Name Age/Sex Hospital Number Date of Admission Eugenia Macalintal 81F 448484 Pre Op Diagnosis Post Op Diagnosis Procedure Done Pre op: Contact burn <1% dorsum left hand Wound debridement Disposition Admitted 9/20/14 Post op: Contact burn <1% dorsum left hand Julio Rosales 49M 932078 Intraoperative Findings Pre op: Pleural effusion, left probably secondaruy to PTB vs malignancy Dr. Valencia/ Correa Closed tube thoracotomy Drained 1L serosanguinous fluid 9/21/14 Dr. Lim Post op: Pleural effusion, left probably secondaruy to PTB vs malignancy Rodolfo Tolentino 51M 931686 Pre op: Scald burn 25% TBSA SPT-DPT anterior chest, back and face Wound debridement Admitted 9/21/14 Dr. Correa Post op: Scald burn 25% TBSA SPT-DPT anterior chest, back and face Ludovico Dinalagan 28M 920612 Pre op: Paraspinal/ epidural abscess, osteomyelitis Wound debridement, L1L2 laminectomy 9/21/14 Post op: Paraspinal/ epidural abscess, osteomyelitis Dr. Acedillo Purulent material evacuated Spinous process and lamina destruction at L1-L2 Admitted Mark Lazarito 17M 933220 9/19/14 Alex Camiller 39M 930195 Nina Bascuniana 31F 684277 Ereneo Tadique 54M 929272 Concecejo Tagailo 61F 923084 9/20/14 Lorraine Dacumos 36F Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 9/21/14 Post op: Acute Dr. Calayag/ Umali appendicitis, suppurative COD: Dr. Dizon Pre op: Closed tube Pleural effusion thoracotomy, left left secondary to parapneumonic 9/21/14 process Dr. Umali Post op: Pleural effusion left secondary to parapneumonic process 6x1cm appendix with fibrinopurulet material adherent to its wall located retrocecally. Good base Discharged Drained 700cc serosanguinous fluid Admitted Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 9/21/14 Post op: Acute Dr. Umali appendicitis, suppurative COD: Dr. Abary/ Capuno Pre op: BKA DM foot 9/21/14 Post op: DM foot Dr. Andaya Pre op: Wide excision Basal cell upper lip mass carcinoma, upper with full thickness lip s/p shave skin graft biopsy 9/22/14 Post op: Basal cell Dr. Correa/ carcinoma, upper Mangahas lip s/p shave biopsy 6x1cm appendix with fibrinopurulent material adherent to its wall located retrocecally. Good base. Discharged Pre op: Cholelithiasis 7x3 cm gallbladder with thickened wall. Largest stone Laparoscopic cholecystectomy Admitted Discharged Discharged 931068 9/20/14 Julius Diplomo 47M 933253 Post op: Chronic calculous cholecystitis Pre op: AKI secondary to leptospirosis 9/22/14 Dr. Catis/ Dacumos/ Bautista COD: Dr. Capuno Tenkchoff catheter insertion measuring 3cm, smallest measuring 2cm impacted at hartmanns, short cystic duct, non dilated common bileduct Discharged 9/22/14 Post op: AKI secondary to leptospirosis Bea Villavicencio 17F 339287 9/22/14 Corazon Mallorca 50F 183835 9/20/14 Flordeliza Santos 74F 929551 9/20/14 Brigida Eugenio 55F 917991 Dr. Umali/ Calayag Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 9/22/14 Post op: Acute Dr. Mangahas/ appendicitis, Andaya ruptured with localized COD: Dr. Dizon peritonitis Pre op: Lobectomy with Colloid isthmusectomy, adenomatous right goiter, right 9/22/14 Post op: Colloid Dr. Abary/ Ortiz/ adenomatous Docena goiter, right COD: Dr. Resurreccion Pre op: Open Cholecystolithiasis cholecystectomy, IOC Pre op: Cholecystolithiasis 9/22/14 Pre op: Breast mass, bilateral Dr. Cajucom/ Catis/ Bautista/ Cayabyab Excision biopsy, RFS bilateral 5x1cm appendix ruptured at middle third located retrocecally with localized peritonitis. Good base Discharged 7cm round cystic mas, no nodes palpalated on the right, normal leaking left thyroid mass Discharged Dilated gallbladder measuring 20cm. multiple stone, noted intraluminal stone measuring 1cm impacted at the cystic duct. Dilated