103.053 App 3.5 Attachment 3

The Signalling Programme
Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West
BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5
Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
The Signalling Programme
Amerika Plads 15
DK-2100 Copenhagen E
Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West
BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5
Version 3.0
Author: Fjernbane
Signalling System Project
Mail: Fjernbane@bane.dk
Phone: +45 8234 0000
Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
Table of Contents
Change Log
Interface Descriptions
Line Block with Direction Control
Line Block Types 1951 and 1954
Line Block Type 1977
Line Block Types 1982 and 1994
DB Line Block Type Alcatel MC L84-N
Line Block without Direction Control
Line Block Type 1960
Line Block Types E80 and 1991
Station Equipped for Line Block with Direction Control
Line Block Types 1951 and 1954
Line Block Type 1957
Line Block Types 1982, 1990 and 1994
Line Block Type 1986
Station Equipped for Line Block without Direction Control
Line Block Type 1960
Station Equipped for Shunting Routes
Shunting Route Interface
Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West
BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5
Version 3.0
Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Change Log
Made by
Commented by
Approved by
Issued to Tenderers
Issued to Tenderers for BAFO
Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West
BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5
Version 3.0
Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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The Fjernbane Infrastructure System will in many locations connect with legacy station
Interlocking or line block systems, temporarily or permanently. This attachment explains
the functionality to support traffic entering and exiting the ETCS area
This attachment provides a functional overview of the interfaces that are expected to
become relevant for temporary and permanent borders between ETCS and non-ETCS
Please observe that illustrations of transition areas are examples only. Actual locations
and numbers of signals, ATC-Balises, ETCS-Balises and Marker boards may change
depending on detailed solutions.
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Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Interface Descriptions
Line Block with Direction Control
This section applies to situations where the Fjernbane Infrastructure System connects to a
legacy line block system with the property that the line block system defines a direction
of traffic prior to a route being locked towards the open line.
Expected line block systems relevant for temporary and permanent installations are:
Banedanmark types 1951, 1954, 1977, 1982 and 1994
DB line block type Alcatel MC L84-N.
Line Block Types 1951 and 1954
These line block systems are equipped for non-symmetric running on double track lines.
Normal operation is right-hand running with a number of intermediate block signals. A
track can be switched into left-hand running with no (or few) intermediate block signals.
Figure 1: Line block types 1951 and 1954
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Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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The generic interface is defined by Banedanmark standard DN679Q0620 and local
installation Documentation. The interface assumes certain functions to be supported by
the adjacent Station Interlocking System. To avoid unnecessary functionality in the
Fjernbane Infrastructure System, the interface is re-arranged by a relay adaptation so that
- All operation of the line block is through existing TMS.
- All signals and ATC Balises are controlled by the line block system.
- All necessary Track Circuits are maintained and controlled by the line block
Further, the last block signal before the system border is adapted to showing “one green”
only, while ATC Balise functions “2 green” and “3 green” reading into the ETCS area are
maintained as necessary.
The remaining functionality basically comprises:
1st entry route section released (permitting release of preceding block
MA corresponding to 1 block section (permitting “2 green” in preceding
signal Balise; only required for dense signal separation)
MA corresponding to 2 block sections (permitting “3 green” in
preceding signal Balise; only required for dense signal separation)
No exit route (permitting line direction “in”)
Train accepted (permitting release of last exit route section)
Clear until 1st block signal (permitting corresponding MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System)
Clear until 2nd block signal (permitting corresponding MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System; only required for dense signal separation)
Line direction “out” (permitting exit route in Fjernbane Infrastructure
The relay adaptation and the exact number of information channels are to be decided in
the Design Phase.
Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West
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Version 3.0
Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Line Block Type 1977
This line block system is equipped for single track line. Normal state is running in one
direction with optional intermediate block signals. The track can be switched into the
opposite running direction. There is no preferred direction.
Figure 2: Line block type 1977
The generic interface seems not to be defined by a Banedanmark standard, but can be
read from component and installation documentation. Similar adaptation efforts as for
types 1951/1954 apply.
The remaining functionality basically comprises:
1st entry route section released (permitting release of preceding block
No exit route (permitting line direction “in”)
Train accepted (permitting release of last exit route section)
Clear until 1st block signal (permitting corresponding MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System)
Line direction “out” (permitting exit route in Fjernbane Infrastructure
The relay adaptation and the exact number of information channels are to be decided in
the Design Phase.
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Version 3.0
Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Line Block Types 1982 and 1994
These line block systems are equipped for single track lines and symmetric operation on
multi-track lines. Normal operation is running in one direction with optional intermediate
block signals. The Track can be switched into the opposite running direction. There is no
preferred direction.
Figure 3: Line block types 1982 and 1994
The generic interface is defined by Banedanmark standard DN679Q0561 and local
installation Documentation. Similar adaptation efforts as for types 1951/1954 apply.
