UQ POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS 2014 – 2016 INFORMATION ON ASSESSMENT PROCESS UQ POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS 2015 – 2017 INFORMATION ON ASSESSMENT PROCESS FOR SCHOOL/CENTRE/FACULTY/INSTITUTE OVERVIEW Each year The University of Queensland invites applications for a limited number of Postdoctoral Research Fellowships, to be awarded to early career researchers of exceptional calibre wishing to conduct full-time research at the University in any of its disciplines. In particular, the scheme aims to attract outstanding recent doctoral graduates to the University in areas of institutional research priority. UQ Research and Innovation (UQR&I) advertises UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowships internally and externally in April 2014. Schools/Centres/Institutes/Faculties are encouraged to advertise Fellowships through other avenues as appropriate. FUNDING AVAILABLE Funding for the scheme is sourced from the Research Only Budget (central funds), with contributions also required from Faculty/Institute/School/Centre sources. Faculty/Institute Funding Allocations from Research Only Budget Each Faculty/Institute will be notified of the allocation of central funds available to support UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowship appointments in their Faculty/Institute. This information will be provided shortly after the round opens. Central funds will be allocated to Faculties/Institutes in 0.5FTE increments. Co-investment A co-investment of at least 0.5FTE from a combination of Faculty/Institute/School/Centre sources is mandatory for each Fellowship. Faculties/Institutes may choose to split the FTE allocations further to enable them to appoint additional fellows (e.g., use central funds to provide one third of the cost for each fellow). However, 50% (0.5FTE) central support, per Fellow, is a non-negotiable maximum. ELIGIBILITY Please refer to the 2015-2017 Guidelines for details of applicant eligibility. The key eligibility change in the current round relates to the inclusion of period/s of career interruption allowing commensurate relaxation of the eligible PhD award date. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The assessment criteria for the UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowships scheme include the excellence of the researcher and the program of work to be undertaken. Applicants must have an outstanding track record relative to opportunity and have demonstrated capacity for undertaking original work. In addition, the selection process will also consider (a) the alignment of the proposed research with research areas of existing strength, or research areas that Faculties/Institutes wish to develop as priorities, and (b) the quality of the people with whom the Fellow will work. 1 UQ POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS 2014 – 2016 INFORMATION ON ASSESSMENT PROCESS ASSESSMENT PROCESS Overview and Timetable Applicants submit their completed applications to Schools/Centres (by 19 May 2014). Schools refer applications to Faculties/Institutes for assessment (by 2 June 2014). Each Faculty/Institute will undertake their own selection and short-listing process and forward applications to UQR&I for eligibility/compliance checking (by 27 June 2014). Ranked applications will be forwarded to the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) for final consideration (mid July 2014). Applicants will receive notification regarding the outcome of their application (in August 2014). Part 1: Submission; and Assessment by School/Centre/Institute 1. Applicants will submit applications directly to the Head of School or Centre/Institute Director by 19 May 2014 In the case of UQ Institutes, applications may be received by the Director of Research or other delegate of the Institute Director. 2. Referee Reports for each application should also be sent directly by the referee to the Head of School or Centre/Institute Director by 19 May 2014. 3. Head/Director examines each application to ensure eligibility (see Guidelines), and to evaluate the proposed budget. If ineligible or non-competitive: If the applicant is ineligible or non-competitive, Head/Director informs applicant immediately. Such applications are not on-forwarded to the Faculty/Institute for assessment. Application materials should be retained for 2 years after notification. UQR&I will also request data on unsuccessful applications after the assessment process. If eligible: If the applicant is eligible, Head/Director completes the UQ Assessment Form (available at the end of this document) and attaches it to the application. Assessment comments should be made with a view to assisting the selection committee. Reference should also be made to any special circumstances to be taken into account. 