. Carli explained that come coherent signal could perturb the acquisition and, therefore, one should look at the signal in time domain. D. Manglunki stated that some Schottky spectra should be measured, stored and made available for the different observations. Further studies to understand the effect of the TT2 and PS stray fields on the LEIR injection efficiency were launched. So far, no strong dependence of the injection performance on either of this parameters was found and studies will continue next week. 2. Discussion on the operational use of both RF cavities (all participants) Triggered by the fact that an increase of the RF voltage increased the transmission, the question was raised whether both FINEMET cavities could be used operationally at the same time. D. Manglunki mentioned that this was due to a limit on the amplifiers rather than on the cavities themselves. Prior to the meeting, M. E. Angoletta had stated that additional development of the DLLRF would be required. S. GIlardoni reported that, according to C. Rossi, both cavities can already be used for MDs; however, it should be officially requested at the IEFC. Also because the FINEMET material could suffer from erosion. For the future, one could profit from the development in the PSB to improve the cavities. A. Blas reminded that any possible impedance issue due to the additional cavity should be taken into account and enquired whether the beam size was compared to theoretically computed values of the acceptance to justify the increase of voltage. S. Gilardoni replied that due to the coupling to the transverse plane increased voltage might not only be beneficial in terms of longitudinal dynamics but also in terms of transverse space charge. D. Manglunki added that the optimum situation would be to implement more powerful amplifiers to keep one cavity as an operational hot spare of the other. M. Meddahi asked if any measures could be foreseen already now to use both cavities and A. Blas replied that he could think of some non-permanent fix, which would have to be discussed with M. E. Angoletta. 3. AOB S. Gilardoni mentioned that the transmission of the high-intensity cycle should be investigated in the SPS in the period between December 3rd and 14th, after the stop of the north area programed when the LHC is filled. D. Manglunki added that the source will be refilled after the stop of the north area. 2|Page Minutes of the LIU ions crash study meeting on November 19, 2015 D. Küchler reported that the current delivered by the source at the moment is even better than nominal. After refilling the oven, it takes some time to find a good working point of the source and adjustments have to be carried out slowly to avoid spoiling lead and decreasing the life time. Apparently, the transmission in ITH has deteriorated since last September and those losses are currently reducing the available current at the end of LINAC3. H. Bartosik added that the rematching of the transfer line still has to be implemented after the north are run. S. Gilardoni presented the planning for next week and asked D. Küchler to discuss with either R. Scrivens or G. Bellodi concerning the reduced transmission in ITH. D. Manglunki mentioned that the cycle using 12 injections into LHC should be finalized on Friday and the operators should measure the emittances. Minutes by A. Huschauer on November 25, 2015 3|Page