Cayuga Lake Watershed RPP Update Questionnaire for the PUBLIC & YOUTH Part I. Please tell us about how you connect with the Cayuga Lake Watershed. 1. Which watershed town, village, or city do you live in or visit? (Click here to view a map of the watershed and its municipalities.) ________________________________ 2. What is the source of your drinking water? __ Municipally drawn from Cayuga Lake __ Municipally drawn water from creek, stream or stream-fed reservoir __ Municipal well __ Private well __ Privately drawn from Cayuga Lake or tributary (creek or stream that drains to the lake) __ Don’t know/not sure 3. How strongly do you perceive Cayuga Lake, its creeks and streams, to be positive assets to the region? (1 is “very strongly” and 5 is “not at all strongly.”) 1 2 3 4 5 4. If you are a working individual, how dependent is your business or employer's business on the watershed’s lake, creeks and streams? (1 is “very dependent” and 5 is “not at all dependent.”) 1 5. 2 3 4 5 How important is the health of the watershed to the health of your or your employer's business? (1 is “very important” and 5 is “not at all important.”) 1 1 2 3 4 5 6. How do you enjoy Cayuga Lake, its creeks and streams? Please select all that apply. __ Canoeing/Kayaking/Paddling __ Boating/Sailing __ Fishing and ice fishing __ Skating, Hockey __ Swimming __ Wildlife Viewing __ Hiking __ Picnicking __ Aesthetic Enjoyment __ Other 7. How important is the good health of the watershed to the activities you enjoy? Very Somewhat Not at all Don’t know 8. Is there enough public access to the lake and its tributaries (creeks and streams) for the activities you enjoy? Yes No Explain:_________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ II. Please tell us how familiar you are with issues facing the watershed. 9. How would you describe the water quality within the Cayuga Lake watershed? Excellent Good Fair Poor 2 10. Which do you think are the most significant issues facing the watershed? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 11. In your opinion, which are the pollutants that most affect Cayuga Lake? Please select up to four. ___ Sediment, including soil, sand and gravel. ___ Fertilizers, including phosphorus and nitrogen. ___ Pesticides, used in farms, homes and gardens, and on roadsides. ___ Organic compounds, such as petroleum products; from pavement runoff, other sources. ___ Heavy metals, such as zinc and copper; metals from road runoff, coal storage and combustion waste, other sources. ___ Salts, such as the de-icer and brine used on roads in the winter; and from other sources. ___ Pathogens – disease-carrying microorganisms, such as coliform bacteria, fungi and viruses. ___ Invasive species - pests, weeds, exotic species, such as hydrilla, zebra mussels. ___ Pharmaceuticals and personal care products, such as drugs, caffeine, microbeads. ___ Other: ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 12. Please choose the top five actions that could most effectively protect or restore the watershed. ___ Improving stormwater management and erosion control. ___ Improving communications, collaboration and partnerships across municipal and agency boundaries. ___ Fostering stewardship through education and citizen engagement. 3 ___ Improving farming practices to reduce runoff and erosion. ___ Improving public wastewater systems management. ___ Improving private wastewater systems (septic systems). ___ Providing lawn care education to reduce erosion and lawn chemicals runoff. ___ Improving protection of wetlands and riparian corridors/buffers (land along the lake, creeks and streams). ___ Improving forestry management. ___ Improving control of invasive species. ___ Other: ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ III. Please tell us a bit about yourself. 13. I am (check all that apply): ___ A watershed resident ___ A watershed business owner ___ Employed within the watershed ___ A frequent visitor to the area ___ A student within the watershed ___ Active with an advocacy group within the watershed ___ Other: _______________________________________________________ 14. How willing are you to have municipal funding used for watershed protection and improvement? Very Somewhat Not at all Depends on the project 4 15. How willing are you to dedicate a portion of your time to foster watershed protection (attend meetings, support policies, other) Very Somewhat Not at all Depends on the project 16. Do you have any additional comments? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 17. Would you like to receive project updates or more information? (optional). Please let us know how to reach you: Name______________________________________________ Phone, Email _____________________________________________ Mailing address ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ IV. Special questions for YOUTH, major stakeholders in the future of the Cayuga Lake watershed! If you have a young person (up to age 18) in your life or household, please ask them to answer these questions. 1. What types of activities do you enjoy on Cayuga Lake or on the land and creeks surrounding the lake? (Check all that apply) __ Canoeing/Kayaking/Paddling __ Boating/Sailing __ Fishing __ Ice Fishing __ Skating, Skiing, Snowshoeing 5 __ Swimming __ Wildlife Viewing __ Hiking __ Picnicking __ Other: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How often do you spend time on the lake, along our creeks, or doing other outdoor activities? __ Daily __ At least once a week __ At least once a month __ At least once a year __ Never 3. Do you think the water in Cayuga Lake is healthy? Yes No Please explain: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Please share your ideas on how to protect Cayuga Lake and its creeks and streams. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is your age group? 6 __ 0 – 5 __ 5 – 11 __ 12 – 15 __ 15 - 18 THANK YOU for providing your informed opinion for the update to the Cayuga Lake Watershed Restoration & Protection Plan. We will share results and recommendations with the public and survey participants later this year, and will use your input to help chart a sustainable healthy course for our beautiful lake and watershed into the future. This plan is funded by the NYS Department of State through the Title 11 Environmental Protection Fund. 7