The remaining functionality basically comprises:
1st entry route section released (permitting release of preceding block
MA corresponding to 1 block section (permitting “2 green” in preceding
signal Balise; only required for dense signal separation)
MA corresponding to 2 block sections (permitting “3 green” in
preceding signal Balise; only required for dense signal separation)
No exit route (permitting line direction “in”)
Train accepted (permitting release of last exit route section)
Clear until 1st block signal (permitting corresponding MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System)
Clear until 2nd block signal (permitting corresponding MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System; only required for dense signal separation)
Line direction “out” (permitting exit route in Fjernbane Infrastructure
The relay adaptation and the exact number of information channels is to be decided in the
Design Phase.
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Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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DB Line Block Type Alcatel MC L84-N
This line block system has functionality similar to type 1957 (refer to section 3.3.2). The
system relies less on functions of the adjacent Station Interlocking, and is thus expected
to generally adhere to the concept of full control by TMS.
The relay adaptation and the exact number of information channels are to be decided in
the Design Phase.
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Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Line Block without Direction Control
This section applies to situations where the Fjernbane Infrastructure System connects to a
legacy line block system with the property that the direction of traffic is defined by a
route being locked towards the open line.
Expected line block systems relevant for temporary and permanent installations are:
Banedanmark types 1960 (manuel linjeblok) and 1991 (signalblok)
Private lines type E80 (systemblok)
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Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Line Block Type 1960
This line block system is equipped for single track line. Normal state is no defined
running direction. When an exit route is locked, the line block is allocated for this running
direction and opposing exit route is blocked.
Figure 4: Line block type 1960
The generic interface is defined by Banedanmark manual “Elektriske Sikringsanlæg” and
local installation Documentation. The interface assumes all functions to be supported by
the adjacent station Interlocking Systems. To avoid unnecessary functionality in the
Fjernbane Infrastructure System, the interface is re-arranged by a relay adaptation so that
All operation of the line block is through existing TMS.
All signals are controlled by the line block system.
All necessary Track Circuits are maintained and controlled by the line block
The remaining functionality basically comprises:
No exit route (permitting line direction ”in”)
Clear until next signal (permitting corresponding MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System)
Line direction “neutral” (permitting exit route in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System)
The relay adaptation and the exact number of information channels are to be decided in
the Design Phase.
Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West
BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5
Version 3.0
Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Line Block Types E80 and 1991
These line block systems are equipped for single track line. Normal state is no defined
running direction. When an exit route is locked, the line block is allocated for this running
direction and opposing exit route is blocked.
Figure 5: Line block type E80 and 1991
The generic interface is defined by Banedanmark standard PN683V1271 and local
installation documentation. Similar adaptation efforts as for type 1960 apply.
The remaining functionality basically comprises:
Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West
Exit route locked (requesting line direction “out”)
Exit route blocked (acknowledging line direction “in”)
Clear until next signal (permitting corresponding MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System)
Request line direction “in” (blocking exit route in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System)
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Version 3.0
Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Station Equipped for Line Block with Direction
This section applies to situations where the Fjernbane Infrastructure System connects to a
Station Interlocking.
The interface is governed by the line block replaced by the Fjernbane Infrastructure
System in order to minimise changes to the Station Interlocking.
Expected line block interfaces relevant for temporary installations are:
Banedanmark types 1951, 1954, 1957, 1982, 1986, 1990 and 1994
Line Block Types 1951 and 1954
Figure 6: Line block types 1951 and 1954
Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West
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Version 3.0
Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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The generic interface is defined by Banedanmark standard DN679Q0620 and local
installation Documentation. As the replaced line block system is only superficially
emulated by the Fjernbane Infrastructure System, the interface is re-arranged by a relay
adaptation so that
All open line operation is controlled by new TMS.
All signals are controlled by the Station Interlocking or the line block adaptation
All necessary Track Circuits are maintained and controlled by the Station
Further, the exit signal is adapted to showing “one green” only, while ATC functions “2
green” and “3 green” are maintained.
For Early Deployment Line West, a change-over system solution is also expected, enabling alternating operation with existing line block and the Fjernbane Infrastructure
The remaining functionality basically comprises:
1st entry route section released (permitting release of preceding route
Signal cleared for 1 block section (permitting corresp. MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System; only required for dense signal separation)
Signal cleared for 2 block sections (permitting corresp. MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System; only required for dense signal separation)
No exit route (permitting open line routes in direction ”in”)
Train accepted (permitting release of exit route)
Open line route set for direction “out” (permitting exit route in
Fjernbane Infrastructure System)
MA for 1 open line route (permitting “1 green” in exit signal)
The relay adaptation and the exact number of information channels are to be decided in
the Design Phase.
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Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Line Block Type 1957
This line block system is equipped for single track line. Normal state is no defined
running direction. The running direction is set as necessary prior to exit route being set.
Figure 7: Line block type 1957
The generic interface is defined by Banedanmark manual “Elektriske Sikringsanlæg” and
local installation documentation. Similar adaptation efforts as for types 1951/1954 apply.
