Journal of Biogeography Supporting Information Journal of Biogeography APPENDIX S2 Differences in the relative roles of environment, prey availability and human activity in the spatial distribution between two marine mesopredators living in highly exploited ecosystems Joan Navarro, Laura Cardador, Ángel M. Fernández, José M. Bellido & Marta Coll 1 Journal of Biogeography Supporting Information Table S1 List of potential prey species for small-spotted catshark and Mediterranean starry ray based on published information (Valls et al. 2011; Coll, Navarro & Palomera 2013; Navarro et al. 2013) recorded in the Western Mediterranean between the years 2002-2012 with the MEDITS trawling surveys. Marine group Species CEPHALOPOD Alloteuthis media CEPHALOPOD Alloteuthis subulata CEPHALOPOD Bathypolypus sponsalis CEPHALOPOD Eledone cirrhosa CEPHALOPOD Eledone moschata CEPHALOPOD Heteroteuthis dispar CEPHALOPOD Histioteuthis bonnellii CEPHALOPOD Histioteuthis reversa CEPHALOPOD Illex coindetii CEPHALOPOD Laevicardium oblongum CEPHALOPOD Loligo forbesi CEPHALOPOD Loligo vulgaris CEPHALOPOD Ommastrephidae CEPHALOPOD Onychoteuthis banksii CEPHALOPOD Opisthoteuthis agassici CEPHALOPOD Sepia elegans CEPHALOPOD Sepia officinalis CEPHALOPOD Sepia orbignyana CEPHALOPOD Sepietta neglecta CEPHALOPOD Sepietta obscura CEPHALOPOD Sepietta oweniana CEPHALOPOD Sepiola intermedia CEPHALOPOD Sepiola ligulata CEPHALOPOD Sepiola robusta CEPHALOPOD Sepiola spp CEPHALOPOD Todarodes sagittatus CEPHALOPOD Todaropsis eblanae CRUSTACEAN Acanthephyra eximia CRUSTACEAN Acanthephyra pelagica CRUSTACEAN Alpheus glaber CRUSTACEAN Amphipoda CRUSTACEAN Atelecyclus rotundatus CRUSTACEAN Bathynectes maravigna CRUSTACEAN Calappa granulata CRUSTACEAN Calocaris macandreae CRUSTACEAN Chlorotocus crassicornis CRUSTACEAN Dardanus arrosor CRUSTACEAN Dardanus calidus CRUSTACEAN Ethusa mascarone CRUSTACEAN Euphausiacea CRUSTACEAN Galathea dispersa CRUSTACEAN Galathea intermedia 2 Journal of Biogeography Supporting Information Marine group Species CRUSTACEAN Gennadas elegans CRUSTACEAN Geryon longipes CRUSTACEAN Goneplax rhomboides angulata CRUSTACEAN Goneplax rhomboides rhomboides CRUSTACEAN Ilia nucleus CRUSTACEAN Isopoda CRUSTACEAN Liocarcinus arcuatus CRUSTACEAN Liocarcinus corrugatus CRUSTACEAN Liocarcinus depurator CRUSTACEAN Liocarcinus maculatus CRUSTACEAN Lophogaster typicus CRUSTACEAN Meganyctiphanes norvegica CRUSTACEAN Monodaeus couchii CRUSTACEAN Munida intermedia CRUSTACEAN Munida rutllanti CRUSTACEAN Munida tenuimana CRUSTACEAN Paguristes eremita CRUSTACEAN Pagurus alatus CRUSTACEAN Pagurus anachoretus CRUSTACEAN Pagurus cuanensis CRUSTACEAN Pagurus excavatus CRUSTACEAN Pagurus forbesi CRUSTACEAN Pagurus prideaux CRUSTACEAN Palinurus elephas CRUSTACEAN Palinurus mauritanicus CRUSTACEAN Pandalina profunda CRUSTACEAN Parthenope angulifrons CRUSTACEAN Parthenope macrochelos CRUSTACEAN Parthenope massena CRUSTACEAN Pasiphaea multidentata CRUSTACEAN Pasiphaea sivado CRUSTACEAN Phronima sedentaria CRUSTACEAN Phrosina semilunata CRUSTACEAN Plesionika acanthonotus CRUSTACEAN Plesionika antigai CRUSTACEAN Plesionika edwardsi CRUSTACEAN Plesionika giglioli CRUSTACEAN Plesionika heterocarpus CRUSTACEAN Plesionika martia CRUSTACEAN Plesionika narval CRUSTACEAN Pontocaris cataphracta CRUSTACEAN Pontocaris lacazei CRUSTACEAN Processa canaliculata CRUSTACEAN Processa nouveli CRUSTACEAN