Supplemental Material Insights into hydrogen bond dynamics at the interface of the charged monolayer-protected Au nanoparticle from molecular dynamics simulation Yunzhi Li,a) Zhen Yang,a) Na Hu, Rongfei Zhou, and Xiangshu Chenb) College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jiangxi Inorganic Membrane Materials Engineering Research Center, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, People’s Republic of China a)Author b)Author contributed equally to this work. to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: 1. The Lennard–Jones parameters and partial atomic charges TABLE S1. Lennard–Jones parameters and partial atomic charges used in this work. Groups (kcal/mol) (Å) q (e) Au 0.772 2.737 0.000 SH 0.397 4.450 0.000 0.118 3.905 0.000 CH2(–NH3 0.118 3.800 0.310 N(NH3 +) 0.170 3.250 –0.300 H(NH3 +) CH2 +) 0.000 0.000 0.330 Cl– 0.118 4.417 –1.000 O(water) 0.152 3.151 –0.834 H(water) 0.000 0.000 0.417 1 2. The electronic properties of terminal NH3+ groups with different surfactant chains FIG. S1. Structure illustrations for the terminal NH3+ groups with different surfactant chains: (a) SH(CH2)5–, (b) CH3CH2–, and (c) CH3–, which are denoted as types A, B, and C in the Table S2. TABLE S2. The Mulliken and MK atomic charges for the terminal NH3+ groups of types A, B, and C. The deviations are with respect to the corresponding atomic charges of type A. Mulliken atomic charges type A N1 H2 H3 H4 NH3+ charge (e) –0.315 0.330 0.330 0.345 0.691 type B charge (e) –0.325 0.334 0.334 0.341 0.684 deviation (%) 3.17 1.21 1.21 1.16 1.01 type C charge (e) –0.371 0.347 0.347 0.347 0.671 deviation (%) 17.78 5.15 5.15 0.58 2.89 MK atomic charges type A N1 H2 H3 H4 NH3+ charge (e) –0.485 0.348 0.348 0.353 0.564 type B charge (e) –0.502 0.364 0.364 0.360 0.587 deviation (%) 3.51 4.59 4.59 1.98 4.08 type C charge (e) –0.304 0.330 0.330 0.331 0.688 deviation (%) 37.31 5.17 5.17 6.23 18.97 To test the validity of the NH3+–terminated ethane (CH3CH2NH3+) to represent the 2 NH3+–terminated pentanethiol (SH(CH2)5NH3+), we have compared the electronic properties of terminal NH3+ groups with different surfactants, as shown in Fig. S1. All geometry optimizations were performed at the B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level. Based on the optimized geometries, the electronic properties of terminal NH3+ groups were described by two different atomic charges: one is the Mulliken scheme and the other is the Merz-Singh-Kollman (MK) scheme where the atomic charges are fitted to reproduce the electrostatic potential at number of points. As shown in Table S2, we find that both the Mulliken and MK atomic charges in CH3CH2NH3+ are well consistent with those in SH(CH2)5NH3+ with the deviation less than 5%, while the smaller CH3NH3+ fails to describe the electronic properties of NH3+ groups in SH(CH2)5NH3+ with the largest deviation up to 37.31%. Therefore, the SH(CH2)5NH3+ is replaced by the CH3CH2NH3+ to calculate the binding energies in this work due to the computational economy. 3. MD Simulation for the bulk water To better compare the structure and dynamics properties of water at the interface of the charged MPAN, we provided the structure and dynamics properties of bulk water molecules. The bulk water system contained 4000 water molecules. MD simulation was carried out in NPT ensemble with the temperature of 298.0 K and the pressure of 1.0 atm. In this simulation, Newton’s equations of motion were also integrated using the velocity-Verlet algorithm. The cutoff distance of non-bonded interactions was set to 12 Å and the long-range electrostatic interactions were calculated by using the particle-mesh Ewald (PME) method. In this work, the bulk simulation was totally run 3.5 ns with the time step of 1 fs. The first 1.5 ns of trajectories were used for equilibration, and the rest of the time was used for data analysis. After equilibration, the dimension of simulation box after equilibration is about 49.6×49.6×49.6 Å3. 3 4. Solvation dynamics at the interface The solvation time correlation function (TCF) can be related to the time correlation function of energy fluctuation, which is defined as1 C S t E t E 0 E 0E 0 (1) where Et is the fluctuation in solvation energy from its equilibrium value at time t. E(t) denotes the electrostatic contribution to the solvation energy of the Cl– counterion at time t. To obtain the solvation dynamics in bulk water, we have also performed ten independent NPT MD simulations of one Cl– ion and 4000 water molecules at 1 atm and 298.0 K. As shown in the inset of Fig. S2, the solvation TCF for the Cl– ion in bulk water decays within 1 ps, which is faster than the corresponding results of Br– and Cs+ ions in bulk water proposed by Pal and co-workers.1 First, this is because the Cl– ion is relatively lighter than both Br– and Cs+ ions. Second, Mark and Nilsson2 shown that the TIP3P water molecules used in this work move more rapidly than the SPC/E water molecules, which is expected to result in the faster decay of solvation TCF. FIG. S2. Solvation time correlation functions for interfacial Cl– ions around the MPAN. For comparison, the solvation time correlation function of a Cl– ion in bulk water at 298 K, is shown as inset. 