Standard Format for Terms of Reference (ToR) Regional PRTR Expert Request for: Consultant(s) X Individual contractor Organizational Unit __UNEP/MAP________________________________________ 1. Purpose (justification for request) 1.1 Explain the requirement for a consultant(s) / individual UNEP/MAP in the framework of its MEDPOL programme and ecosystem approach roadmap implementation has developed several tools to assess marine and coastal pollution and pollution reduction from point sources such as indicators, on line reporting of releases to marine and coastal environment, on line reporting of marine quality monitoring data, etc. Strengthening and further developing this work remains a high priority for UNEP/MAP to support Parties’ efforts in evaluating their policies, measures and actions to reduce pollution/ de-pollute the Mediterranean. In this regard, the 5 and 2 year programme of work UNEP/MAP highlight key outputs with regard to a) pollution indicators; b) enhance on line reporting systems in place, c) strengthen the establishment of Pollutant Release and Transfer Reporting (PRTR) for industries and d) strengthen the sustainable data flow for indicator population based on information systems that apply Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) principles. In the framework of EuroMed/UfM H2020 initiative, the European Environment Agency was assigned since 2009 by the European Commission to carry out a project for gradually extending SEIS principles to the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENPI) South Partner countries. The H2020 Initiative supports the Mediterranean countries in the implementation of the commitments undertaken in the framework of the Barcelona Convention and the LBS Protocol namely the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) to address pollution from land-based activities (SAP MED); and the related NAPs. Priority were given to the Horizon 2020 priority thematic areas: industrial emission, municipal waste and waste water, including marine pollution taking into account the UNEP/MAP Ecosystem Approach Roadmap implementation outcome in synergy with the EU Marine Strategy Directive. With the financial support of the SEIS project funded by the European Commission and partnership with the EEA, UNEP/MAP will deliver its respective programme of work 2012-2013 with regard to PRTR establishment in the Mediterranean. In this respect, the MEDPOL Programme needs the service of 1 regional consultant to support the contracting parties to establish PRTR with regard to industrial emissions based on the work carried out over many years in the framework of MEDPOL Programme with regard to the development and implementation of MEDPOL UNIDO PRTR software in the Mediterranean. Objective of the assignment The objective of the assignment is to enable the countries of the Mediterranean, in particular the southern Mediterranean countries to establish Pollutant transfer and releases registers as to tool to carry inventories of marine pollution inputs from land bases sources. Key major deliverables 1. PRTR systems developed and operation in several countries as tool to support their compliance with pollutant reporting obligations from the industrial sector; Results shared at Mediterranean level 1/4 2. Countries capacities in reporting pollutant releases to the marine environment increased TASKS 1. Support the development of PRTR at National level in 3-5 countries 2. Organize one inception/training/kick off meeting per country selected to establish the national PRTR to explain to all actors involved the meaning and objectives of PRTR, the different PRTR available in the world. Set up the agenda and the program in collaboration with the local team Prepare and give the necessary lectures on PRTR (see above) and train the participant for the use of the Medpol SW PRTR 3.0. Prepare the terms of reference for the national team with a description of the proposed general program for the project and a general Gantt chart. Support the local organizers to identify the industrial participants of the project 3. Organize a specific regional training course for PRTR national experts from all the countries on the use of the Medpol PRTR 3.0 Sofware. 4. Follow remotely (using Skype and emails) the national team work Set up, in accordance with the national team, a detailed Gantt chart for the project with agreed milestones and deadlines as well as deliverables to be prepared during the project. Check milestones during the project and report to MEdpol regularly (2 months) about the state of the art of the different projects. 