PROJECTE FINAL DE CARRERA PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Estudis: Enginyeria de Telecomunicació Autor: David Marín Sánchez Directora: Mónica Aguilar Igartua Co-director: Ahmad Mohamad Mezher Data: Maig 2012 AGRADECIMIENTOS Agradecimientos Con estas líneas quiero hacer llegar a Mónica y Ahmad mi especial agradecimiento por toda la ayuda recibida, por su interés y por su dedicación. Sin ellos nada de esto habría sido posible. Una mención especial a mis padres que me inculcaron el valor del esfuerzo. También recordar a mis hermanos. Su ejemplo es la brújula que me guía. Gracias por estar siempre a mi lado. 3 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS INDEX INDEX OF FIGURES AND TABLES ......................................................................................... 10 FIGURES........................................................................................................................... 10 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ................................................................................................. 18 ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... 22 RESUMEN .......................................................................................................................... 24 RESUM .............................................................................................................................. 26 1. INTRODUCTION AND GOALS ....................................................................................... 28 2. INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS ........................................... 30 2.1. Introducing MANETs (Mobile Ad hoc NETworks) ................................................ 31 2.2. Challenges in MANETs ......................................................................................... 32 2.2.1. Scalability Weakness ........................................................................................... 32 2.2.2. Routing ................................................................................................................ 32 2.2.3. Security ................................................................................................................ 33 2.2.4. Quality of Service (QoS) ....................................................................................... 33 2.2.5. Energy-constrained operations ........................................................................... 34 2.2.6. Interoperation ..................................................................................................... 34 2.3. Applications of MANETs ...................................................................................... 34 2.3.1. Community Networking ...................................................................................... 35 2.3.2. Crisis-management applications ......................................................................... 35 2.3.3. Personal Area Networking................................................................................... 35 2.3.4. Military battlefield applications .......................................................................... 35 2.4. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) ........................................................................ 35 2.4.1. Properties ............................................................................................................ 36 2.4.2. Current deployments and applications ............................................................... 37 Remote Ecological Micro-Sensor Network ............................................................................ 37 Environment Observation and Forecasting System............................................................... 38 Disaster Relief Management ................................................................................................. 38 Health care monitoring ......................................................................................................... 38 DARPA Efforts towards Wireless Sensor Networks ............................................................... 39 2.5. 4 Introducing VANETs (Vehicular Ah-hoc NETworks) ............................................. 39 INDEX 2.5.1. Properties ............................................................................................................ 41 2.5.2. State of the art in VANETs ................................................................................... 42 VANETs Applications.............................................................................................................. 42 Safety-related Applications ............................................................................................... 42 Comfort Applications ......................................................................................................... 43 Applications for Administration ......................................................................................... 44 Challenges in VANETs ............................................................................................................ 44 Routing .............................................................................................................................. 44 Security .............................................................................................................................. 45 Quality of Service (QoS) ..................................................................................................... 45 Power Management .......................................................................................................... 46 3. Current projects and activities in VANETs ............................................................................. 46 Standardization process and research projects initiatives in VANETs ............................... 46 Vehicular Mobility Models ................................................................................................. 49 Other research areas in VANETs ........................................................................................ 51 2.6. Vehicular Traffic Models in VANETs .................................................................... 52 2.6.1. Freeway model .................................................................................................... 53 2.6.2. Manhattan model ............................................................................................... 53 2.6.3. City Section Mobility (CSM) ................................................................................. 53 2.6.4. Stop Sign Model (SSM) ........................................................................................ 54 2.6.5. Traffic Sign Model (TSM) ..................................................................................... 54 2.6.6. STRAW (Street Random Waypoint) ..................................................................... 54 2.6.7. MOVE (MObility model generator for VEhicular network) ................................. 55 2.6.8. BonnMotion ......................................................................................................... 56 2.6.9. VanetMobiSim ..................................................................................................... 56 2.6.10. SUMO (Simulation of Urban Mobility) ................................................................ 57 2.6.11. FreeSim ................................................................................................................ 57 2.6.12. CityMob ............................................................................................................... 58 WIRELESS ACCESS FOR VEHICULAR ENVIRONMENT ..................................................... 60 3.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 60 3.2. Wireless Access For Vehicular Environment (WAVE) .......................................... 62 3.2.1. Architecture Overview ......................................................................................... 62 3.2.2. IEEE 802.11p ........................................................................................................ 63 PHY layer for IEEE 802.11p .................................................................................................... 63 5 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 4. 5. MAC layer for IEEE 802.11p ................................................................................................... 65 PROPAGATION MODELS FOR VEHICULAR ENVIRONMENTS.......................................... 67 4.1. Large-Scale Fading Models: Two-Ray ground model .......................................... 67 4.2. Small-Scale Fading Models .................................................................................. 68 4.2.1. Rayleigh model .................................................................................................... 68 4.2.2. Rician model ........................................................................................................ 69 ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VANETS ............................................................................ 71 5.1. Classification of routing protocols for VANETs .................................................... 71 5.1.1. Proactive Routing Protocols ................................................................................ 72 5.1.2. Reactive Routing Protocols.................................................................................. 73 Reactive Source routing protocols......................................................................................... 73 Reactive Hop-by-hop routing protocols ................................................................................ 73 5.1.3. Hybrid Routing Protocols ..................................................................................... 73 5.2. Topological Routing Protocols ............................................................................. 74 5.2.1. DSR ...................................................................................................................... 74 5.2.2. AODV ................................................................................................................... 74 Route discovery mechanisms ................................................................................................ 74 Route maintenance mechanisms .......................................................................................... 76 Comparative: AODV vs DSR ................................................................................................... 77 5.1. Geographical Routing Protocols .......................................................................... 78 5.1.1. GPSR .................................................................................................................... 78 Greedy Forwarding ............................................................................................................ 81 Perimeter Forwarding........................................................................................................ 82 5.1.2. 5.1.3. 6. 6 GPSR Routing Algorithm ........................................................................................................ 80 GPSR Improvements .............................................................................................................. 85 GOSR .................................................................................................................... 85 GOSR Routing Algorithm ....................................................................................................... 86 GSR Challenges .................................................................................................... 87 SIMULATION TOOLS ................................................................................................... 88 6.1. VMware Player .................................................................................................... 88 6.2. Ubuntu ................................................................................................................. 89 6.3. VanetMobiSim ..................................................................................................... 90 6.4. NS2 ...................................................................................................................... 91 6.5. AWK ..................................................................................................................... 91 INDEX 6.6. 7. 8. 9. GNU Octave ......................................................................................................... 92 SIMULATION PROCESS................................................................................................ 93 7.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 93 7.2. Simulation files .................................................................................................... 94 DESCRIPTION OF THE SIMULATIONS ........................................................................... 98 8.1. Scenarios ............................................................................................................. 98 8.2. Parameters of the simulations .......................................................................... 100 8.3. Evaluated metrics .............................................................................................. 101 8.3.1. Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR)............................................................................... 101 8.3.1. Packet Loss Ratio (PLR)...................................................................................... 102 8.3.2. Average End-to-end delay (E2E) ........................................................................ 102 8.3.3. Data throughput................................................................................................ 102 SIMULATION RESULTS .............................................................................................. 103 9.1. General evaluation of urban scenario ............................................................... 104 9.1.1. Performance evaluation as a function of node density ..................................... 104 Transmission range of 100m ............................................................................................... 105 Average Packet Delivery Ratio ......................................................................................... 105 Average Packet Loss Ratio ............................................................................................... 106 Average End-to-end Delay ............................................................................................... 107 Transmission range of 150m ............................................................................................... 108 Average Packet Delivery Ratio ......................................................................................... 108 Average Packet Loss Ratio ............................................................................................... 109 Average End-to-end Delay ............................................................................................... 110 Transmission range of 200m ............................................................................................... 111 Average Packet Delivery Ratio ......................................................................................... 111 Average Packet Loss Ratio ............................................................................................... 112 Average End-to-end Delay ............................................................................................... 113 Transmission range of 250m ............................................................................................... 114 Average Packet Delivery Ratio ......................................................................................... 114 Average Packet Loss Ratio ............................................................................................... 115 Average End-to-end Delay ............................................................................................... 116 9.1.2. Performance evaluation as a function of node speed ....................................... 117 Transmission range of 100m ............................................................................................... 117 Average Packet Delivery Ratio ......................................................................................... 117 Average Packet Loss Ratio ............................................................................................... 118 7 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Transmission range of 150m ............................................................................................... 120 Average Packet Delivery Ratio ......................................................................................... 120 Average Packet Loss Ratio ............................................................................................... 121 Average End-to-end Delay ............................................................................................... 122 Transmission range of 200m ............................................................................................... 123 Average Packet Delivery Ratio ......................................................................................... 123 Average Packet Loss Ratio ............................................................................................... 124 Average End-to-end Delay ............................................................................................... 125 Transmission range of 250m ............................................................................................... 126 Average Packet Delivery Ratio ......................................................................................... 126 Average Packet Loss Ratio ............................................................................................... 127 Average End-to-end Delay ............................................................................................... 128 9.1.3. Performance evaluation as a function of transmission range .......................... 129 Node Density of 20 nodes/km2............................................................................................ 129 Average Packet Delivery Ratio ......................................................................................... 129 Average Packet Loss Ratio ............................................................................................... 130 Average End-to-end Delay ............................................................................................... 131 Node Density of 25 nodes/km2............................................................................................ 132 Average Packet Delivery Ratio ......................................................................................... 132 Average Packet Loss Ratio ............................................................................................... 133 Average End-to-end Delay ............................................................................................... 134 Node Density of 30 nodes/km2............................................................................................ 135 Average Packet Delivery Ratio ......................................................................................... 135 Average Packet Loss Ratio ............................................................................................... 136 Average End-to-end Delay ............................................................................................... 137 Node Density of 35 nodes/km2............................................................................................ 138 Average Packet Delivery Ratio ......................................................................................... 138 Average Packet Loss Ratio ............................................................................................... 139 Average End-to-end Delay ............................................................................................... 140 Node Density of 40 nodes/km2............................................................................................ 141 Average Packet Delivery Ratio ......................................................................................... 141 Average Packet Loss Ratio ............................................................................................... 142 Average End-to-end Delay ............................................................................................... 143 8 Average End-to-end Delay ............................................................................................... 119 Node Density of 45 nodes/km2............................................................................................ 144 Average Packet Delivery Ratio ......................................................................................... 144 Average Packet Loss Ratio ............................................................................................... 145 Average End-to-end Delay ............................................................................................... 146 INDEX 9.2. Evaluation of Data Throughput over time......................................................... 147 Node Density of 20 nodes/km2............................................................................................ 147 Node Density of 25 nodes/km2............................................................................................ 148 Node Density of 30 nodes/km2............................................................................................ 149 Node Density of 35 nodes/km2............................................................................................ 150 Node Density of 40 nodes/km2............................................................................................ 151 Node Density of 45 nodes/km2............................................................................................ 152 9.3. Evaluation of other propagation models .......................................................... 153 9.3.1. Average Packet Delivery Ratio .......................................................................... 154 9.3.1. Average Packet Loss Ratio................................................................................. 155 9.3.2. Average End-to-end Delay................................................................................. 156 10. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK .......................................................................... 157 10.1. Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 157 10.2. Future works ...................................................................................................... 158 11. ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS .................................................................. 160 11.1. How to install VMware Player ........................................................................... 160 11.2. How to install Ubuntu........................................................................................ 160 11.3. How to install VanetMobiSim-1.1 ..................................................................... 161 11.4. How to install NS2.27 ........................................................................................ 163 11.5. How to install GPSR on NS2-27.......................................................................... 183 11.6. How to install AWK............................................................................................ 184 11.7. How to install GNU Octave ................................................................................ 184 11.8. Simulation Process............................................................................................. 185 11.8.1. VanetMobiSim Configuration file ...................................................................... 222 General specifications ......................................................................................................... 223 11.8.2. NS2 configuration file ........................................................................................ 225 11.8.3. AWK script ......................................................................................................... 227 11.9. CONFIDENCE INTERVALS ................................................................................... 228 REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................... 230 9 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS INDEX OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figures Fig. 2-1 Architecture of a WSN .................................................................................................... 36 Fig. 2-2 Monitoring volcanic eruptions with a WSN [39] ............................................................. 38 Fig. 2-3 Wireless Vehicular Networks ......................................................................................... 40 Fig. 2-4 Application domains [66] ................................................................................................ 41 Fig. 2-5 Architecture on VANETs communication [13] ................................................................ 48 Fig. 2-6 Screenshot of STRAW with the enhanced visualization tool ......................................... 55 Fig. 2-7 Screenshot of MOVE ..................................................................................................... 56 Fig. 2-8 Screenshot of VanetMobiSim ........................................................................................ 57 Fig. 2-9 Screenshot of SUMO ..................................................................................................... 57 Fig. 3-1 WAVE architecture overview ......................................................................................... 62 Fig. 3-2 US distribution of DSRC spectrum ................................................................................. 64 Fig. 3-4 Default parameter settings for IEEE 802.11p queues ................................................... 66 Fig. 4-1 Small-scale fading distribution: (a) Rician (b) Rayleigh ............................................... 69 10 INDEX OF TABLES AND FIGURES Fig. 5-1 Classification of routing protocols for MANETs and VANETs........................................ 72 Fig. 5-2 RREQ packet format ...................................................................................................... 75 Fig. 5-3 RREP packet format ...................................................................................................... 75 Fig. 5-4 Route discovering mechanism, a) Source node initiates path discovering sendig RREQ message b) Node A broadcasts RREQ message to its neighbor nodes c) Destiny node unicasts a RREP message to node C in order to reach source node ............................... 76 Fig. 5-5 Data packet forwarding path .......................................................................................... 79 Fig. 5-6 GPSR Flowchart ............................................................................................................ 80 Fig. 5-7 Greedy Forwarding example. Y is x's closest neighbor to D. ........................................ 81 Fig. 5-8 Greedy Forwarding failure. w and y are farther from D than x ....................................... 82 Fig. 5-9 Node x's void with respect to destination D ................................................................... 82 Fig. 5-10 The right-hand rule. x revives a packet from y, and forwards it to z ............................ 83 Fig. 5-11 The RNG graph. For edge (u,v) to be included, the shaded lune must contain no witness w ..................................................................................................................................... 84 Fig. 5-12 The GG graph. For edge (u,v) to be included, the shaded circle must contain no witness w ..................................................................................................................................... 85 Fig. 7-1 VANET simulator based on coupling VanetMobiSim and NS2 [60] .............................. 94 Fig. 7-2 Colour code Simulation files .......................................................................................... 94 Fig. 7-3 Simulation process part 1............................................................................................... 95 Fig. 7-4 Simulation process part 2............................................................................................... 96 Fig. 7-5 Simulation process part 3............................................................................................... 97 Fig. 8-1 Scenarios a) Manhattan grid b) Urban random distribution c) Urban TIGER/Line d) Highway TIGER/Line ............................................................................................................... 99 The full list of configuration files with the parameters of the simulation is showed in Annex. ... 101 Figure 9-1 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 105 Figure 9-2 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 106 Figure 9-3 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 107 Figure 9-4 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 108 Figure 9-5 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 109 11 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Figure 9-4 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 110 Figure 9-7 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node desity ......................................................................................................................................... 111 Figure 9-8 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 112 Figure 9-9 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 113 Figure 9-10 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node density .............................................................................................................................. 114 Figure 9-11 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 115 Figure 9-12 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 116 Figure 9-13 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node speed ................................................................................................................................ 117 Figure 9-11 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 118 Figure 9-15 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 119 Figure 9-16 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node speed ................................................................................................................................ 120 Figure 9-17 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 121 Figure 9-18 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 122 Figure 9-19 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node speed ................................................................................................................................ 123 Figure 9-20 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 124 Figure 9-21 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 125 Figure 9-22 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node speed ................................................................................................................................ 126 Figure 9-23 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 127 Figure 9-24 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 128 12 INDEX OF TABLES AND FIGURES Figure 9-25 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 20 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 129 Figure 9-26 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 20 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 130 Figure 9-27 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 20 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 131 Figure 9-28 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 25 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 132 Figure 9-29 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 25 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 133 Figure 9-30 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 25 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 134 Figure 9-31 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 30 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 135 Figure 9-32 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 30 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 136 Figure 9-33 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 30 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 137 Figure 9-34 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 35 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 138 Figure 9-35 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 35 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 139 Figure 9-36 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 35 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 140 Figure 9-37 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 40 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 141 Figure 9-38 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 40 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 142 Figure 9-39 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 40 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 143 Figure 9-40 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 45 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 144 Figure 9-41 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 45 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 145 Figure 9-42 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 45 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 146 Figure 9-43 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 20 nodes/km 2 over time ........ 147 Figure 9-44 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 25 nodes/km 2 over time ........ 148 13 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Figure 9-45 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 30 nodes/km 2 over time ........ 149 Figure 9-46 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 35 nodes/km 2 over time ........ 150 Figure 9-47 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 40 nodes/km 2 over time ........ 151 Figure 9-48 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 45 nodes/km 2 over time ........ 152 Table 9-49 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for Rayleigh and Ricean model as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 154 Table 9-50 Average Packet Loss Ratio for Rayleigh and Ricean model as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 155 Table 9-51 Average End-to-end Delay for Rayleigh model as a function of node density ....... 156 Fig. 11-1 Terminal message after executing ant patch ............................................................. 162 Fig. 11-2 Terminal message after executing ant all .................................................................. 162 Fig. 11-3 VanetMobiSim XML file .............................................................................................. 222 Fig. 11-4 VanetMobiSim shell launching ................................................................................... 224 Fig. 11-5 NS2 script - DEFINE OPTIONS ................................................................................. 225 Fig. 11-6 NS2 script - MAIN PROGRAM ................................................................................... 226 Fig. 11-7 NS2 shell launching ................................................................................................... 226 Fig. 11-8 AWK script ................................................................................................................. 227 Fig. 11-9 AWK shell launching .................................................................................................. 227 Fig. 11-10 Example of confident interval ................................................................................... 228 Tables Table 2-1 Comparison of Vehicular Traffic Models ..................................................................... 58 Table 3-1 Comparison of the used IEEE 802.11 standards for VANET environment ................ 61 Table 3-2 Comparison of the PHY layer implementation in IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11p .. 65 Table 5-1 Comparative AODV vs DSR ....................................................................................... 77 Table 8-1 Scenario features overview ....................................................................................... 100 Table 8-2 Simulation features overview .................................................................................... 101 Table 9-1 Average Packet Delivery ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 105 Table 9-2 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 106 14 INDEX OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 9-3 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 107 Table 9-3 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 108 Table 9-4 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 109 Table 9-6 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 110 Table 9-7 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 111 Table 9-8 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 112 Table 9-9 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 113 Table 9-10 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node density .............................................................................................................................. 114 Table 9-11 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 115 Table 9-12 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 116 Table 9-13 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node speed ................................................................................................................................ 117 Table 9-14 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 118 Table 9-15 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 119 Table 9-16 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node speed ................................................................................................................................ 120 Table 9-17 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 121 Table 9-18 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 122 Table 9-19 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node speed ................................................................................................................................ 123 Table 9-20 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 124 Table 9-21 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 125 15 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Table 9-22 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node speed ................................................................................................................................ 126 Table 9-23 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 127 Table 9-24 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node speed ......................................................................................................................................... 128 Table 9-25 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 20 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 129 Table 9-26 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 20 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 130 Table 9-27 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 20 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 131 Table 9-28 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 25 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 132 Table 9-29 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 25 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 133 Table 9-30 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 25 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 134 Table 9-31 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 30 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 135 Table 9-32 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 30 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 136 Table 9-33 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 30 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 137 Table 9-34 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 35 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 138 Table 9-35 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 35 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 139 Table 9-36 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 35 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 140 Table 9-37 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 40 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 141 Table 9-38 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 40 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 142 Table 9-39 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 40 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 143 Table 9-40 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 45 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 144 16 INDEX OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 9-41 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 45 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 145 Table 9-42 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 45 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range .................................................................................................................... 146 Table 9-43 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 20 nodes/km 2 over time ......... 147 Table 9-44 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 25 nodes/km 2 over time ......... 148 Table 9-45 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 30 nodes/km 2 over time ......... 149 Table 9-46 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 35 nodes/km 2 over time ......... 150 Table 9-47 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 40 nodes/km 2 over time ......... 151 Table 9-48 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 45 nodes/km 2 over time ......... 