4 TABLE S3. The fitting parameters of a three-exponential function to the solvation time correlation function of interfacial Cl– ions around the MPAN. Time constant (ps) Amplitude (%) τa 0.02 26 τb 0.11 71 τc 3.30 3 <t> (ps) 0.18 As shown in the previous work,3,4 the solvation TCF at the interface can be fitted by a three-exponential function, which is expressed as C S t A exp t a B exp t b C exp t c (2) Then the fitting time constants and amplitudes are listed in the Table S3. We can see from this table that the ultrafast component (sub-100 fs) observed in bulk water still plays a dominant role at the MPAN interface and there is a minor slow component (3.28 ps), which results in that the solvation dynamics at the interface are relatively slower than that in bulk water. These results further support the slow translation and rotation of interfacial water molecules and are favorable to make a connection of simulation and experiment results. 1 S. Pal, B. Bagchi, and S. Balasubramanian, J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 12879 (2005). 2 P. Mark and L. Nilsson, J. Phys. Chem. A 105, 9954 (2001). 3 S. K. Sinha and S. Bandyopadhyay, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 185102 (2012).. 4 A. Jha, K. Ishii, J. B. Udgaonkar, T. Tahara, and G. Krishnamoorthy, Biochemistry, 50, 397 (2011). 5 5. The definition of all hydrogen bonds (HBs) FIG. S3. Radial density distributions between (a) O (water) and O (water), (b) Cl– and O (water), (c) N (NH3+) and O (water), as well as (d) N (NH3+) and Cl–. FIG. S4. The definition of (a) H2O–H2O, (b) Cl––H2O, (c) NH3+–H2O, and (d) NH3+–Cl– HBs in this work. 6 6. The sensitivity of the continuous time correlation function, SHB(t), to the sampling time interval Δt It should be emphasized that the time interval Δt that the trajectories are sampled, has a great influence on the continuous time correlation function SHB(t) since its relaxation time is relatively short (generally less than 1 ps). To better understand the influence of the SHB(t) with the Δt, therefore, we have sampled the trajectories every 1, 5, 10, 50, and 100 fs to data analysis on the basis of the simulated phase space of bulk water. The obtained time correlation functions SHB(t) and CHB(t) with different Δt are displayed in Fig. S5. Accordingly, the average lifetime SHB and the structural relaxation time CHB of the H2O–H2O HBs are listed in Table S4. As shown in Fig. S5, we find that the Δt has a negligible effect on the CHB(t) functions. On the contrary, different Δt values results in different SHB(t) functions. When the Δt values are up to 50 and 100 fs, the SHB(t) curves are very different from that of Δt = 1, 5, and 10 fs. As shown in Table S4, furthermore, the obtained the HBs lifetime SHB of Δt = 1 fs and Δt = 5 fs is 0.29 ps, which is in excellent according with the previous work (S. K. Sinha and S. Bandyopadhyay, J. Chem. Phys. 135, 135101, 2011). The SHB of Δt = 100 fs is about 0.67 ps, which is about 2.3 times greater than that of the standard value. On the other hand, the different time intervals show identical structural relaxation time CHB of 2.9 ps, suggesting that the CHB(t) and CHB are insensitive to the Δt. Hence, we sample the trajectories every 5 fs to calculate the SHB(t) functions and the average lifetime SHB since such Δt is short enough to obtain the accurate SHB(t) and SHB . 7 FIG. S5. Two time correlation functions (a) CHB(t) and (b) SHB(t) for the bulk H2O–H2O HBs with different Δt. HB HB TABLE S4. The corresponding S and C values for the bulk H2O–H2O HBs with different Δt. Δt (fs) SHB (ps) CHB (ps) 1 5 10 50 100 0.29 0.29 0.31 0.49 0.67 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 8 7. The residence time distribution of bulk water with different shell thickness To better understand the relaxation time of the hydration sublayers at the interface of the charged MPAN, the residence time distributions of bulk water molecules in different shells are given in Fig. S6. Similarly to the interface of MPAN, we have also divided the bulk water into four shells with respect to the center of simulation box, i.e., the radial distance is 11.5–14.5 Å (shell 1), 14.5–17.5 Å (shell 2), 17.5–20.5 Å (shell 3), and 20.5–23.5 Å (shell 4), respectively. As shown in Fig. S6a, we find that the residence time distributions of bulk water molecules in the shells 1–4 are identical and the corresponding residence time is 1.97 ps (the shell thickness is 3 Å) although their upper and lower limits of radial distances are different. For other shell thickness, the same shell thickness also shows the same residence time for the water molecules (see Fig. S6). By comparison, however, we find that the residence time of water molecules in one shell is related to the shell thickness even for the bulk water. When the shell thickness increases up to 6, 9, and 12 Å, we can see from Table S5 that the corresponding residence times also increase up to 6.41, 13.36, and 22.47 ps. It should be emphasized that the relationship between the residence time and the shell thickness is not linear. It is interesting to explore the dependence of the residence time of bulk water on the shell thickness and the further investigation is still in progress. Hence, the residence time of 1.97 ps for the bulk water obtained from the shell thickness of 3 Å (identical with the thickness of each hydration sublayer defined in this work) is as the reference for the residence times of water molecules in each sublayer. 9 FIG. S6. The residence time distributions of water molecules in one shell with different shell thickness Δr : (a) 3 Å, (b) 6 Å, (c) 9 Å, (d) 12 Å. TABLE S5. The fitting parameters and residence time τ of bulk water molecules in one shell with different shell thickness d. d (Å) A B C τa τb τc τ (ps) 3 0.0464 0.0938 0.8598 0.8897 0.2276 2.2192 1.97 6 0.0965 0.849 0.0545 0.9461 7.4189 0.2539 6.41 9 0.1151 0.8374 0.0475 1.6031 15.7198 0.2989 13.36 12 0.1149 0.081 0.8041 3.9447 0.6432 27.6507 22.74 10 8. The distributions of the number of water molecules in different sublayers FIG. S7. The radial distributions of water molecule numbers in different hydration sublayers. 11