MATH end sheet 14 - School of Education

College of Human Sciences
School of Education - Elementary Education
Mathematics Endorsement
Required courses
Methods in Teaching
C I 448 – Teaching Children Mathematics (3 credits)*
Student Teaching:
C I 416 A and B (16 credits)*
*included in EL ED general curriculum, not counted towards endorsement credit total
A total of 24 credit hours in Mathematics is required for this endorsement and must include
courses in the following categories: Algebra, Geometry, Number Theory, Measurement,
Computer Programming, and Probability/Statistic.
Suggested courses to complete requirements – minimum of
one course from each category:
One of the following courses in Algebra:
MATH 140 – College Algebra (3 credits)
MATH 143 – Preparation for Calculus (4 credits)
MATH 150 – Discrete Math for BUS and SOC SCI (3 credits)
MATH 151 – Calculus for BUS and SOC SCI (3 credits)
MATH 160 – Survey of Calculus (4 credits)
MATH 165 – Calculus I (4 credits)
MATH 181 – Calculus and Mathematical Modeling for the Life
Sciences (4 credits)
MATH 297 – Intermediate Topics for School Mathematics (3 credits)
Number Theory:
MATH 195 – Mathematics for Elementary Education I (3 credits)
MATH 196 – Mathematics for Elementary Education II (3 credits)
One of the following courses in Computer Programming:
CPR E 370 – Toying with Technology (3 credits)
COM S 107 – Applied Computer Programming (2 credits)
COM S 207 – Programming I (2 credits)
Continued on next page…
One of the following courses in Statistics:
STAT 101 – Principles of Statistics (4 credits)
STAT 104 – Introduction to Statistics (3 credits)
Additional courses to complete total of 24 credits for the endorsement may be chosen
from any of the courses listed above, or courses from the list below.
*NOTE: a minimum of 6 credit hours must be from classes numbered 300 or above.*
C I 508 – Algebra in the K-12 Classroom (3 credits)
C I 509 – Geometry in the K-12 Classroom (3 credits)
C I 513 – Mathematical Problem Solving in the K-12 Classroom (3 credits)
MATH 104 – Introduction to Probability and Matrices (3 credits)*
MATH 105 – Introduction to Math Ideas (3 credits)*
MATH 166 - Calculus II (4 credits)
MATH 265 – Calculus III (4 credits)
MATH 397 – Teaching Secondary Math Using University Math (3 credits)
*either MATH 104 OR MATH 150 may be counted towards the endorsement, but not both.
*NOTE: if you take MATH 140 you are eligible to file #1421 endorsement with the state to
add the teaching of 5-8 Algebra for HS Credit to your license upon graduation