Rissoides desmaresti 3 Journal of Biogeography Supporting Information Marine group Species CRUSTACEAN Rissoides pallidus CRUSTACEAN Scyllarus pygmaeus CRUSTACEAN Sergestes arcticus CRUSTACEAN Sergestes henseni CRUSTACEAN Sergia robusta CRUSTACEAN Solenocera membranacea FISH Aphia minuta FISH Argentina sphyraena FISH Callionymus lyra FISH Callionymus maculatus FISH Callionymus risso FISH Callionymus spp FISH Capros aper FISH Cepola macrophthalma FISH Chauliodus sloani FISH Chelidonichthys gurnardus FISH Chelidonichthys lastoviza FISH Chelidonichthys lucerna FISH Chelidonichthys obscurus FISH Citharus linguatula FISH Coelorinchus caelorhincus caelorhincus FISH Diplodus annularis FISH Diplodus cervinus cervinus FISH Diplodus puntazzo FISH Diplodus sargus sargus FISH Diplodus vulgaris FISH Gadiculus argenteus argenteus FISH Glossanodon leioglossus FISH Gobiidae FISH Gobius fallax FISH Gobius niger FISH Gobius spp FISH Helicolenus dactylopterus FISH Lampanyctus crocodilus FISH Lepidorhombus boscii FISH Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis FISH Maurolicus muelleri FISH Merluccius merluccius FISH Micromesistius poutassou FISH Mora moro FISH Myctophidae FISH Myctophum punctatum FISH Nansenia oblita FISH Nemichthys scolopaceus FISH Nezumia aequalis 4 Journal of Biogeography Supporting Information Marine group Species FISH Notoscopelus elongatus FISH Ophichthus rufus FISH Phycis blennoides FISH Phycis phycis FISH Sardina pilchardus FISH Serranus cabrilla FISH Serranus hepatus FISH Spicara flexuosa FISH Spicara maena FISH Spicara smaris FISH Stomias boa boa FISH Symbolophorus veranyi FISH Symphurus ligulatus FISH Symphurus nigrescens FISH Trachinus draco FISH Trachinus radiatus FISH Trachurus mediterraneus FISH Trachurus picturatus FISH Trachurus trachurus 5 Journal of Biogeography Supporting Information Table S2 Location (latitude and longitude in º) of all fishing harbours presents in the study area (Western Mediterranean), mean and standard deviation (sd) of annual fishing landings (tons, 103 kg) between 2002 and 2012. Latitude Longitude Harbour mean sd 1 42.36 3.17 Llançà 860 145 42.33 3.19 Port de la Selva1 1101 530 42.25 3.17 Roses1 3557 712 42.12 3.13 L'Escala1 1469 242 41.84 3.12 Palamós1 1744 323 1 41.77 3.03 Sant Feliu de Guíxols 655 232 41.67 2.79 Blanes1 2437 440 41.57 2.55 Arenys de Mar1 2447 463 41.52 2.44 Mataró1 132 49 41.32 2.16 Barcelona1 2488 336 41.20 1.73 Vilanova i la Geltrú1 3639 540 1 41.13 1.40 Torredembarra 97 11 41.08 1.22 Tarragona1 3699 580 41.06 1.06 Cambrils1 2180 327 40.88 0.80 L'Ametlla de Mar1 2691 369 40.80 0.71 L'Ampolla1 251 31 1 40.72 0.86 Deltebre 261 47 40.60 0.59 Sant Carles de la Rápita1 3266 257 40.55 0.53 Alcanar1 244 25 40.45 0.47 Vinaròs2 5063 1892 40.41 0.43 Benicarló2 1425 125 2 40.35 0.40 Penyiscola 1536 129 39.96 0.02 Castelló2 6668 1920 39.85 -0.06 Burriana2 2049 278 39.65 -0.20 Sagunt2 87 38 39.44 -0.30 València2 780 518 39.16 -0.23 Cullera2 880 109 2 38.99 -0.15 Gandia 1035 349 38.84 0.11 Dénia2 848 112 38.79 0.18 Xàbia2 2475 482 38.68 0.13 Moraira2 39 6 38.63 0.04 Calp2 1387 100 38.59 -0.04 Altea2 3180 712 38.50 -0.22 Vila-Joiosa2 1761 182 38.33 -0.48 Alacant2 787 1163 38.18 -0.55 Santa Pola2 3033 563 37.96 -0.68 Torrevieja2 2319 843 3 37.82 -0.75 San Pedro del Pinatar 659 212 37.59 -0.97 Cartagena3 748 185 37.56 -1.25 Mazarrón3 1797 799 1= DAAR, 2011;; 3= 6 