152 Table 9-49 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for Rayleigh and Ricean model as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 154 Table 9-50 Average Packet Loss Ratio for Rayleigh and Ricean model as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 155 Table 9-51 Average End-to-end Delay for Rayleigh and Ricean model as a function of node density ....................................................................................................................................... 156 17 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ACK ACKnowledgment ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance Services ADV Adaptative Distance Vector AIFS Arbitration Interframe Space AODV Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector AWK Aho Weinberg Brian BSS Basis Service Set BPSK Binary Phase-Shift Keying CALM Communication Architecture for Land Mobile environment CANUMOBISIM Communications in Ad Hoc Networks for Ubiquitous computing Mobility Simulator CBR Constant Bit Rate CCH Control Channel CW Contention Window DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DCF Distributed Coordination Function DNT Delay Tolerant Network DSDV Dynamic Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector 18 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS DSR Dynamic Source Routing DSSS Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum DSRC Dedicated Short-Range Communications E2E End-to-End ECC Electronic Communications Committee EDCA Enhanced Distributed Channel Access EIRP Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power FCC Federal Communication Commission GDF Geographic Data Files GOSR Geographical Opportunistic Source Routing GPSR Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing GSM Global System for Mobile communications GSR Geographical Source Routing GTS Global System of Telematics GUI Graphical User Interface IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IDM Intelligent Driving Model IDM_IM Intelligent Driving Model with Intersection Management IDM_LC Intelligent Driving Model with Lane Changing IMM Integrated Mobility Model IP Internet Protocol ISM Industrial Scientific Medial ISO International Organization for Standardization ITS Intelligent transportation system LAGAD Location-Aided Gateway Advertisement and Discovery LAN Local Area Network LOS Line of Sight MAC Medium Access Control MANET Mobile Ad hoc NETwork MLME MAC Layer Management Entity MOVE MObility model generator for VEhicular networks NCTUns National Chiao Tung University Network Simulator NS2 Network Simulator OBU On Board Unit 19 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS OFDM Orthogonal Frequency-Division multiplexing OLSR Optimized Link State Routing OTCL Object-oriented Tool Command Language PAN Personal Area Network PDA Personal Digital Assistant PDF Probability Density Function PLME Physical Layer Management Entity POI Point Of Interest QAM Quadreture Amplitude Modulation QoS Quality of Service QPSK Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying RDPR Received Data Packet Ratio RERR Router Error RREP Route Reply RREQ Route Request RSE Road Side Equipment RSU RoadSide Unit SCH Service Channel SIFT Simple Forwarding over Trajectory SUMO Simulation of Urban Mobility TCL Tool Command Language TCP Transfer Control Protocol TIGER Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing TTL Time To Live UDP User Datagram Protocol UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System V2V Vehicle to Vehicle VANET Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork VANETMOBISIM Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork Mobility Simulator VINT Virtual InterNetwork Testbed WAVE Wireless Access for Vehicular Environment WBSS WAVE Basis Service Set WLAN Wireless Local Area Network WSN Wireless Sensor Network 20 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS XML eXtensible Markup Language ZRP Zone Routing Protocol 21 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS ABSTRACT VANETs (Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks) are an emerging new technology which integrates the capabilities of new generation wireless networks to vehicles. It includes a variety of applications such as co-operative traffic monitoring, control of traffic flows, blind crossing, prevention of collisions, nearby information services, and real-time detour routes computation. Another important application for VANETs is providing Internet connectivity to vehicular nodes while on the move, so that passengers can download music, send emails, book a restaurant or play games. Because of the high nodes mobility and unreliable channel conditions, VANETs have unique characteristics which pose many challenging research issues. This work is mainly focused on a key networking problem: routing protocol for VANETs. The main requirement of routing protocols is to achieve minimal communication time with minimum consumption of network resources. Many routing protocols have been developed for MANETs (Mobile Ad-hoc Networks), such as AODV (Ad-hoc On demand Distance Vector) [65] and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) [45]. However, VANETs differ from MANETs by their highly dynamic topology. A number of studies have been done to simulate and compare the performance of those routing protocols in various traffic conditions in VANETs. Simulation results showed that MANET routing protocols suffer from poor performances because of the characteristics of fast vehicle's movement, dynamic information exchange and relative high speed of mobile nodes. 22 ABSTRACT This text aims to continue the work of Roger Calzada in his final degree thesis [98]. In that thesis, AODV was the routing protocol used during the simulation process to evaluate its performance over VANETs. The conclusion of the thesis was that AODV is not the best routing protocol to handle high mobility of nodes and short duration of routes. He proposed as future work the evaluation of existing routing protocol which considers car position, trajectories or speeds gathered via GPS (Global Positioning System) that could lead to better results. To consider the vehicle network, people can intuitively think to use the geographical position information to decide the route. Most position based routing algorithms base forwarding decision on location information. GSR (Geographical Source Routing) [92] is a promising routing technique for VANETs and recently several routing protocols have been proposed based on it. For example, GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing) [90] is one of the best known position-based protocols in literature. Basically, our project is divided in two parts: First, we make a state of the art related to the VANETs in order to find the most appropriate and recommended mobility generator and network simulator reported in literature. We also include at the end of this part the description of GPSR routing protocol. Second, from the research done in the previous part, we use VanetMobiSim [80] as a mobility generator due to its variety models that could be tested; and NS2 [93] as a network simulator for being one of the most used by many authors and also due to its compatibility with VanetMobiSim. Using these tools, VanetMobiSim and NS2, we carry out a performance evaluation of two routing protocols (AODV and GPSR) over VANETs. We give different values to parameters such as the number of nodes, speed, transmission range and different propagation models. Finally, we analyse and discuss the benefits of GPSR compared to AODV in vehicular scenarios. 23 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS RESUMEN VANETs (Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks) son una emergente nueva tecnología que integra las capacidades de la nueva generación de redes wireless con los vehículos. Incluye una gran variedad de aplicaciones tales como la monitorización cooperativa del trafico, el control del transito, la asistencia en cruces ciegos, la prevención de colisiones, la búsqueda de información de servicios cercanos y el cálculo en tiempo real de rutas entre otras muchas. Otra aplicación importante para VANETs es la de proveer de conexión a Internet a los vehículos mientras se mueven, de manera que el pasajero puede descargar música, enviar emails, reservar un restaurante o jugar a videojuegos. Debido a la alta movilidad de los nodos y a las poco fiables condiciones del canal, las redes VANET tienen unas características únicas que plantean muchas cuestiones que son un reto para la investigación. Este trabajo esta principalmente centrado en la clave del diseño e implementación de redes: El protocolo de enrutado para VANETs. El requerimiento principal para un protocolo de enrutado es lograr establecer una comunicación en el mínimo tiempo posible con el mínimo consumo de recursos de la red. Muchos protocolos de enrutado se han desarrollado para MANETs (Mobile Ad-hoc Networks), tales como ADV (Ad-hoc On demand Distance Vector) [65] y DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) [45]. Sin embargo, las redes VANET difieren de las MANET en el alto dinamismo de su topología. En un gran número de estudios se han simulado y comparado las prestaciones de estos protocolos de enrutado en diferentes condiciones de tráfico para VANETs. Los resultados de las simulaciones han mostrado que los protocolos de enrutado propios de MANET sufren de pobres prestaciones debido a las características de alta velocidad 24 ABSTRACT de movimiento y dinamismo en el intercambio de información provocado por la alta velocidad de los nodos móviles. Este texto pretende continuar con el trabajo iniciado por Roger Calzada en su proyecto final de carrera [98]. En este trabajo, AODV fue el protocolo de enrutado utilizado durante el proceso de simulación para evaluar las prestaciones sobre VANETs. La conclusión a la que se llegó fue que AODV no era el mejor protocolo de enrutado para manejar la alta movilidad de los nodos y la corta duración de las rutas. Él propuso como trabajo futuro la evaluación de otros protocolos de enrutado existentes que tienen en cuenta la posición de los vehículos, las trayectorias y sus velocidades vía GPS (Global Positioning System) que podrían conducir a unos mejores resultados. Al considerar las redes de vehículos, la gente puede pensar de forma intuitiva en el uso de la información de la posición geográfica para decidir la ruta. La mayoría de los algoritmos de enrutado basados en la posición basan su decisión de renvío en la localización del vehículo. GSR (Geographical Source Routing) [92] es una prometedora técnica de enrutado para VANETs y recientemente se han propuesto muchos protocolos de enrutado basados en ella. Por ejemplo, GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Statless Routing) [90] es uno de los mas conocidos protocolos basados en la posición de la literatura. Nuestro proyecto se divide básicamente en dos partes: Una primera parte donde hacemos un resumen del estado actual de las redes VANET con el objetivo de encontrar el más apropiado y recomendado generado de patrones de movilidad y simulador de red del que se informa en la literatura. También incluimos al final de este apartado la descripción del protocolo de enrutado GPSR. En la segunda parte, como consecuencia de la investigación de la primera parte, usamos VanetMobisim [80] como generador de patrones de movimiento debido a la gran variedad de modelos que se pueden utilizar; y NS2 como simulador de red por ser uno de los mas utilizados por muchos autores y también debido a su compatibilidad con VanetMobisim. Usando estas herramientas, VanetMobisim y NS2, llevamos a cabo una evaluación de las prestaciones de dos protocolos de enrutado (AODV y GPSR) sobre VANETs. Para ello variamos los valores de diferentes parámetros tales como el número de nodos, la velocidad, el rango de transmisión y el modelo de propagación. Finalmente, Analizamos y examinamos los beneficios de GPSR comparado con AODV en escenarios de vehículos. 25 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS RESUM VANETs (Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks) son una emergent i nova tecnologia que integra les capacitats de la nova generació de xarxes wireless amb els vehicles. Inclou una gran varietat d’aplicacions com poden ser la monitorització cooperativa del tràfic, el control del transit, l’assistència en encreuaments cecs, la prevenció de col·lisions, la recerca d’informació de serveis propers y el càlcul en temps real de rutes entre moltes altres. Una altra aplicació important per a VANETs es la de proveir de connexió a Internet als nodes vehiculars mentre es mouen, de forma que el passatger pot descarregar musica, enviar emails, o jugar a videojocs. Degut a l’alta mobilitat dels nodes i a les poc fiables condicions del canal, les xarxes VANET tenen unes característiques úniques que plantegen moltes qüestions que son un repte per a la recerca. Aquest treball esta principalment centrat en la clau del disseny i implementació de les xarxes: El protocol d’encaminament per a VANETs. El requeriment principal per a un protocol d’encaminament es aconseguir establir una comunicació en el mínim temps possible amb el mínim consum de recursos de la xarxa. Molts protocols d’encaminament s’han desenvolupat per MANETs (Mobile Ad-hoc Networks), com ara AODV (Ad-hoc On demand Distance Vector) [65] i DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) [45]. No obstant això, les xarxes VANET difereixen de les MANET en l’alt dinamisme de la seva topologia. En un gran nombre d’estudis s’han simulat i comparat les prestacions d’aquests protocols d’encaminament en diferents condicions de tràfic per VANETs. Els resultats de les simulacions han mostrat que els protocols d’encaminament propis de MANET pateixen de pobres prestacions degut a les característiques 26 ABSTRACT de alta velocitat de moviment y dinamisme en l’intercanvi d’informació provocat per l’alta velocitat dels nodes mòbils. Aquest text pretén continuar el treball iniciat per Roger Calzada en el seu projecte final de carrera [98]. En aquest treball, AODV va ser el protocol d’encaminament utilitzat durant el procés de simulació per avaluar les prestacions sobre VANETs. La conclusió del projecte va ser que AODV no era el millor protocol d’encaminament per gestionar l’elevada mobilitat dels nodes i la curta duració de les rutes. Ell va proposar com a treball futur l’avaluació d’altres protocols d’encaminament existents que tenen en compte la posició dels vehicles, les trajectòries i les seves velocitats via GPS (Global Positioning System) que podrien conduir a uns millors resultats. Al considerar les xarxes de vehicles, la gent pot pensar de forma intuïtiva en la utilització de la informació de la posició geogràfica per decidir la ruta. La majoria dels algoritmes d’encaminament basats en la posició basen la decisió de reenviament en la localització del vehicle. GSR (Geographical Source Routing) [92] es una prometedora tècnica d’encaminament per VANETs i recentment s’han proposat molts protocols d’encaminament basats en ella. Per exemple, GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Statless Routing) [90] es un dels més coneguts protocols basats en la posició de la literatura. El nostre projecte es divideix bàsicament en dos parts: Una primera part on fem un resum de l’estat actual de les xarxes VANET amb l’objectiu de trobar el mes apropiat y recomanat generador de patrons de mobilitat i simulador de xarxa del que s’informa a la literatura. També incloem al final d’aquesta part la descripció del protocol d’encaminament GPSR. En la segona part, com a conseqüència de la recerca de la primera part, utilitzem, VanetMobisim [80] com a generador de patrons de moviment degut a la gran varietat de models que es poden utilitzar; y NS2 com a simulador de xarxa per ser un dels mes utilitzats per molts autors i també per la seva compatibilitat amb VanetMobisim. Utilitzant aquestes eines, VanetMobisim i NS2, portem a terme una avaluació de les prestacions de dos protocols d’encaminament (AODV i GPSR) sobre VANETs. Per això variem els valors de diferents paràmetres com ara el numero de nodes, la velocitat, el rang de transmissió y el model de propagació. Finalment, analitzem i examinem els beneficis de GPSR comparat amb AODV en escenaris de vehicles. 27 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 1. INTRODUCTION AND GOALS Due to vehicle traffic accidents, the estimated number of deaths is about 1.2 million people yearly worldwide and of injuries are about forty times of the previous number, without forgetting the traffic congestion that makes a huge waste of time and fuel. With the developments in wireless communications technology, the concept of VANETs (Vehicular Ad hoc Network) has taken the attention all over the world. Such network is expected to be one of the most valuable technology for improving efficiency and safety of the future transportations. Thus, several on-going research projects supported by industry, governments and academia, have established standards for VANETs. In the recent years, many new projects have been proposed trying to evaluate vehicular networks. The ideal evaluations for any network (e.g. VANETs) development and evaluation related to protocols and applications is to implement it in a real experiment. However, this solution has many drawbacks, such as the required expensive investment that could cost implementing such experiment. An alternative evaluation that could achieve similar results as in the real experiment is the use of simulation tools. A vehicular traffic generator and a network simulator must be coupled in order to generate complete and realistic simulations of VANETs. In this project, we have decided to use VanetMobiSim [80] as a mobility generator, which has a wide variety of driver behaviour models and almost realistic road layouts. The network simulator used is NS2 [93], a discrete network simulator with total compatibility with VanetMobiSim, that already includes the protocol stuck needed in VANETs. 28 INTRODUCTION AND GOALS With this two simulators, we will carry out a performance evaluation of urban scenarios using VANETs in terms of received packet rate, average number of hops, average end-to-end delay and data throughput using different simulation settings and scenarios. The project consists of 11 chapters. Chapter 2 introduces the concept of MANET (Mobile Adhoc networks), VANET (Vehicular Ad-hoc Network) and the most known mobility generators and traffic generators used in vehicular networks. Chapter 3 describes the WAVE (Wireless Access for Vehicular Environments), a new set of standards which has been developed for vehicular environment. In Chapter 4 different propagation models are described for urban environment. Chapter 5 summarizes the different routing protocols available in ad hoc networks emphasizing in AODV (Ad-hoc On demand Distance Vector) [65] and GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing) [90], the used routing protocols in this project. Chapter 6 includes an overview of the simulation tools used in the project. Chapter 7 summarizes the simulation process. Chapter 8 includes a description of the simulations settings. Chapter 9 summarizes the results obtained after a whole simulation process. Chapter 10 outlines the main conclusions and gives a proposal for future lines of work. Finally, Chapter 11 includes several annexes which are expected to be complementary to the previous chapters. 29 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 2. INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS Over recent years, the considerable mobile services sector growth around the world was certainly the major phenomenon in the telecommunications field. Wireless technology is capable of reaching virtually every location on the surface of the earth. With such success of mobile communication demand it is hardly surprising that wireless technology has led to the development of new multimedia services and to evolution in user requirements in terms of throughput and universal mobility throughout different systems. Mobile communications are already applied to the realm of personal and business computing, making that people living habits and working ways evolve [48]. Generally there are two distinct approaches for enabling wireless mobile units to communicate each other: Infrastructured or centralized networks: Wireless mobile networks have traditionally been based on the cellular concept, where all the devices are connected to a central node which is the acting agent for all communications, and relied on good infrastructure support. Typical examples of this kind of wireless networks are GSM, UMTS, WLAN, etc. Infrastructureless: As to infrastructureless approach, the mobile wireless network is commonly known as a mobile ad hoc networks or MANETs. A MANET is a collection of wireless nodes that can dynamically be set up anywhere and anytime without using a pre-existing network infrastructure. It is an autonomous system in which mobile host connected by wireless links are free to move randomly and often act as routers at the same time. 30 INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS The design of network protocols for MANETs is a complex and wide area of research with many challenges. Hence, during the last few years, mobile ad hoc networks have become a very popular field of study within the research community. In the next section a more detailed description of MANETs is presented, including its main features, challenges and an introduction of two well-known applications: WSNs and VANETs. Their properties and current deployments are also discussed. 2.1. Introducing MANETs (Mobile Ad hoc NETworks) A MANET is a collection of wireless devices than can dynamically form a network with a very simple deployment capability, paving the way for new applications which have not been able to emerge until now and offers solutions in multiple environments that have no infrastructure. These devices or nodes can move in a random way and are capable to self-organize themselves arbitrarily, collaborating in order to communications succeed. Examples of devices are laptops, PDAs, mobile phones, handhelds and wearable computers. The most outstanding features of MANETS are detailed below: Dynamic network topology The dynamically network topology is undoubtedly the element characterizing in MANETs. Since the nodes are mobile, the network topology may change rapidly and unpredictably and the connectivity among the terminal may vary with time. MANETs should adapt to the traffic and propagation conditions as well as the mobility patterns of the mobile networks nodes. Autonomous terminals and self-organization In MANETs, each mobile terminal is an autonomous node, which may function as both a host and a router and are responsible for dynamically discovering other nodes to communicate or handle the network configuration e.g. addressing, and position location issues. Distributed operation Since there is no background network for the central control of the network operations, the control management of the network is distributed among the devices. The nodes involved in a MANET should collaborate each other and act as a relay as needed, to implement routing and security functions. Multi-hop routing As delivering data packets from a source to its destination out of the direct wireless transmission range, the packets should be forwarded via one or more intermediate node. Fluctuating link-capacity 31 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS The nature of high bit-error rates of wireless connections might be more critical in a MANET. The radio transmission rate is vulnerable to noise, fading, multiple access and interference conditions, and has less bandwidth than wired networks. Light-weight terminal In most cases, the MANET nodes are mobile devices with limited processing capability, small memory size and low power storage. Such devices need optimized algorithms to execute computing and communicating functions. Scalability Sometimes the number of devices which set up the network can increase until dozens or hundreds. Since there is no a central element which is in charge of network management, adding or rejecting nodes into the topology is a simple process. 2.2. Challenges in MANETs Regardless of MANETs capabilities, possibilities and characteristics have risen a quickly spreading, that benefits lead to several challenges as well, which must be studied carefully. Researching in the area of mobile ad hoc networking is receiving more attention from academia, industry, and government during the last few years. Almost every aspect of the network has been explored in some level of detail although no ultimate resolution to any of the problems is found yet and there are already many open issues for research and significant contributions. 2.2.1. Scalability Weakness The number of network nodes can be large and finding route to a destination also requires frequent exchange of routing control information among the nodes. Thus, the amount of update traffic can be substantial, and it is even higher when nodes with increased mobility are present. 2.2.2. Routing Routing in ad hoc networks, which is quite different from traditional IP routing, is a particularly complex problem because of many factors including topology, selection of routers, locations of request initiator, resource limitations and unreliability of wireless links. A node at least needs to know the reachability information to its neighbors for determinate a packet route, while the network topology can change quite often in a MANET. Thus, routes may change while in use and become no longer valid in a very short time [67]. Since the arrival of ad hoc network concepts, many proposals have been studied, simulated and evaluated. The same proposals have led to variations, specializations to given 32 INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS environments and optimizations. Ad hoc routing proposals can be classified into two main categories: proactive and reactive routing. Proactive or table-driven protocols are directly inspired by routing protocols deployed in the Internet and consist of maintaining a routing table for sending data to any node in the network. Instead, ad hoc reactive routing algorithms research the vital information of a route between two nodes when a request for this route is expressed by the higher protocol layers. The protocol of this class attempt to keep the routes used and only those as up to date as possible in order to minimize the use of control messages to a minimum to save bandwidth. We can add other generally hybrid proposals to these two families, which includes both features. These categories are presented in more detailed in Chapter 4. 2.2.3. Security Research on security in addition to routing challenges has become a primary concern to mobile ad hoc networks. Historically, network security has adopted a centralized, largely protective paradigm to satisfy aforementioned requirements. This is effective because the privileges of every node in the network are managed by dedicated machines, e.g. authentication servers. Membership in such a network allows individual nodes to operate in an open fashion because it is simplicity guaranteed that any malicious user from outside world will not be allowed access. Although these solutions have been considered very early in the evolution of ad hoc networks, attempts to adapt similar client-server solutions to a decentralized environment have largely been ineffective. Attempts to secure ad hoc networks must be ad hoc: they must establish security without reference to centralized. Instead, security paradigms should be carried out by the cooperation of all available nodes in the network. An implementation of an inefficient authentication protocol in ad hoc networks may lead to a vulnerability increase and network will be compromised. Attacks from malicious nodes could range from message replay, passive eavesdropping to injecting erroneous messages or liable information into routing tables in order to make network congestion and denials of service by forwarding traffic to a black hole. Hence, security solutions need to consider malicious attacks not only from outside but also from within the network. So, key management and authentication procedure are issues that must be carefully considered. 2.2.4. Quality of Service (QoS) As a wired network, the flows generated by applications supported by mobile ad hoc networks have diverse characteristics such as type and the volume of exchanged information, duration of interaction to name a few examples. These flows also have different QoS requirements: bandwidth requirements for video on demand or end-to-end requirements for voice over IP services. That is why uniform packet processing is not appropriate, and QoS support which considers the different QoS requirements is vital. 33 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS In MANETs, the dynamic networks environment with continuous topology changes and the limited resources raise that problem of QoS support at different levels [48]. 2.2.5. Energy-constrained operations Some or all of the nodes in an ad hoc network may rely on batteries or other exhaustible means for their energy. Therefore, energy conservative networks are becoming extremely popular within the ad hoc networking research. The goals can be achieved either by developing better batteries, or by focusing on the devices’ networks interface, which is often the single largest consumer of power. Energy efficiency at the network interface can be improved by developing transmission/reception technologies on the physical layer, but especially with specific networking algorithms. Nevertheless, energy conservation is currently being addressed in every layer of the protocol stack. Much research has been carried out yet, however, there are still much more work to be done [48]. 2.2.6. Interoperation The self-organization of ad hoc networks is a challenge when two independently formed networks come physically close to each other. This is an unexplored research topic that has implications on all levels on the system design. The issue of joining two networks is not trivial: the networks may be using different synchronization, or even different MAC, routing or security protocols. Another important issue comes into picture when we talk about all wireless networks. One of the most important aims of recent research on all wireless networks is to provide seamless integration of all types of networks. The issue raises questions on how the ad hoc network could be designed so that they are compatible with, for instance, wireless LANs, 3G and 4G cellular networks [67]. 2.3. Applications of MANETs With the increase of portable devices as well as progress in wireless communication, ad hoc networking is gaining importance with the number of widespread applications. Ad hoc networking can be applied anywhere where there is little or no communication infrastructure or the existing infrastructure is expensive or inconvenient to use. Ad hoc networking allows the devices to maintain connections to the network as well as easily adding and removing devices to and from the network. The set of applications for MANETs is diverse, some well-known are [67]: 34 INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS 2.3.1. Community Networking For some business scenarios, the need for collaborative computing might be more important outside office environments than inside a building. After all, it is the case where people do need to have outside meetings to cooperate and exchange information on a given project. It is also an interesting solution for neighborhood scenarios, stadiums, museums or airports. 2.3.2. Crisis-management applications That includes emergency or rescue operations, as a result of natural disasters where the entire communications infrastructure is in disarray or inoperative (Tsunamis, hurricanes). Restoring communications quickly is essential. By using ad hoc networks, an infrastructure could be set up in hours instead of days/week required for wire-line communications. 2.3.3. Personal Area Networking A personal area network (PAN) is a short-range, localized network where nodes are usually associated with a given person. Bluetooth is an example of a technology aimed at supporting PANs by eliminating the need of wires between devices such as printers, cell phones and PDAs or laptop computers so on. 2.3.4. Military battlefield applications MANETs networking was created for military purposes. Ad hoc networking would allow the military to take advantage of commonplace network technology to maintain an information network between the soldiers, vehicles, and military information head quarters. Besides of these applications, two fields of study have become very interesting within the research community: wireless sensor networks and vehicular ad hoc networks. VANETs are introduced in section 2.3 whereas the special features and advantages of WSN are detailed below. 2.4. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) In recent years, advances in wireless networking, micro-fabrication and integration and embedded microprocessors have enabled a new technological vision possible: wireless sensor networks. WSN consist of a large number of sensor nodes which collect data and interoperate each other to carry out functions involving some kind of tracking, monitoring or controlling. A sensor node is basically a device that converts a sensed attributed (such as temperature or vibrations) into a form understandable by the users. It consist of a transducer to sense a given physical quantity with a predefined precision, an embedded processor for local processing, small memory unit for storage and a wireless transceiver to transmit or receive data. WSNs, which are considered as a special case of a MANET with reduced or no mobility, are expected to find increasing deployment in coming years, as they enable reliable monitoring and analysis of unknown and untested environments. 35 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Development of wireless sensor networks was motivated by military applications such as battlefield surveillance and is now used in a variety of physical phenomena of interest: monitoring pedestrian or vehicular traffic in human-aware environments, report wildlife habitat conditions for environmental conservation, detect forest fires to aid rapid emergency response and monitoring industrial process or healthcare applications [89]. Fig. 2-1 Architecture of a WSN 2.4.1. Properties The advancement in technology has made it possible to have a network of hundreds or even thousands of extremely small devices equipped with programmable computing and sensing and wireless communications capability, enhancing the reliability and the coverage area. Some of the features and challenges of WSN are as follows. Easy of deployment These wireless sensors can be deployed (dropped from a plane or placed in a factory) at the site of interest without any prior organization, thus reducing the installation cost and time, and also increasing the flexibility of deployment. Fault tolerant With macro-sensors, the failure of one node makes that area completely unmonitored until it is replaced. With wireless sensors, failure of one node does not affect the networks operation substantially as there are other adjacent nodes collecting similar data. At most, the accuracy of data collected may be somewhat reduced. Networking and security implementation Sensor nodes have limited computing power and therefore may not be able to run sophisticated network protocols or authentications and encryption algorithms contrary to ad hoc networks, leading to light weighted and simple versions of routing protocols and security 36 INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS implementations. Besides, two operational modes or states are defined for each node, awakened mode and slept mode, if the node must be active or not active, so the protocols and algorithm implementations must take into account this limitation too. Data centric In traditional networks, data is requested from a specific node. WSN are data centric, data is requested based on certain attributes. An attribute-based address is composed of a set of attribute-value pair query. For instance, if the query is something like temperature >35º, then only those device sensing temperature >35º need to respond and report their readings and other sensor can remain in the slept state. Once a event of interest is detected, the system should be able to configure itself so as to obtain high quality results [67]. Mobility Since these wireless sensors are equipped with battery, they can possess limited mobility. Thus, if a region becomes unmonitored we can have the nodes rearrange themselves. Energy conservation Sensor nodes can use up their limited energy supply carrying out computations and transmitting information in a wireless environment. As such, energy-conserving forms of communication and computation are crucial as the node lifetime shows a strong dependence on the battery lifetime. 2.4.2. Current deployments and applications Judging by the interest shown by military, academia, and the media, dozen applications do exist for sensor networks such as weather monitoring, security and tactical surveillance, detecting ambient conditions or domotic and healthy applications. A brief description of some of them is presented below: Remote Ecological Micro-Sensor Network PODS [9] is a research project undertaken at the University of Hawaii that has built a wireless network of environmental sensors to investigate species of plants will grow in one area. They deployed camouflaged sensor nodes in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, where two types of sensor data are collected: weather data are collected every ten minutes and image data are collected once per hour. Users employ the Internet to access the data from a server in University of Hawaii at Manoa. 37 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Fig. 2-2 Monitoring volcanic eruptions with a WSN [39] Environment Observation and Forecasting System The environment Observation and Forecasting System (EOFS) is a distributed system that spans large geographic areas and monitors, models and forecast physical processes such as environmental pollution or flooding. CORIE [26] is a prototype of EOFS for the Columbia River (Oregon, USA) which integrates a real-time sensor network, a data management system and advanced numerical models. Approximately thirteen stationary sensor nodes fixed to a pier are deployed across the Columbia River estuary, while one mobile sensor station drifts offshore. The stationary are powered by a power grid, while the mobile station uses solar panel to harness solar energy. Sensor data are transmitted via wireless links towards on-shore master stations which, in turns, forward the data to a centralized server where it serves as input to a computationally physical environment model used to guide forecasting. Disaster Relief Management Novel sensor network architecture has been proposed in [17] that could be useful for major disasters including earthquakes, storms, floods, fires and terrorist attacks. The sensor nodes are deployed randomly at homes, offices, and other places prior to the disaster and data collecting nodes communicate with database server for a given sub are which are linked to a central database for continuous update. Based on the statistical data form Izmit earthquake in 1999, various performance curves are obtained to indicate required average number of active sensor nodes to detect a disaster, probability of the disaster to be within the sensing range, total number of transmitted packets and the number of sensor nodes failed due to energy depletion. Health care monitoring An example of such application is the artificial retina developed within the Smart Sensors and Integrated Microsystems (SSIM) project [74], where a retina prosthesis chip consisting of one 38 INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS hundred microsensors are built and implanted within the human eye allowing patients with no vision or limited vision to see at an acceptable level. Wireless communication is required to suit the need for feedback control, image identification and validation. DARPA Efforts towards Wireless Sensor Networks The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has identified networked micro sensors technology as a key application for the future. There are many interesting projects and experiments going under the DARPA SensIT (Sensor Information Technology) program which aims to develop the software for distributed micro-sensors. Vehicle type identification is important for defense applications and an experiment was performed for two weeks by placing sensor boards in the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twenty-nine Palms (California) for collecting acoustic data [30]. To detect presence of a vehicle, the sensor board is equipped with acoustic, seismic and passive Infra-Red sensors under program control and local processing is done to do local classification and storage. 2.5. Introducing VANETs (Vehicular Ah-hoc NETworks) Traditional traffic management systems are based on centralized infrastructures where cameras and sensors implemented along the road collect information on density and traffic state and transmit this data to a central unit to process it and make appropriate decisions. This type of system is very costly in terms of deployment and is characterized by a long reaction time for processing and information transfer in a context where information transmission delay is vital and is extremely important this type of system. However, with the rapid development of wireless communication technologies a new decentralized architecture based on vehicle-to-vehicle communications (V2V) has created a very real interest these last few years for car manufacturers, the R&D community and telecom operators. Thus, a new concept was born: a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET), which is no more than a specific application of traditional mobile ad hoc networks (MANET). Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) have recently emerged as a platform to support intelligent inter-vehicle communication to improve traffic safety. The road-constrained characteristics of these networks and the high mobility of the vehicles, their unbounded power source, and the emergence of roadside wireless infrastructures make VANETs a challenging and promising research topic. 