April 20, 2007

Performance Report 2007-2008
June 22, 2008
Richard J. Tafalla, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
326 McCalmont Hall
As the Minority Faculty/Staff Leadership Intern, I set the following goals with the objective of learning as
many different administrative skills as possible. Goal III specifically is in alignment with Plan 2008
Report of Accomplishments for 2007
Chancellor’s office:
Learning goals in the Chancellor’s office focus on understanding strategies for organizational change and
understand the integration of diversity into the long-term development as it relates to the Polytechnic.
 Strategic Planning: Learn process of long-term development. Particularly focused on program
 Serve as member of senior leadership team
 Chancellor’s Advisory Council
Progress towards the stated Goals:
 In the Chancellor’s office, I attended and participated in CAC meetings, Strategic Planning
meetings and the Administrative Leadership Team.
 I was charged with convening a group of faculty and staff to develop a proposal for an Ethics
Center. A committee was convened and a proposal was written and submitted to a potential
donor for funding. The donors have committed a one-million dollar endowment with thirtytwo thousand for start up. Start up activities has begun.
 I was asked to convene a committee to develop a code of ethics for all search and screens.
This was completed and submitted to the Chancellor.
 I was asked to convene a committee to conduct an evaluation of Multicultural Student
Services and make recommendations for it re-organization. This committee met for several
months and made six recommendations. The Chancellor and Provost accepted the
recommendations and all recommendations are being implemented accept one.
Provost’s Office:
Learning goals in the Provost’s office focus primarily around understanding graduate education goals and
strategies. Because of my involvement in graduate education, I am anxious to provide leadership in this
area as it relates to the Polytechnic. I would like to provide input into student diversity issues within
Multicultural Student services and Admissions.
 Attend Provost’s Council
 Graduate Studies: Work with graduate education planning
 Serve Multicultural Student Services in an advisory role
Progress towards the stated Goals:
 I attended and participated in PAC meetings.
 With Janice Coker and Claudia Johnston, we conducted a Graduate Program Director meeting
to get feedback on graduate program needs. One outcome of this meeting was a survey that
will be administered to PDs in January and February 2008. We plan to use this information
to develop new graduate program initiatives.
 In my role as advisor to the Multicultural Student Services, I have met with Joan Thomas and
Meleina Sega to strategize on staffing of the MSS office. I served on the committee to hire a
new MSS office director and we made a successful hire.
 Two other major activities I have taken on include the development of a campus coalition of
faculty and staff focused on advancing undergraduate research and the development of a
student research Portal. Committee on Research Experiences (CORE) is an idea that was a
result of Steve Deckleman, Desiree Budd and my participation in a Council on Undergraduate
Research (CUR) workshop. It is made up of a cross section of over 25 faculty. We have met
and have established objectives for institutionalizing undergraduate research. The research
portal was an idea I started in my position as Faculty Research Associate in the summer of
2007 and will provide students a hub for access to all research resources on campus and will
be a pedagogical tool for faculty to teach students about research. Both of these activities
align well with UW-Stout’s Polytechnic initiative.
Diversity – Plan 2008:
Develop Multicultural Study Institute: I previously wrote a proposal for the development of an
institute for Multicultural Research that would provide opportunities for minority faculty
scholars and students that would improve retention. I would like to explore this further.
Help in Advising Multicultural Student Center
Co-Chair Campus and Community Coalition for Racial and Ethnic Issues.
Continue connection with Minority Faculty Staff Network working on focus areas of concern
1. Assess the status of the Minority Faculty and Staff Network and propose action to
strengthen the organization and its effectiveness
2. Collaborate with faculty, academic staff and classified resource team leaders to serve the
needs of minority faculty and staff on campus.
3. Continue to serve as a resource to Deans and Department Chairs on issues related to
Plan 2008.
Progress towards the stated Goals:
 Development of a Multicultural Study Institute has not progressed.
 I completed, with a committee, a UW System grant on closing the achievement grant for
underrepresented minorities which was accepted for $52,000.
 I completed the MSS office assessment.
 I co-chair the Campus and Community Coalition for Racial and Ethnic Issues. We are
planning two events in the Fall and Spring of 08-09. We continue to look towards
expansion of the coalition particularly to the larger community and have been successful
 I continue to be a member of the Minority Faculty Staff Network. I assisted in it
becoming a recognized campus committee and I serve as a mentor/resource for new
minority faculty.
 I serve as a faculty mentor and have established mentor/mentee relationship with one
new faculty person.
 I serve on the Plan 2008 visioning committee and will chair the committee. We have
progressed on development of new goals.
 I serve as a liaison to the Wisconsin Alliance for Minority Participation (WiscAMP). I
have attended 2 WiscAMP meetings and brought 3 Minority STEM students to a
WiscAMP conference in Madison.
 I serve as a member of the Equity Scorecard team.
This year’s activities as Minority Leadership Internship has been extremely rewarding. I set the goal of
learning administration by doing the work of an administrator and I believe I found a good match with
my skills. The culmination of this effort led to my appointment as Assistant Vice Chancellor Diversity
which I begin July 1, 2008. I would like to thank the Chancellor and Provost for the opportunity and
support you both have provided me.
Furthermore, I would strongly encourage other faculty and staff to participate in the Minority Leadership
Internship program. I am happy to assist anyone in this effort and provide guidance and mentorship.