
44th Legislative District Democrats
PO Box 14, Snohomish, WA 98291-0014 44thdems.org
Meeting 7-9PM every 2nd Thursday @ 1525 Ave D, Snohomish, WA 98290
November 12, 2015 – Monthly Meeting Minutes
Meeting started at 7:05 p.m.
Step-Up: Kathy Christenson read the Letter to the Editor in the Herald that was written by Marsha
Scutvick: “Thanks to Lovick for superior work.” Mark Hintz thanked all the veterans (today is Veteran’s
Day). Karen Guzak announced that she is considering running for Dave Somers’ seat on the Snohomish
County Council. Guy Palumbo announced that he is running for Dave Somers’ position on the Snohomish
County Council.
Steve Hobbs moved to adopt the meeting agenda, and Kathy Christenson seconded. Steve Hobbs moved
to adopt the minutes from the previous meeting, and Kathy Christenson seconded.
Rick DeWitt explained that Bill Trueit had resigned as Chair immediately after the last meeting. Bill was
overwhelmed with being both a high school teacher and Chair of the 44th LD Democrats. Kathy
Christenson was next in line, but she was not able to accept the position of Chair, so second vice chair,
Rick DeWitt accepted the position of Chair. Mark Hintz nominated Kathy Christenson for Vice Chair.
There were no other nominations for Vice Chair. Kathy was voted and approved for the Vice Chair
position. The Chair ruled that the 2nd Vice Chair position should be gender neutral as it is with
Washington State Democrats. Mark presented a bylaws amendment (2nd vice chair should be gender
neutral) to the Executive Board. Rick opened the floor for nominations for 2nd Vice Chair. Mark Hintz
nominated David Ortiz. David teaches at Cascadia College and has been teaching for 23 years. There
were no other nominations for 2nd Vice Chair. David Ortiz was voted and approved for the position of
2nd Vice Chair.
New visitors at the meeting introduced themselves.
County Executive John Lovick spoke to the group. He said he had visited Snohomish High School during
his campaign, and he said that the students were enthusiastic and wanted to get involved. John said,
“Don’t write his obituary yet. Snohomish County is a great county.” He said that he took a pledge of
civility during his campaign, and running for County Executive was tough. John thanked Kathy
Christenson, Sean OSullivan and Mark Hintz for their help with his campaign.
Senator Steve Hobbs spoke to the group. He spoke about the transportation package passing, and Pierce
County had an event and King County plans to have an event too on December 1. He said next year he
will be working hard on funding education (McCleary decision). Senator Hobbs also said that he was
disappointed that the Tim Eyman initiative passed. He is working on a new minimum wage bill
($13/hour). He said that the state would raise the minimum wage to $13 per hour, but that’s total
compensation (employers can include paid sick leave, vacation pay, medical insurance). There was
some discussion about the minimum wage. Joanne Hultgren mentioned that when she first started
working, minimum wage was for teens in their first job, but now it seems more adults have to live on
minimum wage. Senator Hobbs reminded the group that the 44th LD needs people to step up and run for
state legislature because he and Hans Dunshee won’t be running forever. Guy Palumbo asked Senator
Hobbs if he is running for Lt. Governor. He replied that he is still thinking about it and he has talked with
Hans about the Snohomish County Council. He doesn’t want to see a blood bath for County Council.
Tony Shaw asked Senator Hobbs when he will announce his decision. Senator Hobbs said that he is
waiting for Brad Owen to say whether or not he’s running again. If Owen does not run, it will most likely
be Fraser, Habib, Hobbs, and Moeller in the Primary.
Guy Palumbo said that both John Lovick and Dave Somers came to the 1st L.D. He said that he knows
that both Steve Hobbs and Karen Guzak are good Democratic candidates, and if either beats him for
44th Legislative District Democrats
PO Box 14, Snohomish, WA 98291-0014 44thdems.org
Meeting 7-9PM every 2nd Thursday @ 1525 Ave D, Snohomish, WA 98290
County Council, he hopes to remain friends with them. Guy said he doesn’t want to see what happened
in the County Executive race.
Sean OSullivan said that Brian Sullivan was up by 600 votes for Snohomish County Council. Sean said
that Brian’s opponent spent $400,000 on the race. Sometimes we need to ask, “Are they real
Democrats?” He said that Brian had been out doorbelling every day since the day after filing, and he did
not say anything bad about his opponent but his opponent said things that weren’t true.
Rick DeWitt said that he wants to see membership increase in the 44th LD. He wants to see 200
members by the date of Precinct Caucuses. He handed out membership forms for everyone to fill out.
Rick said that we do not have enough money to pay for a second location for Precinct Caucuses. Rick
said that the membership dues have been $24.00 for a long time (since 2006). We need funds to pay for
insurance so we can be in parades ($1million insurance policy required).
March 26 – Precinct Caucuses at Glacier Peak H.S. – Precinct Delegates elected
April 17 – Legislative District Caucus at Glacier Peak H.S. – LD Delegates elected
May 1 – Snohomish County Convention – Platform and resolutions
May 21 – Congressional Dist. Caucus at Glacier Peak H.S. – CD Delegates elected
June 17-19 – Wash. State Convention in Tacoma – At Large Delegates elected
July 25-28 – Dem. National Convention in Philadelphia –Presidential Nomination
Steve Hobbs said that he was a delegate in 1996 and went to the National Convention in Chicago. Kathy
Christenson said that she would like to see more young people involved. Sean OSullivan said that some
PCO’s have been elected for 20 years and nobody knows them (never come to meetings). Rick DeWitt
said that PCO’s, who are appointed, have to run for election next time. Filing week is in May.
Guy Palumbo said that meetings have to be fun. In the 1st LD, they have guest speakers at meetings.
They gave a survey to everyone to see what they’re interested in. They have an “Issues Committee” that
arranges for the speakers at meetings. They keep in contact with those on Caucus lists and email them to
invite to the meetings.
Rick DeWitt said that we need a Secretary because Kay Acholonu, who is Treasurer, is also serving as
Temporary Secretary. Diana McGinness was nominated for Secretary and Webmaster by Rick DeWitt
and approved by the Executive Board. Karen Guzak was nominated for Fundraising Coordinator and
approved by the Executive Board. Tony Shaw was nominated for Outreach Coordinator and approved
by the Executive Board. Mark Hintz will be in charge of Bylaws (updating them).
A new visitor, Mary Rollins, joined the meeting late. Mary is from the 38th L.D. She said she would like to
work with other L.D.s to improve voter turnout and increase the voting rate.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Acholonu