39 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Fig. 2-3 Wireless Vehicular Networks VANET’s aim to provide our cars and roads with capabilities to make road more secure and to make our time on the road more enjoyable, enabling communications among nearby vehicles (car to car communication) as well as between vehicles and nearby fixed equipment (car to infrastructure communication). The following variety of applications is a typical example of an intelligent transportation system (ITS): 40 Safety, in which a warning message will be broadcasted from a vehicle to its neighborhood notifying about some event such as car collision or road surface conditions in order to decrease traffic accidents rate and enhance traffic flow control. It refers to applications or systems that increase the protection of the people in the vehicle as well as the vehicle itself Resource efficiency, referring to increase traffic fluency with data such as enhanced route guidance or parking spot locator services. Better efficiency results in less congestion and lower fuel consumption, helping to minimize environmental and economic impact. Infotainment and Advanced Driver Assistance Services (ADAS), combining information and entertainment and offering multimedia and Internet connectivity facilities for passengers. INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS Fig. 2-4 Application domains [66] The huge potential of car-to-car connectivity is fundamentally due to the constant growth of automotive market and the increasing demand for the car safety. Some issues relating to architecture, routing, security, performance or QoS should be investigated. It is necessary to put special attention to ensure interoperability through the standardization of protocols and interfaces in order to allow the communication between vehicles from different manufacturers. 2.5.1. Properties As previously mentioned, a VANET represents a specific aspect of MANETs. Nevertheless, research works studied and carried out in the field of MANETs cannot be applied directly in the context of vehicular networks because of the characteristics of VANET making the application of MANET protocols and architectures inappropriate. In the following, the main properties and constraints related to the environment of vehicular ad hoc networks are presented below. Processing, energy and communications capacity Contrary to the context of mobile ad hoc networks where energy constraint represents one of the main challenges, vehicles in a VANET have no limit in terms of energy, have large processing capability and allow supporting several communications interfaces. Environment and mobility model Environments considered in ad hoc networks are often limited to open spaces or indoors. Vehicle movements are connected to road infrastructures, on highways, or within a metropolitan area. The constraints imposed by this type of environments, such as radio obstacles because of buildings, and multipath and fading effects, considerably affect the mobility model and radio transmission quality. Type of information and diffusion 41 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Since one of the key VANETs applications is prevention and road safety, the types of communications will focus on message broadcast from a source to several receivers. Nevertheless, the vehicles concerned by such diffusion depend on their location and their degree of implication in the event. In such situations, communications are mainly unidirectional. Network topology and connectivity Contrary to ad hoc networks, VANETs are characterized by very high mobility because of car speed. Thus, an element can quickly join or leave the network in a very short time, which makes topology changes frequently. Solutions must then consider this constraint where connectivity is one of the key parameter. In addition, properties inherent to VANETs, especially in terms of size, raise scaling problems and a complete revision of existing solutions is required. Security Data sensitivity transmitted over a VANET demonstrates a high need for security. In fact, the importance of security in this context is vital because of the critical consequences resulting from a violation or attack. In addition, with a highly dynamic environment characterized by almost instant arrivals and departures of cars, the deployment of a security solution must cope with specific configurations and constraints. 2.5.2. State of the art in VANETs VANETs Applications A VANET communication platform allows an enormous variety of applications aimed at administration, companies, drivers and people in the vehicle. These services will help and support topics as important as security driving, safety-related, traffic and fleet control as well as entertainment applications. Generally, from the connectivity point of view they could be divided into four groups: car-to-car traffic, car-to home, car-to-infrastructure and routing based applications. Safety-related Applications Safety-related applications are the most important kind of applications for VANETs due to its main objective: decrease of injuries and deaths due to vehicle accidents. In this context, the European Commission is making an important effort to investigate, develop and implement these services in order to come into effect as soon as possible. Cooperative collision avoidance This service is about helping driving by detecting possible obstacles in the road. One such application would be emergency notifications. In case of an accident or sudden hard breaking, a notification is sent to the following cars. This information could also be propagated by cars 42 INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS driving in the opposite direction and, thereby, conveyed to the vehicles that might run into the accident. For a correct display of this service, it would be necessary a little installation in users’ equipment which sends information about his/her position, trajectory or speed to the neighbours. Also, another system in the vehicle permanently listens to rely information from the rest of vehicles and infrastructure. Cooperative driver assistance system This service exploits the exchange of sensor data or other status information among cars. The basic idea is to broaden the range of perception of the driver beyond his/her field of vision and further to assist the driver with autonomous assistance applications. By transmitting this data to cars following on the same road, drivers get information about hazards, obstacles or traffic flow ahead, resulting in more efficient and safe driving. Sensors could detect a danger and warn drivers with a brief description or even the driver could detect it and, through a vocal interface, describe the danger of the situation to the rest of users. Information could be sent to every user in the network to inform, for example, that a traffic jam has started in a certain point of the road where we are driving. On the other side, it could be necessary a geocast message if, for example, we detect an oil puddle in one exit road; is necessary to send the information only for those vehicles that will take that exit. eCall eCall [31] is a project of the European Commission intended to bring rapid assistance to drivers involved in a collision anywhere in the European Union. In case of crash, an eCall-equipped vehicle automatically calls the nearest emergency centre. Even if no passenger is able to speak, e.g. due to injuries, a “Minimum Set of Data” is sent, which includes the exact location of the crash site. Shortly after the accident, emergency services therefore know that there has been an accident, and where exactly. eCall cuts emergency services' response time. It goes down to 50% in the countryside and 60% in built-up areas. Annually, the quicker response will save around 2.500 lives in the European Union. The severity of injuries could be considerably reduced in 15% of cases. Drivers could also make an eCall by pushing a button in the vehicle. Witness of an accident can report it and automatically give the precise location. Comfort Applications The general aim of these applications is to improve passenger comfort and traffic efficiency. That could include nearest POI (Points of Interest) localization, current traffic or weather information and interactive communication. All kinds of applications, which may run on top of TCP/IP stack, might be applied here (online games or instant messaging). Another application is reception of data from commercial vehicles and roadside infrastructure about their businesses (’wireless advertising’), information about gas stations or enterprises which can set 43 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS up stationary gateways to transmit marketing data to potential customers passing by, online help in case of breakdown, etc. Furthermore, these services could be integrated with electronic payments, toll paying systems, etc. An important feature of comfort or commercial applications is that they should not interfere with safety applications. In this context traffic prioritizing and use of separate physical channels is a viable solution. Optimum route calculation with real-time traffic data This service could be used from the vehicle or from another point with an Internet connexion. The fact that, in the long term, all vehicles will be equipped with this system will make datataking and data-publishing easier. This data, conveniently analyzed, will inform about the state of the road, prevent traffic jams, etc. Applications for Administration Vehicle identification This service will provide a safe and fast way of information provision from vehicles without the need of stopping them. It will be necessary an appropriate legislation to allow that each vehicle stores the necessary information in an electronic format and its automatic transmission if it is required by an authorized device. Vehicle identification service will help police in different ways: it would be possible to check if a vehicle and his/her driver have the necessary documentation or, if an infraction is detected, its report would be automatically processed, etc. Challenges in VANETs When deploying of a vehicular network system, several issues have to be resolved. VANET characteristics rapid topology changes, frequent fragmentation, variable and highly dynamic scale and network density, etc. are opening some brand new lines of investigation and challenges for the scientific community. In what follows, we briefly mention some issues related to VANETs that need to be addressed. Routing In vehicular networks, mobility is constant. This fact causes extremely fast changes in network topology and involves the need to reconfigure the routing tables of each node. Frequent network partitioning in VANETs requires a different approach, e.g. the 'carry and forward' idea [19], where, if there is no a direct route, a packet is carried by a node until it could be forwarded to a node being closer to the destination, or the Delay Tolerant Networking. Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) is an approach to computer network architecture that wants to address the technical questions in heterogeneous networks, such as mobile networks, that 44 INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS could lack continuous network connectivity. The Delay Tolerant Network Research Group (DTNRG) [32] has defined an architecture based on a store and forward paradigm to interconnect networks, even without end-to end connectivity. Each DTN node may store packets and, when appropriate, forward them towards the destination through intermediate nodes. Security Security is an issue that needs to be carefully addressed and assessed in the design of the vehicular communication system. In a wired network, user has to access to physical wire if s/he wants to access the network's information. However, wireless communications are weak from this point of view, because they use air as the transmission medium. This problem gets worse in vehicular networks due to the non-existence of infrastructure that provides security services centralization like user authentication or packet ciphering. The issue to be addressed includes trust vehicles must be able to trust the messages they receive, resiliency and efficiency e.g. real-time message authentication. Privacy is also considered a major issue. Anonymity must be preserved making impossible tracking a vehicle for non-trusted parties. Not taking into account privacy could result in a multiple lawsuits after the network is deployed. IEEE 802.11p dynamically assigns MAC addresses, along with a mechanism to duplicate MAC address discovery, thus vehicles and drivers would not be traceable for the MAC address. As we can read in the online magazine DailyTech [25], Daimler-Chrysler is putting the finishing touches on a new system, Wireless Local Danger Warning (Willwarn), that uses on-board ABS (Antilock Brake System), ESP (Electronic Stability Control), EBD (Electronic Brake Distribution) and GPS (Global Positioning System) systems to monitor hazardous road conditions or broken down vehicles. The information collected is then displayed to the driver so that proper precautions can be taken to avoid or safely navigate problem areas on the road. The Willwarn system is based on IEEE 802.11a/p and made use of the communication platform developed in the German Network on Wheels (NOW) project [61]. Quality of Service (QoS) Quality of Service in wired networks is provided by different types of resources reservation mechanisms. However, executing these mechanisms is very complex due to the special features of VANET, such as high mobility nodes and large-scale node population. Nowadays, there exist some proposals; nevertheless, the majority of them are theoretical, simulated or implemented with fewer nodes. Tarng et al. [79] proposed a method based on the stability from the radio propagation: signal strength and path loss; Sun et al. [77] proposed a grid based protocol. The digital map is preset with a grid. A routing path is selected based on the traffic features, such as the intersection, the number of vehicles, and roads, in a grid. Recently, Yan et al. [88] proposed a 45 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS routing selection and maintenance based on the mobility of vehicles. The main ideas are to select and maintain one routing path and one backup routing paths based on the mobility of vehicles (relative speed and direction). They reduce delay and response time in QoS terms because the retransmission caused by routing breakage is reduced and they improve the throughput in QoS terms. Power Management Power management in VANET is not concerned about energy efficiency, but rather about the transmission power – when too high, the on-going transmission could disrupt another transmission at a distant node due to interferences –. Thus the denser the network is, the lesser transmission power should be used. Several algorithms could be employed here, e.g. in [14] the power is adjusted to keep the number of neighbours within the maximum and minimum threshold. On the other hand, [51] concentrates on improving the 1-hop broadcast coverage by transmission power adjustments. Current projects and activities in VANETs Standardization process and research projects initiatives in VANETs This section briefly explains the main progress and purposes of the standardization process and research projects initiatives. It is foreseen that these solutions will finally converge, leading to a common, worldwide VANET platform. In Europe, several projects are held, joining partners from the industry, governmental agencies and academia. Within the Framework Programme 6 of the European Union, four integrated projects were started in areas that touch the field of VANET: COOPERS, CVIS, SAFESPOT and PReVENT: 46 The project Co-operative Systems for Intelligent Road Safety (COOPERS, 2006–10) [23] focuses on innovative telematics applications for cooperative traffic management. From a communication perspective, it therefore primarily addresses vehicle-toroadside communications and makes use of CALM (Communication Architecture for Land Mobile environment) standards like the CALM infrared communication interface. CALM is the ISO TC 204 (ITS) Working Group 16 (Communication) on ‘Continuous Air interface for Long and Medium distance’. CALM aims to support continuous communications for vehicles by making use of various media and communication interfaces. The project Co-operative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems (CVIS, 2006–10) [24] is a major European research and development project financed by the European Commission aiming to design, develop and test the technologies needed to allow cars to communicate with each other and with the nearby roadside infrastructure. Based on such real-time road and traffic information and although there are no ultimate results because of the project is still in progress, many novel applications have been INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS produced as well as four new services: COMM, allowing car-2-X coomunications, POMA, providing positioning system, COMO, providing monitoring services and FOAM, linking vehicles to infrastructure. The consequence will be increased road safety and efficiency, and reduced environmental impact. The CVIS main challenges are: o To create an unified technical solution allowing all vehicles and infrastructure elements to communicate with each other. o To enable a wide range of potential cooperative services to run on an open application framework in the vehicle and roadside equipment. o To define and validate an open architecture and system concept for a number of cooperative system applications, and develop common core components to support cooperation models in real-life applications and services for drivers, operators, industry and other key stakeholders. The project SAFESPOT (2006–10) [72] aims to design cooperative systems for road safety based on vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. The project PReVENT (2006–08) [68] addressed to development of preventive safety applications and technologies. Within the PReVENT Integrated Project, the subproject Willwarn, wich we have mentioned before, focused on the topic of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure commu-nication. The Car2Car Communication Consortium [16] is a non-profit organization initiated by European six vehicle manufacturers (General Motors, Ford Motor, Honda, Toyota, BMW and Mercedes-Benz) in 2004, pushing for further increase of road traffic safety. Its mission it to create an open European industry standard for Car2Car communication systems based on wireless LAN components and guarantee European-wide inter-vehicle operability. That includes proposing of realistic deployment strategies and business models to speed-up the market penetration. The Car2Car consortium has established its objective of improving road safety and efficiently managing traffic using inter-vehicular systems. The Car2Car consortium together with IEEE have developed IEEE 802.11p standard, which defines enhancements to 802.11 required to support Intelligent Transportations Systems (ITS) applications. Car2Car main missions were as follows: The creation of an open European standard for V2V communications based on wireless LAN components. Developing V2V system prototype demonstrator for road safety applications. Promoting tre allocations of a free exclusive band for Car2Car applications in Europe. Developing deployment strategies and economic models for market penetration. 47 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS The FleetNet (Internet on the road) project [33] is a German project introduced by a consortium of six manufactures (DaimlerChrysler AG, FHI FOKUS, NEC Europe Ltd., Robert Bosch GmbH, Siemens AG, and Temic Speech Dialog Systems GmbH) and the universities of Braunschweig, Hamburg-Harburg and Hannover. FleetNet’s objective was to develop a communications platform for vehicle networks, to implement a demonstrator, and to standardize the proposed solutions in order to ensure better security and comfort for driver and passengers. The FleetNet architecture is based on a routing mechanism based on a system of location and navigation, and also considers vehicle to infrastructure communications in order to provide Internet access service. Fig. 2-5 Architecture on VANETs communication [13] The NOW (Network on Wheels) project [61] is a German project from the Federal education and research government, founded by automobile manufacturers, telecommunications operators and academia. NOW is the successor of FleetNet Project and supports and strongly cooperates with the Car2Car consortium. One of NOW’s main objectives is the implementation of communication protocols and data security algorithms in vehicular network. Considering the wireless 802.11 technologies and location-based routing in a V2V or vehicle to infrastructure communication context, the goal is to implement a system of reference and to contribute to the standardization of such a solution in Europe in collaboration with the Car2Car consortium. GST (Global System of Telematics) [36] is an EU-funded Integrated Project that is creating an open and standardized end-to-end architecture for automotive telematics services. Participants were major car manufacturer and major Telecom players, altogether around 60 48 INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS companies. The purpose of GST is to create an environment in which innovative telematics services can be developed and delivered cost-effectively and hence to increase the range of economic telematics services available to manufacturers and consumers. GST has introduced seven service-oriented sub-projects that seek to contribute to achieving the main targets: rescue, safety, payment, safety channel or extended floating car data. In Japan, a standard for vehicle-to-infrastructure communication was published in 2001 and denoted as ‘Dedicated Short-Range Communication System’ (ARIB 2001). The specified system operates in the 5.8 GHz frequency band, is based on time division multiple access and targets a range of about 30 m. The primary use of the system was seen in electronic toll collection but the system was generalized to support various other services. In 2008, more than 20 million on-board units for electronic toll collection were deployed in Japan. Based on the success on this 5.8 GHz DSRC system and on infrared- based vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, various ITS projects and activities are currently joining forces to demonstrate and enhance vehicle-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-vehicle communication under the umbrella of Japan’s national ITS Safety 2010 initiative. In the USA, there are several industry/government projects on-going. Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII), which has been rebranded as IntelliDrive [41], has recently completed a large proof of concept demonstration. The majority of this testing environment was implemented in Detroit. This system comprised 55 Road Side Equipment (RSE) stations within 45 square miles and employed 27 vehicles. Seven applications were developed and tested: In-Vehicle Signage: RSEs trigger displays of advisory messages within the vehicle. Probe Data Collection: Vehicles provide historical data on their location/state and share with the RSE, which is then centrally compiled and analyzed. Electronic Payments – Tolling. Electronic Payments – Parking. Traveler Information / Off-Board Navigation. Heartbeat: RSEs collect periodic status messages from vehicles including vehicle speed and location. Traffic Signal Indication: Broadcasts traffic light state. Integrated Vehicle-Based Safety Systems (IVBSS) project [42] explores human-machine interface issues when several safety applications, with potentially overlapping or contradictory advisories, are operated simultaneously. The Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System (CICAS) project [22], had three components: a Violation Warning project (demonstrated in Michigan), a Stop Sign Assist project (demonstrated in Minnesota), and a Signalized Left Turn Assist project (demonstrated in California). Vehicular Mobility Models Due to the prohibitive cost of deploying and implementing such a system in real world, most research in VANET relies on simulations for evaluation. A key component for VANET 49 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS simulations is a realistic vehicular mobility model. Mobility models represent real world scenarios for vehicular ad hoc networks and play a vital role in the performance evaluation of routing protocols. More research focus is now on the development of realistic mobility models for VANETs. A number of mobility models have been presented and their impact on the performance on the routing protocols has been tested. To get accurate results, the model should be as realistic as possible, and involve road maps with all the constraints and facilities related to the vehicular movement. Below, we present some new mobility models specifically proposed for VANETS: The Integrated Mobility Model (IMM) [3] is an integration of Manhattan mobility model, freeway mobility model, stop sign model, traffic signs model and some other characteristics like stationary nodes. The advantage of IMM is that it provides a more detailed scenario for the simulation of VANETs by representing both the rural and urban area which is clear from the simulation results. After simulate with three different routing protocols (AODV, DSR and OLSR) and compare results, they obtained that OLSR and AODV performs better than DSR in a more stressed urban scenario. The future dimensions of this work are that they will add more realistic parameters to IMM and will enhance it for VANETs simulations for more comprehensive results. The code, available at [3], has been developed by M. Alam, M. Sher and S. A. Husain at the University of Islamabad, Pakistan. MEtropolitan TAxis (META) [40] is a mobility model, proposed in the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, in collaboration with the State University of New York at Buffalo, that can be used to generate synthetics trace for the movement of taxis in an urban area. In order to characterize the regularity of taxi movement, the authors designed three model parameters: turn probability, road section speed and travel pattern. Through different validation results, they show that META has a good approximation to a real scenario which in turn shows the effectiveness of these parameters. Based on the validation, synthetic traces can be generated; they are similar to the reality using such parameters. Since these parameters are easier to be obtained than the real trace, the META model can be used to replace the high cost real trace on some extent in other VANET researches. MObility model generator for VEhicular networks (MOVE) [50] is a tool that allows users to rapidly generate realistic mobility models for VANET simulations. The output of MOVE is a realistic mobility model and can be immediately used by popular network simulators. The authors warn that if simple mobility models are used for evaluation of VANET, the results might not be as close to reality as expected, so they show that the details of a mobility model such as the existence of traffic lights, driver route choice and car overtaking behaviour can have a significant impact on the simulation results. Bonnmotion is a Java software, available at [11], which creates and analyses mobility scenarios. It is developed within the Communication Systems group at the Institute of Computer Science 4 of the University of Bonn, Germany, where it serves as a tool for the investigation of mobile ad hoc network characteristics. The scenarios can also be exported for the network simulators NS2, GloMoSim/QualNet, COOJA, MiXiM, ONE and NCTUns, using a 50 INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS conversion script developed in the UPC (Polytechnic University of Catalonia) by Guillermo Diaz. Several mobility models are supported (Random Waypoint, Random Walk, Gauss-Markov, Manhattan Grid, etc.). CityMob [55] is a mobility pattern generator for VANETs, designed to be used with the NS2 simulator developed in the Polytechnic University of Valencia. CityMob can generate traces for VANETs scenarios using three different mobility models: Simple, Manhattan, and Downtown. Other research areas in VANETs Apart from mobility models, VANET research covers other areas, as transportation systems, routing protocols and new infrastructures. Intelligent transportation systems (ITSs) [2] cover different technologies as wireless communications, sensor networks, voice and data communication, real-time driving-assistant systems, etc. The interconnection of different networks, even in the case of the Internet, is one of the main difficulties that is delaying the wide spread of vehicular networks. Location-Aided Gateway Advertisement and Discovery (LAGAD) [2] is a scalable hybrid adaptive protocol that aims to reduce congestion on single channels through a channel diversity mechanism that uses multiple channels and multiple interfaces for the propagation of gateway requests and replies. Bypass-AODV (Bypass Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector) [4] is a new optimization of the AODV routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc networks proposed as a local recovery mechanism to enhance its performance. It uses a specific strategy of cross-layer MAC-notification to identify mobility-related packet loss, and then setup up a bypass between the node at which the route failure occurred and this node’s previous successor via an alternative node. Simulation results show that Bypass-AODV is insensitive to any random mobility model used and has a clear performance improvement compared to AODV. It has a comparable performance under group mobility model compared to AODV. Currently, Bypass-AODV is not suitable for VANET applications because the movement of vehicles is constrained by the layouts of the roads. As a future work, Bypass-AODV needs more improvement in order to handle VANET applications. With the help of VANETs, vehicles on the road can form wireless ad hoc mesh networks (VMeshs) [52]. These meshes can help to retain certain transient information in a specific region for a period of time, by cooperatively passing the information among themselves without any infrastructure help. Nevertheless, there is a VANET storage problem. Studies show that the transmission range has high impact on the storage lifetime for one-way highway traffic, and the size of the region in which we want the information stored has high impact for two-way highway traffic. A new two-tier architecture called Mobile Infrastructure Based VANET (MI-VANET) [53] has been recently proposed. In this architecture, the buses constitute a mobile backbone for data delivery while the low tier is composed of ordinary cars and passengers. MI-VANET will not only bring the benefit that ordinary cars do not have to forward packets for other nodes, but also improve the network connectivity. They are currently working and studying to 51 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS demonstrate that MI-VANET with MIRT performs much better than GPSR and VANET MIRT in terms of packet delivery ratio and throughput. 2.6. Vehicular Traffic Models in VANETs Transportation and traffic research area classifies traffic models according to the granularity with which traffic flows are examined. Macroscopic models model traffic at a large scale, treating traffic like a liquid applying hydrodynamic flow theory to vehicle behavior. The simulation in a macroscopic model takes place on a section-by-section basis rather than by tracking individual vehicles. However, they do not have the ability to analyze transportation improvements in as much details as the microscopic models. Mesoscopic models combine the properties of both microscopic and macroscopic simulation models. As in microscopic models, the mesosocopic models unit of traffic flow is the individual vehicle. However, their movements follow the approach of the macroscopic model and are governed by the average speed on the travel link, so movements do not consider individual dynamic vehicle speed and volume relationships. Microscopic simulations, which model the behavior of single vehicles and the interactions between them, are the most appropriate mobility models for simulating VANETs. Transportation and traffic science has developed a number of microsimulation models, each taking a dedicated approach ranging from coarse to fine grain. When dealing with vehicular mobility modeling, some authors have distinguished between macro-mobility and micro-mobility. For macro-mobility they refer to all the macroscopic aspects which influence vehicular traffic, for example: the road topology, constrained car movements, the per-road speed limits. Micro-mobility refers instead to the drivers' individual behavior when interacting with other drivers or with the road infrastructure, for instance, traveling speed under different traffic conditions, acceleration, deceleration and overtaking criteria. For a trustworthy VANET simulation that both macro-mobility and micro-mobility descriptions are jointly considered when modeling vehicular movements. There are some models proposed in the general MANET context usable in VANET. The criteria of applicability considered are the employment of road maps, and limiting the nodes movements into the roads instead of moving in a wide area. The considered parameters differ from a model to another. For instance, some models use traffic control mechanisms at intersections, and some others just assume continuous movement at these points. Some assume roads to be a single-lane, but some others support multi-lanes roads. Some define the security distance, while others just ignore this parameter. In the following is going to be described the main features of the most spread vehicular traffic models. In the following, the main features of the most spread vehicular traffic models are described. 52 INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS 2.6.1. Freeway model Freeway [7] is a generated-map-based model, defined in the simulation area, represented by a generated map, includes many freeways, each side of which is composed of many lanes. No urban roads, thus no intersections are considered in this model. At the beginning of the simulation the nodes are randomly placed on the lanes, and they move using history-based speeds, where the speed of each vehicle smoothly changes following a random acceleration. In addition to the realism related to the acceleration and the history-based speed, the model defines a security distance that should be maintained between two subsequent vehicles in a lane. If the distance between two vehicles is less than this required distance, the second one decelerates to enable the forward vehicle moving away. The change of lanes is not allowed in this model. The vehicle moves on the lane it is placed in until reaching the simulation area limit, and then it is placed again randomly in another position and repeats the process. 2.6.2. Manhattan model Manhattan model [7] is also a generated-map-based model introduced to simulate an urban environment. Before starting a simulation a map with vertical and horizontal roads are generated. Each road latter includes two lanes, allowing the movement in the two directions (north/south for the vertical roads and east/west for the horizontal ones). At the beginning of a simulation, vehicles are randomly put on the roads. Afterwards, they move continuously according to history-based speeds (exactly like Freeway). When reaching a crossroads, the vehicle randomly chooses a direction to follow. That is, continuing straight forward, turning left or turning right. The probability of each decision is set by the authors respectively to 0.5, 0.25 and 0.25. The security distance is also used in this model and nodes follow the same strategy as in the freeway model to maintain this distance. But contrary to the previous model, a vehicle can change a lane at a crossroads. Nonetheless, there is no control mechanism at these points (crossroads), where nodes continue their movements without stopping. 2.6.3. City Section Mobility (CSM) CSM [27] can be viewed as a hybrid model between Random Waypoint Model (RWP), in which mobile nodes move randomly and freely without restrictions, and Manhattan as it introduces the principle of RWP, especially the pause-time and random selection destination, within a generated-map-based urban area. At each step of the vehicle's movement a random point is selected from the generated road map, towards which it moves following the shortest path. After reaching that destination, it remains there for a pause-time, and then repeats the process. The speed of nodes is constrained by the security distance, along with the maximum speed limit of the road. 53 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 2.6.4. Stop Sign Model (SSM) Contrary to the previous models, SSM [54] integrates a traffic control mechanism. In every crossroads, a stop signal is set, which obliges vehicles to slow down and make a pause there. This model is based on real maps of the TIGER/Lines database [5], but all roads are assigned a single lane in each direction. A vehicle should never overtake its successor (like in all the models presented before) and should tune its speed to keep the security distance. If many vehicles arrive at an intersection at the same time, they make a queue, and each one waits for its successor to traverse the crossroads. This results in gathering of nodes, and hugely affects the network connectivity as well as the mobility (average speeds). According to the authors, the problem with this model is the unrealistic disposition of the spot signals, since it is impossible to find a region with spot signals at each intersection, therefore, they improved SSM and they proposed TSM. 2.6.5. Traffic Sign Model (TSM) In TSM model [54], stop signals are replaced by traffic lights. A vehicle stops at crossroads if it encounters a red stoplight; otherwise it continues its movement. When the first vehicle reaches the intersection, the light is randomly turned red with probability p (thus turned green with probability 1-p). If it turns red, then it remains so for a random delay (pause-time) forcing the vehicle to stop, as well as the ones behind it. After the delay, it turns red, and then the nodes traverse the crossroads one after the other until the queue is empty. When the next vehicle arrives at the crossroads the process is repeated. 2.6.6. STRAW (Street Random Waypoint) STRAW [20] is also a model using real maps of TIGER/Line [54]. Like the other models, except freeway, roads include one lane in each direction and it is divided into segments. The model is basically composed of three modules: intra-segment mobility manager, inter-segment mobility manager, and finally the rout management and execution module. At the beginning of the simulation the nodes are placed randomly one behind the other, they move using the car following and try to accelerate until reaching the maximum speed of the segment. The first module manages this movement until reaching an intersection. The security distance is maintained, but the overtaking is not allowed. At crossroads the vehicles always slow down, even when they change a segment and turn without a full stop, which is realistic. The second module defines the traffic control mechanism including both stop signals and traffic lights, which are put on crossroads according to the class of the intersected roads. In addition to this usual control form, the module makes sure that the next segment to take contains enough available space before moving the vehicle towards it. If it is fully busy, the vehicle waits at the crossroads (at the end of the first segment). The last module selects the routes to be taken by each vehicle during the simulation. In the first one the direction is randomly selected at each intersection, for example, when reaching an intersection, the vehicle randomly decides whether to continue straight forward or to turn and change the road. On the other hand in the 54 INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS second approach a destination is selected toward which the vehicle moves using the shortest path. Fig. 2-6 Screenshot of STRAW with the enhanced visualization tool 2.6.7. MOVE (MObility model generator for VEhicular network) MOVE [46] is a VANETs mobility model that uses the compiler SUMO [76], which is a realistic vehicular traffics simulation model. SUMO is an open source application implemented with java that integrates many realistic parameters such as realistic accelerations; the usage of real maps reflecting several types of roads (with multiple lanes), and traffic lights defining priorities between vehicles. Basically, MOVE is composed of two components; the road map editor and the vehicle movement editor. The former serves to manually and randomly generate a road map, either from TIGER/Line [5] files or Google earth files, whereas the latter allows specifying the properties of each vehicle like the maximum speed, the acceleration, the probability of turning at crossroads and the path to take. The information collected by the two editors is sent to the SUMO compiler. 55 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Fig. 2-7 Screenshot of MOVE 2.6.8. BonnMotion BonnMotion tool [11] implements several random mobility models, plus the Manhattan model. While the important tool includes the Car Following Model which is a basic car-to-car inter-distance control schema, the BonnMotion does not consider any micro-mobility. When related to the framework, we can easily see that the structure of both tools is definitely too simple to represent realistic motions, as they only model basic motion constraints and hardly no micro-mobility. 2.6.9. VanetMobiSim VanetMobiSim [37] is an extension of the CANU Mobility Simulation Environment (CanuMobiSim) [15], which focuses on vehicular mobility, and features realistic automotive motion models at both macroscopic and microscopic levels. At the macroscopic level, VanetMobiSim can import maps from TIGER/Line database, or randomly generate them. VanetMobiSim adds support for multi-lane roads, separate directional flows, differentiated speed constraints and traffic signs at intersections. At the microscopic level, it manages lane changes and vehicle accelerations and decelerations, providing realistic car-to-car and car-toinfrastructure interactions. VanetMobiSim is the mobility generator used in this project. Further description for VanetMobiSim is presented in Chapter 6. 