REFERENCES AFCEE (Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment). 2007 (September). Final Record of Decision for Landfill-1 Source Area and Groundwater. A4P-J2335BC02VA-M26-0007. Prepared by Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., for AFCEE/MMR Installation Restoration Program, Otis Air National Guard Base, MA. _____. 1999a (December). Landfill-1 Post-Closure Monitoring Third Quarter Findings (September 1999). AFC-J23-35S19205-M17-0003. Prepared by Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., for AFCEE/MMR Installation Restoration Program, Otis Air National Guard Base, MA. _____. 1999b (September). Final Landfill-1 Post-Closure Monitoring 1998 Annual Report. AFC-J23-35S17901-M17-0007. Prepared by Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., for AFCEE/MMR Installation Restoration Program, Otis Air National Guard Base, MA. _____. 1998a (August). Final Landfill-1 Post-Closure Monitoring 1997 Annual Report. AFC-J23-35G489000-M17-0004. Prepared by Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., for AFCEE/MMR Installation Restoration Program, Otis Air National Guard Base, MA. _____. 1998b (August). Final Landfill-1 Post-Closure Monitoring Work Plan. AFCJ23-35G489000-M17-0005. Prepared by Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., for AFCEE/MMR Installation Restoration Program, Otis Air National Guard Base, MA. _____. 1996 (September). AOC LF-1 Main Base Landfill Site Closure Report. Prepared by ABB Environmental Services, Inc., for AFCEE/MMR Installation Restoration Program, Otis Air National Guard Base, MA. Air National Guard (ANG). 1995 (September). Final Record of Decision Interim Remedial Action Containment of Seven Groundwater Plumes at MMR, Cape Cod MA. Prepared by Stone & Webster Environmental & Technology Services for ANG Readiness Center, Installation Restoration Program, Otis ANG Base, MA. _____. 1993a (September). Post-Closure Plan for Main Base Landfill (AOC LF-1). Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Prepared by ABB-ES for Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. _____. 1993b (January). Record of Decision Interim Remedial Action Main Base Landfill (AOC LF-1) Source Area Operable Unit. Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Prepared for Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. _____. 1992a (April). Closure Plan for Study Area LF-1 1970 Cell, Post-1970 Cell, and Kettle Hole Technical Specifications (90 Percent Design). Prepared for the Otis Air National Guard Base, Massachusetts by Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program. Document1 02/09/16 Draft 404929-SPEIM-LF1-RPT-001 6-1