
MoOD and Indigo Home Edition 2015
the refocusing edition.
MoOD 2015 will be remembered as the edition that laid the groundwork for a new
concept. The edition that focuses in on a number of cards we hold that make it worth
coming to Brussels.
MoOD 2015, the boutique show with 125 exhibitors from 22 countries
A boutique show, like a boutique hotel, provides a broader experience and a
pleasant stay. Experience means interaction with the visitor and inspiration. MoOD is
building upon existing projects and taking a step towards innovation. In everything
we do, exhibitors are central: they focus on upholstery fabrics,window and wall
coverings and each and every one are manufacturers for the residential and contract
Our cooperation with Trevira CS brings 10 partners to Trevira Square. These are the
specialists par excellence in the contracting business, where the functionalities of
textiles are becoming increasingly important. Virtually all functionalities are made
possible by developments in yarns. This year, Trevira CS is unveiling its bio
component yarn that meets the new needs of modern textiles plants. For example,
the speed of spun-dyeing is key. The creative possibilities are not forgotten,
Innovations in textiles start with the yarn. That is precisely the reason why MoOD
Yarns is so important to the future of MoOD.
MoOD considers its mission to bring technical innovation and creativity together in
one boutique show.
Indigo Brussels Home Edition, 110 studios present
We are glad, but especially proud, that we have been able to welcome the creative
trade show Indigo Brussels Home Edition into our fold. With 110 studios from 16
countries, specialised in textile design and surface design, Indigo holds sway. Half of
the exhibitors come from Europe, with the UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands
and Italy taking the lead. In addition, Japan, South Korea, the US, Israel and
Southern Europe are represented. This year, we are welcoming 11 new exhibitors
and also a Russian studio for the first time. Indigo is proof of the power of creativity in
our industry.
Indigo Brussels Home Edition also wants to create opportunities for new talent to
venture into the market. In the ‘Indigo Launch Pad’, 3 British universities are showing
the strongest final projects. This is also a new emphasis – we are looking the future
in the eyes.
Innovation Platform welcomes Materia
Innovations stimulate us and force us to take a good look at ourselves. Innovation
Platform has been a testament to this for years now. The growth of the platform has
been made possible by the enthusiastic support of MoOD and naturally by the
cooperation with our innovative partners: MateriO, CELC Masters of Linen,
Trendease International and Global Color Research. This year, we are also
welcoming Materia, the largest innovation platform in the world. Their selection and
unique perspective mean a strong added value to the platform.
Launch Pad for start-ups – New!
Creativity and new ideas by start-ups who dare to start a new business have never
before been highlighted. Their optimism has a stimulating effect on our industry.
MoOD is giving an opportunity to small, new businesses to present their work to the
visitors. The Launch Pad, as we have named it, is an addition to the Innovation
Platform and now has 8 exhibitors.
Discovering and experiencing Trends
This year, MoOD is presenting a classical trend forum but is letting out all stops for
the presentation of the 100 trendiest fabrics in the Blue Drop selection. Experience
and inspiration are linked and this is happening centrally in hall 5. During the award
presentation you will hear more about this.
Digital Platform, the playful key
One of the trend themes of MoOD is ‘Hack the Color’. The theme brings color and
digitisation together and plays on the creativity of designers. Our partner DTG Digital
Europe has established a mini textile factory where guests can playfully discover
digital techniques. An inspiring synergy with Indigo has also emerged. Five designs
from Indigo studios can be printed on T-shirts. They illustrate the endless possibilities
for color and also cross the metaphorical bridge between MoOD and Indigo.
2016, the road to rejuvenation
Convinced that creativity, innovation and marketing are the keys to future success for
our exhibitors, the visitors and MoOD, MoOD 2016 is taking a new path. Our plans
were announced this morning to the exhibitors and so are official and ready to be
communicated to the market.
With this edition, we are drawing a symbolic line under 30 years of Decosit and 7
years of MoOD, here at the ‘Heizel’.
We are focusing on 3 elements: concept, date and place. Together, they must give
MoOD a new and especially future-oriented impetus.
First of all, the concept: “Content is King”
As mentioned, the seed of this concept is already there. MoOD is opting for a
substantive and future-looking reinforcement by attracting exhibitors who introduce
new technologies, focus on innovative materials, processing and finishing and which
are, without exception, interior-related. With a mixture of technicity and creativity, we
want to offer visitors a ‘happy customer experience’. The model for this is 7-part:
- Consistent, inspiring look & feel
- playful floor plan
- food & drinks throughout the entire show
- inspiration islands and experience points throughout the show
- visual storytelling
- VIP Gold Card service
- A ‘second to none Happy MoOD Party’
In short: Fabrics, Future & Fun. Because Fun also deserves a place at the new
And then…the new location in Brussels
In order to live the boutique show philosophy to the fullest, MoOD wil move to Tour et
Taxis in 2016. This urban, future oriented and multifunctional development is an
architectural jewel which dates from 1910. The sheds, the actual exhibition venue, is
drenched in amazing bright, natural light – simply perfect to show fabrics. Tour &
Taxis is easy to access: its location is near to the airport, the city centre and all public
The date for 2016: exhibitors have a finger in the pie!
The ideal date for MoOD is between early September and early
October; that much we know.
Fully in line with the new future-oriented style of MoOD, the organizers are proposing
three possible dates to the exhibitors this year. The date that has the most
preference votes from the exhibitors will become the new meeting point of MoOD in
Brussels. A nice example of collaborative organization.
For MoOD, the equation is simple:
new concept + new location + new date = new future for MoOD and
Indigo Brussels Home Edition
We love to be part of creating the future.
Patrick Geysels
General Manager
Brussels, September 8, 2015