The remaining functionality basically comprises:
1st entry route section released (permitting release of preceding route
Signal cleared for 1 block section (permitting corresp. MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System; only required for dense signal separation)
Signal cleared for 2 block sections (permitting corresp. MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System; only required for dense signal separation)
No exit route (permitting open line routes in direction “in”)
Train accepted (permitting release of exit route)
Open line route set for direction “out” (permitting exit route in
Fjernbane Infrastructure System)
MA for 1 open line route (permitting “1 green” in exit signal)
The relay adaptation and the exact number of information channels is to be decided in the
Design Phase.
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Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Line Block Types 1982, 1990 and 1994
Figure 8: Line block types 1982, 1990 and 1994
The generic interface is defined by Banedanmark standard DN679Q0561 and local
installation documentation. Similar adaptation efforts as for types 1951/1954 apply.
The remaining functionality basically comprises:
1st entry route section released (permitting release of preceding route
Signal cleared for 1 block section (permitting corresp. MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System; only required for dense signal separation)
Signal cleared for 2 block sections (permitting corresp. MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System; only required for dense signal separation)
No exit route (permitting open line routes in direction “in”)
Train accepted (permitting release of exit route)
Open line route set for direction “out” (permitting exit route in
Fjernbane Infrastructure System)
MA for 1 open line route (permitting “1 green” in exit signal)
The relay adaptation and the exact number of information channels is to be decided in the
Design Phase.
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Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Line Block Type 1986
Normal state is running in one direction with no intermediate block signals. The track can
be switched into the opposite running direction. There is no preferred direction.
Figure 9: Line block type 1986
The generic interface seems not to be defined by a Banedanmark standard, but can be
read from component and installation documentation. Similar adaptation efforts as for
types 1951/1954 apply.
For Early Deployment Line East, a change-over system solution is also expected, enabling alternating operation with existing line block and the Fjernbane Infrastructure
The remaining functionality basically comprises:
1st entry route section released (permitting release of preceding route
Signal cleared for 1 block section (permitting corresp. MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System; only required for dense signal separation)
Signal cleared for 2 block sections (permitting corresp. MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System; only required for dense signal separation)
No exit route (permitting open line routes in direction “in”)
Train accepted (permitting release of exit route)
Open line route set for direction “out” (permitting exit route in
Fjernbane Infrastructure System)
MA for 1 open line route (permitting “1 green” in exit signal)
The relay adaptation and the exact number of information channels is to be decided in the
Design Phase.
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Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Station Equipped for Line Block without Direction
This section applies to situations where the Fjernbane Infrastructure System connects to a
Station Interlocking.
The interface is governed by the line block replaced by the Fjernbane Infrastructure
System in order to minimise changes to the Station Interlocking.
Expected line block interfaces relevant for temporary installations are:
Banedanmark type 1960 (manuel linjeblok)
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Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Line Block Type 1960
Figure 10: Line block type 1960
The generic interface is defined by Banedanmark manual “Elektriske Sikringsanlæg” and
local installation documentation. As the preceding line block system is only superficially
emulated by the Fjernbane Infrastructure System, the interface is re-arranged by a relay
adaptation so that
- All open line operation is controlled by new TMS.
- All signals are controlled by the Station Interlocking.
- All necessary Track Circuits are maintained and controlled by the Station
The remaining functionality basically comprises:
1st entry route section released (permitting release of preceding route
Signal cleared for 1 block section (permitting corresp. MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System; only required for dense signal separation)
Signal cleared for 2 block sections (permitting corresp. MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System; only required for dense signal separation)
No exit route (permitting line direction “in”)
No open line route set for direction “in” (permitting exit route)
MA for 1 open line route (permitting “1 green” in exit signal)
The relay adaptation and the exact number of information channels is to be decided in the
Design Phase.
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Station Equipped for Shunting Routes
This section applies to situations where the Fjernbane Infrastructure System connects to a
Station Interlocking through a secondary track.
The interface is governed by the Shunting Route Interface replaced by the Fjernbane
Infrastructure System in order to minimise changes to the Station Interlocking.
Expected line block systems relevant for temporary and permanent installations are:
- Banedanmark station type 1964/1972
- Private lines station type E80
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Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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Shunting Route Interface
Figure 11: Shunting route interface
The generic interface is defined by local installation documentation. The interface is rearranged by a relay adaptation so that
All signals are controlled by the Station Interlocking, as necessary.
The remaining functionality basically comprises:
Route locked from border
Route towards border released
Cleared for on-sight (permitting corresponding MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System)
Cleared for proceed (permitting corresponding MA in Fjernbane
Infrastructure System)
Route locked from border
Route towards border released
MA OS (permitting on-sight in preceding signal)
MA FS (permitting proceed in preceding signal)
The relay adaptation and the exact number of information channels is to be decided in the
Design Phase.
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Att 3 Interface to Legacy lnterlockings
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