Supplementary figure S1. Mean of individual scales by SCS across time points. Global Physical functioning 80 Role functioning 90 90 80 80 70 QoL score QoL score QoL score 70 70 60 60 50 60 40 50 30 50 40 Pre-op 6W 3M 6M 9M 20 Pre-op Time from surgery time points 6W 3M 6M 9M Pre-op Time from surgery time points Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Emotional functioning 3M 6M 9M Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Cognitive functioning 90 6W Time from surgery time points Social functioning 90 100 90 80 70 QoL score QoL score 80 QoL score 80 70 60 70 50 40 60 Pre-op 60 6W 3M 6M Time from surgery time points 9M Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Pre-op 30 6W 3M 6M Time from surgery time points 9M Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Pre-op 6W 3M 6M Time from surgery time points 9M Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Fatigue Nausea and Vomiting 60 Pain 17 40 16 40 30 10 9 8 7 6W 3M 6M 9M Pre-op Time from surgery time points 3M 6M 9M Pre-op 3M 6M 9M Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Insomnia 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 6W Time from surgery time points Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Dyspnoea Appetite 50 40 30 QoL score 40 QoL score QoL score 10 6W Time from surgery time points Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Pre-op 20 6 5 4 3 20 Pre-op 30 QoL score QoL score QoL score 50 15 14 13 12 11 20 30 10 20 6W 3M 6M Time from surgery time points 9M Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Pre-op 0 6W 3M 6M Time from surgery time points 9M Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Pre-op 6W 3M 6M Time from surgery time points 9M Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Consitpation Diarrhoae QoL score QoL score 30 20 10 0 Pre-op 6W 3M 6M 9M 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 40 30 QoL score 40 Financial Difficulties 20 10 0 Pre-op Time from surgery time points 6W 3M 6M 9M Pre-op Time from surgery time points Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Abdominal/GI 3M 6M 9M Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Peripheral neuropathy 40 6W Time from surgery time points Hormonal 50 50 40 QoL score QoL score 40 QoL score 30 30 20 20 30 10 10 Pre-op 0 6W 3M 6M Time from surgery time points 9M Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Pre-op 20 6W 3M 6M Time from surgery time points 9M Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Pre-op 6W 3M 6M Time from surgery time points 9M Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Body image Attitude to disease 50 Chemotherapy side effects 60 50 50 40 QoL score QoL score QoL score 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 Pre-op 10 6W 3M 6M 9M Time from surgery time points Other single items 40 QoL score 30 20 10 0 6W 3M 6M Time from surgery time points 10 6W 3M 6M 9M Time from surgery time points Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Pre-op Pre-op 9M Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Pre-op 6W 3M 6M 9M Time from surgery time points Benign Cancer standard Cancer extensive Supplementary figure S2. Mean of Global Health scales, averaged Functional scales, and averaged Symptom scales by SCS sub groups across time points. QoL score across time by sub category Global Function 80 100 QoL score 70 60 80 70 60 50 50 40 Pre-op 6W 3M 6M 9M Pre-op 6W Time f rom surgery time points Benign Cancer Cancer Cancer Cancer 3M Time f rom surgery time points Benign Cancer Cancer Cancer Cancer extensive - Neo adjuvant extensive - Primary standard - Neo adjuvant standard - Primary extensive - Neo adjuvant extensive - Primary standard - Neo adjuvant standard - Primary Symptom 40 QoL score QoL score 90 30 20 10 Pre-op 6W 3M Time f rom surgery time points Benign Cancer Cancer Cancer Cancer extensive - Neo adjuvant extensive - Primary standard - Neo adjuvant standard - Primary 6M 9M 6M 9M Supplementary figure S3. Mean of Global Health scales, averaged Functional scales, and averaged Symptom scales by SCS sub groups and bowel surgery across time points QoL score across time by sub group of bowel surgery Function 100 100 90 90 QoL score 80 70 60 50 80 70 60 50 40 30 40 Pre-op 6W 3M 6M 9M Pre-op Time f rom surgery time points 6W 3M Time f rom surgery time points Benign - Bow el Benign - No Bow el Cancer extensive - Bow el Cancer extensive - No Bow el Cancer standard - Bow el Cancer standard - No Bow el Benign - Bow el Benign - No Bow el Cancer extensive - Bow el Cancer extensive - No Bow el Cancer standard - Bow el Cancer standard - No Bow el Symptom 40 30 QoL score QoL score Global 20 10 0 Pre-op 6W 3M Time f rom surgery time points Benign - Bow el Benign - No Bow el Cancer extensive - Bow el Cancer extensive - No Bow el Cancer standard - Bow el Cancer standard - No Bow el 6M 9M 6M 9M