Journal of Biogeography Supporting Information Table S3 Model averaged results for the abundance, biomass and occurrence rate of small-spotted shark and Mediterranean starry ray in multivariate models including environmental (depth, SST=sea-surface temperature, CHL=Chlorophyll-a, DO=Dissolvedoxygen and PSS=salinity), prey availability (CRUS=crustaceans, FISH=fish and CEP=cephalopods) and human variables (Fishing=fishing activity, Coastal=coastal-based impacts). The table indicates the Model-averaged parameter estimates and their standard errors, along with variable’s weights, which indicate the relative importance of each variable in the average model (i.e., the selection probability across the 95% confidence set of models according to BIC). ABUNDANCE BIOMASS OCURRENCE RATE Small-spotted Mediterranean Small-spotted Mediterranean Small-spotted Mediterranean catshark starry ray catshark starry ray catshark starry ray Intercept Estimate 2.310e+04 1.139e+04 1.368e+04 1.021e+04 4.844e+04 2.707e+02 SE 1.235e+04 3.899e+03 9.907e+03 2.374e+03 1.208e+04 4.829e+01 Depth Weight 0.54 0.31 0.11 0.88 0.98 0.60 Estimate -2.167e-03 1.871e-04 -1.046e-04 7.126e-04 -9.882e-03 1.945e-03 SE 2.422e-03 3.343e-04 5.364e-04 3.598e-04 3.032e-03 2.370e-03 Depth x Depth Weight 0.0.47 0.05 0.96 0.06 Estimate -3.129e-06 -1.747e-07 -1.248e-05 -6.447e-07 SE 3.674e-06 8.819e-07 4.600e-06 3.629e-06 SST Weight 0.12 0.08 Estimate -1.968e-02 -5.689e-03 SE 7.113e-02 3.363e-02 SST x SST Weight Estimate SE CHL Weight 0.57 0.79 Estimate 2.454e-01 3.560e-01 SE 2.550e-01 2.352e-01 CHL x CHL Weight Estimate SE 7 Journal of Biogeography Supporting Information DO DO x DO PSS PSS x PSS Fin-Fish Fin-Fish x Fin-Fish Cep Cep x Cep Weight Estimate SE Weight Estimate SE Weight Estimate SE Weight Estimate SE Weight Estimate SE Weight Estimate SE Weight Estimate SE Weight Estimate SE ABUNDANCE BIOMASS OCURRENCE RATE Small-spotted Mediterranean Small-spotted Mediterranean Small-spotted Mediterranean catshark starry ray catshark starry ray catshark starry ray 0.10 0.74 -1.311e-01 -6.930 8.063e-01 4.924 0.87 -1.247e+03 6.654e+02 0.85 1.662e+01 8.863 1 7.727e-01 1.273e-01 1 -6.057e+02 2.078e+02 0.95 8.051 2.768 0.97 2.327e-01 7.560e-02 0.76 -7.338e+02 5.318e+02 0.72 9.777 7.085 1 6.143e-01 8.905e-02 0.58 7.554e-01 7.872e-01 0.54 -1.436e-01 1.458e-01 0.30 1.970e-01 4.113e-01 0.23 -3.971e-02 7.866e-02 8 1 -5.431e+02 1.265e+02 1 7.223 1.685 0.28 3.287e-02 6.252e-02 1 -2.619e+03 6.473e+02 1 3.490e+01 8.620 1 1.272 2.362e-01 1 6.205 1.559 1 -9.754e-01 2.612e-01 1 -6.303 1.240 1 1.634 2.919e-01 Journal of Biogeography Supporting Information Crus Crus x Crus Fishing Fishing x Fishing Coastal Coastal x Coastal Weight Estimate SE Weight Estimate SE Weight Estimate SE Weight Estimate SE Weight Estimate SE Weight Estimate SE ABUNDANCE BIOMASS OCURRENCE RATE Small-spotted Mediterranean Small-spotted Mediterranean Small-spotted Mediterranean catshark starry ray catshark starry ray catshark starry ray 0.22 0.11 3.495e-02 9.010e-03 8.234e-02 3.514e-02 1 1.513e+02 1.139e+02 0.75 -1.906e+01 1.365e+01 0.12 -1.281e-01 4.813e-01 1 4.833e+01 7.266e+01 0.44 -6.530 8.693 0.33 -2.119e-01 3.811e-01 0.03 -8.453e-03 1.860e-01 0.06 3.424e-03 7.525e-02 9 0.06 8.676e-03 7.653e-02 1 3.427e+02 1.818e+02 0.88 -4.280e+01 2.191e+01 0.99 -3.113 1.169 0.07 1.466e-01 9.360e-01 0.29 -1.479 2.827 0.09 -7.293e-02 4.137e-01