Registration Instructions - Urbana Next Step: Take Perspectives

Urbana / Perspectives Scholarship – General Info Page
For the last 60+ years, God has used the Urbana Missions Conference to engage thousands of college
students with His global mission. And for the last 40+ years, God has used the Perspectives on the
World Christian Movement course to deepen the understanding of thousands of course participants on
the Biblical, Historical, Cultural and Strategic aspects of God’s global mission. These two entities have a
rich and intertwined history, and now, just in time for the upcoming Urbana 15 Missions Conference,
there are new opportunities for people to benefit from the resources offered by both Urbana and
Believing the importance of a next step after Urbana, we recommend that all Urbana participants
consider taking the Perspectives course. Perspectives is a class that will deepen your understanding of
God’s plan for the world and how your passion and strengths can have an impact on the billions of
people who still live without access to the Gospel.
As part of an effort to help Urbana participants to deepen their journey of engagement in God’s global
mission, Urbana and Perspectives are teaming up to offer 1,000 scholarships for Urbana 15 participants
to take 2016 Perspectives on the World Christian Movement classes at a reduced price. This is an
amazing opportunity to continue to explore God’s unchanging purposes and where you might engage
with it.
The details:
Scholarships of $180 will be available for the first 1000 Urbana 15 participants who register and
pay for a Perspectives course.
Scholarships are non-transferrable and only open to Urbana 15 participants.
The scholarships can be used for any live or online Perspectives courses that have a start date
before or on October 15, 2016.
See the Directions and FAQs webpage for more details on how the Urbana scholarship for
Perspectives classes works.
Urbana / Perspectives Scholarship – Directions and
FAQs Page
How to redeem your voucher for the Perspectives scholarship:
Make a note of your voucher number. This is the same as your Urbana ID number. Your Urbana ID
number can be found in the confirmation email you received when you registered for Urbana. It is
also listed on the Connect page in the welcome message. Only your Urbana ID number will work as a
scholarship voucher for you; if someone with a different name tries to register for a Perspectives
scholarship with your Urbana ID, it will not work. If you are having trouble locating your Urbana ID,
you can also contact the Urbana Infoline for further assistance:, 608-443-3700.
Go to the Perspectives/Urbana landing website at You will be
prompted for your Urbana voucher number while registering for a live or online Perspectives class
through this website. This will automatically take $180 off the cost of the class you are registering
You will also need to know the name you used to register for Urbana. This might be different than
the “Preferred Name” used on your nametag for the conference. Participants can find their name
1) Going to
2) Clicking on the blue "Log in to Your Account" button under the banner
3) Clicking on "Registration and Housing"
4) Clicking on the orange "Edit" button under "User Profile"
What are the scholarship details?
One thousand scholarships for $180 towards the cost of the Perspectives class will be available on a
first-come basis. This will be available generally for Spring 2016 Perspectives classes, Fall 2016 classes,
one week Intensives, and Cohort live classes and Online classes January through October 2016.
What is meant by first-come basis?
Scholarships are available to the first 1,000 students who sign up and pay for a Perspectives course.
When a student registers for the class, an up to $180 credit will be applied toward the student’s tuition.
Once the balance of it paid, their scholarship is secured.
What is meant by up to $180 credit? What class options can I take?
The Perspectives class is offered through different expressions. It is offered as a live class, an online
class, as a one week intensive (all day, every day for a week), and a small group cohort in some areas.
Classes are also available at a Key Reading level, at a Certificate level, and for college credit. Different
types of Perspectives classes vary in class cost, and live class prices may vary slightly in different parts of
the United States. A credit of up to $180 (not to exceed cost of class) for the scholarship will be applied
to the cost of the class when a student registers for Perspectives. Any remaining class costs, such as
additional registration costs, books, or certifications, will be the responsibility of the student. Classes
available for scholarship must have a start date beginning by October 15, 2016. These classes generally
include Spring 2016 classes, Fall 2016 classes, one week Intensives, and Cohort live classes and Online
classes January through October 2016.
What happens if I sign up but have to drop prior to the third week of class?
If you drop the class prior to the third week of class, your paid contribution to the class will be refunded,
and the scholarship will be made available to another student.
If I see “Scholarship is no longer available” when I register, does that mean I cannot take advantage of
the scholarship?
The scholarships are available on a first-case basis for the first 1000 Urbana participants who use them.
But for various reasons, a student may not be able to take the class after registering. If they drop the
class, the scholarship they used will become available. Check back from time to time.
I do not live in the United States; can I still take advantage of this scholarship?
The online class option is available anywhere in the world. As an Urbana participant, you can use the
scholarship to take the online class. More information about the online class can be found at or at The online class
is available in English only. Live classes may be offered in countries outside of the United States (in
Canada, for example), but the Urbana scholarship will only be applicable for live classes offered in the
U.S in addition to the online classes.
Text for email to be sent on 12/20/15
Title: Scholarship opportunity for Urbana participants!
For the last 60+ years, God has used the Urbana Missions Conference to engage thousands of college
students with His global mission. And for the last 40+ years, God has used the Perspectives on the
World Christian Movement course to deepen the understanding of thousands of course participants on
the Biblical, Historical, Cultural and Strategic aspects of God’s global mission. These two entities have a
rich and intertwined history, and as registered participant for Urbana 15, you have an opportunity to
receive a scholarship for the Perspectives class.
As part of an effort to help Urbana participants to deepen their journey of engagement in God’s global
mission, Urbana and Perspectives are teaming up to offer 1,000 scholarships for Urbana 15 participants
to take 2016 Perspectives on the World Christian Movement classes at a reduced price. This is a great
way for you to continue to explore God’s global mission and how you might engage with it post-Urbana
Key details you need to know:
Scholarships of $180 will be available for the first 1000 Urbana 15 participants who register and
pay for a Perspectives course.
Scholarships are non-transferrable and only open to Urbana 15 participants.
The scholarships can be used for any live or online Perspectives courses that have a start date
before or on October 15, 2016.
For instructions on how to redeem your Perspectives scholarship and further information about
this opportunity, go to
For details on registration for classes and further information on Perspectives as an
organization, go to the Perspectives/Urbana landing website at
Text for the 2nd email post-Urbana:
Title: Scholarship for the Perspectives Course for Urbana 15 participants
As someone who participated in Urbana 15, you have an opportunity to take advantage of a scholarship
being offered for the Perspectives on World Christian Movement course. Urbana and Perspectives both
have long and intertwined histories, and Perspectives can be a great way for you to continue to explore
how God might have you engage with His global mission.
There are scholarships of $180 available for Urbana 15 participants to take the Perspectives course.
However, there are only 1000 scholarships available, and they can only be used for Perspectives classes
that have a start date before or on October 15, 2016.
Here’s how you can redeem your scholarship for the Perspectives course:
Make a note of your voucher number. This is the same as your Urbana ID number. Your Urbana ID
number can be found in the confirmation email you received when you registered for Urbana. It is
also listed on the Urbana Connect page in the welcome message. Only your Urbana ID number will
work as a scholarship voucher for you; if someone with a different name tries to register for a
Perspectives scholarship with your Urbana ID, it will not work. If you are having trouble locating
your Urbana ID, you can also contact the Urbana Infoline for further assistance:, 608-443-3700.
Go to the Perspectives/Urbana landing website at You will be
prompted for your Urbana voucher number while registering for a live or online Perspectives class
through this website. This will automatically take $180 off the cost of the class you are registering
More information about the Perspectives scholarship for Urbana 15 participants can be found at, and further details about Perspectives classes and about
Perspectives as an organization can be found at