Krause AP Composition Spring 2015 Arguing Directly and Indirectly

AP Composition
Spring 2015
Arguing Directly and Indirectly
Focusing Issue: What is the relationship between the citizen and the state?
During this unit, we will read essays that address the tensions that can arise when the individual faces a conflict
with elements or representatives of the state. Some of the essays will present a direct argument, while others will
argue their point indirectly.
Unit Tasks:
Analytical response to two of the essays (you choose which two).
In-class discussions, both whole class and in small groups
Ending essay that either focuses on an extended rhetorical analysis of one of the essays or an essay that
argues your position on a given topic.
On-going grammar and vocabulary work
Essays (all are in The Language of Composition):
King, Martin Luther, Jr.: “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (p. 260)
o Analytical Response Options: “Questions on Rhetoric and Style” #3 or #11
Thoreau, Henry David: “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience” (p. 939)
o Analytical Response Options: “Exploring the Text” #3 or #9 (#9 refers to “the three classical
appeals,” which are logos, pathos, and ethos.”)
O’Brien, Tim: “On the Rainy River” (p. 961)
o Analytical Response Options: “Exploring the Text” “1, #6, or #7
Swift, Jonathan: “A Modest Proposal” (p. 914)
o Analytical Response Options: “Questions of Rhetoric and Style” #2, #4, or #6
Williams, Terry Tempest: “Clan of the One-Breasted Women” (p. 816)
o Analytical Response Options: “Exploring the Text” #4 or #8
Analytical Responses:
Choose two of the essays to analyze. The responses are to be composed in analytical format, and should
incorporate two separate pieces of evidence.
When the due date for responding to an assigned essay has passed, you may no longer write about that
essay, unless it is the very last assigned essay.
Begin MLK essay
Grammar Quiz
MLK response due
Vocab check
Begin Thoreau
Thoreau due
Read O’Brien in class
O’Brien due
Read Swift in-class
Swift due
Read Williams in-class
Williams due
Essay Work
Essay Work
Essay Due
AP Composition
Spring 2015
Arguing Directly and Indirectly
Final Essay Options:
Carefully read paragraphs 20-26 of “A Modest Proposal.” Then, write an essay in which you analyze how
Swift implements the elements of writing to achieve a particular effect towards his purpose. Consider
diction, pacing, voice, and other rhetorical techniques.
Compose a multi-point comparison of “Civil Disobedience” and “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” that
examines how the two men develop their purpose via the development of one or more of the classical
appeals, the use of figurative language, or some other rhetorical technique.
“Suggestions for Writing” (p. 275) #2
“Suggestions for Writing” (pp.1005-1008) #2, #7, or #9.