4. If more than one eligible applicant is given a recommendation of ‘high’, the Head/Director ranks the applications. Rankings should be shown on the Assessment Forms. Rankings should be limited to four applicants per School/Centre/Institute, although Head/Director may discuss additional rankings with Faculty/Institute Research Director. 5. Head/Director to send eligible complete applications to the Faculty/Institute by 2 June 2014. A complete application includes the following documents: an eligible application (one original + one copy – the remaining copy may be retained by the School/Centre/Institute), three (3) referee reports, and an Assessment Form (including ranking if applicable). Any outstanding referee's reports are to be sent to Faculty/Institute as they come to hand. 2 UQ POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS 2014 – 2016 INFORMATION ON ASSESSMENT PROCESS Part 2: Consideration of applications by Faculty/Institute 6. Faculty/Institute Research Committees consider UQ Postdoctoral Fellowship applications, based on the assessment criteria for the scheme (see Guidelines). 7. The Faculty/Institute Research Committee selects the preferred candidate(s), noting the Faculty/Institute allocation of central funds and the mandatory minimum 0.5FTE co-commitment from a combination of Faculty/Institute/School/Centre sources. A number of reserves (usually around three) are also nominated. 8. The Executive Dean/Institute Director endorses the recommendations of the Faculty/Institute Research Committee. Recommended and reserve applications are to be sent to UQR&I by 27 June 2014. The copy may be retained by the Faculty/Institute. Please note: the Faculty/Institute is responsible for issuing letters to unsuccessful applicants to notify them of the outcome of the selection process. Copies of unsuccessful applications and advice letters should be kept by Faculties/Institutes for 2 years after notification. Part 3: Consideration of applications by the DVC (Research), and award processing 9. DVC (Research) considers Faculty/Institute recommendations and advises UQR&I of final outcomes. 10. UQR&I notify all recommended and reserve candidates of the outcome of their application. POST-AWARD PROCESS Applicants are likely to be notified of the outcome of their application in August 2014. Following the announcement, successful applicants will be issued with a Grant Record Letter which will include details of the Fellowship and the Conditions of Award. Where ethical or biosafety clearances are required, no research requiring such clearances may commence until the necessary clearances have been obtained. Following the issue of a Grant Record Letter, appointees will receive a formal Offer of Appointment letter from the host School/Centre/Institute. CONFIDENTIALITY Applications are submitted in confidence. Assessors are required to respect this confidence. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Where any assessor believes that they may have a conflict of interest in providing an assessment, please discuss the matter with the relevant Faculty Associate Dean (Research) or Institute Research/Deputy Director. 3 UQ POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS 2014 – 2016 INFORMATION ON ASSESSMENT PROCESS UQ POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS 2015 - 2017 ASSESSMENT BY HEAD OF SCHOOL OR CENTRE/INSTITUTE DIRECTOR SUMMARY APPLICATION DETAILS Name of Applicant: UQ School/Centre/Institute: ASSESSMENT OF FELLOWSHIP APPLICATION 1. Does the application meet the eligibility and assessment criteria for the Scheme? 2. Overall Recommendation: High Medium Low Yes No Not Recommended 3. Academic Excellence of Applicant (as demonstrated by track record relative to opportunity): High Medium Low 4. Confirmation that the project can be accommodated within the organisational unit and that sufficient facilities, working and office space is available. Yes No 5. Confirmation that the proposed budget at C1 of the Fellowship application is acceptable to the School/Centre/Institute. Yes No 6. If the applicant has proposed a budget that exceeds the standard maintenance allowance of $10,000 in year 1, and $5,000 in each of the two subsequent years, does the School/Centre/ Institute confirm that it will provide the additional funds requested by the applicant? Yes No N/A 7. How would the applicant benefit the research and scholarship of your School/Centre/Institute? 8. Please indicate, where relevant, the other Schools/Centres/groups at UQ with whom the Fellow will interact, and comment on the benefits to arise from these interactions (to the Fellow and the host School/Centre/Institute). 9. Any further comments that may be helpful to the selection committee: 10. If recommending more than one applicant, please provide a ranking: 1 2 3 4 Signature Head of School/Centre/Institute __________________________ Date___________ Name of School/Centre/Institute__________________________________________________ 4