Full list of Peer Reviewed Publications Drillet, G., Hay, S., Hansen, B. W., O’Neill F.G., 2014. Effects of demersal otter trawls on the re-suspension of copepod resting eggs and its potential effects on recruitment. Journal of Fisheries and Livestock Production, 2:1. http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2332-2608.1000114 O’Neill, F.G., Lines, E.K., Kynoch, R.J., Fryer, R.J. and Maguire, S. 2014. A shortterm economic assessment of incentivised selective gears. Fisheries Research, 157, 13 – 23. O’Neill F.G., Robertson, M., Summerbell K., Breen M. and Robinson, L.A., 2013. The mobilisation of sediment and benthic infauna by scallop dredges. Marine Environmental Research, 90, 104 – 112. O’Neill F.G., Simmons S.M., Parsons D.R., Best J.L., Copland P.J., Armstrong F., Breen M. and Summerbell K. 2013. Monitoring the generation and evolution of the sediment plume behind towed fishing gears using a multibeam echosounder. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 70 (4), 892 – 903. Brown, L., Bresnan, E., Summerbell K. and O’Neill F.G. 2013. The influence of demersal trawl fishing gears on the resuspension of dinoflagellate cysts. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 66, 17 – 24. Vasilakopoulos, P., Marshall, C.T. and O’Neill, F.G., 2012. The temporal trends of the exploitation and status of NE Atlantic fish stocks illustrate the importance of immature fish. Fisheries Research, 134 – 136, 21 – 28. Reid, D. G., Kynoch, R. J., Penny, I., Summerbell, K., Edridge, A. and O’Neill, F. G., 2012. A comparison of the GOV survey trawl with a commercial whitefish trawl. Fisheries Research, 121 – 122, 136 – 143. Vasilakopoulos, P., O’Neill, F.G. and Marshall, C.T., 2011. Misspent youth: Does catching immature fish affect fisheries sustainability? ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(7), 1525–1534. Ivanović, A., Neilson, R.D., and O’Neill, F.G., 2011. Modelling the physical impact of trawl components on the seabed. Ocean Engineering, 38, 925 - 933. O’Neill F.G. and Summerbell K., 2011. The mobilisation of sediment by demersal otter trawls. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62, 1088 – 1097. Kynoch, R.J., O’Neill, F.G. and Fryer, R.J., 2011. Test of 300 and 600mm netting in the forward sections of a Scottish whitefish trawl. Fisheries Research, 108, 277282. Drewery J., Bova D., Kynoch R.J., Edridge A., Fryer R.J. and O’Neill F.G., 2010. The selectivity of the Swedish grid and 120mm square mesh panels in the Scottish Nephrops trawl fishery. Fisheries Research, 106, 454 – 459. Campbell, R., Harcus, T., Weirman, D., Fryer, R.J., Kynoch, R.J. and O’Neill, F.G., 2010. The reduction of cod discards by inserting 300mm diamond mesh netting in the forward sections of a trawl gear. Fisheries Research, 102, 221 - 226. O’Neill F.G., Summerbell K. and Breen, M., 2009. An underwater laser stripe seabed profiler to measure the physical impact of towed gear components on the sea bed. Fisheries Research, 99, 234 – 238. O’Neill, F.G. and Priour, D., 2009. Comparison and validation of two models of netting deformation. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 76, 051001. Priour, D., Herrmann, B. and O’Neill, F.G., 2009. Modelling axisymmetric cod-ends made of different mesh types. Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 223, 137 – 144. O’Neill, F.G., Graham, N., Kynoch, R.J., Ferro, R.S.T., Kunzlik, P.A. and Fryer, R.J., 2008. The effect of varying cod-end circumference, inserting a ‘flexi-grid’ or inserting a Bacoma type panel on the selectivity of North Sea haddock. Fisheries Research, 94, 175 – 183. Jones, E.G., Summerbell K. and O’Neill F.G., 2008. The influence of towing speed and fish density on the behaviour of Haddock in a trawl cod-end. Fisheries Research, 94, 166 - 174. O’Neill, F.G. and Neilson, R.D., 2008. A dynamic model of the deformation of a diamond mesh cod-end of a trawl net. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 75(1). O’Neill, F.G. and Herrmann, B., 2007. PRESEMO – a predictive model of cod-end selectivity– a tool for fisheries managers. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 64, 1558 - 1568. Sala, A., O’Neill, F.G., Buglioni, G., Lucchetti, A., Palumbo, V. and Fryer, R.J., 2007. Experimental method for quantifying the resistance to opening of netting panels. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 64, 1573 - 1578. Fonteyne, R., Buglioni, G., Leonori, I. and O’Neill, F.G., 2007. Review of mesh measurement methodologies. Fisheries Research, 85, 279 – 284. Fonteyne, R., Buglioni, G., Leonori, I., O’Neill, F.G. and Fryer, R.J., 2007. Laboratory and field trials of OMEGA, a new objective mesh gauge. Fisheries Research, 85, 197 – 201. Herrmann, B., Frandsen, R., Holst, R, O’Neill F.G., 2007. Simulation-based investigation of the paired-gear method in cod-end selection studies. Fisheries Research, 83, 175 – 184. O’Neill, F.G., 2006. Source models of flow through and around screens and gauzes. Ocean Engineering, 33, 1884 – 1895. Herrmann, B. and O’Neill, F.G., 2006. Theoretical study of the influence of twine thickness on haddock selectivity in diamond mesh cod-ends. Fisheries Research, 80, 221 – 229. O’Neill, F.G., Kynoch, R.J. and Fryer, R.J., 2006. Square mesh panels in North Sea demersal trawls: separate estimates of panel and cod-end selectivity. Fisheries Research, 78, 333 – 341. Herrmann, B. and O’Neill, F.G., 2005. Theoretical study of the between-haul variation of haddock selectivity in a diamond mesh cod-end. Fisheries Research, 74, 243 – 252. O’Neill, F.G., Knudsen, L.H., Wileman, D.A. and McKay, S.J., 2005. Cod-end drag as a function of catch size and towing speed. Fisheries Research, 72, 163 – 171. Breen, M., Dyson, J., O’Neill, F.G., Jones, E. and Haigh, M., 2004. The swimming performance of haddock at prolonged and sustained swimming speeds, and its role in their capture by towed fishing gears. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 61, 1071 – 1079. Kynoch, R.J., O’Dea, M.C. and O’Neill, F.G., 2004. The effect of strengthening bags on cod-end selectivity of a Scottish demersal trawl. Fisheries Research, 68, 249257. Graham, N., O’Neill, F.G., Fryer, R.J., Galbraith, R.D. and Myklebust, A., 2004. Selectivity of a diamond mesh cod-end and the effect of inserting a grid or a square mesh panel. Fisheries Research, 67, 151-161. O’Neill, F.G., 2003. A theoretical study of the factors which influence the measurement of fishing netting mesh size. Ocean Engineering 30 (16), 2053 2063. O’Neill, F.G., McKay, S., Ward, J.N., Strickland, A, Kynoch R.J. and Zuur A., 2003. An investigation of the relationship between sea state induced vessel motion and cod-end selection. Fisheries Research 60, 107-130. O’Neill, F.G., 2002. The bending of twines and fibres under tension. Journal of the Textile Institute, 93, 1-10. Dahm, E., Wienbeck, H., West, C.W., Valdermarsen, J.W. and O’Neill, F.G., 2002. On the influence of towing speed and gear size on the selective performance of bottom trawls. Fisheries Research. 55, 103-119. O'Neill, F.G., 1999. Axisymmetric trawl cod-ends made from netting of a generalised mesh shape. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 62, 245-262. O’Neill, F.G. and O’Donoghue, T. 1997. The fluid dynamic loading on catch and the geometry of trawl cod-ends. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A 453, 1631-1648. O'Neill, F.G., 1997. Differential equations governing the geometry of a diamond mesh cod-end of a trawl net. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 64, 7-14. O'Neill, F.G. and Kynoch R.J., 1996. The effect of cover mesh size and cod-end catch size on cod-end selectivity. Fisheries Research 28, 291-303. Wardle, C.S., Soofani, N.M., O’Neill F.G., Glass C.W. and Johnstone, A.D.F., 1996. Measurements of aerobic metabolism of a school of horse mackerel at different swimming speeds. Journal of Fish Biology, 49, 854-862. O'Neill, F.G., 1993. Small-scale modelling rules of trawl nets. Fisheries Research, 18: 173-185.