GEOL 161 Field Methods in Geophysics Fall 2015 Syllabus Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:40–4:05; 4 credits Lectures in Delehanty 316; Computer lab in Delehanty 317a Instructor: Laura Webb Office: Delehanty 217 Email: or Phone: 802-656-8136 Office hours: Wednesday 12:00–1:00 or by appointment. Course description: This course is an introduction to geophysical methods for geologists and will principally be focused on ground-penetrating radar (GPR), electromagnetic profiling (EMI) and seismic refraction. We will investigate the application of geophysics to exploration of the shallow subsurface, and integrate geological and geophysical data to constrain subsurface materials and geometries. This service-learning course employs a consultant model approach, and as a class we will complete projects that support ongoing studies by the Vermont Geological Survey and the UVM Consulting Archeology Program. As we work on these projects, we will explore related sustainability themes such as cultural resources and values, land use and development, water resources, and geothermal energy. Course goals: After successfully completing this course, you will be able to: 1) Apply geophysical theory to the study of near-surface environments. 2) Design and execute geophysical experiments involving a variety of instrumentation. 3) Interpret the results of your geophysical experiments, including analysis of the limitations of the data. 4) Synthesize geophysical and geological data and evaluate non-unique solutions. 5) Communicate your research findings to both scientific and lay audiences. UVM sustainability learning outcomes: 1) Students can have an informed conversation about the multiple dimensions and complexity of sustainability. (knowledge category) 2) Students can evaluate sustainability using an evidence-based disciplinary approach and integrate economic, ecological, and social perspectives. (skills category) 3) Students think critically about sustainability across a diversity of cultural values and across multiple scales of relevance from local to global. (values category) 4) Students, as members of society, can recognize and assess how sustainability impacts their lives and how their actions impact sustainability. (personal domain) Readings: Our readings will come from a variety of sources. A textbook that will compliment this course is Field Geophysics, the Geological Field Guide Series by John Milsom, third edition, (published in 2003 by Wiley). The book will be available as a pdf document on Blackboard. Supplemental readings may be posted on Blackboard, as well. There is also a geophysics book collection that I will keep in the computer lab (317a). These books must remain in the computer lab. Grading: Your grade in this course will be based on homework and lab exercises (50%), critical reflections (15%), participation in class (10%), and a final report (25%). Late assignments will have grades reduced by one letter grade per day beginning on the due date. Your final grade will not be submitted until you return your computer lab keys (room 317 and 317a) to me. GEOL 161 Fall 2015 Syllabus Course Schedule Day Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Mon Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Mon Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Tues Date 9/1/15 9/3/15 9/8/15 9/10/15 9/14/15 9/15/15 9/17/15 9/22/15 9/24/15 9/29/15 10/1/15 10/6/15 10/8/15 10/13/15 10/15/15 10/20/15 10/22/15 10/27/15 10/29/15 11/2/15 11/3/15 11/5/15 11/10/15 11/12/15 11/17/15 11/19/15 11/24/15 11/26/15 12/1/15 12/3/15 12/8/15 Activity Overview of course and introduction to geophysics Lecture on GPR and EMI methods Intro to GPR field methods Intro to EMI field methods Add/drop deadline Lecture on seismic methods Intro to seismic refraction field methods Overview of consulting archeology program (CAP) project Sustainability activity and discussion (cultural values and resource development) CAP project; meet with Kate Kenny from CAP CAP project CAP project CAP project Overview of Lone Rock Point (LRP) project Sustainability discussion of readings (geothermal) LRP project LRP project LRP project Sustainability discussion of readings (water resources) Last day to withdraw LRP project ; Laura away at conferences LRP project ; Laura away at conferences LRP project LRP project LRP project LRP project Thanksgiving recess Thanksgiving recess Project results and sustainability discussion; work on reports Work on reports Final reports due by 4 p.m. Please note: We are at the mercy of the weather for the field work portion of the class, so the above schedule will change accordingly. For this reason, please come to each class meeting prepared for field work. This includes wearing field-worthy clothes and shoes and bringing a field notebook, water, and a lunch. Field geophysics is a team sport! We will be working together to design and execute experiments. Everyone’s contribution and care to collect the highest quality data possible is extremely important. Codes of conduct: Codes of conduct outline student rights, policies, and the procedures the University will follow if a student is allegedly involved in a policy violation: Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities: Code of Academic Integrity: Religious Holidays: Students have the right to practice the religion of their choice. Each semester students should submit in writing to their instructors by the end of the second full week of classes their documented religious holiday schedule for the semester. GEOL 161 Fall 2015 Syllabus