Teacher Candidate: Kayla Purcell Date: 4/8/14 Short-Form Lesson Planner School: Eastshore Elementary Group Size: 30 MT: Lauren La Grade: 1st Context: 3 IEP students Content Area/Class Title: Writing: Imagination Machine Rough Draft Lesson Length: 50 minutes Key Content Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.3 Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure. Learning Objective/Goal Cognitive Behavior: Students will write a rough draft of their Imagination Machine narrative writing with a partner based on their classifying tree map. Assessment Informal Assessments: Think-Pair-Share: Monitor Students’ Progress: Prior Knowledge/skills Academic Language Individual Written Assessment: Students will write a rough draft of their Imagination Machine narrative writing with a partner based on their classifying tree map. Listening to read alouds of stories, journal writing their own personal narratives of their daily activities, writing about certain topics, creating classifying tree maps for writing rough drafts, creation of tree map for Imagination Machine Explain: Sequence Language Objective: Students will share their stories with their table partners or read the sequence of events in their story. Vocabulary: narrative writing, characters, setting, plot, problem, events, solution, classifying tree map, story structure Resources/Materials Introduction Body Closure Pacing 30 pieces of paper White board Have students take out their Imagination Machine classifying maps. Explain to students that they will be writing their Imagination Machine stories with their partners today. Have students review their classifying maps with their partners to remember what they were going to write about by discussing what they had on the map. Explain to students that when they write their story they must include all that they had on their thinking map including the characters, setting, problem, events, and solution. Remind students that when they write their story, they must discuss with their partner what they want to write down and write the same thing down even if they are writing on separate papers. Use a think aloud to explain how you would go about writing a story from the classifying map the class created as a whole from the previous lesson. Monitor students’ progress on the task by asking questions about where they included the characters, setting, problem, events, and solution. Have student pair share with the other desk partners, having the student with the shortest hair have his pair go first. Select some pairs to share out loud with the whole class. Collect the Imagination Machine writing Intro: 2 minutes Total Body: 45 minutes Closure: 2-5 minutes