56 INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS Fig. 2-8 Screenshot of VanetMobiSim 2.6.10. SUMO (Simulation of Urban Mobility) SUMO [47] is an open source, highly portable, microscopic road traffic simulation package designed to handle large road networks. Its main features include collision free vehicle movement, different vehicle types, single-vehicle routing, multi-lane streets with lane changing, junction-based right-of-way rules, hierarchy of junction types, an openGL graphical user interface (GUI), and dynamic routing. SUMO can manage large environments, i.e., 10 000 streets. SUMO can simulate traffic in different locations of the globe. However, since SUMO is a pure traffic generator, its generated traces cannot be directly used by the available network simulators, which is a serious shortcoming. Fig. 2-9 Screenshot of SUMO 2.6.11. FreeSim FreeSim [34] is a fully customizable macroscopic and microscopic free-flow traffic simulator that allows for multiple freeway systems to be easily represented and loaded into the simulator as a graph data structure with edge weights determined by the current speeds. 57 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Traffic and graph algorithms can be created and executed for the entire network or for individual vehicles or nodes, and the traffic data used by the simulator can be user generated or be converted from real-time data gathered by a transportation organization. Vehicles in FreeSim can communicate with the system monitoring the traffic on the freeways, which makes FreeSim ideal for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) simulation. FreeSim is licensed under the GNU General Public License, and the source code is available freely for download. 2.6.12. CityMob CityMob [55] is a NS2 compatible mobility model generator proposed for use in VANETs. Citymob implements three different mobility models: (a) Simple Model (SM), (b) Manhattan Model (MM), and (c) realistic Downtown Model (DM). Last models are programs witch includes the models explained at the beginning of the chapter. To summarize all the information there is a table witch shows the main characteristics of the last seven models, which are the most used. VanetMobiSim SUMO MOVE STRAW Freesim Real X X X X X User-defined X X X Random X X X CityMob Maps Manhattan X Mobility Random Waypoint X X X STRAW X X Manhattan X X X X X Downtown X Traffic Models Multilane roads X X X X X Lane changing X X X X X Overtaking criteria X Colision free movement X X X Different vehicles type X X X X X Traces ns-2 trace support X NCTUns trace support Import different formats X X X X Table 2-1 Comparison of Vehicular Traffic Models 58 INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE AND VEHICULAR NETWORKS As it can be seen none of these seven models have NCTUns compatibility but some have NS2 trace support, which it is the most usual compatibility with all VANET simulators. 59 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 3. WIRELESS ACCESS FOR VEHICULAR ENVIRONMENT 3.1. Introduction Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is a special type of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) which is a specialization of mobile ad-hoc networks focused on vehicular environments. These networks have no fixed infrastructure and rely on the network nodes to provide networks functionality. In last years much effort is being carried out in order to research this network paradigm. Because of the nature of vehicular environment, VANET communications must face additional challenges that are not present in other mobile communication technologies. There are two major challenges: speed and loss of Line Of Sight (LOS). Mobile nodes are vehicles moving in predefined road which depends on the road structure and traffic regulation at high speeds, which in relative measures are well above 120Km/h. For example, when two vehicles moving in opposite directions in a highway communicate with one another, the communication module may face relative speed of 240Km/h. On the other hand, some situations result in nonLOS. The lack of LOS produces degradation in the quality of the communications, which could lead to burst errors or even to complete loss of the communication. Moreover, in urban scenarios, the buildings surrounding the roads produce signal reflections that harm the communication quality because they result in burst errors that may lead to packet losses. 60 WIRELESS ACCESS FOR VEHICULAR ENVIRONMENT Although most of the essential features of the MANET are in VANET with some behavioral changes so that the routing protocols and IEEE standards used in MANET are also applied in VANET environment, it is known that IEEE 802.11 standard is not well suited for VANET environment and new technologies are being standardized for vehicular communications. An IEEE working group has developed a new set of standards which is designed for VANET: the Wireless Access in Vehicular Network (WAVE) whose outstanding component is the IEEE 802.11p amendment [71]. However, while new vehicular networking concepts are developed, other mobile and wireless technologies shall be used for VANET communications. A widespread example of these technologies is IEEE 802.11b, which is commonly known as belonging to the WIFI family of standards. Although IEEE 802.11b was initially designed for low-mobility indoor wireless scenarios, nowadays it is one of the most commonly used technologies for the experimentation of VANET communications [35]. 802.11b has been selected because has shown a more stable communications in initial test performed compared with 802.11g that showed higher transmission rates but also lower ranges [86]. Although 802.11a is similar in someway to the 802.11p, we considered that due to 802.11a works in the 5GHz IMS band, in non-LOS scenarios its performance would be worse because of its lower penetration rate. The most remarkable features of IEEE 802.11 standards used for experimentation of VANET is shown in Table.3-1. Parameter 802.11b 1-2-5.5-11 Mbps 802.11a 6-9-12-18-2436-48-52 Mbps 802.11p 3-4.5-6-9-1218-24-27 Mbps Allocated spectrum 2.4-2.4835 Ghz ISM band 5.125-5.850 Ghz ISM band 5.850-5.925 Ghz DSRC band Modulation encoding DSSS OFDM OFDM Modulation mode BPSK-QPSK BPSK-QPSK 16QAM64QAM BPSK-QPSK 16QAM64QAM Communication range < 150m < 100m < 1000m Transmission power for mobile (maximum) 760 mW (US) 2 W EIRP (EU) 100mW 100mW Suitable for mobility Low Low High Available data rate Table 3-1 Comparison of the used IEEE 802.11 standards for VANET environment 61 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 3.2. Wireless (WAVE) Access For Vehicular Environment In 1999, the U.S. Federal Communication Commision (FCC) allocated in the USA a 75MHz spectrum in the 5.9GHz (5.855 – 5.925) band. This band was called Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) band and its use was exclusively for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-toinfrastructure communication purposes. In the following years Government, industry and academia carried out efforts to develop and deploy communications systems and protocols operating in the DSRC band, known as Wireless Access for Vehicular Environment (WAVE) systems. To simplify interoperability between different automobile manufacturers for WAVEbased ITS applications, the IEEE decide to standardize the entire protocol suite. Today WAVE is a set of standards and protocols which goal is to facilitate the provision of wireless access in vehicular environment, whose primary goal is develop applications in order to achieve public safety and trafic flow improvement. This set comprehends the IEEE 802.11p and IEEE 1609.1-4 standards. 3.2.1. Architecture Overview WAVE provides a communication protocol suite optimized for the vehicular environment developed by IEEE, employing both customized and general-purpose elements. The components of the system, as defined in the standards, are: Fig. 3-1 WAVE architecture overview 62 WIRELESS ACCESS FOR VEHICULAR ENVIRONMENT An MAC and PHY layer derived from IEEE 802.11, adressed in IEEE 802.11p. The 802.11p MAC layer is designed to be PHY independent so that both MAC and PHY layers conceptually include management entities (MLME and PLME) for this purpose. A multi-channel operation layer in IEEE 1609.4, where the enhancements to 802.11p MAC to support WAVE are specified. A new transport/network layer protocol, IEEE 1609.3, where services, operating at the network and transport layers, in support of wireless connectivity are specified. This includes the management of the WAVE BSS (WBSS). The standard call them WAVE networking services, which can be functionally divided in data-plane services, whose function is to carry trafic, and management-plane services, whose functions are system configuration and maintenance. Security issues specified in IEEE 1609.2, where the security services for WAVE networking stack are defined. These services provide confidentiality, authenticity, integrity and anonymity. An application protocol called IEEE 1609.1, which deals with resource management, e.g. describing key components of WAVE system architecture and defining data flows, command message and data sotrage formats. 3.2.2. IEEE 802.11p The 802.11p amendment modifies the IEEE 802.11 standard to add support for wireless local area networks (WLANs) in a vehicular environment [82]. The main enhancements are: Short latency Ranges from 1 meter up to 1000 meters WAVE devices installed in vehicles operating at speeds up to 200 km/h Extreme multipath environments with many reflections and Doppler shift Nature of the automotive applications to be supported (e.g. reliable broadcast) IEEE 802.11p is intended to make the minimum necessary changes to IEEE 802.11a PHY layer so that WAVE devices can communicate effectively among vehicular environments. In the following, PHY and MAC layer of IEEE 802.11p are discussed. PHY layer for IEEE 802.11p As aforementioned, the IEEE 802.11p standard is designed to operate in the DSRC band, unlike IEEE 802.11a which operates in 5GHz ISM band. The DSRC spectrum allocation is shown in Fig. 3-3. In USA the spectrum is structured into seven 10MHz channels. The central one is the Control Channel (CCH) and is restricted to safety-critical communications only. The first and the last channel are reserved for special uses. As an option two adjacent service channels may be used as one 20 MHz channel. The rest are services channels (SCH) available for both safety and non-safety usage and a 5MHz guard band. This distribution is shown in Fig. 3-2. 63 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Fig. 3-2 US distribution of DSRC spectrum The allocation of dedicated spectrum in Europe has been more difficult, due to the multiple parts involved. The Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) reserved in 2008 five channels of 10MHz. These channels are places in the frequency band between 5,875 and 5,925. This band is not exactly the same as in the US, however ECC recommends to use the spectrum between 5,855 - 5,875 for non-secure ITS applications. Fig. 3-3 DSRC spectrum allocation worldwide The PHY layer of 802.11p takes almost the same signal processing and specifications from the 802.11a [85]. It is based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), with some minor changes to fit the high-speed vehicular environment. The IEEE 802.11p together with the IEEE 1609.4 standard is designed for 10 MHz wide channels instead of 20 MHz as it is in the original 802.11a in order to increase the tolerance for multipath propagation. Due to this, the transfer rates will be halved in IEEE 802.11p compared to IEEE 802.11a, implying transfer rates of 3, 4.5, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, and 27 Mbps. On the one hand this reduces the effects of Doppler spread by having a smaller frequency bandwidth; on the other hand the doubled guard interval reduces inter-symbol interference caused by multipath propagation. Another two differences compared to the original IEEE 802.11 are presented below. Firstly, there is no difference between the nodes in the network, that is, all nodes are peers including the roadside units. There exists no access point functionality in IEEE 802.11p even though the 64 WIRELESS ACCESS FOR VEHICULAR ENVIRONMENT vehicular network will contain roadside units at certain spots. And secondly, in order to support larger communication range in vehicular environments, four classes of maximum allowable Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) up to 44.8 dBm (30W) are defined in IEEE 802.11p. The largest value is reserved for use by approaching emergency vehicles. A typical value for safety relevant messages is 33 dBm. In summary, the main system parameters of the IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11p are shown in Table. 3-2 to underline the differences between the two standards. Parameter 802.11a 802.11p Channel bandwidth 20 Mhz 10 Mhz Chip duration 50 ns 100 ns Number of fft points 64 64 Number of sub carriers 52 + DC 52 + DC Number of data sub carriers 52 52 Number of pilot sub carriers 4 4 OFDM sympol period (80 chips) 4 us 8 us Cyclic prefix (16 chips) 0.8 us 1.6 us FFT Symbol period (64 chips) 3.2 us 6.4 us Coding scheme ½ industry convolutional ½ Available data rate 6-9-12-18-24-36-48-52 Mbps 3-4.5-6-9-12-18-24-27 Mbps Table 3-2 Comparison of the PHY layer implementation in IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11p MAC layer for IEEE 802.11p The MAC method of the standard IEEE 802.11p is enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) from the QoS amendment IEEE 802.11e as MAC method, which is an enhanced version of the basic distributed coordination function (DCF) found in IEEE 802.11 and based on CSMA/CA, meaning that the node or station starts by listening to the channel, and if it is free for a time period called an arbitration interframe space (AIFS), the sender can start transmitting directly. If the channel is busy or becomes occupied during the AIFS, the station must perform a backoff, that is, the node has to defer its access according to a randomized time period [10]. In 802.11p, QoS is obtained by putting the data traffic within each node into four different priority queues. These queues have different AIFS and backoff parameters, that is, the higher priority, the shorter AIFS. The backoff procedure in IEEE 802.11 works as follows: draw an integer from a uniform distribution [0, CW] , where CW refers to the current contention window multiply this integer with the slot time derived from the PHY layer in use, and set this as the backoff value decrease the backoff value only when the channel is free 65 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS upon reaching a backoff value of 0, send immediately. The MAC protocol of 802.11 is a stop-and-wait protocol and therefore the sender awaits an acknowledgment (ACK). If no ACK is received due to e.g., the transmitted packet never reaches the recipient, the packet being incorrect at reception, or the ACK being lost or corrupted, a backoff procedure is invoked before a retransmission is allowed. For every attempt to send a specific packet, the size of the CW will be doubled from its initial value (CWstart) until a maximum value (CWend) is reached. This is due to the fact that during high utilization periods, it is convenient to spread the nodes that want to send in time. After a successful transmission or when the packet had to be thrown away because the maximum number of channel access attempts was reached, the contention window will be set to its initial value again. In 802.11p different QoS classes are obtained by prioritizing the data traffic within each node. There are four different priority levels implying that each station maintains four queues. These queues have different AIFS and different backoff parameters, e.g., the higher priority, the shorter AIFS. In a broadcast situation, i.e., when packets destined for all nodes are transmitted, none of the receiving nodes will send ACKs in response. Therefore, a sender never knows if anyone has received the transmitted packet correctly, and it will perform at most one backoff (which occurs when a busy channel is sensed at the initial channel access attempt). Hence, at most one backoff decrement will take place for broadcasted packets [reference]. In Fig. 3-4 default parameter settings for the different queues in IEEE 802.11p are found together with the CW setting. Fig. 3-4 Default parameter settings for IEEE 802.11p queues 66 PROPAGATION MODELS FOR VEHICULAR ENVIRONMENTS 4. PROPAGATION MODELS FOR VEHICULAR ENVIRONMENTS Radio propagation is usually attributed to three mechanisms: reflection, diffraction and scattering. If a line of sight (LOS) exists between the transmitter and receiver (T-R), then reflection will dominate. On the other hand, in an obstructed scenario, diffraction and scattering will be the main cause of interference. Due to these characteristics, the channel varies rapidly with time and the user's location, phenomena known as fading. There are two types of fading: large-scale and small-scale fading. Large-scale fading correlates to shadowing while small-scale fading correlates to multi-path propagation delays. In the following, an overview of both fading types is presented. 4.1. Large-Scale Fading Models: Two-Ray ground model Large-scale propagation models describe attenuation of transmitted signal over large T-R distances. A well known model is the Free Space model [56], which describes power transfer between transmitter and receiver over free space. Free Space model only takes into account LOS waves from the transmitter. A more accurate model called Two-Ray ground model considers waves reflected from ground in addition to LOS waves. The Two-Ray ground model provides a more accurate model compared to Free Space Model since waves naturally reflect off surrounding objects. Given the 67 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS distance between the transmitter and the receiver, d, the expression for the Two-Ray ground model is as follows: ht 2hr 2 Pr (d ) Pt Gt Gr d4 (5.1) where Pt is the transmitted power, Gt and Gr (both having dimensionless quantities) are the antenna gains of the transmitter and receiver respectively and ht and hr are the heights (in meter) of the transmitter and receiver from the ground respectively. 4.2. Small-Scale Fading Models The previous models do no describe the rapid fluctuations of the received signal due to multipath fading. In obstructed environment signals fade faster due to reflection, refraction and scattering resulting in the transmitted signal taking multiple paths to the receiver. Each separate path is attenuated depending on the passage taken. The combination of directed and out-of-phase reflected waves at the receiver yields attenuated signals, phenomena known as the aforementioned multipath fading. The relative speed between the transmitter node and the received node or the surrounding objects causes fading too. The main multipath fading effects are: Rapid changes in signal strength over a small area or time interval Random frequency modulation due to varying Doppler shifts on different multipath signals Time dispersion or echoes caused by multipath propagation delays The most popular small-scale fading models, Rayleigh model and Rician model, are descripted below. 4.2.1. Rayleigh model A common model used to describe small-scale fading is the Rayleigh distribution. The Rayleigh probability density function (PDF) is given by: r2 r , Pr (r ) exp 2 2 2 r 0 (5.2) where is the Rayleigh parameter or the root mean square (RMS) of the received voltage signal before envelope detection [70]. 68 PROPAGATION MODELS FOR VEHICULAR ENVIRONMENTS The main limitation of the Rayleigh model is that it assumes that all transmitted signal arriving at the receiver are attenuated equally. As mentioned, the Rayleigh model describes the reception of N multi-path waves at the receiver having equal power. Given large N, it can be shown that through the central limit theorem that the in-phase and quadrature components of the signal tend to be Gaussian of zero-mean. Thus, the received signal r (t ) can be modeled using the following equation: r (t ) x(t )2 y(t )2 (5.3) where x (t ) and y (t ) are Gaussian random variable. Fig. 4-1 Small-scale fading distribution: (a) Rician (b) Rayleigh 4.2.2. Rician model The Rician model is similar to Rayleigh model, except that in Rician model one of the path, typically a LOS signal, is much stronger than the others. The Rice probability density function (PDF) of the received signal envelope, R (t ) is given by 2 K 1 r K 1 r 2 K K 1 Pr (r ) exp K I 2 r 0 (5.4) r 0, K 0; 0 where I n (·) is the nth-order modified Bessel function of the first kind [1]. The parameter K is the ratio of the power received via the LOS path to the power contribution of the non-LOS paths, and is a measure of fading whose estimate is importany in link budget calculations 69 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS (notice that Rician model derives in Rayleigh model considering K=0, that is, the dominant LOS compoment fades away). is the power in the direct path, and acts as a scaling factor to the distribution. Both Rayleigh and Rician propagation models are commonly used to describe MANET and VANET environments [78]. Fading with the Rayleigh distribution is for highly mobile conditions with NLOS between nodes, while latter is suitable where there is a direct LOS path between transmitter and receiver. 70 ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VANETS 5. ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VANETS Generally, routing protocols implemented for wired networks are not suitable for MANETs since they are based on periodic route updating mechanisms which increases overhead and cannot efficiently handle topology changes. Routing in MANETs and VANETs is complex since mobility causes frequent topology changes and requires more robust and flexible mechanism to search for routes and maintain them. When the network nodes move, the established paths may break and the routing protocols must dynamically search for other feasible routes. With a changing topology, even maintaining connectivity is very difficult. Therefore, routing protocols for MANETs and VANETs must deal with the following premises: Distributed operation, since is the basis of MANETs and VANETs Signaling reduction, allowing conserving battery capacity and enhancing network efficiency Keeping the routes loop free, in order to avoid packets flowing indefinitely on the network and network congestion Reduced processing time, aiming to save node's resources Management of asymmetric links, caused by different power levels among mobile nodes and other factors such as terrain conditions 5.1. Classification of routing protocols for VANETs Many protocols have been proposed for MANETs and VANETs. These protocols can be divided into three categories: proactive, reactive and hybrid. Proactive methods, also called table- 71 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS driven methods, maintain routes to all nodes, including nodes to which no packets are sent. Such methods react to topology changes, even if no traffic is affected by the changes. Reactive methods, also called on-demand methods, are based on demand for data transmission. Routes between hosts are determinate only when they are explicitly needed to forward packets. They can significantly reduce routing overhead when traffic is lightweight and the topology changes decrease dramatically, since they do not need to update route information periodically and do not need to find and maintain routes on which there is no traffic. Hybrid methods combine proactive and reactive methods to find efficient routes, without much control overhead. Fig. 5-1 Classification of routing protocols for MANETs and VANETs 5.1.1. Proactive Routing Protocols As stated earlier, proactive routing protocols maintain routes to all destinations, regardless of whether or not these routes are needed. In order to maintain correct route information, a node must periodically send control messages. Therefore, proactive routing protocols may waste bandwidth since control messages are sent out unnecessarily when there is no data traffic. The main advantage of this category of protocols is that hosts can quickly obtain route information and quickly establish a session. Several proactive routing protocols have been implemented depending on the kind of route information stored on node's tables as well as the used updating method. The most representative are DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector) [8], ADV (Adaptive Distance Vector) [12] and GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing) [90]. 72 ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VANETS 5.1.2. Reactive Routing Protocols Reactive routing protocols can dramatically reduce routing overhead because they do not need to search and maintain routes on which there is no data traffic at the expense of increasing end-to-end delay. This property is very appealing in the resource-limited environment. Depending on how the routing method is implemented, reactive routing protocols can be divided in source routing protocols and hop-by-hop or point-to-point protocols. Reactive Source routing protocols In source routing protocols every data packet carries the whole path information in its header. Before a source node sends data packets, it must know the total path to the destination, that is, all addresses of nodes which compose the path from source to destination. There is no need that intermediate nodes update its routing tables, since them only forward data packets according to the header information. However it entails scalability problems since as the number of hops increases, the path information every data packet must carry become major and it may waste bandwidth. Moreover, the path is established from the source node so that a bad adaptation to quickly topology changes will be performed. The most representative source routing protocol is DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) [45]. Reactive Hop-by-hop routing protocols Hop-by-hop routing protocols try to improve performance by keeping the routing information in each node. Every data packet does not include the whole path information any more. On the contrary they only include the address of the following node where data packet must be forwarded to get the destination as well as the destination address. Every intermediate node must look up its own routing table to forward the data packets to its destination, so that the route is calculated hop by hop. Hop-by-hop routing protocols save bandwidth and performs well in a large network since a data packet does not carry the whole path information. However, intermediate nodes must update their routing tables. The most representative hop-by-hop routing protocol is AODV (Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector) [65]. 5.1.3. Hybrid Routing Protocols Hybrid routing protocols combine the proactive and reactive routing approaches. They divide the network into routing zones, so that it will be used proactive routing schemes for intrazones routing issues and reactive routing schemes for inter-zones routing issues. The most representative hybrid routing protocol is ZRP (Zone Routing Protocol) [73]. 73 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 5.2. Topological Routing Protocols This section shows two routing protocols based on the topology of the network, DSR and AODV. 5.2.1. DSR Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) [45] protocol gets its name from the concept of source route, where the source node includes list of all intermediate nodes in the packet itself, whenever it desires to send the packet to a destination node. In case there is no route available in the cache, the source node initiates a Route Discovery procedure. Each route discovery may discover multiple routes and all routes are cached at the source node. The source assigns a unique request id and broadcasts the packet, which is received by intermediate node and in turn it is re-broadcasted by this node, after appending its own identity to the node list. The process goes on, till the packet is received by the destination. Thus the source accumulates all the ids of the intermediate nodes. Since the destination may receive multiple packets from different routes for the same request id, the destination replies back to all the received packets. The Route Reply packets are sent back by the destination to the source by reversing the received node list accumulated in the Route Request Packet. The reversed node list forms the ‘source route’ for the route reply packet. Typically an intermediate node may not receive an acknowledgement from neighbouring node, triggering a route error packet go flow back to the source, informing source and also all the intermediate nodes of the link failure. In such a case all nodes, including source, will remove the route entry from their respective route cache. 5.2.2. AODV Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol was motivated by the limited bandwidth that is available in the media that are used for wireless communications. Unlike DSR routing protocol, AODV determines a route to a destination only when a node wants to send a packet to a destination. Routes are maintained as long as they are needed by the source [75]. Route discovery mechanisms Route discovery process starts when a source node does not have routing information for a node to be communicated with. When a source node has to communicate with another destination node, it initiates path discovery by flooding a route request packet (RREQ) throughout the networks. The RREQ contains the fields shown in Fig.4-2. 74 ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VANETS Fig. 5-2 RREQ packet format The request ID is incremented each time the source node sends a new RREQ, so the pair (source address, request ID) identifies a RREQ uniquely. On receiving a RREQ message each node checks the source address and the request ID. An intermediated node could receive several RREQ from different neighbours. However, if the node has already received a RREQ with the same pair of parameter the new RREQ packet will be discarded. Source and destination sequence number prevent to use non-updated routes. Destiny sequence number identifies the most recent known route to reach this destiny. Source sequence number identifies the known route when RREP is transmitted from source. Thus, non-updates routes will never be considered. As RREQ travels from node to node, it automatically sets up the reverse path from all these nodes back to the source. Each node that receives this packet records the address of the node from which it was received. This is called Reverse Path Setup. The nodes maintain this information for enough time for the RREQ to traverse the network and produce a reply to the sender and time depends on network size. Every node which receives a RREQ checks if there is an entry for the desired destination in its routing table. If an entry is found and the destination sequence number is greater than that in the RREQ, this node unicasts a Route Reply Packet (RREP) to the neighbour node from which the RREQ was received. Otherwise, if the destination sequence number is lower than that in the RREQ or there is no entry for the desired destination in its routing table, the node rebroadcasts the RREQ to its neighbours. RREP message format is shown in Fig. 4-3. Fig. 5-3 RREP packet format Once the RREP is generated, it travels back to the source, based on the reverse path. As the RREP travels back to source, each node along this path sets a forward pointer to the node from where it is receiving the RREP and records the latest destination sequence number to the request destination. This is called Forward Path Setup. If an intermediate node receives another RREP after propagating the first RREP towards source, it checks for destination sequence number of new RREP. The intermediate node updates routing information and propagates new RREP only if the destination sequence 75 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS number is greater or the new sequence number is same and hop count is lower. Otherwise, it just skips the new RREP. This ensures that algorithm is lopp-free and only the most effective route is used. Fig. 5-4 Route discovering mechanism, a) Source node initiates path discovering sendig RREQ message b) Node A broadcasts RREQ message to its neighbor nodes c) Destiny node unicasts a RREP message to node C in order to reach source node Route maintenance mechanisms Each node can get to know its neighbourhood by using local broadcasts, so-called hello messages. Nodes neighbours are all the nodes that it can directly communicate with. Although AODV is a reactive protocol it uses these periodic hello messages to inform the neighbours that the link is still alive. The Hello messages will never be forwarded because they are broadcasted with TTL = 1. When a node receives a hello message it refreshes the corresponding lifetime of the neighbour information in the routing table. If a node has received no messages from some outgoing node for an extended period of time, then that node is presumed to be no longer reachable. Whenever a node determines one of its next hops to be unreachable, it removes all affected route entries, and generates a Route Error message (RERR). This RERR message contains a list of all destinations that have become unreachable as a result of the broken link. The node sends the RERR to each of its precursors. These precursors update their routing tables, and in turn forward the RERR to their precursors, and so on, until the source node is reached. When the source node receives the link failure notification message, it will re-initiate a route discovery for the destination if a route is still needed. A new destination sequence number is used to prevent routing loops formed by the entangling of obsoleted and new established paths. 76 ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VANETS To prevent RERR message loops, a node only forwards a RERR message if at least one route has been removed. Comparative: AODV vs DSR The following section is dedicated to illustrate existing similarities and differences between the two most representative reactive routing protocols, AODV and DSR, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Table 4-1 shows a complete comparative between the features of both protocols. Features DSR AODV Mechanism Reactive source routing Reactive hop-by-hop routing Multiple routes for each destiny Single route for each destiny Each packet includes all path information Each packet only includes source and destiny address Only source node must update its route table and stores all available routes All nodes must update their route tables and stores only the newest route Routes Discovering mechanism built on request messages Discovering procedure Generates more loads of data packets since all existing routes are stored Generates less loads of data packets since there is only one stored route for each destiny Discovery mechanism only starts when a source node has data to transmit Link failures are reported to source node Link failures are reported to the precursor node Source node is concerned about how new/old routes are A sequence number is required to distinguish how new/old routes are Only source node takes part in routing path decision All nodes take part in routing path decision Obsolet routes are still available Only the newest route is available Route management Better end-to-end delay and Better end-to-end delay and latency in latency in lightweight traffic and low heavyweight traffic and high mobility mobility scenarios scenarios Performance specifications Higher overhead but low signalign traffic Lower overhead but higher signaling traffic Simetric links are not required Simetric links are required Table 5-1 Comparative AODV vs DSR 77 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 5.1. Geographical Routing Protocols This section explains the routing protocols based on geographical location of the nodes, especially the Geographical Source Routing protocols. Many routing protocols have been developed for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs), and some of them can be applied directly to VANETs, such as AODV (Ad-hoc On demand Distance Vector) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing). However, VANET differs from MANET by its highly dynamic topology. A number of studies have been done to simulate and compare the performance of routing protocols in various traffic conditions in VANETs, the simulation results showed that they suffer from poor performances because of the characteristics of fast vehicle's movement, dynamic information exchange and relative high speed of mobile nodes. To consider the vehicle network, people can intuitively think to use the geographical position information to decide the route. Most position based routing algorithms base forwarding decision on location information. Geographical source routing (GSR) is a promising routing technique for VANETs and recently several routing protocols have been proposed based on it. For example, greedy routing always forwards the packet to the vehicle that geographically closest to the destination. GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing) [90] is one of the best known position-based protocols in literature. It combines the greedy routing with the perimeter routing where greedy fails. This protocols assumed that each vehicle is equipped with both a positioning device and, in special cases, an electronic map. A location service is assumed to support geographic routing. All nodes maintain a neighbour list, containing the neighbours’ location information. 5.1.1. GPSR Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) is a routing protocol for wireless datagram networks that uses the positions of routers and a packet’s destination to make packet forwarding decisions. GPSR makes greedy forwarding decisions using only information about a router’s immediate neighbours in the network topology. When a packet reaches a region where greedy forwarding is impossible, the algorithm recovers by routing around the perimeter of the region. Under mobility’s frequent topology changes, GPSR can use local topology information to find correct new routes quickly. In networks comprised entirely of wireless stations, communication between source and destination nodes may require traversal of multiple hops, as radio ranges are finite. A community of ad-hoc network researchers has proposed, implemented, and measured a variety of routing algorithms for such networks. The observation that topology changes more rapidly on a mobile, wireless network than on wired networks, where the use of Distance 78 ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VANETS Vector (DV), Link State (LS), and Path Vector routing algorithms is well-established. Traditional shortest-path (DV and LS) algorithms require state proportional to the number of reachable destinations at each router. On-demand ad-hoc routing algorithms require state at least proportional to the number of destinations a node forwards packets toward, and often more, as in the case in DSR, in which a node aggressively caches all source routes it overhears to reduce the propagation scope of other nodes flooded route requests. The following sections shows that geographic routing allows routers to be nearly stateless, and requires propagation of topology information for only a single hop: each node need only know its neighbors positions. The self-describing nature of position is the key to geography’s usefulness in routing. The position of a packet’s destination and positions of the candidate next hops are sufficient to make correct forwarding decisions, without any other topological information. GPSR assumes that all wireless routers know their own positions, either from a GPS device, or through other means. GPSR assumes that packet sources can determine the locations of packet destinations, to mark packets they originate with their destination’s location. Thus, GPSR protocols assumes a location registration and lookup service that maps node addresses to locations. Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing algorithm consists of two methods for forwarding packets: greedy forwarding, which is used wherever possible, and perimeter forwarding, which is used in the regions greedy forwarding cannot be. Fig. 5-5 Data packet forwarding path 79 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS GPSR Routing Algorithm To greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR), the so-called Greedy refers to that the packets are optimal for each hop and the forwarding nodes look for a target node from the nearest neighbours forwarding. Perimeter refers to the travel strategy. Because of the presence of the hole, the forwarding nodes will not find even closer node to the target than its own neighbour nodes, until the greedy strategy can be used again. No state is the advantage of network nodes. It is no needs to save routing information and simply saving the neighbour table is enough. As mentioned above GPSR is a geographic-based routing algorithm. Before the packets are generated, the event source nodes, which collect the data, must obtain the position information of destination node firstly. Before intermediate nodes forward data, the location of the next hop neighbour should be known. Neighbour node location is informed by sending broadcast packets, and the location of the destination node, called sink, use the default location service system. Traditionally GPSR routing algorithm can be described as Figure 2 [91]. Fig. 5-6 GPSR Flowchart Fist, start-up node conducts HELLO and Complanation operations to get the neighbour node location information. If the next hop node is the target node, the packets is sent directly and the algorithm ends. Otherwise, greedy forwarding strategy is used. If the holes do not appear in the network, the node chooses the closest neighbour to forward the packet based on the location of the destination node, until it reaches the destination node. When there is a hole in the network, the greedy algorithm cannot be operated correctly because the next-hop node forwarding packets is more close to the source than the sink. In this case perimeter forwarding strategy is used. 80 ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VANETS Greedy Forwarding Packets are marked by the source with their destination location. As a result, a forwarding node can make a locally optimal, greedy choice in choosing a packet’s next hop. The locally optimal choice of next hop is the neighbour geographically closest to the packet’s destination. Forwarding in this regime follows successively closer geographic hops, until the destination is reached. An example of greedy next hop choice appears in the next figure. Fig. 5-7 Greedy Forwarding example. Y is x's closest neighbor to D. Here, x receives a packet destined for D. x’s radio range is denoted by the dotted circle about x, and the arc with radius equal to the distance between y and D is shown as the dashed arc about D. x forwards the packet to y, as the distance between y and D is less than that between D and any of x’s other neighbours. This greedy forwarding process repeats, until the packet reaches D. A simple beaconing algorithm provides all nodes with their neighbours’ positions: periodically, each node transmits a beacon to the broadcast MAC address, containing only its own identifier (IP address) and position. Greedy forwarding’s great advantage is its reliance only on knowledge of the forwarding node’s immediate neighbours. The state required is negligible and dependent on the density of nodes in the wireless network, not the total number of destinations in the network. On networks where multi-hop routing is useful, the number of neighbours within a node’s radio range must be substantially less than the total number of nodes in the network. The position a node associates with a neighbour becomes less current between beacons as that neighbour moves. This beaconing mechanism does represent pro-active routing protocol traffic, avoided by DSR and AODV. To minimize the cost of beaconing, GPSR piggybacks the local sending node’s position on all data packets it forwards, and runs all nodes network interfaces in promiscuous mode, so that each station receives a copy of all packets for all stations within radio range. At a small cost in bytes, this scheme allows all packets to serve as beacons. This optimization reduces beacon traffic in regions of the network actively forwarding data packets. In fact, 81 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS GPSR’s beacon mechanism is fully reactive due to that nodes solicit beacons with a broadcast “neighbour request” only when they have data traffic to forward. The power of greedy forwarding to route using only neighbour nodes positions comes with one attendant drawback: there are topologies in which the only route to a destination requires a packet move temporarily farther in geometric distance from the destination. A simple example of such a topology is shown in following figure. Fig. 5-8 Greedy Forwarding failure. w and y are farther from D than x Here, x is closer to D than its neighbours w and y. Again, the dashed arc about D has a radius equal to the distance between x and D. Although two paths, (x → y → z → D) and (x → w → v → D), exist to D, x will not choose to forward to w or y using greedy forwarding. x is a local maximum in its proximity to D. Some other mechanism must be used to forward packets in these situations. Perimeter Forwarding In the previous figure the region is empty of neighbours. This empty region is showed in the next figure. Fig. 5-9 Node x's void with respect to destination D From node x’s perspective, the shaded region without nodes is defined as void. x seeks to forward a packet to destination D beyond the edge of this void. Intuitively, x seeks to route 82 ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VANETS around the void; if a path to D exists from x, it doesn’t include nodes located within the void (or x would have forwarded to them greedily). The long-known right-hand rule for traversing a graph is depicted in the following figure. Fig. 5-10 The right-hand rule. x revives a packet from y, and forwards it to z This rule states that when arriving at node x from node y, the next edge traversed is the next one sequentially counter clockwise about x from edge. It is known that the right-hand rule traverses the interior of a closed polygonal region (a face) in clockwise edge order. In this case, the triangle bounded by the edges between nodes x, y, and z, in the order (y → x → z → y). The rule traverses an exterior region, in this case, the region outside the same triangle, in counter clockwise edge order. In Figure 5-9, traversing the cycle (x → w → v → D) by the right-hand rule amounts to navigating around the pictured void. However, the algorithm does not always find routes when they exist. While the previous algorithm finds the vast majority of routes (over 99.5% of the routes), it is unacceptable for a routing algorithm persistently to fail to find a route to a reachable node in a static, unchanging network topology. There are alternative methods. A set of nodes with radios, where all radios have identical, circular radio range r, can be seen as a graph: each node is a vertex, and edge (n, m) exists between nodes n and m if the distance between n and m, d(n, m), is less or equal to r. It is assumed that the nodes in the network have negligible difference in altitude, so that they can be considered roughly in a plane. The Relative Neighbourhood Graph (RNG) and Gabriel Graph (GG) are two planar graphs longknown in varied disciplines. Removing edges from the graph to reduce it to the RNG or GG must not disconnect the graph; this would amount to partitioning the network. Given a collection of vertices with known positions, the RNG is defined as follows: 83 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS An edge (u, v) exists between vertices u and v if the distance between them, d(u, v), is less than or equal to the distance between every other vertex w, and whichever of u and v is farther from w. In equational form: The following figure depicts the rule for constructing the RNG. Fig. 5-11 The RNG graph. For edge (u,v) to be included, the shaded lune must contain no witness w The shaded region, the lune between u and v, must be empty of any witness node w for (u, v) to be included in the RNG. The boundary of the lune is the intersection of the circles about u and v of radius d(u, v). Note that it is impossible disconnect the graph. (u, v) is only eliminated from the graph when there exists a w within range of both u and v. Thus, eliminating an edge requires an alternate path through a witness exist. Each connected component in an unobstructed radio network will not be disconnected by removing edges not in the RNG. Under the previously described beaconing mechanism, through which all nodes know their immediate neighbours, if u and v can reach one another, they must both know all nodes with the lune. The GG is defined as follows: An edge (u, v) exists between vertices u and v if no other vertex w is present within the circle whose diameter is uv. In equational form: The next figure depicts the GG graph membership criterion. 84 ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VANETS Fig. 5-12 The GG graph. For edge (u,v) to be included, the shaded circle must contain no witness w Eliminating edges in the GG cannot disconnect a connected unit graph, for the same reason as was the case for the RNG. It has been shown in the literature that the RNG is a subset of the GG. This is consistent with the smaller shaded region searched for a witness in the GG, as compared with in the RNG. The application of these techniques before perimeter forwarding makes it possible to find all the routes. GPSR Improvements The routing protocol performances can be improved by eMap additional information. The improvement is important when there are many geographical obstacles or topology voids. First, a graph is extracted from the e-map and is weighted based on both static information (like lengths of road segments) and dynamic information (like vehicular traffic). Junctions, terminals of roads and the positions of the source and destination nodes are represented as vertexes and road segment between junctions are mapped as edges. Each edge is coupled with a weight, whose value is proportional to the length of the road segment. Once the graph is ready, the Dijkstra algorithm is applied to find a shortest path from the source to the destination. Note that it is only considered the length of road segment when computing the weights of edges. However, it is possible extend this model to incorporate dynamic vehicular traffic information into the graph. The second step is greedy forwarding. Typically the neighbour which is closest to the next junction in a greedy fashion is designated as the next hop. An evolution of GPSR based on eMaps and opportunistic routing concept it is explained below. 5.1.2. GOSR As it seen above Geographical source routing is a promising routing technique for VANETs, due to its adaptability for network dynamics and ability to handle topology holes. 85 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS In traditional geographical source routing algorithms a best-known neighbour, typically the neighbour closest to the destination in a greedy fashion, is designated as the next hop. This approach may cause two drawbacks: (1) the designated neighbour might not receive the packet correctly and (2) non-neighbour nodes are never given opportunities to do forwarding. Due to the broadcast nature of wireless media, non-neighbour nodes can overhear the transmission and may offer better forwarding progress than the designated neighbour. The above two factors both degrades the end-to-end delivery ratio. This section introduce the concept of opportunistic routing to geographical source routing. A routing protocol, named Geographical Opportunistic Source Routing (GOSR) allows nonneighbour nodes as well as the best known neighbour to become a forwarder [92]. The notification cost of opportunistic routing is minimized by enforcing a scope from which candidate forwarders are selected. Defer timers are adopted to avoid conflicts caused by simultaneous transmissions by nodes in the designated scope. Opportunistic routing is a routing technique which takes advantage of the broadcast nature of wireless media to achieve better progress at each forwarding node. There are several challenges for introducing opportunistic routing into dynamic networks such as VANETs. First, due to the large scale nature of VANETs, global information like the delivery ratio matrix between all pairs of nodes is not available. Existing opportunistic routing protocols, which are developed for wireless mesh networks, all require this type of global information to produce priorities for candidate forwarders. Second, the routing protocol should be able to support generic data traffic. Finally, the routing protocol should be able to effectively minimize the notification cost, which we will explain in detail later. GOSR Routing Algorithm The GOSR protocol composes of two parts, namely geographical source route selection and geographical opportunistic forwarding. Geographical source routes are computed in an ondemand fashion. Once a geographical source route is selected by the source node, GOSR enters the geographical opportunistic forwarding phase. On receiving a packet, the node checks whether it is within the designated scope by using the last hop position and the scope information in the packet. If yes, it compares itself with the best-known neighbour. If it is closer to the next junction than the best-known neighbour, it becomes a candidate. Since there might be multiple candidates, we use defer timers to avoid simultaneous transmissions. The defer time is computed using the formula: 86 ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VANETS Where max_defer_time is a predefined value. Dsn is the distance between the last hop and the best-known neighbour and Dcn is the distance between the current node and the best-known neighbour. With this formula, the defer time of the best-known neighbour is max_defer_time and the defer time of the node at margin of the scope is 0. In this way the best forwarding opportunities are given higher priorities. GOSR protocol for VANETs is simple but powerful routing algorithm combining GSR and opportunistic routing. But GOSR still present poor performances in urban scenarios due to obstacles such as buildings and trees. Moreover GOSR do not always find the optimal route, especially in denser scenarios. 5.1.3. GSR Challenges GPSR is a routing algorithm that uses geography to achieve small per-node routing state, small routing protocol message complexity, and extremely robust packet delivery on densely deployed wireless networks. GOSR protocol for VANETs is simple but powerful routing algorithm combining GSR and opportunistic routing. Nevertheless GPSR and GOSR also suffer several from several problems in the city scenarios. Firstly, greedy forwarding if often restricted because direct communications between vehicles not exist due to obstacles such as buildings and trees. Secondly, if apply first the perimeter forwarding and then return greedy, the routing performance will degrade. For example, packets need to travel a longer path with higher delays. Thirdly the greedy part of GPSR and GOSR can't always find the most optimal route to the destination, especially in the denser scenario. 87 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 6. SIMULATION TOOLS The following tools take part in the VANET simulation described in the current document: VMware Player, Ubuntu, VanetMobiSim, NS2, AWK and GNU Octave. All three are open source applications and are descripted in more detail below. People who have experience with NS2 will know how difficult it is to install this tool. Each version suffers from different problems according to the operating system used. Some versions do not even work with some operative Systems. The absence of installation guides makes this a difficult task. Therefore we strongly recommends to the person that want to use the version of NS2 used in this work to use Ubuntu 32 bits for do the simulations, because all the guides showed in this text are tested with this Operative System. 6.1. VMware Player VMware Player [100] is a free version of the well-known virtualization software VMware. This is a simple tool to have several operating systems on one machine. Is not necessary for do the simulations but is very useful for the people that have not installed Ubuntu 32 bits. An explanation of how to install VMware player is shown in annex 88 SIMULATION TOOLS 6.2. Ubuntu Ubuntu [101] is a computer operating system based on the Debian Linux distribution and distributed as free and open source software. Ubuntu is sponsored by the UK-based company Canonical Ltd., owned by South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth. Canonical generates revenue by selling technical support and services related to Ubuntu, while the operating system itself is entirely free of charge. The Ubuntu project is committed to the principles of free software development. Ubuntu is composed of many software packages, the vast majority of which are distributed under a free software license. The only exceptions are some proprietary hardware drivers. Ubuntu focuses on usability, security and stability. The Ubiquity installer allows Ubuntu to be installed to the hard disk from within the Live CD environment, without the need for restarting the computer prior to installation. As a security feature, the sudo tool is used to assign temporary privileges for performing administrative tasks, allowing the root account to remain locked, and preventing inexperienced users from inadvertently making catastrophic system changes or opening security holes. Ubuntu Desktop includes a graphical desktop environment. In versions prior to 11.04 the default GUI was GNOME Panel but it was dropped in favor of Unity, a graphical interface Canonical first developed for the Ubuntu Netbook Edition. Ubuntu comes installed with a wide range of software that includes LibreOffice (OpenOffice in versions prior to 11.04), Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird (Evolution in versions prior to 11.10), Empathy (Pidgin in versions before 9.10), Transmission, GIMP (in versions prior to 10.04), and several lightweight games (such as Sudoku and chess). Additional software that is not installed by default can be downloaded and installed using the Ubuntu Software Center or the package manager Synaptic, which come pre-installed in versions prior to 11.10. Ubuntu allows networking ports to be closed using its firewall, with customized port selection available. End-users can install Gufw (GUI for Uncomplicated Firewall) and keep it enabled. GNOME (the former default desktop) offers support for more than 46 languages. Ubuntu can also run many programs designed for Microsoft Windows (such as Microsoft Office), through Wine or using a Virtual Machine (such as VMware Workstation or VirtualBox). Ubuntu, unlike Debian, compiles their packages using gcc features such as PIE and Buffer overflow protection to harden their software. These extra features greatly increase security at the performance expense of 1% in 32 bit and 0.01% in 64 bit. A short installation guide of Ubuntu 10.04 (32 bits) is showed in the annex. 89 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 6.3. VanetMobiSim The Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Mobility Simulator (VanetMobiSim) is a set of extensions to CanuMobiSim, a framework for user mobility modeling used by the CANU (Communications in Ad Hoc Networks for Ubiquitous Computing) Research group [15], University of Stuttgart. The framework includes a number of mobility models, as well as parsers for geographic data sources in various formats, and a visualization module. The framework is based on the concept of pluggable modules so that it is easily extensible. The set of extensions provided by VanetMobiSim consists mainly on the two following: A vehicular spatial model, composed of spatial elements (such as traffic lights or multi-lane roads), their attributes and the relationships linking these spatial elements in order to describe vehicular areas. The spatial model is created from topological data obtained in four different ways: User-defined – The user defines a set of vertices and edges composing the backbone of the vehicular spatial model. Random – The backbone is randomly generated using the Voronoi tesseletions. Geographic Data Files (GDF) – Backbone data is obtained from GDF files. TIGER/Line Files – Similar to previous one, but based on the TIGER/line files from the US Census Bureau [18]. A set of vehicular-oriented mobility models, whose main compoments are the support of a microscopic level mobility models: Intelligent Driving Model with Intersection Management (IDM_IM), describing perfectly car-to-car and intersection managements. Intelligent Driving Model with Lane Changing (IDM_LC), an overtaking model is also included, which interacts with IDM_IM to manage lanes changes and vehicle accelerations and decelerations. VanetMobiSim offers so many possibilities and features to create realistic scenarios. Besides that, simulation scenarios for VanetMobiSim are defined in XML format using tags, making scenario configuration easier and in a more handy way. Definitely, VanetMobiSim is quite more appropiate in order to generate scenarios for VANETs than other MANETs mobility pattern generators such as CityMob [21] and Bonnmotion [11]. A complete guide for install VanetMobisim is showed in the annex 90 SIMULATION TOOLS 6.4. NS2 The Network Simulator 2 (also popularly called NS2) is a discrete event network simulator targeted at networking research. NS provides a packet level simulation over a lot of protocols, supporting several transport protocols, several forms of multicast, wired networking, several ad-hoc routing protocols and propagation models, data broadcasting, satellite and so on [63]. Also, NS2 has the possibility of using mobile nodes. The mobility of these nodes may be specified either directly in the simulation file or by using a mobility trace file. In our case, the trace file is generated by VanetMobiSim. Nearly all mobility pattern simulator (including the aforementioned VanetMobiSim, CityMob and Bonnmotion) are implemented in order to produce mobility trace files absolutely compatible with NS2 contrary to others network simulator such as NCTUns [59], so that a whole simulation running both VanetMobiSim and NS2 together can be carried out with total ease. Hence it is heavily used in ad hoc networking research and has become popular in research due to its open source model and online documentation. The last released version of this network simulator is NS2.34 (from Jun 17 2009). NS began as a variant of the REAL network simulator in 1989 and has evolved substancially over the past few years. In 1995 NS development was supported by DARPA through the VINT [81], a collaborative project at LBNL (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Xerox PARC (Xerox Palo Alto Research Center), UCB (University of California, Berkeley), and USC/ISINS (University of Southern California’s Information Sciences Institute). NS was built in C++ and provides a simulation interface through OTcl, an object-oriented dialect of Tcl (Tool Command Language). The user describes a network topology by writing OTcl scripts, and then the main NS program simulates that topology with specified parameters. Moreover, NS2 is easily extensible since the simulation kernel source code is available, which allows to implement new routing protocols, propagation models and so on, and use them in our simulations. In this work we used GPSR module of NS2.27. A complete guide to installing this version of NS2 can be found in [99]. Also this guide and the GPSR module installation guide are showed in the annex. 6.5. AWK The AWK utility is a data extraction and reporting tool that uses a data-driven scripting language for the purpose of producing formatted reports. In other words, AWK is an excellent filter and files of text processor. It was created at Bell Labs in 1970s, and its name is derived from the family names of its authors – Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger and Brian Kernighan. A file is treated as a sequence of records, and by default each line is a record. Each line is broken up into a sequence of fields, so we can think of the first word in a line as the first field, the second word as the second field, and so on. AWK reads the input a line at a time. Then a 91 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS line is scanned for each pattern in the program, and for each pattern that matches, the associated action is executed. AWK is easier to use than most conventional programming languages. It can be considered to be a pseudo-C interpretor, as it understands the same arithmetic operators as C. AWK also has string manipulation functions, so it can search for particular strings and modify the output. The Linux shell instruction to install AWK is showed in the annex. 6.6. GNU Octave GNU Octave [97] is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command-line interface (CLI) for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing other numerical experiments using a language that is mostly compatible with MATLAB. It may also be used as a batch-oriented language. As part of the GNU Project, it is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). We use this application for calculate the mean and the standart desviation of the simulation results. It is not essential use this tool for the simulations but it is very useful. To install GNU Octave on Ubuntu see the annex. 92 SIMULATION PROCESS 7. SIMULATION PROCESS 7.1. Introduction In Fig. 6-8 the VANET simulation scheme is shown. After defining a mobility scenario in a XML file, launching the VanetMobiSim framework is necessary in order to produce a node mobility trace file in NS2 format (node identifier, time, position, speed). This file must be incorporate to the communications definition file, implemented in Tcl language. After running NS2 a trace file which logs all routing events during simulation is generated. Eventually, AWK tool is needed to filter that events trace file extracting all significant data, allowing an evaluation of the scenario. Furthermore, many scripts are designed to automate the simulation process and make it easier. A step-by-step simulation review is presented showed in Annex. 93 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Fig. 7-1 VANET simulator based on coupling VanetMobiSim and NS2 [60] 7.2. Simulation files For simplify the simulation process we have designed a significative number of scripts in addition to the configuration files necessary to do the simulations. The files structure is explained below. In the next figures we can see different symbols. The meaning of each of these symbols is shown in the following figure. It is only necessary modify the configuration files and the modifiable scripts to do the simulation. Fig. 7-2 Colour code Simulation files 94 SIMULATION PROCESS The next figure shows the first part of the simulation process. Fig. 7-3 Simulation process part 1 The directory (1) contains all necessary files to do the simulations with fixed routing protocol, scenario, propagation model, and transmission range. The directory structure and some scripts are different if the simulation is as a function of node density or node speed. The file (2) named “clean” is a script for clean all the previous simulation trace and output files. If we don’t execute this script the results obtained are the mean of new simulations and the previous simulations. This is useful if you want to perform several simulations at different times. The file (3) named “start” is a script where we indicate the number of simulations for each number of nodes (or average speed of each node) and the sleeping time between each simulation. This script runs the script (4). This script named “exe” is an auxiliary script used for monitoring the simulation time. This script executes the script (5). The file (5) named “” is a script that call “exe” scripts (7) located in other directories (6). This directory contains the different configuration files for each number of nodes (or each average node speed). In our simulations we have 6 directories (60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135 nodes or 27.5, 32.5, 37.5, 42.5, 47.5, 52.5 km/h average node speed). 95 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Fig. 7-4 Simulation process part 2 The file (8) named “” is a script that executes a loop. This loop is executed so times how indicate the start script (3). For each turn of the loop the script runs VanetMobisim using (9) as a configuration file. We should modify this file named “scenario.xml” to define the scenario settings. VanetMobisim generates a trace (10) necessary to execute NS2. Then (8) executes the NS2. The file (11) named “cbr.tcl” is a TCL script that indicates the features of the data packets source. The file (12) named “simulation.tcl” is a TCL script necessary to make the NS2 simulation. This script contain all the simulation characteristics such as routing protocol, number of nodes, simulation time, propagation model, transmission power etc. NS2 generate a trace file (13). Then the script (8) executes awk filter (14). As a result we obtain an output file (15) named “output.txt”. This process is executed in the loop several time and the results are saved in the file (15). When the loop ends (8) runs (16) an Octave script. This script calculates the mean and the uncertainty of the results obtained in the simulations. Finally the trace file (17) named “result.txt” is generated. 96 SIMULATION PROCESS Fig. 7-5 Simulation process part 3 At last (5) copy the trace file (17) for each number of nodes (or each average node speed) to the directory (1) generating the file (18) named “result_N.txt” where N is the number of nodes (or the average node speed) of the simulation. All the scripts used are showed in the annex. 97 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 8. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIMULATIONS This section aims to present the scenarios and network features used to implement the simulations. As many empirical works, an initial configuration was firstly proposed and gradually was fitted using trial and error method in order to adjust to VANET environments as accurate as possible. 8.1. Scenarios During simulation process four scenarios have been implemented in order to use all the possibilities VanetMobiSim [80] offers. These scenarios are: Manhattan grid scenario Urban scenario with random street configuration Real urban scenario extracted from TIGER/Line [18] maps Real highway scenario extracted from TIGER/Line maps A picture of each scenario is shown in Fig.7- 1. The scenario chosen is based on the scenario described in the Paper [96]. In the urban with random street configuration scenario a 3000x1000 m² dimension has been selected, including 6 traffic lights. In addition, the scenarios have been configured with singlelane as well as multi-lane lanes and differentiate two traffic flows. Regarding nodes, several speeds have been selected as well as level of congestion. In addition, node's motion is enhanced with Intelligent Driving Model (IDM), which incorporates intersection management and lane changing. 98 DESCRIPTION OF THE SIMULATIONS Fig. 8-1 Scenarios a) Manhattan grid b) Urban random distribution Highway TIGER/Line c) Urban TIGER/Line d) Urban Random Dimensions (m2) 3000x1000 Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 Traffic lights 6 with step=20ms Lane Configuration Differentiate two flows Node Speed Range (km/h) 30 to 50 Mobility Pattern Random Waypoint Mobility with obstacle Avoidance [44] 99 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Intelligent Driving Model (IDM) with intersection management and lane changing Driving Model Table 8-1 Scenario features overview 8.2. Parameters of the simulations In this section the common used values as well as network configuration of the simulations in NS2 are presented. Simulation time is set to 1000 seconds. Nodes motion and transmission starts at t=0s. Density of nodes has been set to 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 nodes/km2. In all simulations there are only one source node and one destination node. Each simulation has been carried out with 5, or 10 in some case, different seeds to obtain more accurate results. Three propagation models have been selected. Two-Ray Ground model, Ricean and Rayleigh models. In the used version of NS2 (NS2.27) only the Two-Ray Ground is implemented. However many propagation models are available as ns2 extensions. Ricean and Rayleigh model extension is downloadable from [69]. Omni-directional antennas are selected with height (h) of 1,5m. Receive threshold is set to RXthresh = 3.652e-10 W. Sensing Threshold is set to CSthresh = 1.559e-11 W. Transmission range (TR) is set to 100, 150, 200 and 250 meters. This parameter is modified by changing the transmission power (Pt) according to the following expression: TR = h · (Pt / RXthresh) 0.25 Transmission power is defined as Pt = RXthresh · (TR / h) 4 Sensing range is defined as SR = (RXthresh / CSthresh) 0.25 · TR = 2.2 · TR IEEE 802.11 has been selected as MAC protocols. The queue selected is PriQueue (Queue/DropTail/PriQueue) which gives priority to routing packets. The queue size is set to 50 packets. Source Traffic is configured as a CBR/UDP agent with a packet length of 32 bytes. Finally, AODV, GPSR and DSR are the routing protocol used in the simulations. The selected simulation values for each scenario are shown in Table.7-3. Urban Random Simulation time 100 1000 sec DESCRIPTION OF THE SIMULATIONS Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 Traffic Agent CBR / UDP Packet Lenght 32 bytes Queue PriQueue with size of 50 packets Antenna Omni-directional with height of 1,5m MAC Protocol IEEE 802.11 Propagation Model TwoRayGround Ricean Rayleigh Transmission Range 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 Routing Protocol AODV / GPSR / DSR Number of seeds 5 / 10 Table 8-2 Simulation features overview The full list of configuration files with the parameters of the simulation is showed in Annex. 8.3. Evaluated metrics In order to analyze the performance of vehicular ad hoc networks, extracting some information from the simulations is required. As stated in Chapter 6, an AWK filter must be implemented so that some metrics from traces files generated during simulation process can be studied. The AWK filter file that we have designed is showed in the Annex. Our AWK filter has been designed to extract the following metrics: 8.3.1. Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) It considers the percentage of data packets received by destination node relative to data packets sent by source node. In order to calculate this metric, it must defined two counters: CS and CR . The first one should be increased for every packet sent by source node. The latter should be increased for every packet successfylly received by destination node. Eventually, the data packet received ratio is defined by 𝑃𝐷𝑅 = #𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑑_𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠 #𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡_𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠 (7.1) 101 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 8.3.1. Packet Loss Ratio (PLR) It considers the percentage of data packets lost (data packets not received in the destination node) relative to data packets sent by the source. There is a direct relationship between Packet Loss Ratio and Packet Delivery Ratio. Packet Loss Ratio is defined below 𝑃𝐿𝑅 = #𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑡_𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠 = 1 − 𝑃𝐷𝑅 #𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡_𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠 (7.2) 8.3.2. Average End-to-end delay (E2E) It considers the time which a packet needs to go through the network from source node to destination node. Once a packet with an ID i is sent by source node, the current time is stored in the position i of an array (send_array[i]). If the packet with ID i is received by destination node, the current time is stored in a second array (received_array[i]). The average end-to-end delay is calculated by 𝐸2𝐸 = ∑𝑗∈𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑑_𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠(𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑑_𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑦[𝑗] − 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑑_𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑦[𝑗]) #𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑑_𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠 (7.3) 8.3.3. Data throughput It considers the ratio between the total bandwidths measured in bps that source node is able to inject to the network and reach destination node. Additionally, it is simple to estimate the data throughput from the received data packet ratio and the number of bits sent by the source. Data throughput is defined as stated below: 𝑇𝐻𝑅𝑂𝑈𝐺𝐻𝑃𝑈𝑇[𝑡] = #𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑑_𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑠[𝑡] [𝑏𝑝𝑠] 𝑡 𝑇𝐻𝑅𝑂𝑈𝐺𝐻𝑃𝑈𝑇[𝑡] = 𝑃𝐷𝑅 × 102 #𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑑_𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑠[𝑡] [𝑏𝑝𝑠] 𝑡 (7.4) (7.5) SIMULATION RESULTS 9. SIMULATION RESULTS This chapter has the aim of analysing the results obtained from simulations run with NS2. The chapter is structured as follows: Firstly, the urban scenario with random street distribution is evaluated studying the global metrics and showing how the system performance is affected by configured parameters as node's density, node’s speed or transmission range. In fact, it is not the transmission range the parameter configured, indeed is the transmission power the parameter that is configured. But if you know the propagation model (for this evaluation, the selected propagation model is Two Ray Ground) it is simple to estimate the transmission range (see chapter 8). Two Ray Ground is obviously not a realistic model for urban environments, but is useful to compare routing protocols. AODV (Ad-hoc On demand Distance Vector) [65], DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) [45] and GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing) [90] protocols are compared. Afterwards, different propagation models are studied. The objective is to evaluate how the communication features of our urban scenario are affected by each of these propagation models and comparing the results to what was described in Chapter 5. Over 500 simulations have been run in order to carry out the following evaluation, without considering another few hundred simulations used to test the implemented scenarios and networks. We estimate the total estimated simulation time around 300 hours. Finally, we must mention that all values in the following graphics are represented with its confidence interval of 95% (see Annex) 103 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 9.1. General evaluation of urban scenario As mentioned before, a complete evaluation of our urban scenario is presented. The simulation consists on a communication between two nodes: node with ID 0 sends CBR traffic over UDP to node with ID 1. In real environment many different nodes establish a communication with each other. Due to the nature of radio communications, by increasing the number of sources the performance of communication reduces. This is important especially for high sensing ranges because, for the same node density, is more probable that the medium be busy due to other transmission. The sensing range is proportional to the transmission power (like the transmission range). So the transmission power should be small and also the transmission range. Eventually, four different transmission ranges are considered from 100 meters to 250 meters. The direct transmission of the packet is only possible if transmitter node and receiver node are nearest than transmission range value. This transmission range corresponds to a sensing range of 2.2 · Transmission range. It means that no further communication is possible within a radius of sensing range value with respect to the transmission node. The propagation model is Two Ray Ground. AODV and GPSR are compared. The evaluation is carried out considering IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol. Therefore the propagation model chosen and that the communication is only between 2 nodes do the results of the simulation not very realistic. But the objective of the evaluation is especially to compare different routing protocols. To achieve this goal it was sufficient with this. Looking at the results you must always bear in mind that in a real scenario the performance would be worse due to higher loss packet ratio and higher end-to-end delay, induced for multipath propagation, shadowing, fading and packet collisions caused for multiple transmissions (see Chapter 4). We make 5 simulations for each number of nodes or each average node speed except for transmission range of 250 meters. In this case we make 10 simulations to obtain more accurate results. 9.1.1. Performance evaluation as a function of node density In the following simulations the density of nodes increases from 20 nodes/km2 to 45 nodes/km2 and the speed of the nodes varies randomly between 30km/h and 50km/h. 104 SIMULATION RESULTS Transmission range of 100m The first transmission range evaluated is 100 meters. This transmission range corresponds to a sensing range of 220 meters. Average Packet Delivery Ratio The first evaluated metric is the average packet delivery ratio. The following table shows the results of the simulation for each number of nodes. AODV GPSR Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,16394 0,14294 0,26706 0,211 0,12732 0,21968 0,092758 0,07932 0,098834 0,156546 0,083718 0,1859 Confidence Interval (95%) Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,039201 0,07901 0,04703 0,10698 0,075976 0,05746 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,029224 0,06478 0,03085 0,063531 0,035854 0,02047 Table 9-1 Average Packet Delivery ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node density In the next graph we can see the same results of the previous table. Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 20 25 30 Node Density 35 40 45 (nodes/km2) Figure 9-1 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node density The average packet delivery ratio has an irregular trend. We can see that AODV outperforms GPSR for any node density but for a small range. The results do not improve with the node density. Anyway the performance is really poor for this transmission range. 105 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS The maximum value of average packet delivery ratio for AODV is around 26% and for GPSR is approximately 11%. And the minimum value is higher than 14% for AODV and about 4% for GPSR. Average Packet Loss Ratio The average packet loss ratio is a metric that provides the same information as average packet delivery ratio. Thereefore, the same conclusions can be obtained. The average packet loss ratio for each number of nodes is showed in the following table. AODV GPSR Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,83606 0,85706 0,73294 0,789 0,87268 0,78032 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,092758 0,07932 0,098834 0,156546 0,083718 0,1859 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,960799 0,92099 0,95297 0,89302 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,029224 0,06478 0,03085 0,063531 0,035854 0,02047 0,924024 0,94254 Table 9-2 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node density The previous data is represented in the figure shown below. Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 20 25 30 Node Density 35 40 45 (nodes/km2) Figure 9-2 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node density It is verified that the transmission range of 100 meters is clearly insufficient because losses are huge. With this transmission range few routes can be established. 106 SIMULATION RESULTS Average End-to-end Delay The next metric evaluated is the average end-to-end delay. The following table shows the results for each number of nodes. AODV GPSR Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 2481,3 4003,4 1738,8 3185 4154 4542,6 Confidence Interval (95%) 1161,68 2316,8 591,16 2192,6 3298,8 3988,4 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 2,1721 2,5189 2,6183 2,7783 2,2511 2,1401 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,065258 0,45835 0,904932 1,00399 0,168744 0,03733 Table 9-3 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node density The following graph represents the values of the previous table. Average End-to-end Delay Average End-to-end Delay (s) 10 1 0.1 AODV GPSR 0.01 0.001 20 25 30 Node Density 35 40 45 (nodes/km2) Figure 9-3 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node density In contrast to results of average packet delivery ratio there is a large difference between AODV and GPSR. GPSR outperforms AODV with a large difference. In some cases the average end-toend delay is more than 2000 times higher for AODV than GPSR. The difference is so big that we must represent the graph with a logarithmic scale. The highest average end-to-end delay for AODV is higher than 4,5 seconds. The maximum value for GPSR is lower than 0,003 seconds. The minimum value for AODV is about 1,7 seconds and for GPSR is around 0,002 seconds. GPSR presents a constant tendency and AODV has an increasing tendency. The results obtained for GPSR are really good but the results for AODV are awful. For real time communications (e.g. voice or video streaming) 4 seconds of delay are unacceptable. In these conditions AODV cannot be used for this type of communications. 