MFT 777 Clinical Techniques Assign

Clinical Techniques. Submit 6 clinical techniques (one per page using page breaks between
techniques, not to exceed three pages, using APA style) that can be used with couples. You
should select a clinical technique a beginning level therapist could use. The format of each
technique should include your name, the theory from which the techniques was derived, a
descriptive title of the technique (Building Intimacy, Reflective listening, Good Faith Contracts,
Caring Days, Expressing Positive Statements, etc.), a brief description the technique which
includes its purpose and the technique, and a case illustration. The description should be
complete enough that anyone reading it will be able to use it. Case material is for illustration and
should not contain any material that would identify a couple if it is a technique you have applied
to a couple. Finally, reference the source of the technique in the text and have a reference list.
Only one or two references are needed. Your grade on this project will count twice in your grade
calculation. In other words, it is worth 200 points. Please use the following format. I will also
need you to grant or not grant permission to publish the techniques.
Your Name
Descriptive Title of Technique
Description of Technique
Case Example
I grant Dr. Weeks permission to publish____not publish____ these techniques (check one)
For example:
John Smith
Good Faith Contract
(Behavioral/Dynamic Technique)
Description of Technique
Case Example
I grant Dr. Weeks permission to publish____not publish these techniques
The following criteria will be used to evaluate your project:
a. clarity of technique
b. use of format described above
c. accurately describing techniques based on the literature, draw from one theory
or several (use specific theories primary references, Young and Long book
which has multiple theories or Gurman’s Clinical Handbook of Couple Therapy
(I have the only copy but you can Xerox chapters)
d. application of the technique to clinical practice
e. the technique should be something a beginning level therapist can use
As I mentioned, these techniques will be compiled, published, and placed in the clinic and may
be used for other publications. A lot of you have chosen the same topics so I suspect I will need
to omit the techniques that are redundant.
Submission of Project: 2 hard copies of everything (staple each set of hard copies), 1 CD with 6
techniques in Word. Write your name on the disc. Use a disc protector if possible and use small
clip to attach CD to one hard copy. Please submit everything in a folder (manila folder is ok)
with your name on it.