IB schriftliche Prüfung Schülerzeitungsart ikel Aims: to give factual info/advice to persuade Include: - title -use du form -clear paragraphs, intro, and conclusion -use past tense Ein Referat/ Eine Rede Aims: persuasive speech Include: - begin with "Meine Damen und Herren" - State intention "Heute möchte ich über... sprechen" - Use Sie - Determine if dialektisch - use rhetorical questions and exclamations -use opinions and justify with facts Tagebucheintrag Aims: Creative/Imaginative diary writing Include: - start with date (in words) - begin with "Liebes Tagebuch" - 1st pov = use ich - describe feelings - if blog then start with most recent entry Bewerbungsbrief Aims: Formal letter to apply for job Format: - left hand corner = address - right hand corner = date -below your address = employers address - "RE" (from email): subtitle - "Bewerbung auf". -Start: "Sehr geehrte (Herr, Frau, Damen/Herren). -Use Sie -Include all relevant experience and interest in job -end with "mit freundlichen Grüßen" Beschwerdebrief Aims: Formal letter of complaint Format: - make it clear why you are writing "Ich schreibe Ihnen, um meine Unzufriedenheit über... zu äußern" - expectation of explanation/refund -Use Sie form Leserbrief Aims: Formal letter stating your point of view Format: -combo of formal letter layout and language used in Referat/Rede to state POV - must be persuasive -end with "mit freundlichen grüßen" or "Hochactungsvoll" -Use Sie Form Informeller Brief Aims: Informal letter to a friend of family Format: -in right hand corner put name, and date -begin with Lieber/Liebe -Use du form -end informally (alles Liebe) Flyer/Flugblatt/We rbebroschüre Aims: A publicity brochure to persuade/convince Format: - begin with headline the reader -give each section a subheading -use Sie form -use language to persuade reader Polizeiaussage/Un fallbericht Aims: Statement to police/ eyewitness report Format: - begin with title date and time -write paragraphs describing actions Interview/Dialog Aims: Script of a Conversation Format: - Begin with title and paragraph with info - set in dialogue script form Kreatives Schreiben Aims: Creative Writing (any topic possible) Format: - diverse adjectives, full description - Avoid unless confident or inspired Resenzion/Kritik Aims: Book or Film Review Format: - give title - give brief summary of the plot -use persuasive language - use Sie - if you quote something make sure you use German quotations Aufsatz Aims: Discursive Essay weighing up pro and cons of topic Format: - Clear structure -Formal, neutral language -Factual content -Inferred opinion Literarischer Essay Aims: Literary essay on book you have studied Format: - question is general so you can apply is to any book - write a balanced, formal Essay with clear intro and paragraphs - reference back to the test -put any quotes in german style.