107 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Transmission range of 150m The next transmission range evaluated is of 150 meters. It is corresponding to a sensing range of 330 meters. Average Packet Delivery Ratio As in the previous section the first feature evaluated is the average packet delivery ratio. The results of the simulations are present in the following table. AODV Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,27038 0,17432 0,34234 0,28503 0,42751 0,29432 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,164062 0,09779 0,142096 0,171214 0,195828 0,04895 Average Packet Delivery Ratio GPSR Confidence Interval (95%) 0,036572 0,09148 0,24147 0,10895 0,12765 0,27052 0,016746 0,05519 0,133558 0,099625 0,063898 0,14122 Table 9-3 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node density The following graph shows the results of de above table. Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 20 25 30 Node Density 35 40 45 (nodes/km2) Figure 9-4 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node density It is possible to see a little improvement with respect the transmission range of 100 meters presented in the previous section. This improvement is especially significant for high node densities. It is caused because for higher node density is easier established a route. 108 SIMULATION RESULTS GPSR continues to present lower results than AODV. Also the results are still poor. The maximum average packet delivery ratio for GPSR is around 27% and for AODV is less than 43%. The less value for AODV is around 17% and for GPSR is less than 4%. AODV has an increasing trend with ups and downs with respect the node density. GPSR has a increasing tendency from 20 nodes/km2 to 30 nodes/km and then presents a decreasing trend form 30 nodes/km to 40 nodes/km2 with a final increase in the highest node densities. For node density of 45 nodes/km2 the results are similar for GPSR and AODV. Average Packet Loss Ratio The average packet loss ratio for each number of nodes is showed in the following table. AODV GPSR Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,72962 0,82568 0,65766 0,71497 0,57249 0,70568 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,164062 0,09779 0,142096 0,171214 0,195828 0,04895 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,963428 0,90852 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,016746 0,05519 0,133558 0,099625 0,063898 0,14122 0,75853 0,89105 0,87235 0,72948 Table 9-4 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node density The next graph represents the values of the previous table. Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 20 25 30 Node Density 35 40 45 (nodes/km2) Figure 9-5 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node density Although the results improve with respect the range of 100 meters, losses remain high. It is verified that if the transmission range grows it is more probable cover some node. 109 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Average End-to-end Delay The results of the average end-to-end delay are shown below. AODV GPSR Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 1700,2 1908 1838,2 2027 1549,5 1935,9 Confidence Interval (95%) 1085,36 1622,8 951,84 925,24 599,44 666,74 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 2,1132 2,6741 2,5334 2,2241 4,8555 3,6419 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,044674 1,04746 0,707952 0,210739 1,472274 1,33797 Table 9-6 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node density The next figure represents the results of the table. Average End-to-end Delay Average End-to-end Delay (s) 10 1 0.1 AODV GPSR 0.01 0.001 20 25 30 Node Density 35 40 45 (nodes/km2) Figure 9-4 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node density In terms of average end-to-end delay the results are similar to the results for transmission range of 100m. Although the average end-to-end delay for AODV is reduced with respect the results of the previous section. Now AODV presents nearly 1000 times higher average end-toend delay compared to GPSR. GPSR and AODV have a constant trend. The maximum value for GPSR is less than 0.005 seconds and for AODV is around 2 seconds. The minimum value for AODV is higher than 1,.5 seconds and for GPSR is about 0,002 seconds. Although AODV has better results still 2 seconds of delay is too large for real time communications. 110 SIMULATION RESULTS Transmission range of 200m The next transmission range chosen is 200 meters. The sensing range is 440m. Average Packet Delivery Ratio The results of the average packet delivery ratio are shown in the following table. AODV GPSR Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,4724 0,62489 0,66706 0,80562 0,70089 0,67457 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,24526 0,15604 0,130472 0,081454 0,09152 0,09337 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,12372 0,2152 0,47023 0,30742 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,05959 0,07619 0,184224 0,159942 0,184003 0,18924 0,28246 0,35163 Table 9-7 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node density The next graph represents the values of the above table. Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 Node Density (nodes/km2) Figure 9-7 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node desity For this transmission range the differences between GPSR and AODV are bigger. The graph for AODV presents an increasing trend until density is of 35 nodes/km2. Then the graph decreases. GPSR also has an increasing tendency until node density of 40 nodes/km2. After the graph decreases. The higher value for AODV is around 80% and for GPSR is about 47%. The minimum value for AODV is higher than 47% and for GPSR is around 12%. 111 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS AODV has an acceptably good results but GPSR has still poor performance in terms of average packet delivery ratio. The tendency of GPSR is very similar to the results shown in [96]. In the simulations of this paper the maximum of average packet delivery ratio is like in the graph showed above. Average Packet Loss Ratio The table shown below contains the average packet loss ratio for each node density. AODV GPSR Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,5276 0,37511 0,33294 0,19438 0,29911 0,32543 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,24526 0,15604 0,130472 0,081454 0,09152 0,09337 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,87628 0,7848 0,52977 0,69258 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,05959 0,07619 0,184224 0,159942 0,184003 0,18924 0,71754 0,64837 Table 9-8 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node density The next graph represents the data of above table. Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 20 25 30 Node Density 35 40 45 (nodes/km2) Figure 9-8 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node density As seen for average packet delivery ratio the results improve with respect to transmission range of 150 meters. But, unlike previous transmission ranges, the average packet loss ratio grows for high node densities because higher transmission range implies more nodes in the neighbour location table. This incurs a high volume of control overhead. Hence, many transmission errors occurs. 112 SIMULATION RESULTS Average End-to-end Delay The results in terms of average end-to-end delay are shown in the next table. AODV GPSR Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 645,75 529,92 693,78 446,91 476,04 831,8 Confidence Interval (95%) 443,86 256,74 316,24 209,88 170,418 496,42 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 2,3462 2,3225 3,1492 2,5454 3,081 3,397 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,278673 0,25302 1,366669 0,485296 0,814478 0,99335 Table 9-9 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node density The following figure shows the results of the previous table in a graph. Average End-to-end Delay Average End to End Delay (s) 10 1 0.1 AODV GPSR 0.01 0.001 20 25 30 Node Density 35 40 45 (nodes/km2) Figure 9-9 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node density In this case the average end-to-end delay for AODV is reduced to less than half with respect to the transmission range of 150 meters, but the results for AODV are so large compared to GPSR. The trend is constant, with randomly variations, for the two protocols. The maximum value for AODV is about 0,832 seconds and for GPSR is less than 0,0034 seconds. The less value for AODV is around 0,45 seconds and for GPSR is about 0,002 seconds. 113 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Transmission range of 250m Finally this section shows the results for transmission range of 250 meters. The transmission range is 550 meters. This case corresponds exactly to the scenario described in the paper [96]. In that paper the authors chose make 10 simulations for each number of nodes. For this reason we have decided make 10 simulations for each number of nodes. So we can compare more accurately the results obtained with the results exposed in the paper. We have also added the results of the simulations with DSR routing protocol. Average Packet Delivery Ratio The average packet delivery ratio for each number of nodes is shown in the next table. AODV Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,74542 0,76082 0,76105 0,72842 0,8249 0,73568 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,070846 0,10992 0,109142 0,066748 0,067282 Average Packet Delivery Ratio GPSR Confidence Interval (95%) DSR 0,26274 0,27875 0,31794 0,39779 0,48283 0,055 0,40242 0,113866 0,16283 0,118901 0,190173 0,180679 0,17478 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,68224 0,73998 0,59312 0,6839 0,73426 0,77488 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,2323 0,20758 0,23786 0,20314 0,24884 0,15286 Table 9-10 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node density The values of the previous table are represented in the next graph. Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 DSR 0.2 0.1 0 20 25 30 Node Density 35 40 45 (nodes/km2) Figure 9-10 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node density 114 SIMULATION RESULTS The average packet delivery ratio for GPSR is practically the same as for transmission range of 200 meters. Only the values are better for low densities. The trend is less abrupt. For AODV the tendency is constant with a little decreases for node density of 35 nodes/km2 followed by little increases for node density of 40 nodes/km2. We can see that DSR also outperforms GPSR in terms of average packet delivery ratio, but DSR is not better than AODV. Average Packet Loss Ratio The following table shows the average packet loss ratio for each node density. AODV GPSR DSR Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,25458 0,23918 0,23895 0,27158 0,1751 0,26432 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,070846 0,10992 0,109142 0,066748 0,067282 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,73726 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,113866 0,16283 0,118901 0,190173 0,180679 0,17478 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,31776 0,26002 0,40688 0,3161 0,26574 0,22512 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,2323 0,20758 0,23786 0,20314 0,24884 0,15286 0,72125 0,68206 0,60221 0,51717 0,055 0,59758 Table 9-11 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node density The next graph represents the values of the above table. Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 DSR 0.2 0.1 0 20 25 30 Node Density 35 40 45 (nodes/km2) Figure 9-11 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node density 115 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS As seen for average packet delivery ratio the results improve with respect to transmission range of 200 meters. Like in previously section the average packet loss ratio grows for high node densities. The reason is the same, higher transmission range implies more nodes in the neighbour location table. As a result many transmission errors occurs due to high volume of control overhead. Average End-to-end Delay At last the next table shows the average end-to-end delay for each number of nodes. AODV GPSR DSR Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 565,98 543,25 512,23 586,75 296,89 419,7 Confidence Interval (95%) 218,66 329,3 296,76 349,86 123,42 134,91 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 2,5432 2,9715 2,8684 4,2933 3,3428 4,4596 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,451172 0,90136 0,616048 1,942517 0,654424 1,89169 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 4745 4114,1 7001,8 5546,4 3636,7 4571,3 Confidence Interval (95%) 4031,4 3966,6 4288,2 4174,4 2996,6 3748 Table 9-12 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node density The following graph represents the results of the previous table. Average End-to-end Delay Average End-to-end Delay (s) 100 10 1 AODV 0.1 GPSR DSR 0.01 0.001 20 25 30 Node Density 35 40 45 (nodes/km2) Figure 9-12 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node density The average end-to-end delay for AODV is not significantly reduced with respect the transmission range of 200 meters. As we noted previously GPSR does not change compared with the average end-to-end delay for others transmission ranges. Although GPSR seems to have an increasing trend with the node density and AODV seems to have a decreasing tendency. 116 SIMULATION RESULTS AODV has a maximum value of average end-to-end delay less than 0,57 seconds and GPSR has a higher value around 0,005 seconds. The less value is nearly 0.3 seconds for AODV and 0.002 seconds for GPSR. In terms of average end-to-end delay DSR is worse than AODV and GPSR. 9.1.2. Performance evaluation as a function of node speed In the following simulations the number of nodes is fixed to 100 nodes (33.33 nodes/km2) and the average node speed increases from 27.5 km/h to 52.5 km/h. Transmission range of 100m Average Packet Delivery Ratio The next table shows the average packet delivery ratio for each average node speed. AODV Average Node Speed (km/h) 27,5 32,5 37,5 42,5 47,5 52,5 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,23161 0,15388 0,15137 0,19154 0,15219 0,2641 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,11584 0,11403 0,11739 0,114767 0,083737 0,11258 Average Packet Delivery Ratio GPSR Confidence Interval (95%) 0,052567 0,05501 0,084424 0,04994 0,045347 0,06498 0,050497 0,03884 0,045937 0,021468 0,022795 0,03862 Table 9-13 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node speed Below it is possible to see a graph that represents the values of the above table. Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 Average Node Speed (km/h) Figure 9-13 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node speed 117 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS There is not an appreciable change of the average delivery ratio for this range of average node speed. Also, as we have seen for the performance evaluation as a function of node density, that AODV outperforms GPSR. Average Packet Loss Ratio As stated previously the average packet loss ratio shows the same information that average packet delivery ratio but from another perspective. The table shown below contains the average packet loss ratio for each average node speed. AODV GPSR Average Node Speed (km/h) 27,5 32,5 37,5 42,5 47,5 52,5 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,76839 0,84612 0,84863 0,80846 0,84781 0,7359 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,11584 0,11403 0,11739 0,114767 0,083737 0,11258 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,947433 0,94499 0,915576 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,050497 0,03884 0,045937 0,021468 0,022795 0,03862 0,95006 0,954653 0,93502 Table 9-14 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node speed The following figure represents the data of the previous table. Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 Average Node Speed (km/h) Figure 9-11 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node speed As for the analysis as function of node density we can see that transmission range of 100 meters is not sufficient because the losses are so large. 118 SIMULATION RESULTS Average End-to-end Delay The next table shows the average end-to-end delay for different average node speed. AODV GPSR Average Node Speed (km/h) 27,5 32,5 37,5 42,5 47,5 52,5 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 3216 2198,6 5074,6 2564 2389,7 1613,5 Confidence Interval (95%) 2051,532 1080,04 2462,152 1306,575 601,8964 720,476 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) Confidence Interval (95%) 2,6682 2,1567 2,1752 3,0267 2,1644 3,0832 1,040133 0,03191 0,046381 1,226215 0,037518 1,22355 Table 9-15 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node speed The figure shown below represents the values of the above table in a graph. Average End-to-end Delay Average End-to-end Delay (s) 10 1 0.1 AODV GPSR 0.01 0.001 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 Average Node Speed (km/h) Figure 9-15 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 100 m as a function of node speed It seems that for AODV the average end-to-end delay decreases for highest average node speed and GPSR remains constant. 119 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Transmission range of 150m Average Packet Delivery Ratio The next table shows the average packet delivery ratio for different average node speed. AODV Average Node Speed (km/h) 27,5 32,5 37,5 42,5 47,5 52,5 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,41409 0,35359 0,44496 0,3586 0,45173 0,49217 0,094854 0,13657 0,158838 0,144234 0,05764 0,23381 0,19521 0,14374 0,11629 Confidence Interval (95%) Average Packet Delivery Ratio GPSR Confidence Interval (95%) 0,05312 0,13094 0,15803 0,071599 0,01819 0,102383 0,080897 0,054541 0,06369 Table 9-16 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node speed We can see the previous values represented in the following graph. Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 Average Node Speed (km/h) Figure 9-16 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node speed The graph does not appear to follow any trend. Values remain constant within a few random variations 120 SIMULATION RESULTS Average Packet Loss Ratio In the following table it is possible to see the average packet loss ratio for each average node speed. AODV GPSR Average Node Speed (km/h) 27,5 32,5 37,5 42,5 47,5 52,5 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,58591 0,64641 0,55504 0,6414 0,54827 0,50783 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,094854 0,13657 0,158838 0,144234 0,05764 0,23381 Average Packet Loss RAtio 0,80479 0,85626 0,88371 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,071599 0,01819 0,102383 0,080897 0,054541 0,06369 0,94688 0,86906 0,84197 Table 9-17 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node speed The next graph represents the data of the previous table. Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 Average Node Speed (km/h) Figure 9-17 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node speed For transmission range of 150 meters more routes can be established and the losses are lower than for transmission range of 100 meters. 121 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Average End-to-end Delay The average end-to-end delay for different average node speed is shown in the next table. AODV GPSR Average Node Speed (km/h) 27,5 32,5 37,5 42,5 47,5 52,5 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 1272,2 1428,8 1405,1 1544,5 851,89 731,36 Confidence Interval (95%) 360,4048 605,816 956,8132 801,2872 343,3528 367,049 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) Confidence Interval (95%) 2,3162 2,9305 2,312 3,2716 2,6519 0,214208 1,56945 0,276282 1,256223 0,423399 2,7627 0,2225 Table 9-18 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node speed The following graph represents the values of the above table. Average End-to-end Delay Average End-to-end Delay (s) 10 1 0.1 AODV GPSR 0.01 0.001 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 Average Node Speed (km/h) Figure 9-18 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 150 m as a function of node speed In terms of average end-to-end delay AODV presents lowest values for highest speeds. However GPSR remains constant. 122 SIMULATION RESULTS Transmission range of 200m Average Packet Delivery Ratio The results of the average end-to-end delay are shown below. AODV Average Node Speed (km/h) 27,5 32,5 37,5 42,5 47,5 52,5 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,63168 0,61133 0,65013 0,54536 0,4874 0,59594 0,127786 0,16069 0,117892 0,119948 0,21068 0,17701 0,24115 0,26271 0,15072 Confidence Interval (95%) Average Packet Delivery Ratio GPSR Confidence Interval (95%) 0,22585 0,26445 0,26865 0,147018 0,14007 0,110881 0,124165 0,091246 0,15194 Table 9-19 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node speed The next figure represents the results of the table. Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 Average Node Speed (km/h) Figure 9-19 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node speed As in previous cases, the graphs shows that the average packet delivery ratio has a constant trend with a few randomly variations. 123 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Average Packet Loss Ratio The results in terms of average packet loss ratio are shown in the next table. AODV GPSR Average Node Speed (km/h) 27,5 32,5 37,5 42,5 47,5 52,5 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,36832 0,38867 0,34987 0,45464 0,5126 0,40406 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,127786 0,16069 0,117892 0,119948 0,21068 0,17701 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,75885 0,73729 0,84928 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,147018 0,14007 0,110881 0,124165 0,091246 0,15194 0,77415 0,73555 0,73135 Table 9-20 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node speed We can see the previous values represented in the graph shown below. Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 Average Node Speed (km/h) Figure 9-20 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node speed Following the same progression as in previous cases for this transmission range more routes can be established and as a result the losses are lower. 124 SIMULATION RESULTS Average End-to-end Delay The average end-to-end delay for each average node speed is shown below. AODV Average Node Speed (km/h) 27,5 32,5 37,5 42,5 47,5 52,5 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 720,6 864,24 821,77 912,16 1621,2 1399,7 Confidence Interval (95%) Average End-to-end Delay (ms) GPSR Confidence Interval (95%) 498,9376 705,404 283,8276 332,8276 1210,555 905,108 3,4659 2,8648 2,6234 4,3701 2,7947 1,438601 0,84437 0,632492 1,854905 0,878825 1,83956 Table 9-21 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node speed The following figure is a graph that represents the values of the above table. Average End-to-end Delay Average End-to-end Delay (s) 10 1 0.1 AODV GPSR 0.01 0.001 27.5 32.5 37.5 3,8058 42.5 47.5 52.5 Average Node Speed (km/h) Figure 9-21 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 200 m as a function of node speed Unlike in previous cases the average end-to-end delay increases when the average node speed grows. 125 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Transmission range of 250m In this case also have been performed 10 simulations for each average node speed. The reason is already explained above. Average Packet Delivery Ratio As in previous cases first we can see the average packet delivery ratio for different average node speed in the next table. AODV Average Node Speed (km/h) 27,5 32,5 37,5 42,5 47,5 52,5 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,72753 0,68648 0,73791 0,82593 0,79826 0,77118 0,109744 0,10995 0,09773 0,068876 0,082922 0,07491 0,56322 0,44583 0,51021 Confidence Interval (95%) Average Packet Delivery Ratio GPSR Confidence Interval (95%) 0,47895 0,47342 0,3717 0,191717 0,18511 0,158511 0,150626 0,186265 0,20364 Table 9-22 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node speed Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 Average Node Speed (km/h) Figure 9-22 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node speed For transmission range of 250 meters seems that the average packet delivery ratio has an increasing trend for AODV and decreasing trend for GPSR. 126 SIMULATION RESULTS Average Packet Loss Ratio The average packet loss ratio for each average node speed is shown in the next table. AODV GPSR Average Node Speed (km/h) 27,5 32,5 37,5 42,5 47,5 52,5 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,27247 0,31352 0,26209 0,17407 0,20174 0,22882 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,109744 0,10995 0,09773 0,068876 0,082922 0,07491 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,43678 0,55417 0,48979 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,191717 0,18511 0,158511 0,150626 0,186265 0,20364 0,52105 0,52658 0,6283 Table 9-23 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node speed The values of the above table are represented in the following graph. Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 Average Node Speed (km/h) Figure 9-23 Average Packet Loss Ratio for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node speed The maximum average packet loss ratio for AODV is around 32% and for GPSR is higher than 55%. The minimum value is higher than 17% for AODV and less than 44%for GPSR. 127 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Average End-to-end Delay Finally it is possible to see the average end-to-end delay for different average node speed in the table shown below. AODV GPSR Average Node Speed (km/h) 27,5 32,5 37,5 42,5 47,5 52,5 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 687,98 744,82 566,96 402,91 376,15 404,2 Confidence Interval (95%) 338,9624 432,729 255,7016 246,8228 213,1304 244,549 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) Confidence Interval (95%) 4,6333 4,8432 2,9799 1,428762 1,80063 0,524065 3,8819 1,54301 5,1607 3,1062 2,127188 0,88859 Table 9-24 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node speed The following graph represents the values of the previous table. Average End-to-end Delay Average End-to-end Delay (s) 10 1 0.1 AODV GPSR 0.01 0.001 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 Average Node Speed (km/h) Figure 9-24 Average End-to-end Delay for transmission range of 250 m as a function of node speed Now The average end-to-end deal has a decreasing trend with respect the average node speed. This suggests that the influence of the random nature of the simulations is higher than the effect of the change of the transmission range parameter, because for a transmission range of 200 meters the trend was different. 128 SIMULATION RESULTS 9.1.3. Performance evaluation as a function of transmission range This part of the text presents the same results of the previous evaluations but as a function of transmission range. Then be verified that the average packet delivery ratio increases with transmission range generally because if transmission range grows the probability of cover some nodes also grows. This makes it easier to establish a route. This increasing trend is especially significant when transmission range passes 150 to 200 meters. In terms of average end-to-end delay AODV has a decreasing trend. As in average packet delivery ratio analysis the decrease is especially significant when transmission range passes 150 to 200 meters. GPSR instead presents a constant tendency. The graphics and tables with all data for each node density are shown below. Node Density of 20 nodes/km2 Average Packet Delivery Ratio AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,16394 0,27038 0,4724 0,74542 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,092758 0,16406 0,24526 0,070846 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,039201 0,03657 0,12372 0,26274 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,029224 0,01675 0,05959 0,113866 Table 9-25 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 20 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-25 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 20 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range 129 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS As discussed in previous sections, for the same node density is more probable that a route can be established if the transmission radius is larger. As a result the average packet delivery ratio as a function of transmission range has an increasing trend. Average Packet Loss Ratio AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,83606 0,72962 0,5276 0,25458 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,092758 0,16406 0,24526 0,070846 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,960799 0,96343 0,87628 0,73726 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,029224 0,01675 0,05959 0,113866 Table 9-26 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 20 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-26 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 20 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range For AODV the maximum average packet loss ratio is around 83% and for GPSR is high than 96%. The minimum average packet loss ratio is less than 26% for AODV and around 74% for GPSR. 130 SIMULATION RESULTS Average End-to-end Delay AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 2481,3 1700,2 645,75 565,98 Confidence Interval (95%) 1161,68 1085,36 443,86 218,66 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 2,1721 2,1132 2,3462 2,5432 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,065258 0,04467 0,278673 0,451172 Table 9-27 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 20 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range Average End-to-end Delay Average End-to-end Delay (s) 10 1 0.1 AODV GPSR 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-27 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 20 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range For AODV if the transmission range grows more nodes are covered and the hops of the transmission decreases. This means that the delay decrease when transmission range grows. 131 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Node Density of 25 nodes/km2 Average Packet Delivery Ratio AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,14294 0,17432 0,62489 0,76082 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,07932 0,09779 0,15604 0,10992 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,07901 0,09148 0,2152 0,27875 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,06478 0,05519 0,07619 0,16283 Table 9-28 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 25 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-28 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 25 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range As for the previous case the average packet delivery ratio has an increasing tendency. In this case the gap is especially significant when the transmission range passes from 150 meters to 200 meters. 132 SIMULATION RESULTS Average Packet Loss Ratio AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,85706 0,82568 0,37511 0,23918 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,07932 0,09779 0,15604 0,10992 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,92099 0,90852 0,7848 0,72125 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,06478 0,05519 0,07619 0,16283 Table 9-29 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 25 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-29 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 25 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range The maximum packet loss ratio for AODV is higher than 85% and the minimum is less than 24%. For GPSR the maximum packet loss ratio is around 92% and the minimum is higher than 72%. 133 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Average End-to-end Delay AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 4003,4 1908 529,92 543,25 Confidence Interval (95%) 2316,8 1622,8 256,74 329,3 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 2,5189 2,6741 2,3225 2,9715 0,45835 1,04746 0,25302 0,90136 Confidence Interval (95%) Table 9-30 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 25 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range Average End-to-end Delay Average End-to-End Delay (s) 10 1 0.1 AODV GPSR 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-30 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 25 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range The average end-to-end delay has the same trend that in the previous cases. For AODV has a decreasing trend and for GPSR remains constant. 134 SIMULATION RESULTS Node Density of 30 nodes/km2 Average Packet Delivery Ratio AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,26706 0,34234 0,66706 0,76105 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,098834 0,1421 0,130472 0,109142 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,10698 0,24147 0,28246 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,31794 0,063531 0,13356 0,184224 0,118901 Table 9-31 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 30 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-31 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 30 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range In this graph we can see that the results are so similar as for node density of 25 nodes/km2. 135 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Average Packet Loss Ratio AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,73294 0,65766 0,33294 0,23895 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,098834 0,1421 0,130472 0,109142 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,89302 0,75853 0,71754 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,063531 0,13356 0,184224 0,118901 0,68206 Table 9-32 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 30 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 0.9 Average Losses 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-32 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 30 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range For AODV the maximum packet loss ratio is higher than 73% and for GPSR is less than 90%. The minimum packet loss ratio for AODV is less than 24% and for GPSR is around 68%. 136 SIMULATION RESULTS Average End-to-end Delay AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 1738,8 1838,2 693,78 512,23 Confidence Interval (95%) 591,16 951,84 316,24 296,76 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 2,6183 5,5334 3,1492 2,8684 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,904932 0,70795 1,366669 0,616048 Table 9-33 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 30 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range Average End-to-end Delay Average End-to-end Delay (s) 10 1 0.1 AODV GPSR 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-33 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 30 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range The behaviour in this case is the same that in the cases that we have seen. Only we can appreciate unusual value for transmission range of 150 meters for GPSR, because it is greater than we expected it. 137 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Node Density of 35 nodes/km2 Average Packet Delivery Ratio AODV Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,2115 0,28503 0,80562 0,72842 Confidence Interval (95%) Average Packet Delivery Ratio GPSR Confidence Interval (95%) 0,156546 0,17121 0,081454 0,066748 0,10698 0,10895 0,35163 0,39779 0,063531 0,09963 0,159942 0,190173 Table 9-34 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 35 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-34 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 35 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range AODV has an increasing trend from 100 meters to 200 meters and decreasing trend from 200 meters to 250 meters. This behaviour is probably caused for the random nature of the simulations rather than consequence of change in node density. 138 SIMULATION RESULTS Average Packet Loss Ratio AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,7885 0,71497 0,19438 0,27158 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,156546 0,17121 0,081454 0,066748 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,89302 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,063531 0,09963 0,159942 0,190173 0,89105 0,64837 0,60221 Table 9-35 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 35 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-35 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 35 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range The maximum average packet loss ratio for AODV is higher than 78% and the minimum is around 27%. For GPSR the maximum is higher than 89% and the minimum is around 60%. 139 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Average End-to-end Delay AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 3185 2027 446,91 586,75 Confidence Interval (95%) 2292,6 925,24 209,88 349,86 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 2,7783 2,2241 2,5454 4,2933 Confidence Interval (95%) 1,00399 0,21074 0,485296 1,942517 Table 9-36 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 35 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range Average End-to-end Delay Average End-to-end Delay (s) 10 1 0.1 AODV GPSR 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-36 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 35 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range The average end-to-end delay has the same trend that in previous case but with a little increase for higher transmission range. 140 SIMULATION RESULTS Node Density of 40 nodes/km2 Average Packet Delivery Ratio AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,12732 0,42751 0,70089 0,8249 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,083718 0,19583 0,09152 0,067282 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,075976 0,12765 0,47023 0,48283 0,035854 0,184003 0,180679 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,0639 Table 9-37 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 40 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-37 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 40 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range In this case, for GPSR, the graph saturates for transmission ranges between 200 and 250 meters. For AODV the graph has the typically increasing tendency. 141 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Average Packet Loss Ratio AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,87268 0,57249 0,29911 0,1751 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,083718 0,19583 0,09152 0,067282 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,924024 0,87235 0,52977 0,51717 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,035854 0,184003 0,180679 0,0639 Table 9-38 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 40 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-38 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 40 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range The maximum average packet loss ratio is around 87% for AODV and higher than 92% for GPSR. The minimum value is less than 18% for AODV and less than 52% for GPSR. 142 SIMULATION RESULTS Average End-to-end Delay AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 4154 1549,5 476,04 296,89 Confidence Interval (95%) 3298,8 599,44 170,418 123,42 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 2,2511 4,8555 3,081 3,3428 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,168744 1,47227 0,814478 0,654424 Table 9-39 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 40 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range Average-End-to-end Delay Average End-to-End Delay (s) 10 1 0.1 AODV GPSR 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-39 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 40 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range For AODV the end-to-end delay have the trend yet seen and for GPSR is similar to the other cases with a little difference for transmission range of 150 meters where the end-to-end delay increase. 143 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Node Density of 45 nodes/km2 Average Packet Delivery Ratio AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,21968 0,29432 0,67457 0,73568 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,1859 0,04895 0,09337 0,055 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,05746 0,27052 0,30742 0,40242 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,02047 0,14122 0,18924 0,17478 Table 9-40 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 45 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-40 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 45 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range As it is possible to see in the above graph the average packet delivery ratio for AODV and GPSR are very similar when transmission range is 150 meters. For the rest the graph has the same trend that in previous case. 144 SIMULATION RESULTS Average Packet Loss Ratio AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,78032 0,70568 0,32543 0,26432 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,1859 0,04895 0,09337 0,055 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,94254 0,72948 0,69258 0,59758 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,02047 0,14122 0,18924 0,17478 Table 9-41 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 45 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-41 Average Packet Loss Ratio for node density of 45 nodes/km 2 as a function of transmission range For AODV the maximum average packet loss ratio is around 78% and the minimum is higher than 26%. For GPSR the maximum average packet loss ratio is higher than 94% and the minimum is less than 60%. 