CS-459 Report Manalis Nikiforos, SN 1751, 1/12/2010 Trajectory

CS-459 Report
Manalis Nikiforos,
SN 1751, 1/12/2010
Trajectory Sampling for Direct Traffic Observation by N. G. Duffield & M.
Grossglauser AT&T Labs - Research
The abstract of the paper starts with the statement that traffic measurement is
critical for all networks, measurements should provide a clear picture of the
spatial flow of traffic which will lead to better resource allocation and capacity
planning for the Network.
Trajectory Sampling is the method that the paper proposes for that matter.
The main idea is to observe the trajectories of a subset of the packets. Key
advantages are that it is stateless, it is not expensive and that the traffic that
the method produces is low and controlled.
The traffic observation is essential for all traffic management, either short-term
traffic control or long-term traffic engineering, we need a good picture of the
network to do any of those actions. Most of those specific actions, such as
route optimization and failover planning already have integrated some kind of
a network measurement method. But we still need to know more, we need to
know all the in and out fraction of the traffic, at every given moment to be able
to focus in a specific flaw of a customer of an ISP for example.
They are 2 kinds of measurements, the Indirect measurements, that rely on
the network model, their disadvantages are that they can’t perform good on a
stateless heterogeneous network with the uncertainty the randomness that
they suffer. Plus that outside effects that can occur might affect them. The
other kind are the direct measurements, do not rely on network model but on
the observation of the nodes in all the network so they do not suffer from the
previous problems.
Trajectory Sampling is a direct method, it samples packets that traverse
through the network, the sampling decision is based on a hash function and it
also labels the packets with the use of another hash function.
Formal Description
The trajectory of a packet is the set of links that this packet traversed into the
domain. We get only the invariant part of the packets which can be seen here.
We decide what to sample based on the sampling hash function h of the
invariant packet content a packet is sampled if h(φ(x)) is part of the D, where
D is the given sampling domain, the indicator function hD is defined through
and called sampling function.
As we have the same sampling function on each link, and we use a
deterministic function, it’s obvious that identical packets will produce identical
labels. We expect to have rare identical packets. The trajectories can be
ambiguous or unambiguous, we use a label subgraph to determine this as a
label subgraph is unambiguous if each connected component of the subgraph
is a source tree or a sink tree such that for each node on the sink tree, the
degree of the outbound link is the sum of the degrees of the inbound links.
A label can be attributed to its trajectory if its unique, or if it can be
disambiguated, unambiguous labels can tell us things about the network.
On the Performance parts we have many problems to solve, like finding
proper hash functions and evaluating them, dealing with identical packets and
finding the best sample number. The paper gets in a lot of mathematics, it
states that the sampling hash h(φ(x))=φ(x) mod A is to be used and need to
find the appropriate number for the prefix length, it presents this graph for this
and continues with more mathematics
about the hash functions. After
dealing with that, it presents an
optimization problem: How to
maximize the expected number of
unique (unambiguous) samples,
subject to the constraint that the total
measurement traffic n*m must not
exceed a predefined constant c and
then presents this graph.
On the traffic measurement part it “tests” the
system in a known environment with a
simple scenario, a service provider wants to
determine what fraction of packets on a
certain link, on certain time belongs to a
certain customer. They used a specific
packet trace assuming that the source prefix
S is the customer, the rest is other traffic,
similarly, destination prefix D is the link we
The results were very good as shown below:
In the discussion part of the paper, they analyze the implementation issues,
showing that the computing power for sampling hash and sampling decision
as the computing power for the identification hash is not really much concern
and that state of the art DSPs can easily handle those. The magnitude of the
DPSs power is double the speed the networks at the moment can handle.
Other approaches to their problem are Aggregation-based approaches like
Link measurements (aggregation-based, direct) where the statistics are
measured at per-link basis and there are no measurements about the
network as a whole
Flow aggregation (aggregation-based, indirect) where one of the
routers does the entire job, they are too many data (to transfer / store /
compute) and if it is extended to all ingress routers to get all the data,
several drawbacks will appear. (They will have to emulate the routing
protocols, which can’t be verified and we can’t really emulate a network
with its all its dynamic changes properly)
And Sampling-based approaches (like their own approach) and
Active end-to-end probes (sampling-based, indirect) where hosts send
probes to estimate metrics, it does not require network measurement
support but it has the same problems as Link measurements
Sampling has been proposed again at connection-oriented networks also its
used on ATM cells to apply QoS but the main difference is that those
approaches don’t use a sampling hash function.
As an extension, trajectory sampling could be used to detect a Distributed
Denial-of-Service Attack (DDoS), or at Filtering, and it also could be used to
Probe Packets on end-to-end route.
The conclusions of the paper are:
Its been proposed a method for consistent sampling over a network
The packets that we want to sample will produce a label through a
hash function
Those labels can be used for post sampling analysis
The system does not need lots of computing power
It can be used with stateless routers
The packets are directly observed.
As further work:
A wider class of hash functions should be tried
Tests should be run in a real network to try and use the benefits of
Trajectory sampling in Network manipulation