Disaster Scenario Resource

Disaster scenario resource for the
ShelterBox response activity
Congratulations! You have been selected to be part of a team of Scouts responsible for
assisting ShelterBox with their most recent deployment!
The area of [insert name here] was devastated by flooding after heavy rain fell for weeks.
ShelterBox has worked with Scouts across the world and are now relying on YOU to visit the
region and assess whether sites are suitable for creating Internally Displaced People (IDP)
The situation so far: It is estimated that the flooding has left up to 70 percent of the residential and
commercial buildings un-inhabitable, leaving thousands of families homeless.
ShelterBox immediately dispatched 100 boxes to provide shelter, warmth and dignity to families
affected by the flooding.
An additional 300 boxes were despatched by sea and will arrive within the next two weeks. The
intention is to distribute ShelterBoxes to a number of camps in the area - exact locations and
requirements are to be determined by your team
Your mission: You are a part of a team trusted to locate, visit and assess potential sites for camps.
ShelterBox has never deployed to the area before so has limited knowledge of the location.
Your responsibilities include:
To work effectively as a team
To navigate your way to potential camp locations
To assess whether those locations are suitable for camps and report to other teams
working in the area
The disaster has attracted substantial international attention and ShelterBox anticipates media
organizations working in the area. If this is the case, you are expected to represent ShelterBox
effectively and report accurately on the in-country situation.
Disaster scenario resource – ShelterBox response – Network