145 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Average End-to-end Delay AODV GPSR Transmission Range (m) 100 150 200 250 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 4542,6 1935,9 831,8 419,7 Confidence Interval (95%) 3988,4 666,74 496,42 134,91 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 2,1401 3,6419 3,397 4,4596 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,03733 1,33797 0,99335 1,89169 Table 9-42 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 45 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range Average End-to-end Delay Average End-to-end Delay (s) 10 1 0.1 AODV GPSR 0.01 0.001 100 150 200 250 Transmission Range (m) Figure 9-42 Average End-to-end Delay for node density of 45 nodes/km2 as a function of transmission range For AODV the trend is clearly decreasing and for GPSR it seems that has an soft increasing trend. 146 SIMULATION RESULTS 9.2. Evaluation of Data Throughput over time This section uses the results of the simulations for a transmission range of 250 meters to evaluate the data throughput over time. We can see in the following graphs that the data throughput remains constant in the course of the simulation. This is an essential feature of a good routing protocol. Otherwise it would mean that the protocol is not working properly. The graphics and tables with all data for each node density are shown below. AODV GPSR Node Density of 20 nodes/km2 Time (s) 200 400 600 800 1000 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,718463 0,73598 0,785863 0,70628 0,74542 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,095763 0,11246 0,123458 0,07453 0,070846 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,27457 0,23317 0,26274 0,28274 0,26274 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,120786 0,11073 0,12472 0,14786 0,113866 Table 9-43 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 20 nodes/km2 over time Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (s) Figure 9-43 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 20 nodes/km 2 over time We can see as throughput is constant over time with small random variations. The average packet delivery ratio takes values close to the mean in all the time samples. This means that the protocols are working properly because are establishing routes during the simulation. 147 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS AODV GPSR Node Density of 25 nodes/km2 Time (s) 200 400 600 800 1000 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,68763 0,76368 0,749346 0,7846 0,76082 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,116738 0,08766 0,106789 0,111347 0,10992 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,30634 0,28893 0,269876 0,23356 0,27875 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,094876 0,10468 0,124678 0,142387 0,16283 Table 9-44 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 25 nodes/km2 over time Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (s) Figure 9-44 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 25 nodes/km2 over time The throughput over time has the same trend as the previous case but, as seen in previous sections, like the node density is increased then the average packet delivery ratio also grows. This is especially significant for GPSR. 148 SIMULATION RESULTS AODV Node Density of 30 nodes/km2 Time (s) 200 400 600 800 1000 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,787863 0,69685 0,721236 0,75436 0,76105 Confidence Interval (95%) Average Packet Delivery Ratio GPSR Confidence Interval (95%) 0,094362 0,132658 0,123473 0,096543 0,109142 0,347653 0,304678 0,356789 0,324679 0,31794 0,098764 0,123469 0,106789 0,110684 0,118901 Table 9-45 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 30 nodes/km2 over time Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (s) Figure 9-45 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 30 nodes/km2 over time For node density of 30 nodes/km2 the behaviour is the same than for previous node densities. 149 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS AODV Node Density of 35 nodes/km2 Time (s) 200 400 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,678764 0,76469 Confidence Interval (95%) Average Packet Delivery Ratio GPSR Confidence Interval (95%) 600 800 0,736987 0,776497 1000 0,72842 0,084769 0,104359 0,094876 0,086748 0,066748 0,36756 0,31256 0,39041 0,37321 0,39779 0,115483 0,090146 0,12458 0,153482 0,190173 Table 9-46 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 35 nodes/km2 over time Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (s) Figure 9-46 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 35 nodes/km 2 over time It is verified that the behaviour is the expected. 150 SIMULATION RESULTS AODV Node Density of 40 nodes/km2 Time (s) 200 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,77893 0,694879 0,798634 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,168753 0,12648 Average Packet Delivery Ratio GPSR Confidence Interval (95%) 400 600 800 1000 0,75648 0,8249 0,086439 0,084679 0,067282 0,387645 0,416781 0,484873 0,429483 0,162439 0,12468 0,48283 0,164876 0,176492 0,180679 Table 9-47 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 40 nodes/km2 over time Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (s) Figure 9-47 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 40 nodes/km 2 over time The data throughput over time has the expected behaviour. 151 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS AODV Node Density of 45 nodes/km2 Time (s) 200 400 600 800 1000 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,744876 0,68546 0,738762 0,74528 0,73568 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,11467 0,10346 0,09543 0,08764 0,055 0,379463 0,416437 0,40214 0,413468 0,40242 0,11346 0,13465 0,164734 0,17478 Average Packet Delivery Ratio GPSR Confidence Interval (95%) 0,10346 Table 9-48 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 45 nodes/km2 over time Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 AODV 0.4 GPSR 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (s) Figure 9-48 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for node density of 45 nodes/km 2 over time In this case the trend is more constant than in previous cases. Also for node density of nodes/km2 the average packet delivery ratio is less than for node density of 40 nodes/km 2. The reason is the same as explained in previous sections. Higher transmission range implies more nodes in the neighbour location table and this incurs a high volume of control overhead. As a result many transmission errors occurs. 152 SIMULATION RESULTS 9.3. Evaluation of other propagation models As mentioned above Two Ray Ground is not a realistic propagation model for VANETs evaluation in an urban environment. This propagation model has not considered the shadowing and fading effects. These effects are present in urban environments and can seriously worsen the performance of the radio communications. That is why in this section we present the evaluation of communication for two propagation models more realistic, Rayleigh and Ricean, presented in chapter 4. Rayleigh model is more pessimistic than Ricean model. The protocol chosen to show degradation of the communication is AODV. The Transmission range used in the simulations is 250 meters. The corresponding sensing range is 550 meters. For evaluate the propagation models we make 5 different simulations for each node density. 153 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 9.3.1. Average Packet Delivery Ratio The average packet delivery ratio for Rayleigh and Ricean model is shown in the following table. Rayleigh Ricean Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,52421 0,4329 0,60035 0,55179 0,54058 0,47082 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,21212 0,1094 0,090442 0,119534 0,109148 0,2359 Average Packet Delivery Ratio 0,61802 0,59776 0,66008 0,6052 0,73542 0,70365 0,109286 0,23962 0,23384 0,128898 0,2192 0,09153 Confidence Interval (95%) Table 9-49 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for Rayleigh and Ricean model as a function of node density The values of the previous table are represented below. Average Packet Delivery Ratio Average Packet Delivery Ratio 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Rayleigh 0.4 Ricean 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 Node Density (nodes/km2) Table 9-49 Average Packet Delivery Ratio for Rayleigh and Ricean model as a function of node density For Rayleigh model the average packet delivery ratio is not much worse than for Two Ray Ground model. The average for each number of nodes is around 52% and for Two Ray Ground model it was about 76%. Although is significant reduction the results are acceptably good considering that Rayleigh is a pessimistic model. For Ricean model it is possible to see that the average packet delivery ratio is not as bad as Rayleigh model. The results are more similar to Two Ray Ground model. For Ricean model the mean of average packet delivery ratio for each number of nodes is about 65%. Whereas for Two Ray Ground model the mean of average packet delivery ratio is around 76%. 154 SIMULATION RESULTS 9.3.1. Average Packet Loss Ratio The next table shows the average packet loss ratio for each node density. Rayleigh Ricean Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0,47579 0,5671 0,39965 0,44821 0,45942 0,52918 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,21212 0,1094 0,090442 0,119534 0,109148 0,2359 Average PAcket Loss Ratio 0,38198 0,40224 0,33992 0,3948 0,26458 0,29635 Confidence Interval (95%) 0,109286 0,23962 0,23384 0,128898 0,2192 0,09153 Table 9-50 Average Packet Loss Ratio for Rayleigh and Ricean model as a function of node density The following graph represents the values of the previous table. Average Packet Loss Ratio 1 Average Packet Loss Ratio 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Rayleigh 0.4 Ricean 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 20 25 30 Node Density 35 40 45 (nodes/km2) Table 9-50 Average Packet Loss Ratio for Rayleigh and Ricean model as a function of node density The average packet loss ratio is higher for Rayleigh model than for Ricean model because Rayleigh assumes the reception of multiple signals with equal power and Ricean considers that the power of the different received signals are increasingly lower. As a result the Ricean model has a lower error rate. 155 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 9.3.2. Average End-to-end Delay The next table shows the average end-to-end delay for Rayleigh propagation model. Raileigh Ricean Node Density (nodes/km2) 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 625,03 1002,7 976,04 1061,7 741,83 1064,7 Confidence Interval (95%) 143,8 412,82 661,9 365,16 371,12 627,26 Average End-to-end Delay (ms) 517,31 431,39 657,43 709,18 705,27 666,35 Confidence Interval (95%) 143,8 348,58 428,32 447,74 533,62 185,636 Table 9-51 Average End-to-end Delay for Rayleigh and Ricean model as a function of node density The following figure shows a graph that represents the results. Average End-to-end Delay Average End-to-end Delay (s) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 Raileigh 0.6 Ricean 0.4 0.2 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 Node Density (nodes/km2) Table 9-51 Average End-to-end Delay for Rayleigh model as a function of node density For Rayleigh model the average end-to-end delay also gets worse compared with Two Ray Ground model. The average for each number of nodes is about 0.91 seconds for Rayleigh model and around 0.53 seconds for Two Ray Ground model. In terms of average end-to-end delay the values for Ricean model are also more similar to Two Ray Ground model. For Ricean model the mean for each number of nodes is 0.62 seconds. For Two Ray Ground model is around 0.53 seconds. 156 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 10. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 10.1. Conclusions GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing) [90] is one of the best known position-based protocols in the research literature about VANETs (Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks). It is argued that geographic routing achieves better results than topology-based routing such as AODV (Adhoc On demand Distance Vector) [65] and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) [45] in a highway scenario because there are fewer obstacles compared to city conditions and is fairly suited to network requirements. However, as we have seen in the previous chapter, when applied to city scenarios for VANETs, GPSR suffers from several problems. Firstly, in city scenarios, greedy forwarding is often restricted because direct communications between nodes may not exist due to obstacles such as buildings and trees. Secondly, if apply first the planarized graph to build the routing topology and then run greedy, the routing performance may degrade. Thirdly, mobility can also induce routing loops. And finally, sometimes packets may get forwarded to the wrong direction leading higher delays or even network partitions. This drawbacks of GPSR in urban scenarios have been studied in some research works, such as [96]. Considering the analysis as a function of node density we can say that for transmission ranges of 200 and 250 meters the behaviour of GPSR is similar to that of AODV. At traffic densities higher than 40 nodes/km2 the packet delivery ratio decreases. This behaviour results from the network connectivity in the VANET. At low traffic density of 20 nodes/km2, in many cases it 157 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS may not be possible to establish a communication path from source to destination due to the lack of relaying nodes. At higher traffic densities, the connectivity in the network is significantly better and thus more packets are delivered to their destination node. Moreover, in GPSR the delivery packet ratio declines again because more and more vehicles have to exchange location packets to maintain their neighbours’ locations table. This incurs a high volume of control overhead. Hence, many transmission errors occurs as well as traffic congestion resulting in lower delivery ratio and increase in the number of dropped packets. AODV outperforms GPSR in terms of packet delivery ratio, especially at traffic densities higher than 40 nodes/km2. In contrast, GPSR presents a lower end-to-end delay. This is very useful for real time communications (like voice or video streaming). GPSR, as proactive protocol, has a faster processing at intermediate nodes. When a packet arrives at node, it can immediately be forwarded. In reactive protocols, a packet retransmission will be delayed by a timeout period depending on the protocol policy in calculating this timeout values. Also, GPSR establishes a timeout that when it is exceeded the packet is dropped. In this way is priorized the small endto-end delay over the packet delivery ratio. Regarding the analysis as a function of node speed we can conclude that the effect of the node speed in the selected speed range is quite negligible. This is probably caused because the range chosen (30 to 50 km/h), although suitable for an urban environment, is small to notice significant difference in for a general analysis. Taking into account the evaluation as a function of transmission range we can say that for AODV all the evaluated metrics improve as the transmission range grows. This is especially significant when the transmission range changed from 150 to 200 meters. For GPSR the average packet delivery ratio also improves, but not the average end-to-end delay that remains constant. As a conclusion, we can say that GPSR has better results in terms of end-to-end delay than AODV and DSR. This makes GPSR much better than AODV and DSR for specific applications (e.g. voice, video streaming). Instead, AODV and DSR are unsuitable for vehicular environments because they have a very poor results in terms of end-to-end delay. But GPRS is not performing better than AODV and DSR in terms of packet delivery ratio. As a result, we can say that GPSR is not the definitive protocol for VANETs for urban environments and it is necessary to continue working on new routing protocol with better performances. 10.2. Future works As we said before AODV, DSR and even GPSR are not the best routing protocols for urban scenarios. A proposal as a future work could be the evaluation of other newer existing proposals routing protocols with better performances on VANETs. For example the routing protocol named SIFT (Simple Forwarding over Trajectory) [96]. In SIFT, forwarding decision is shifted to the receiver. Each node that receives the packet takes the decision whether to forward it or not based only on its own position, the transmitter position and the packet 158 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK trajectory. This greatly reduces control overhead and energy consumption. Once received a packet, each node sets a timer according to its position with respect to the packet trajectory and the transmitter. If a copy of the packet, forwarded by another node, is received before the timer expires, the timer is stopped and the packet is deleted from the forwarding queue. Otherwise, the packet is passed to the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer for transmission when the timer expires. Therefore, the node with the minimum timeout value will forward the packet. It will be the node in the best position since it is far from the last node and close to the packet trajectory. Packets include into the header the trajectory and the coordinates of the last node that forwarded the packet. The original source identifier, a sequence number, and a hop count are included as well. SIFT delivers data packets to their destination only if the trajectory is not interrupted. This situation may occur in a low density network or due to issues related to signal propagation. Urban random street distribution of VanetMobisim was the mobility model used during the simulations. A proposal could be using other mobility models as Manhattan and make simulations in other environments such as rural or highway. Two Ray Ground was the propagation model most used in the simulations. A proposal could be use other propagation models more realistic as Ricean or Rayleigh for new performance evaluations under more realistic scenarios. Finally, the communication established in the simulations was only between one source and one destination. A proposal could be to make simulations more realistic with more source and destination nodes. 159 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 11. ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS In this section an installation guide of different simulation tools is presented and a step by step review of the simulation process is described in order to illustrate how to use every tool properly. 11.1. How to install VMware Player First download VMware player from [100]. You need to register in the web page. You should only run the installation file to install the application. 11.2. How to install Ubuntu You should dowload the software from [101]. Remember that the version used in this work is Ubuntu 10.04 (32 bits). If you want to install Ubuntu in a free partition of your system Hard Disk you only need to insert the Live CD and restart your computer. If you want use VMware Player to install Ubuntu in a virtual machine you should follow the next steps. 1) 2) 3) 4) 160 Run VMware Player Select “Create a New Virtual Machine” Mark the flag “Installer disk image file” Click on Browse and select the Ubuntu image file. ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS 5) Continue with the New Virtual Machine wizard steps and at last click on finish. 6) The installation of Ubuntu starts as Live CD method. 11.3. How to install VanetMobiSim-1.1 The first step is downloading the source code of VanetMobiSim-1.1 from [80] and expand it in a base directory of your choice unzip ~/Descargas/ -d ~/VanetMobiSim The previous command unzips the source code of VanetMobiSim-1.1 downloaded to the Downloads Folder to a directory called VanetMobiSim in our personal directory. The following subdirectories and files will be created after extraction. / jar build.xml VanetMobiSim-src.jar VanetMobiSim-samples.jar mypackages.lst READ_ME In the next step you must download the source code of CanuMobiSim v1.3.4 from [15] and expand it in the same directory. unzip ~/Descargas/ -d ~/VanetMobiSim You should get a subdirectoy named /src so that at this time, your current directory should contains. / jar /src build.xml VanetMobiSim-src.jar VanetMobiSim-samples.jar mypackages.lst READ_ME At this point, VanetMobiSim requires the presence of Sun JVM, a virtual machine capable of executing Java bytecode, as well as Apache Ant, a tool whose mission is to build Java applications. The following command will install the open-ource Java Development Kid (JDK) v.6. sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-source For installing Apache Ant v1.7 the following command must be type. sudo apt-get install ant1.7 The next step requires going to the VanetMobiSim directory and launch ant. 161 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS cd ~/VanetMobiSim ant patch Ant will patch the /src directory with VanetMobiSim source files. The message appeared in the terminal after patching is shown in Fig. 6-1. Fig. 11-1 Terminal message after executing ant patch Eventyally you must type the following command in order to build the simulator and create the javadocs. ant all The message appeared in the terminal after building is shown in Fig. 6-2. The binary .jar file of VanetMobiSim will be place in the /jar subdirectory. Now VanetMobiSim is available to use. Fig. 11-2 Terminal message after executing ant all 162 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS 11.4. How to install NS2.27 Installation guide of NS-2.27 on Linux 32 bits (by David Marín Sánchez) [99] This guide has been tested with NS-2.27 on Ubuntu 10.04 (32 bits) Step 1) Dowload NS-2.27 from [93] Step 2) Dowload ns227-gcc34.patch from [94] Step 3) Install the necessary libraries: sudo apt-get install build-essential sudo apt-get install libX11-dev sudo apt-get install xorg-dev Step 4) Unpack tar.gz NS-2.27 file: cd <ns-allinone-2.27.tar.gz_path> tar -xvf ns-allinone-2.27.tar.gz mv ns-allinone-2.27 /usr/src cd /usr/src Step 5) Apply ns227-gcc34.patch: cd /usr/src patch -p0 < <ns227-gcc34.patch_path>/ns227-gcc34.patch Step 5) Install NS-2.27: cd /usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27 ./install Step 6) Solve the errors that appear in the installation process (you should replace the lines with a "-" for the lines with a "+" of the respective files) and repeat step 5: Error 1: checking system version (for dynamic loading)... ./configure: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string tcl8.3.2 configuration failed! Exiting ... Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/tcl8.4.5/unix/configure - system=MP-RAS-`awk '{print }' /etc/.relid'` 163 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS + system=MP-RAS-`awk '{print }' /etc/.relid` Error 2: checking system version (for dynamic loading)... ./configure: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string tk8.3.2 configuration failed! Exiting ... patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/tk8.4.5/unix/configure - system=MP-RAS-`awk '{print }' /etc/.relid'` + system=MP-RAS-`awk '{print }' /etc/.relid` Error 3: checking system version (for dynamic loading)... ./configure: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string otcl-1.8 configuration failed! Exiting ... Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/otcl-1.8/configure - system=MP-RAS-`awk '{print $3}' /etc/.relid'` + system=MP-RAS-`awk '{print $3}' /etc/.relid` Error 4: otcl.o: In function `OTclDispatch': /usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/otcl-1.8/otcl.c:493: undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail_local' otcl.o: In function `Otcl_Init': /usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/otcl-1.8/otcl.c:2281: undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail_local' ld: hidden symbol `__stack_chk_fail_local' isn't defined ld: final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output make: *** [] Error 1 otcl-1.8 make failed! Exiting ... Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/otcl-1.8/configure Linux*) SHLIB_CFLAGS="-fpic" 164 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS - SHLIB_LD="ld -shared" + SHLIB_LD="gcc -shared" SHLIB_SUFFIX=".so" DL_LIBS="-ldl" SHLD_FLAGS="" Error 5: 27/include -I/usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/include -o Tcl.o In member function ‘void Tcl::eval(char*)’: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ In member function ‘int TclObject::traceVar(const char*, TclObject*)’: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ In static member function ‘static int TclClass::create_shadow(void*, Tcl_Interp*, int, const char**)’: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ In static member function ‘static int TclClass::dispatch_instvar(void*, Tcl_Interp*, int, const char**)’: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ In member function ‘virtual void TclClass::bind()’: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ make: *** [Tcl.o] Error 1 tclcl-1.15 make failed! Exiting ... Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/tclcl-1.15/ if (need_parse) { - char *p = strchr(localName, '('); + char* p = const_cast <char*> (strchr(localName, '(')); if (p) 165 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS *p = 0; }; Error 6: ./sctp/sctp.h:632: error: extra qualification ‘SctpAgent::’ on member ‘DumpSendBuffer’ trace/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ trace/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ trace/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ trace/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ trace/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ make: *** [trace/trace.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/sctp/sctp.h /* debugging functions */ - void SctpAgent::DumpSendBuffer(); + void DumpSendBuffer(); /* sctp association state variable */ Error 7: In file included from ./trace/cmu-trace.h:43, from src_rtg/ ./mobile/god.h: At global scope: ./mobile/god.h:88: error: extra qualification ‘vector::’ on member ‘operator=’ ./mobile/god.h:93: error: extra qualification ‘vector::’ on member ‘operator+=’ ./mobile/god.h:98: error: extra qualification ‘vector::’ on member ‘operator==’ ./mobile/god.h:101: error: extra qualification ‘vector::’ on member ‘operator!=’ make: *** [src_rtg/sragent.o] Error 1 166 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/mobile/god.h return sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); } - inline void vector::operator=(const vector a) { + inline void operator=(const vector a) { X = a.X; Y = a.Y; Z = a.Z; } - inline void vector::operator+=(const vector a) { + inline void operator+=(const vector a) { X += a.X; Y += a.Y; Z += a.Z; } - inline int vector::operator==(const vector a) { + inline int operator==(const vector a) { return (X == a.X && Y == a.Y && Z == a.Z); } - inline int vector::operator!=(const vector a) { + inline int operator!=(const vector a) { return (X != a.X || Y != a.Y || Z != a.Z); } inline vector operator-(const vector a) { Error 8: queue/ In member function ‘virtual void REDQueue::trace(TracedVar*)’: 167 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ make: *** [queue/red.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/queue/ REDQueue::trace(TracedVar* v) { - char wrk[500], *p; + char wrk[500]; + char* p; - if (((p = strstr(v->name(), "ave")) == NULL) && - ((p = strstr(v->name(), "prob")) == NULL) && - ((p = strstr(v->name(), "curq")) == NULL) && - ((p = strstr(v->name(), "cur_max_p"))==NULL) ) { + if (((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "ave"))) == NULL) && + ((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "prob"))) == NULL) && + ((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "curq"))) == NULL) && + ((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "cur_max_p")))==NULL) ) { fprintf(stderr, "RED:unknown trace var %s\n", v->name()); return; } Error 9: queue/ error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘CBQueue’ with no type queue/ error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token queue/ In member function ‘virtual int CBQueue::insert_class(CBQClass*)’: 168 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS queue/ error: ‘class CBQClass’ has no member named ‘cbq_’ queue/ In constructor ‘CBQClass::CBQClass()’: queue/ error: class ‘CBQClass’ does not have any field named ‘cbq_’ queue/ In member function ‘virtual void CBQClass::recv(Packet*, Handler*)’: queue/ error: ‘cbq_’ was not declared in this scope queue/ error: ‘cbq_’ was not declared in this scope queue/ In member function ‘void CBQClass::update(Packet*, double)’: queue/ error: ‘cbq_’ was not declared in this scope queue/ In member function ‘int CBQClass::desc_with_demand()’: queue/ error: ‘cbq_’ was not declared in this scope queue/ In member function ‘void CBQClass::newallot(double)’: queue/ error: ‘cbq_’ was not declared in this scope queue/ In member function ‘virtual int CBQClass::command(int, const char* const*)’: queue/ error: ‘cbq_’ was not declared in this scope make: *** [queue/cbq.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/queue/ + class CBQueue; class CBQClass : public Connector { Error 10: ./tora/tora_neighbor.h: At global scope: ./tora/tora_neighbor.h:72: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘toraAgent’ with no type ./tora/tora_neighbor.h:72: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token tora/ In member function ‘void toraAgent::rt_resolve(Packet*)’: tora/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ tora/ In member function ‘void toraAgent::recvTORA(Packet*)’: tora/ warning: reading through null pointer (argument 3) 169 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS tora/ In member function ‘void toraAgent::recvUPD(Packet*)’: tora/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ tora/ In member function ‘void toraAgent::recvCLR(Packet*)’: tora/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ make: *** [tora/tora.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/tora/tora_neighbor.h #define __tora_neighbor_h__ +class toraAgent; enum LinkStatus { Error 11: dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::dropSendBuff(SRPacket&)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::stickPacketInSendBuffer(SRPacket&)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘virtual int DSRAgent::command(int, const char* const*)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘virtual void DSRAgent::recv(Packet*, Handler*)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::handlePktWithoutSR(SRPacket&, bool)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::handleFlowForwarding(SRPacket&, int)’: 170 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS dsr/ error: ‘XmitFlowFailureCallback’ was not declared in this scope dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::handleForwarding(SRPacket&)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::handleRouteRequest(SRPacket&)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘bool DSRAgent::replyFromRouteCache(SRPacket&)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::sendOutPacketWithRoute(SRPacket&, bool, Time)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ error: ‘XmitFailureCallback’ was not declared in this scope dsr/ error: ‘XmitFlowFailureCallback’ was not declared in this scope dsr/ error: ‘XmitFailureCallback’ was not declared in this scope dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::getRouteForPacket(SRPacket&, bool)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::sendOutRtReq(SRPacket&, int)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::returnSrcRouteToRequestor(SRPacket&)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::acceptRouteReply(SRPacket&)’: 171 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::processUnknownFlowError(SRPacket&, bool)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::processBrokenRouteError(SRPacket&)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘virtual void DSRAgent::tap(const Packet*)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::sendRouteShortening(SRPacket&, int, int)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::undeliverablePkt(Packet*, int)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::sendUnknownFlow(SRPacket&, bool, u_int16_t)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ In member function ‘void DSRAgent::xmitFailed(Packet*, const char*)’: dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ 172 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ dsr/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ make: *** [dsr/dsragent.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/dsr/ + void XmitFlowFailureCallback(Packet *pkt, void *data); + void XmitFailureCallback(Packet *pkt, void *data); /*==================================================================== ======= SendBuf management and helpers Error 12: diffusion/ At global scope: diffusion/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ diffusion/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ diffusion/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ diffusion/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ diffusion/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ diffusion/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ diffusion/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ diffusion/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ diffusion/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ diffusion/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ diffusion/ In member function ‘void DiffusionAgent::MACprepare(Packet*, nsaddr_t, int, bool)’: diffusion/ error: ‘XmitFailedCallback’ was not declared in this scope make: *** [diffusion/diffusion.o] Error 1 173 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/diffusion/ #include "routing_table.h" + void XmitFailedCallback(Packet *pkt, void *data); char *MsgStr[]= {"", "INTEREST", "DATA", "DATA_READY", "DATA_REQUEST", Error 13: diffusion/ In member function ‘void OmniMcastAgent::MACprepare(Packet*, nsaddr_t, unsigned int, bool)’: diffusion/ error: ‘OmniMcastXmitFailedCallback’ was not declared in this scope make: *** [diffusion/omni_mcast.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/diffusion/ #include "god.h" + void OmniMcastXmitFailedCallback(Packet *pkt, void *data); static class OmniMcastClass : public TclClass { Error 14: queue/ In member function ‘virtual void RIOQueue::trace(TracedVar*)’: queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ make: *** [queue/rio.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/queue/ RIOQueue::trace(TracedVar* v) 174 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS { - char wrk[500], *p; + char wrk[500]; + char* p; - if (((p = strstr(v->name(), "ave")) == NULL) && - ((p = strstr(v->name(), "in_ave")) == NULL) && - ((p = strstr(v->name(), "out_ave")) == NULL) && - ((p = strstr(v->name(), "prob")) == NULL) && - ((p = strstr(v->name(), "in_prob")) == NULL) && - ((p = strstr(v->name(), "out_prob")) == NULL) && - ((p = strstr(v->name(), "curq")) == NULL)) { + if (((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "ave"))) == NULL) && + ((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "in_ave"))) == NULL) && + ((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "out_ave"))) == NULL) && + ((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "prob"))) == NULL) && + ((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "in_prob"))) == NULL) && + ((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "out_prob"))) == NULL) && + ((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "curq"))) == NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "RIO:unknown trace var %s\n", v->name()); return; } Error 15: tcp/ At global scope: tcp/ error: extra qualification ‘SackRHTcpAgent::’ on member ‘newack’ make: *** [tcp/tcp-sack-rh.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/tcp/ 175 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS - virtual void SackRHTcpAgent::newack(Packet* pkt); + virtual void newack(Packet* pkt); Error 16: queue/ In member function ‘virtual void PIQueue::trace(TracedVar*)’: queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ make: *** [queue/pi.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/queue/ void PIQueue::trace(TracedVar* v) { - char wrk[500], *p; + char wrk[500]; + char* p; - if (((p = strstr(v->name(), "prob")) == NULL) && - ((p = strstr(v->name(), "curq")) == NULL)) { + if (((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "prob"))) == NULL) && + ((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "curq"))) == NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "PI:unknown trace var %s\n", v->name()); return; } Error 17: queue/ In member function ‘virtual void Vq::trace(TracedVar*)’: queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ make: *** [queue/vq.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/queue/ void Vq::trace(TracedVar* v) 176 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS { - char wrk[500], *p; + char wrk[500]; + char* p; - if ((p = strstr(v->name(), "curq")) == NULL) { + if ((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "curq"))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Vq:unknown trace var %s\n", v->name()); return; } Error 18: queue/ In member function ‘virtual void REMQueue::trace(TracedVar*)’: queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ make: *** [queue/rem.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/queue/ REMQueue::trace(TracedVar* v) { - char wrk[500], *p; + char wrk[500]; + char* p; - if (((p = strstr(v->name(), "ave")) == NULL) && - ((p = strstr(v->name(), "prob")) == NULL) && - ((p = strstr(v->name(), "curq")) == NULL)) { + if (((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "ave"))) == NULL) && + ((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "prob"))) == NULL) && + ((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "curq"))) == NULL)) { 177 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS fprintf(stderr, "REM:unknown trace var %s\n", v->name()); return; } Error 19: queue/ In member function ‘virtual void GK::trace(TracedVar*)’: queue/ error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ make: *** [queue/gk.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/queue/ void GK::trace(TracedVar* v) { - char wrk[500], *p; + char wrk[500]; + char* p; - if ((p = strstr(v->name(), "curq")) == NULL) { + if ((p = const_cast <char*> (strstr(v->name(), "curq"))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Vq:unknown trace var %s\n", v->name()); return; } Error 20: pgm/ At global scope: pgm/ error: extra qualification ‘PgmAgent::’ on member ‘trace_event’ pgm/ In member function ‘void PgmAgent::handle_rdata(Packet*)’: pgm/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ pgm/ In member function ‘void PgmAgent::handle_nak(Packet*)’: pgm/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ pgm/ In member function ‘void PgmAgent::handle_ncf(Packet*)’: 178 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS pgm/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ make: *** [pgm/pgm-agent.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/pgm/ - void PgmAgent::trace_event(char *evType, double evTime); + void trace_event(char *evType, double evTime); Error 21: pgm/ At global scope: pgm/ error: extra qualification ‘PgmSender::’ on member ‘trace_event’ pgm/ In member function ‘virtual void PgmSender::handle_nak(Packet*)’: pgm/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ pgm/ In member function ‘virtual void PgmSender::send_rdata(RdataItem*)’: pgm/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ make: *** [pgm/pgm-sender.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/pgm/ - void PgmSender::trace_event(char *evType, nsaddr_t daddr, double evTime); + void trace_event(char *evType, nsaddr_t daddr, double evTime); Error 22: pgm/ At global scope: pgm/ error: extra qualification ‘PgmReceiver::’ on member ‘trace_event’ pgm/ In member function ‘void PgmReceiver::generate_Nak(int)’: pgm/ warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ make: *** [pgm/pgm-receiver.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/pgm/ - void PgmReceiver::trace_event(char *evType, double evTime); 179 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS + void trace_event(char *evType, double evTime); Error 23: ./diffusion3/filter_core/filter_core.hh: At global scope: ./diffusion3/filter_core/filter_core.hh:111: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token make: *** [diffusion3/ns/diffagent.o] Error 1 Ns make failed! Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/diffusion3/filter_core/filter_core.hh class NeighborEntry; + class DiffRoutingAgent; typedef list<NeighborEntry *> NeighborList; Error 24: node.h:226: error: extra qualification ‘Node::’ on member ‘getTclScriptLabel’ node.h: In member function ‘virtual char* BoxNode::style()’: node.h:280: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ node.h: In member function ‘virtual char* CircleNode::style()’: node.h:291: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ node.h: In member function ‘virtual char* HexagonNode::style()’: node.h:302: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ node.h: In member function ‘virtual char* VirtualNode::style()’: node.h:318: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ make: *** [netview.o] Error 1 Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/nam-1.10/node.h - char * Node::getTclScriptLabel(); + char * getTclScriptLabel(); Error 25: netgraph.h:71: error: extra qualification ‘NetGraph::’ on member ‘render’ make: *** [graphview.o] Error 1 Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/nam-1.10/netgraph.h 180 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS - virtual void NetGraph::render(GraphView* view); + virtual void render(GraphView* view); Error 26: In file included from setdest.h:26: error: extra qualification ‘vector::’ on member ‘operator=’ setdest.h:31: error: extra qualification ‘vector::’ on member ‘operator+=’ setdest.h:36: error: extra qualification ‘vector::’ on member ‘operator==’ setdest.h:39: error: extra qualification ‘vector::’ on member ‘operator!=’ make[1]: *** [setdest.o] Error 1 Patch file: ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/indep-utils/cmu-scen-gen/setdest/setdest.h class vector { public: vector(double x = 0.0, double y = 0.0, double z = 0.0) { X = x; Y = y; Z = z; } double length() { return sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); } - inline void vector::operator=(const vector a) { + inline void operator=(const vector a) { X = a.X; Y = a.Y; Z = a.Z; } - inline void vector::operator+=(const vector a) { + inline void operator+=(const vector a) { X += a.X; Y += a.Y; 181 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Z += a.Z; } - inline int vector::operator==(const vector a) { + inline int operator==(const vector a) { return (X == a.X && Y == a.Y && Z == a.Z); } - inline int vector::operator!