5. Contribute to the preparation of the substantive documents for a regional workshop on PRTR to be organized by MED POL in 2013 for presenting and disseminating the results achieved 6. Guide the development by INFO/RAC of a data export interface that provides the output of the data from the MED POL PRTR 3.0 data base to the EPRTR XML data specification. The availability of this XML file is strategic for the development of PRTR projects with reference to the NBB, since it will provide direct usability of PRTR and EPRTR data into NBB. 1.2 Qualifications required The consultants should meet the following requirements: 1.3 University degree in chemical engineering Excellent knowledge of MED POL/UNIDO PRTR use Good knowledge of E-PRTR Full knowledge of the Mediterranean environmental issues with a particular focus on pollution from land based sources (mainly industrial sources) and pollutant emission factors Excellent knowledge of MED POL information system and its NBB data base and linkages with PRTR systems Good knowledge of environmental information systems, and a very good understanding of SEIS application. Excellent training skills Fluency in oral and written English is required, good working knowledge of French is an asset. Outputs (Final results) Key outputs 2/4 PRTR established in 3-5 countries Country representative trained on PRTR operations Regional workshop on PRTR in the Mediterranean held Substantive advise and working documents provided to national workshops NBB and PRTR and e-EPRT interoperability ensured PRTR guidelines drafted 1.3 Ultimate result of services The consultants’ deliverables will be submitted to MED POL focal points meeting, EEA and H2020 WG on indicators and H2020 Research and Monitoring Sub group 1.4 Legislative authority reference UNEP/MAP MAP/MEDPOL Programme of work 1.5 Title and identification number of programme / project Decision IG 19/16 on the Programme of work 2012-2013 1.6 Duration The duration of this contract is 5 months spread over 11 months, starting from the date of the latest signature of the parties. 2. Funding 2.1 Indicative level of remuneration The Consultant will be paid at P4-P5 level for a duration of 6 months spread over 11 months (monthly fee starting from USD 6,300) 3. Travel involved The Consultant will go on missions according to a travel plan approved by the Deputy Coordinator of MAP&MED POL OiC Travel will be organized by Substantive Office Selected candidate X Travel will be undertaken at the direction of UNEP/MAP MEDPOL, as indicated below and upon written approval (authorization) by Medpol OiC. In principle 7 missions to selected countries, including participation at the regional meetings are required. The consultant will follow the UNEP travel guidelines for travel arrangements (where the cheapest economy class and most direct routes should be adopted). The Official duty station will be considered UNEP/MAP Coordinating Unit (MEDPOL), Athens, Greece. Itineraries will be determined from the consultant’s town of residence to Athens. The travel cost has been calculated around $15 000, covering the flight ticket, DSA and terminals, and taking into account a round trip from Geneva to Athens. This will be subject to adjustment upon the clarification of the town of residence of the selected consultant, the mission to countries and approval of UNEP/MAP administration. Travel is covered separately. Travel expnses will be paid upon submission of travel claims and mission reports. 4. Workplan 3/4 Output/tasks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1. Support the development of PRTR at National level in 3-5 countries 2. Organize one inception/training/kick off meeting per country selected to establish the national PRTR to explain to all actors involved the meaning and objectives of PRTR, the different PRTR available in the world. 3. Organize a specific regional training course for PRTR national experts from all the countries on the use of the MED POL PRTR 3.0 Software. 4. Follow remotely (using Skype and emails) the national team work 5. Contribute to the preparation of the substantive documents for a regional workshop on PRTR to be organized by MED POL in 2013 for presenting and disseminating the results achieved 6. Guide the development by INFO/RAC of a data export interface that provides the output of the data from the MED POL PRTR 3.0 data base to the EPRTR XML data specification. 7. Reports 4.3 Reporting lines The consultant will work under the supervision of MED POL Programme Officer. A progress report will be submitted by 30 November 2012 A mid term report will be submitted by mid February 2013 A final draft report will be prepared by 31 August 2013 The final report including comments from the Secretariat will be submitted by 30 September 2013 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------To apply, please submit the following documents on or before 2 November 2012, by email to with cc to 1. CV in the United Nations standard form – Personal History Form - P11 (and Employment Record Supplementary sheet, if needed), 2. academic certificates, 3. the completed "Fields of Expertise" form, 4. any other document which is relevant All applications will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. 4/4 1 1