=(const vector a) { + inline int operator!=(const vector a) { return (X != a.X || Y != a.Y || Z != a.Z); } inline vector operator-(const vector a) { return vector(X-a.X, Y-a.Y, Z-a.Z); } Step 7) Modify bashrc file (gedit ~/.bashrc) adding the following lines: # LD_LIBRARY_PATH OTCL_LIB=/usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/otcl-1.8 NS2_LIB=/usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/lib #X11_LIB=/usr/X11R6/lib USR_LOCAL_LIB=/usr/local/lib #AEJ_LIB=/home/ahmad/arcgis/ArcExplorer/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$OTCL_LIB:$NS2_LIB: #$USR_LOCAL:$AEJ_LIB # TCL_LIBRARY TCL_LIB=/usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/tcl8.4.5/library USR_LIB=/usr/lib export TCL_LIBRARY=$TCL_LIB:$USR_LIB # PATH XGRAPH=/usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/bin:/usr/src/ns-allinone- 182 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS 2.27/tcl8.4.5/unix:/usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/tk8.4.5/unix NS=/usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/ NAM=/usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/nam-1.10/ export PATH=$PATH PATH=$PATH:$XGRAPH:$NS:$NAM Step 8) Apply changes of bashrc file: source ~/.bashrc Step 9) Validate the installation (this process may take several minutes) cd /usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27 ./validate 11.5. How to install GPSR on NS2-27 Step 1) Dowload GPSR code from [95] Step 2) Create a directory called "gpsr" in ns2/ns-2.27/ and put all the below files in it. gpsr_packet.h: definition of packets of different type used by this implementation gpsr_neighbor.h: definition of the neighbour list of each node used by this gpsr implementation the implementation of the neighbour list class gpsr.h: the definition of functions of GPSR routing agent the implementation of the GPSR routing agent gpsr_sinklist.h: definition used for scenarios with multiple sinks implementation of gpsr.tcl: the node and agent creation functions used by simulation configuration in wirelessgpsr.tcl gpsr_test: the files used for the test (scenario, traffic, movement) Step 3) The below files should replace the original files of ns2 packet.h: file in ns2/common (Or you just need to add one more packet type as "PT_GPSR") 183 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS file in ns2/trace (Or you just need to tell the trace "PT_GPSR" is recognized) file in ns2/queue (Or you just need to tell the queue "PT_GPSR" should be enqueued through enquenHighpriority the same as PT_DSR, PT_DSDV, etc.) ns-packet.tcl: file in ns2/tcl/lib (be careful for this file, you just need to add one more entry in the foreach prot {} function : GPSR. You don't really need this file to be replaced if you use another version of ns2 than ns2.26) Step 4) In the Makefile, you need to replace line “$(OBJ_STL)” in ns2/ns-2.2x/ as: $(OBJ_STL) \ gpsr/gpsr_neighbor.o \ gpsr/gpsr_sinklist.o \ gpsr/gpsr.o 11.6. How to install AWK For installing AWK, you must type the following command sudo apt-get install gawk And now awk is available to use 11.7. How to install GNU Octave Installing GNU Octave on Ubuntu it is so easy. You only should search GNU Octave on Ubuntu Software Center and select install. 184 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS 11.8. Simulation Process Directory (1) for simulations in function of node density Directory (1) for simulations in function of node speed Script (2) “clean” for simulations in function of node density rm result_60.txt 2> /dev/null rm result_75.txt 2> /dev/null 185 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS rm result_90.txt 2> /dev/null rm result_105.txt 2> /dev/null rm result_120.txt 2> /dev/null rm result_135.txt 2> /dev/null cd *_60 rm estimates_DT.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_ETET.txt 2> /dev/null rm output.txt 2> /dev/null rm result.txt 2> /dev/null rm scenario.ns_movements 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null cd .. cd *_75 rm estimates_DT.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_ETET.txt 2> /dev/null rm output.txt 2> /dev/null rm result.txt 2> /dev/null rm scenario.ns_movements 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null cd .. cd *_90 rm estimates_DT.txt 2> /dev/null 186 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS rm estimates_ETET.txt 2> /dev/null rm output.txt 2> /dev/null rm result.txt 2> /dev/null rm scenario.ns_movements 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null cd .. cd *_105 rm estimates_DT.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_ETET.txt 2> /dev/null rm output.txt 2> /dev/null rm result.txt 2> /dev/null rm scenario.ns_movements 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null cd .. cd *_120 rm estimates_DT.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_ETET.txt 2> /dev/null rm output.txt 2> /dev/null rm result.txt 2> /dev/null rm scenario.ns_movements 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null 187 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null cd .. cd *_135 rm estimates_DT.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_ETET.txt 2> /dev/null rm output.txt 2> /dev/null rm result.txt 2> /dev/null rm scenario.ns_movements 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null cd .. 188 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS Script (2) “clean” for simulations in function of node speed rm result_25~30.txt 2> /dev/null rm result_30~35.txt 2> /dev/null rm result_35~40.txt 2> /dev/null rm result_40~45.txt 2> /dev/null rm result_45~50.txt 2> /dev/null rm result_50~55.txt 2> /dev/null cd *_25~30 rm estimates_DT.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_ETET.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_NH.txt 2> /dev/null rm output.txt 2> /dev/null rm result.txt 2> /dev/null rm scenario.ns_movements 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null cd .. cd *_30~35 rm estimates_DT.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_ETET.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_NH.txt 2> /dev/null rm output.txt 2> /dev/null rm result.txt 2> /dev/null rm scenario.ns_movements 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null 189 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null cd .. cd *_35~40 rm estimates_DT.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_ETET.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_NH.txt 2> /dev/null rm output.txt 2> /dev/null rm result.txt 2> /dev/null rm scenario.ns_movements 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null cd .. cd *_40~45 rm estimates_DT.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_ETET.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_NH.txt 2> /dev/null rm output.txt 2> /dev/null rm result.txt 2> /dev/null rm scenario.ns_movements 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null cd .. cd *_45~50 190 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS rm estimates_DT.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_ETET.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_NH.txt 2> /dev/null rm output.txt 2> /dev/null rm result.txt 2> /dev/null rm scenario.ns_movements 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null cd .. cd *_50~55 rm estimates_DT.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_ETET.txt 2> /dev/null rm estimates_NH.txt 2> /dev/null rm output.txt 2> /dev/null rm result.txt 2> /dev/null rm scenario.ns_movements 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null cd .. 191 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Script (3) “start” for simulations in function of node density #1 -> number of simulations for N = 60 nodes #2 -> number of simulations for N = 75 nodes #3 -> number of simulations for N = 90 nodes #4 -> number of simulations for N = 105 nodes #5 -> number of simulations for N = 120 nodes #6 -> number of simulations for N = 135 nodes #7 -> sleep time between simulations in seconds ./exe 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 In this example we are going to run 5 simulations for each number of nodes without sleep time between simulations. Script (3) “start” for simulations in function of node speed #1 -> number of simulations for V = 25~30 km/h #2 -> number of simulations for V = 30~35 km/h #3 -> number of simulations for V = 35~40 km/h #4 -> number of simulations for V = 40~45 km/h #5 -> number of simulations for V = 45~50 km/h #6 -> number of simulations for V = 50~55 km/h #7 -> sleep time between simulations in seconds ./exe 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 In this example we are going to run 5 simulations for each range of node speed with 30 seconds of sleep time between simulations. Script (4) and (7) “exe” time ./*.sh $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 192 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS Script (5) “” for simulations in function of node density rm result_60.txt 2> /dev/null rm result_75.txt 2> /dev/null rm result_90.txt 2> /dev/null rm result_105.txt 2> /dev/null rm result_120.txt 2> /dev/null rm result_135.txt 2> /dev/null echo "Simulation 60 nodes" cd *_60 ./exe $1 $7 cp result.txt ../result_60.txt cd .. echo "Simulation 90 nodes" cd *_90 ./exe $3 $7 cp result.txt ../result_90.txt cd .. echo "Simulation 120 nodes" cd *_120 ./exe $5 $7 cp result.txt ../result_120.txt cd .. echo "Simulation 135 nodes" cd *_135 ./exe $6 $7 cp result.txt ../result_135.txt cd .. echo "Simulation 105 nodes" 193 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS cd *_105 ./exe $4 $7 cp result.txt ../result_105.txt cd .. echo "Simulation 75 nodes" cd *_75 ./exe $2 $7 cp result.txt ../result_75.txt cd .. echo "Results" echo "==================================================================" echo "Simulation 60 nodes" cat result_60.txt echo "==================================================================" echo "Simulation 75 nodes" cat result_75.txt echo "==================================================================" echo "Simulation 90 nodes" cat result_90.txt echo "==================================================================" echo "Simulation 105 nodes" cat result_105.txt echo "==================================================================" echo "Simulation 120 nodes" cat result_120.txt 194 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS echo "==================================================================" echo "Simulation 135 nodes" cat result_135.txt echo "==================================================================" 195 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Script (5) “” for simulations in function of node speed rm result_25~30.txt 2> /devl/null rm result_30~35.txt 2> /devl/null rm result_35~40.txt 2> /devl/null rm result_40~45.txt 2> /devl/null rm result_45~50.txt 2> /devl/null rm result_50~55.txt 2> /devl/null echo "Simulation 25~30 km/h" cd *_25~30 ./exe $1 $7 cp result.txt ../result_25~30.txt cd .. echo "Simulation 30~35 km/h" cd *_30~35 ./exe $2 $7 cp result.txt ../result_30~35.txt cd .. echo "Simulation 35~40 km/h" cd *_35~40 ./exe $3 $7 cp result.txt ../result_35~40.txt cd .. echo "Simulation 40~45 km/h" cd *_40~45 ./exe $4 $7 cp result.txt ../result_40~45.txt cd .. echo "Simulation 45~50 km/h" 196 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS cd *_45~50 ./exe $5 $7 cp result.txt ../result_45~50.txt cd .. echo "Simulation 50~55 km/h" cd *_50~55 ./exe $6 $7 cp result.txt ../result_50~55.txt cd .. echo "Resultados Globales" echo "==================================================================" echo "Simulation 25~30 km/h" cat result_25~30.txt echo "==================================================================" echo "Simulation 30~35 km/h" cat result_30~35.txt echo "==================================================================" echo "Simulation 35~40 km/h" cat result_35~40.txt echo "==================================================================" echo "Simulation 40~45 km/h" cat result_40~45.txt echo "==================================================================" echo "Simulation 45~50 km/h" cat result_45~50.txt 197 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS echo "==================================================================" echo "Simulation 50~55 km/h" cat result_50~55.txt echo "==================================================================" Direcotry (6) 198 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS Script (8) “” VANET="/usr/src/VanetMobiSim" START=`date` rm result.txt 2> /dev/null n=$1 i=1 while [ $i -le $n ] do echo "Running Vanet Mobisim ($i/$n)..." java -jar $VANET/jar/VanetMobiSim.jar scenario.xml echo "Running NS2 ($i/$n)..." ns simulation.tcl echo "Running awk filter..." awk -f filter.awk rm scenario.ns_movements 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null rm 2> /dev/null echo "Simulation sleeping..." sleep $2 i=`expr $i + 1` done cat output.txt | grep "Data throughput" | awk '{ print $3 }' >> estimates_DT.txt cat output.txt | grep "end-to-end time" | awk '{ print $5 }' >> estimates_ETET.txt echo "Results obtained" octave process.m | grep "=" >> result.txt rm estimates_DT.txt 2> /dev/null 199 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS rm estimates_ETET.txt 2> /dev/null END=`date` echo "Inicio: $START" echo "Final: $END" 200 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS Configuration file (9) “scenario.xml” <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Cars in a City Center using the SpaceGraph Traffic Light. --> <universe> <dimx>3000.0</dimx> <dimy>1000.0</dimy> <!-- <seed>18</seed>--> <extension class="de.uni_stuttgart.informatik.canu.mobisim.extensions.NSOutput" output="scenario.ns_movements"/> <extension class="de.uni_stuttgart.informatik.canu.mobisim.simulations.TimeSimulation" param="1000.0"/> <extension name="NewSpatialModel" class="de.uni_stuttgart.informatik.canu.spatialmodel.core.SpatialModel" traffic_light="NewTrafficLight" min_x="0" max_x="3000" min_y="0" max_y="1000"> <max_traffic_lights>6</max_traffic_lights> <reflect_directions>true</reflect_directions> <number_lane full="false" max="4" dir="true">2</number_lane> </extension> <extension name="NewTrafficLight" class="eurecom.spatialmodel.extensions.TrafficLight" spatial_model="NewSpatialModel" step="10000"/> <extension class="eurecom.spacegraph.SpaceGraph" spatial_model="NewSpatialModel" traffic_light ="NewTrafficLight" cluster="true"> <clusters density="0.000004"> <cluster id="downtown"> <density>0.0002</density> <ratio>0.1</ratio> </cluster> <cluster id="residential"> <density>0.00005</density> <ratio>0.4</ratio> </cluster> <cluster id="suburban"> <density>0.00001</density> <ratio>0.5</ratio> </cluster> </clusters> </extension> <extension name="PosGen" class="de.uni_stuttgart.informatik.canu.tripmodel.generators.RandomInitialPositionGener ator" spatial_model="NewSpatialModel"/> <extension name="TripGen" class="de.uni_stuttgart.informatik.canu.tripmodel.generators.RandomTripGenerator" spatial_model="NewSpatialModel"> <reflect_directions>true</reflect_directions> <minstay>5.0</minstay> <maxstay>30.0</maxstay> 201 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS </extension> <nodegroup n="60"> <extension class="polito.uomm.IDM_IM" spatial_model="NewSpatialModel" initposgenerator="PosGen" tripgenerator="TripGen"> <minspeed>8.33</minspeed> <maxspeed>13.89</maxspeed> <step>0.1</step> <b>0.5</b> </extension> </nodegroup> <extension class="de.uni_stuttgart.informatik.canu.mobisimadd.extensions.GUI" spatial_model="NewSpatialModel"> <width>640</width> <height>480</height> <step>1</step> </extension> <!-<extension class="de.uni_stuttgart.informatik.canu.spatialmodel.extensions.DumpSpatialModel" spatial_model="NewSpatialModel" output="dumped_graph.fig"/> --> </universe> 202 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS Configuration file (11) “cbr.tcl” for simulations with AODV routing protocol set null_(1) [new Agent/Null] $ns_ attach-agent $node_(1) $null_(1) set udp_(1) [new Agent/UDP] $ns_ attach-agent $node_(0) $udp_(1) set cbr_(1) [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $cbr_(1) set packetSize_ 32 $cbr_(1) set interval_ 2.0 $cbr_(1) set random_ 1 # $cbr_(1) set maxpkts_ 100 $cbr_(1) attach-agent $udp_(1) $ns_ connect $udp_(1) $null_(1) $ns_ at 0.0 "$cbr_(1) start" $ns_ at 999.0 "$cbr_(1) stop" 203 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Configuration file (11) “cbr.tcl” for simulations with GPSR routing protocol for {set i 0} {$i < $opt(nn)} {incr i} { $ns_ at 0.00002 "$ragent_($i) turnon" $ns_ at 0.02 "$ragent_($i) neighborlist" # $ns_ at 30.0 "$ragent_($i) turnoff" } $ns_ at 11.0 "$ragent_(0) startSink 10.0" $ns_ at 11.5 "$ragent_(1) startSink 10.0" # GPSR routing agent dumps $ns_ at 25.0 "$ragent_(2) sinklist" set null_(1) [new Agent/Null] $ns_ attach-agent $node_(1) $null_(1) set udp_(1) [new Agent/UDP] $ns_ attach-agent $node_(0) $udp_(1) set cbr_(1) [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $cbr_(1) set packetSize_ 32 $cbr_(1) set interval_ 2.0 $cbr_(1) set random_ 1 # $cbr_(1) set maxpkts_ 100 $cbr_(1) attach-agent $udp_(1) $ns_ connect $udp_(1) $null_(1) $ns_ at 0.0 "$cbr_(1) start" $ns_ at 999.0 "$cbr_(1) stop" 204 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS Configuration file (12) “simulation.tcl” for simulations with AODV routing protocol set val(chan) Channel/WirelessChannel #set val(prop) Propagation/TwoRayGround set val(netif) Phy/WirelessPhy set val(mac) Mac/802_11 set val(ifq) set val(ll) set val(ant) Queue/DropTail/PriQueue LL Antenna/OmniAntenna set val(x) 3001 ;# X dimension of the topography set val(y) 1001 ;# Y dimension of the topography set val(ifqlen) 50 set val(seed) 0.0 ;# max packet in ifq set val(adhocRouting) AODV set val(nn) 60 ;# how many nodes are simulated set val(cp) "cbr.tcl" set val(sc) "scenario.ns_movements" set val(stop) 1000 set val(prop) Propagation/Ricean set val(RiceanK) ;# simulation time 0 set val(RiceanMaxVel) 13.89 ;# Rayleigh and Ricean ;# Ricean K factor ;# Ricean Propagation MaxVelocity Parameter # Ricean Propagation: Maximum ID of nodes (Total number of nodes) used to # compute pairwise table offsets. set val(RiceMaxNodeID) [expr {$val(nn)-1}] set val(RiceDataFile) rice_table.txt ; ;# Ricean Propagation Data File 205 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS # Main Program # Initialize Global Variables LL set mindelay_ 50us LL set delay_ 25us LL set bandwidth_ 0 Agent/Null set sport_ 0 Agent/Null set dport_ 0 Agent/CBR set sport_ 0 Agent/CBR set dport_ 0 Agent/TCPSink set sport_ 0 Agent/TCPSink set dport_ 0 Agent/TCP set sport_ 0 Agent/TCP set dport_ 0 Agent/TCP set packetSize_ 1460 ;# not used Queue/DropTail/PriQueue set Prefer_Routing_Protocols 1 # unity gain, omni-directional antennas # set up the antennas to be centered in the node and 1.5 meters above it Antenna/OmniAntenna set X_ 0 Antenna/OmniAntenna set Y_ 0 Antenna/OmniAntenna set Z_ 1.5 Antenna/OmniAntenna set Gt_ 1.0 Antenna/OmniAntenna set Gr_ 1.0 # Initialize the SharedMedia interface with parameters to make # it work like the 914MHz Lucent WaveLAN DSSS radio interface Phy/WirelessPhy set CPThresh_ 10.0 Phy/WirelessPhy set CSThresh_ 1.559e-11 Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ 3.652e-10 206 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS Phy/WirelessPhy set Rb_ 2*1e6 Phy/WirelessPhy set freq_ 914e+6 Phy/WirelessPhy set L_ 1.0 # The transimssion radio range #Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 6.9872e-4 ;# ?m #Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 8.5872e-4 ;# 40m #Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 1.33826e-3 ;# 50m #Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 7.214e-3 ;# 100m Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 0.03652 ;# 150m #Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 0.1154 ;# 200m #Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 0.2818 ;# 250m # create simulator instance set ns_ [new Simulator] # setup topography object set topo [new Topography] # create trace object for ns and nam set tracefd [open w] set namtrace [open w] $ns_ trace-all $tracefd $ns_ namtrace-all-wireless $namtrace $val(x) $val(y) # define topology $topo load_flatgrid $val(x) $val(y) # Create God set god_ [create-god $val(nn)] # define how node should be created #global node setting $ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $val(adhocRouting) \ -llType $val(ll) \ 207 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS -macType $val(mac) \ -ifqType $val(ifq) \ -ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \ -antType $val(ant) \ -propType $val(prop) \ -phyType $val(netif) \ -channelType $val(chan) \ -coverage val(coverage) \ -topoInstance $topo \ -agentTrace ON \ -routerTrace OFF \ -macTrace OFF # Set propagation settings if { $val(prop) == "Propagation/Ricean"} { set prop_inst [$ns_ set propInstance_] #$prop_inst MaxVelocity 2.5; #$prop_inst RiceanK 6; #$prop_inst LoadRiceFile "rice_table.txt"; $prop_inst MaxVelocity $val(RiceanMaxVel); $prop_inst RiceanK $val(RiceanK); $prop_inst LoadRiceFile $val(RiceDataFile); $prop_inst RiceMaxNodeID $val(RiceMaxNodeID); } # Create the specified number of nodes [$val(nn)] and "attach" them # to the channel. for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} { set node_($i) [$ns_ node] $node_($i) random-motion 0 208 ;# disable random motion ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS } # Define node movement model puts "Loading connection pattern..." source $val(cp) # Define traffic model puts "Loading scenario file..." source $val(sc) # Define node initial position in nam for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn)} {incr i} { # 20 defines the node size in nam, must adjust it according to your scenario # The function must be called after mobility model is defined $ns_ initial_node_pos $node_($i) 20 } # Tell nodes when the simulation ends for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} { $ns_ at $val(stop).0 "$node_($i) reset"; } $ns_ at $val(stop).0002 "puts \"NS EXITING...\" ; $ns_ halt" puts $tracefd "M 0.0 nn $val(nn) x $val(x) y $val(y) rp $val(adhocRouting)" puts $tracefd "M 0.0 sc $val(sc) cp $val(cp) seed $val(seed)" puts $tracefd "M 0.0 prop $val(prop) ant $val(ant)" puts "Starting Simulation..." $ns_ run 209 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Configuration file (12) “simulation.tcl” for simulations with GPSR routing protocol set opt(chan) Channel/WirelessChannel #set opt(prop) Propagation/TwoRayGround set opt(netif) Phy/WirelessPhy set opt(mac) Mac/802_11 set opt(ifq) Queue/DropTail/PriQueue set opt(ll) LL set opt(ant) ;# for dsdv Antenna/OmniAntenna set opt(cp) "./cbr.tcl" set opt(sc) "./scenario.ns_movements" set opt(x) 3001 ;# X dimension of the topography set opt(y) 1001 ;# Y dimension of the topography set opt(nn) 60 ;# number of nodes set opt(stop) 1000 ;# simulation time set opt(ifqlen) 50 ;# max packet in ifq set opt(seed) 0.0 set opt(tr) ;# trace file set opt(nam) set opt(rp) gpsr ;# routing protocol script (dsr or dsdv) set opt(lm) "off" ;# log movement set opt(prop) set opt(RiceanK) Propagation/Ricean 0 set opt(RiceanMaxVel) 13.89 ;# Rayleigh and Ricean ;# Ricean K factor ;# Ricean Propagation MaxVelocity Parameter # Ricean Propagation: Maximum ID of nodes (Total number of nodes) used to # compute pairwise table offsets. set opt(RiceMaxNodeID) [expr {$opt(nn)-1}] set opt(RiceDataFile) rice_table.txt # Agent/GPSR setting 210 ; ;# Ricean Propagation Data File ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS Agent/GPSR set sink 5; Agent/GPSR set sinkX 1000; Agent/GPSR set sinkY 0; Agent/GPSR set APs 11; Agent/GPSR set stableperiod 150; #if density <= 40 stableperiod = 150 sec. Agent/GPSR set planar_type_ 1 ;#1=GG planarize, 0=RNG planarize Agent/GPSR set hello_period_ 1 ;#Hello message period .2 Agent/GPSR set query_period_ 1.105;#Beacon period 1.105 Agent/GPSR set max_defer_time 0.01; # 0.010 Agent/GPSR set RadioRange 250; LL set mindelay_ 50us LL set delay_ 25us LL set bandwidth_ 0 Agent/Null set sport_ 0 Agent/Null set dport_ 0 Agent/CBR set sport_ 0 Agent/CBR set dport_ 0 Agent/TCPSink set sport_ 0 Agent/TCPSink set dport_ 0 Agent/TCP set sport_ 0 Agent/TCP set dport_ 0 Agent/TCP set packetSize_ 1460 ;# not used Queue/DropTail/PriQueue set Prefer_Routing_Protocols 1 # unity gain, omni-directional antennas # set up the antennas to be centered in the node and 1.5 meters above it Antenna/OmniAntenna set X_ 0 Antenna/OmniAntenna set Y_ 0 Antenna/OmniAntenna set Z_ 1.5 211 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Antenna/OmniAntenna set Gt_ 1.0 Antenna/OmniAntenna set Gr_ 1.0 # Initialize the SharedMedia interface with parameters to make # it work like the 914MHz Lucent WaveLAN DSSS radio interface Phy/WirelessPhy set CPThresh_ 10.0 Phy/WirelessPhy set CSThresh_ 1.559e-11 Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ 3.652e-10 Phy/WirelessPhy set Rb_ 2*1e6 Phy/WirelessPhy set freq_ 914e+6 Phy/WirelessPhy set L_ 1.0 # The transimssion radio range #Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 6.9872e-4 ;# ?m #Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 8.5872e-4 ;# 40m #Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 1.33826e-3 ;# 50m #Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 7.214e-3 ;# 100m Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 0.03652 ;# 150m #Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 0.1154 ;# 200m #Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 0.2818 ;# 250m proc usage { argv0 } { puts "Usage: $argv0" puts "\tmandatory arguments:" puts "\t\t\[-x MAXX\] \[-y MAXY\]" puts "\toptional arguments:" puts "\t\t\[-cp conn pattern\] \[-sc scenario\] \[-nn nodes\]" puts "\t\t\[-seed seed\] \[-stop sec\] \[-tr tracefile\]\n" } proc getopt {argc argv} { global opt 212 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS lappend optlist cp nn seed sc stop tr x y for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} { set arg [lindex $argv $i] if {[string range $arg 0 0] != "-"} continue set name [string range $arg 1 end] set opt($name) [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]] } } proc log-movement {} { global logtimer ns_ ns set ns $ns_ source /usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/tcl/mobility/timer.tcl Class LogTimer -superclass Timer LogTimer instproc timeout {} { global opt node_; for {set i 0} {$i < $opt(nn)} {incr i} { $node_($i) log-movement } $self sched 0.1 } set logtimer [new LogTimer] $logtimer sched 0.1 } source /usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/tcl/lib/ns-bsnode.tcl source /usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/tcl/mobility/com.tcl # do the get opt again incase the routing protocol file added some more # options to look for 213 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS getopt $argc $argv if { $opt(x) == 0 || $opt(y) == 0 } { usage $argv0 exit 1 } if {$opt(seed) > 0} { puts "Seeding Random number generator with $opt(seed)\n" ns-random $opt(seed) } # Initialize Global Variables set ns_ [new Simulator] #$ns_ use-scheduler Heap remove-all-packet-headers add-packet-header GPSR #add-packet-header ARP LL MAC CBR IP set chan [new $opt(chan)] set prop [new $opt(prop)] set topo [new Topography] GPSR set tracefd [open $opt(tr) w] $ns_ trace-all $tracefd set namfile [open $opt(nam) w] $ns_ namtrace-all $namfile $topo load_flatgrid $opt(x) $opt(y) $prop topography $topo # Create God set god_ [create-god $opt(nn)] # Create the specified number of nodes $opt(nn) and "attach" them # the channel. 214 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS # Each routing protocol script is expected to have defined a proc # create-mobile-node that builds a mobile node and inserts it into the # array global $node_($i) $ns_ node-config -adhocRouting gpsr \ -llType $opt(ll) \ -macType $opt(mac) \ -ifqType $opt(ifq) \ -ifqLen $opt(ifqlen) \ -antType $opt(ant) \ -propType $opt(prop) \ -phyType $opt(netif) \ -channelType $opt(chan) \ -topoInstance $topo \ -agentTrace ON \ -routerTrace ON \ -macTrace OFF \ -movementTrace OFF # Set propagation settings if { $opt(prop) == "Propagation/Ricean"} { set prop_inst [$ns_ set propInstance_] #$prop_inst MaxVelocity 2.5; #$prop_inst RiceanK 6; #$prop_inst LoadRiceFile "rice_table.txt"; $prop_inst MaxVelocity $opt(RiceanMaxVel); $prop_inst RiceanK $opt(RiceanK); $prop_inst LoadRiceFile $opt(RiceDataFile); $prop_inst RiceMaxNodeID $opt(RiceMaxNodeID); } 215 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS source /usr/src/ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/gpsr/gpsr.tcl for {set i 0} {$i < $opt(nn) } {incr i} { gpsr-create-mobile-node $i } # # Define traffic model # puts "Loading scenario file..." source $opt(sc) puts "Loading connection pattern..." source $opt(cp) # Tell all the nodes when the simulation ends for {set i 0} {$i < $opt(nn) } {incr i} { $ns_ at $opt(stop).000000001 "$node_($i) reset"; } $ns_ at $opt(stop).00000001 "puts \"NS EXITING...\" ; $ns_ halt" #puts $tracefd "M 0.0 nn $opt(nn) x $opt(x) y $opt(y) rp $opt(rp)" #puts $tracefd "M 0.0 sc $opt(sc) cp $opt(cp) seed $opt(seed)" #puts $tracefd "M 0.0 prop $opt(prop) ant $opt(ant)" puts "Starting Simulation..." proc finish {} { global ns_ tracefd namfile $ns_ flush-trace close $tracefd close $namfile exit 0 } #$ns_ at $opt(stop) "finish" 216 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS #$ns_ at $opt(stop).0002 "puts \"NS EXITING...\" ; $ns_ halt" $ns_ run 217 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Awk filter (14) “filter.awk” BEGIN { output="output.txt" # Variables definition sent=0 received=0 high=0 total=0 count=1 } { # set variables to the columns of trace file action=$1 time=$2 node=$3 prot=$4 drop=$5 id=$6 type=$7 bytes=$8 # Send packets if (action == "s") { if (type == "cbr" && prot == "AGT") { sent++ start[id]=time } 218 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS } # Recived Packets if (action == "r") { if (node == "_1_" && prot == "AGT" && type == "cbr") { received++ end[id]=time if (id > high) { high = id } } } } END { # End-to-end average time for (n = 0; n < high; n++) { inicio = start[n] final = end[n] if (inicio < final) { total = total + (final-inicio) count++ } } 219 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS # Formatting the output. if (received/sent > 0.01){ printf("========================================================== ===\n") >> output printf("Data throughput: %f\n", received/sent) >> output printf("Average end-to-end time (ms): %f\n", (total*1000)/count) >> output printf("========================================================== ===\n\n") >> output } close(output) } 220 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS Octave script (16) “process.m” DT = load "estimates_DT.txt"; ETET = load "estimates_ETET.txt"; Simulations = length(DT) Data_throughput = mean(DT) u_Data_throughput = std(DT)/Simulations^0.5 End_to_end_time = mean(ETET) u_End_to_end_time = std(ETET)/Simulations^0.5 Output file (17) “result.txt” and (18) “result_N.txt” Simulations = 5 Data_throughput = 0.16394 u_Data_throughput = 0.046379 End_to_end_time = 2481.3 u_End_to_end_time = 580.84 221 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 11.8.1. VanetMobiSim Configuration file In this first section a scenario must be defined in a XML file. The scenario proposed defines 10 nodes, a simulation area of 200x200 meters, a simulation time of 400 seconds and a Random spatial model: Fig. 11-3 VanetMobiSim XML file All fields and specifications are descripted below: 222 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS General specifications Area dimensions, seed, simulation time and output trace file are included in this section. With <dimx> tag and <dimy> tag the x-dimension and y-dimension of the simulation area in meters can be specified (notice they only can be used in scenarios with rectangular-bounded simulation areas). With the <seed> tag the random number generation used by VanetMobiSim can be specified. An instance of global extension is added using the <extension> tag and with <name> tag the name of the class to be instantiated is defined. With an instance of class de.uni_stuttgart.informatik.canu.mobisim.extensions.NSOutput a trace file with NS2 format can be defined. Time simulation can be also be defined with an instance of class de.uni_ stuttgart.informatik.canu.mobisim.simulations.TimeSimulation. Spatial environment A spatial environment is added with an instance of de.uni_stuttgart.informatik.canu.spatialmodel.core.SpatialModel. The spatial environment extension adds support for multilane or multiflow roads and traffic lights at intersections. The XML file proposed includes comments (in <!-- -->) clarifying the use of different tags. Traffic lights Support for traffic lights at intersections can be added using an instance of the eurecom.spatialmodel.extensions.TrafficLight extension, allowing definition of the time interval between traffic light changes in ms. Space Graph As mentioned in Chapter 6, the spatial model can be created from four different ways. The proposed XML file has been implemented with the Random option, also known as Space Graph. A Space Graph is added with an instance of eurecom.spacegraph.SpaceGraph extension. This creates a random graph built by applying a Voronoi tessellation to a set of randomly distributed points (obstacles).It is possible to define areas or clusters with different obstacles densities, creating a non-homogeneous graph. The characteristics of the clustering are specified using the <cluster> tag. In the proposed scenario the clustering density value is 0,0001clusters/m2, which means that the simulation area of 40.000m2 is divided in 4 clusters. Then two kinds of areas have been defined in the proposed scenario: a downtown area with a density value of 0,003 obstacles/m2 and a suburban area with a density value of 0,001 obstacles/m2. The <ratio> tag specifies the percentage of the kind of cluster in the simulation area, the <speed> tag specifies the maximum speed in m/s allowed on the road segments created with this culuster type and the <density> tag specifies the density of obstacles in the cluster in obstacles/m2. 223 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Initial position and trip generator A random generation of the initial position of nodes and their trip model during the simulation can be defined with an instance of de.uni.stuttgart_informatik.canu.tripmodel.generators.RandomInitialPositionGenerator and de.uni_stuttgart.informatik.canu.tripmodel.generators.RandomTripGenerator extensions respectively. Node Definition Multiple nodes are added to the simulation using the <nodegroup> tag. To simulate node’s motion using the IDM_LC an instance of polito.uomm.IDM_LC extension is used. Vehicles moving according to the IDM_LC model support smart intersection management: they slow down and stop at intersections, or act according to traffic lights, if present. Also, vehicles are able to change lane and perform overtakings in presence of multi-lane roads. Although in the proposed scenario only include a few specifications such as acceleration or maximum or minimum speed, the VanetMobiSim User’s Guide [80] includes an extensive list of features than can be configure. GUI definition During simulation a GUI appears displaying the Spatial Model and its elements such as roads and nodes motion. With an instance of de.uni_stuttgart.informatik.canu.mobisimadd.extensions.GUI extension, GUI’s width and height can be select. Moreover a frame of the Spatial Model can be saved to an output file in .fig format with an instance of the de.uni_suttgart.informatik.canu.spatialmodel.extensions.DumpSpatialModel extension. For further descriptions of any tag or specification, the VanetMobiSim User’s Guide is available [80]. Once the scenario XML file is configured, the next step will be run VanetMobiSim. To launch the framework, it must change to the directory with framework’s files and type: Fig. 11-4 VanetMobiSim shell launching When simulation ends, a file named test_trace has been created. It contains the mobility traces for NS2 simulation. 224 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS 11.8.2. NS2 configuration file In this second section communications and network configuration must be described. As mentioned before, the file/script must be defined using Tcl programming language. The proposal is the following: Fig. 11-5 NS2 script - DEFINE OPTIONS The Tcl script is divided in two sections: DEFINE OPTIONS SECTION and MAIN PROGRAM. General simulation specifications such as simulation time and area or number of nodes are defined in the DEFINE OPTIONS SECTION as well as some network and channel features. Moreover the path of the scenario file generated by VanetMobiSim is added in this section too. In the script proposed the path selected is test_trace because it is found on the same directory of the script proposed. If not, it would be necessary to consider the corresponding path /directory_1/…/directory_n/test_trace. Later on, in the MAIN PROGRAM, the scenario file will be loaded with the command source $val(sc). 225 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS Fig. 11-6 NS2 script - MAIN PROGRAM The MAIN PROGRAM includes creation of the simulator instance and trace objects, the nodes settings and the traffic configuration. The proposed network consists on a UDP communication between two nodes: node #0 generates CBR traffic and sent it to node #7. The other eight nodes work as a relay and the mobility model is load from the test_trace file, generated by VanetMobiSim. The performance is the following: the simulation starts and after 400 seconds, NS2 stops the communication and closes the file, which logs all routing events during the simulation. Once the Tcl script is configured, the next step will be run NS2. To launch the framework, it must invoke the simulator. When simulation ends, the ouput file has been created. Fig. 11-7 NS2 shell launching 226 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS 11.8.3. AWK script In this last section it describes how to filter the output file from NS2 to exctact significant data from the simulation. The proposed awk/filter file is the following: Fig. 11-8 AWK script With this simple awk file, data about transmitted bytes, received bytes and packet loss will be obtained and saved to output.txt file. To launch AWK, it must type Fig. 11-9 AWK shell launching After running AWK, the output.txt file contains the following: Transmitted packets: 397; Transmitted bytes: 203264; Received packets: 396; Received bytes: 210672; Data throughput: 0.997481; Packet loss: 1; 227 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS 11.9. CONFIDENCE INTERVALS In statistics, a confidence interval (CI) is a particular kind of interval estimate of a population parameter and is used to indicate the reliability of an estimate. It is an observed interval (i.e it is calculated from the observations), in principle different from sample to sample, that frequently includes the parameter of interest, if the experiment is repeated. How frequently the observed interval contains the parameter is determined by the confidence level or confidence coefficient. A confidence interval with a particular confidence level is intended to give the assurance that, if the statistical model is correct, then taken over all the data that might have been obtained, the procedure for constructing the interval would deliver a confidence interval that included the true value of the parameter the proportion of the time set by the confidence level. More specifically, the meaning of the term "confidence level" is that, if confidence intervals are constructed across many separate data analyses of repeated (and possibly different) experiments, the proportion of such intervals that contain the true value of the parameter will approximately match the confidence level; this is guaranteed by the reasoning underlying the construction of confidence intervals. A confidence interval does not predict that the true value of the parameter has a particular probability of being in the confidence interval given the data actually obtained. (An interval intended to have such a property, called a credible interval, can be estimated using Bayesian methods; but such methods bring with them their own distinct strengths and weaknesses). Interval estimates can be contrasted with point estimates. A point estimate is a single value given as the estimate of a population parameter that is of interest, for example the mean of some quantity. An interval estimate specifies instead a range within which the parameter is estimated to lie. Confidence intervals are commonly reported in tables or graphs along with point estimates of the same parameters, to show the reliability of the estimates. Fig. 11-10 Example of confident interval 228 ANNEX: HOW TO DO THE SIMULATIONS For example, a confidence interval can be used to describe how reliable survey results are. In a poll of election voting-intentions, the result might be that 40% of respondents intend to vote for a certain party. A 90% confidence interval for the proportion in the whole population having the same intention on the survey date might be 38% to 42%. From the same data one may calculate a 95% confidence interval, which might in this case be 36% to 44%. A major factor determining the length of a confidence interval is the size of the sample used in the estimation procedure, for example the number of people taking part in a survey. In the bar chart, the tops ends of the bars indicate observation means and the red line segments represent the confidence intervals surrounding them. Confidence is defined as 1 - (1 minus the significance level). Thus, when we construct a 95% confidence interval, we are saying that we are 95% certain that the true population mean is covered by the interval - consequently, of course, we have a 5% chance of being wrong. Any statistic that can be evaluated in a test of significance ("hypothesis testing") can be used in constructing a confidence interval. When constructing a confidence interval two limits, "Upper" and "Lower", are always computed. The upper and lower boundaries for the confidence interval for the t-statistic given above are: (𝑋 − 𝑍𝛼 ∙ 2 𝜎 √𝑛 , 𝑋 + 𝑍𝛼 ∙ 2 𝜎 √𝑛 ) (10.1) Where X is the mean and is the variance of the n samples. Examples z for different % 2 confident interval are: z 90% 1, 645 2 z 95% 1,96 2 z 99% 2,58 2 229 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AND TOPOLOGICAL ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] A.Abdi, M.Kaveh, G.Giannakis, « On the Estimation of the K Parameter for the Rice Fading Distribution » IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, VOL.5, NO.3 MARCH 2001 [2] K. Abrougui, A. Boukerche, et. al, “Location-Aided Gateway Advertisement and Discovery Protocols for VANETs”. [3] M. Alam, M. Sher, S. A. Husain, "Integrated Mobility Model (IMM) for VANETs Simulation and Its Impact". [4] Alshanyour, U. 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