common bile duct approximately 1cm Whitish rubbery mass noted Discharged Discharged 9/20/14 9/22/14 Post op: Ductal epithelial hyperplasis, bilateral Amelia Leonor 62F 911391 9/20/14 Pre op: Rectal adenocarcinoma st I (T2N0Mx) Rosalio Enoy 49M 838092 9/22/14 Post op: Rectal adenocarcinoma st I (T2N0Mx) Pre op: Complete DSBO secondary to Intussusception Post op: Complete DSBO secondary to Intussusception Dr. Ortiz/ Docena COD: Dr. Resurreccion Flexible sigmoidoscopy 9/22/14 Fungating mass 10cm from anal verge, 50% obstructing Admitted Intussusception noted at 210 cm from ligament of treitz with dilated proximal bowel, pedunculated polyp noted intaluminally as head point. Discharged Dr. Cajucom/ Abary Explore laparotomy, segmental ileal resection with end to end anastomosis 9/22/14 Dr. Ortiz/ Calayag/ Umali Gullermo Arguelles 87M 931856 9/12/14 Pre op: Prolonged intubation; CVD infarct left frontoparietal area COD: Dr. Abary/ Capuno Tracheostomy Admitted 9/22/14 Dr. Celaje/ Bautista/ Umali Post op: Prolonged intubation; CVD infarct left frontoparietal area Nathalie Camba 9F 815779 9/22/14 Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 9/22/14 Post op: Acute Dr. Docena 4cm appendix located at post ileum with plastered omentum on its suppurative stage. Discharged appendicitis, suppurative Cherry Pineda 41F 932927 9/21/14 Camilo Regondola 55M 544949 9/21/14 Pre op: Chronic calculous cholecystitis Good base. COD: Dr. Dizon Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 9/23/14 Post op: Chronic calculous cholecystitis Dr. Celaje/ Catis/ Bautista Pre op: cholelithiasis Open cholecystectomy Post op: Empyema of the gallbladder 9/23/14 Dr. Catis/ Docena COD: Dr. Abary/ Capuno Simeon Pascua 77M 800205 9/22/14 Danica Lasin 18F 933373 9/23/14 Efren Sangoyo 57M 933388 9/23/14 Pre op: BPH 9/23/14 Post op: BPH Pre op: Acute appendicitis Dr. Ballesteros/ Lim Appendectomy 9/23/14 Post op: Acute appendicitis, ruptured Pre op: Chronic subdural hematoma left fronto parietal Post op: Chronic subdural hematoma left fronto parietal Christopher CystoTURP Pre op: Dr. Austria Distended gallbladder with soft adhesions adhered to its walls. Multiple intraluminal stones, largest measuring 3cm. normal cystic and common bile duct 10x5cm gallbladder thick walled with plastered omentum. Multiple stones largest measuring 2cm impacted on cystic duct, purulent fluid noted upon opening the gallbladder Enlarged bilateral lobes. Trabeculated bladder Discharged 12x1cm appendix ruptured at its proximal third with dense adhesions located retrocecaly. Good base Discharged COD: Dr. Celaje Left temporoparietal craniotomy, evacuation of hematoma Discharged Admitted Admitted 9/23/14 Dr. Pama/ Acedillo Explore Serous peritoneal Admitted Dayaon 21M 867236 9/23/14 Acute surgical abdomen s/p explore laparotomy for suppurative appendicitis; wound dehiscence Post op: Acute surgical abdomen s/p explore laparotomy for suppurative appendicitis; wound dehiscence Airyn Saba 24F 925717 9/21/14 Alex Camiller 39M 930195 9/23/14 laparotomy, adhesiolysis 9/23/14 Dr. Bautista/ Lim/ Docena/ Austria COD: Dr. Resurreccion Pre op: Fracture, close, complete, middle third radius, left Open reduction, internal fixation Post op: Fracture, close, complete, middle third radius, left Dr. Azores/ Lim Pre op: Pericardial effusion secondary to lymphoma s/p CTT for pleural effusion secondary to lymphoma Tube pericardiostomy Post op: Pericardial effusion secondary to lymphoma s/p CTT for pleural effusion secondary to fluid upon opening, soft adhesions noted. Non-specific enteritis noted at the distal ileum. Mesenteric lymph node noted Admitted 9/23/14 9/23/14 Dr. Abary/ Ortiz/ Lim Drained 150cc of pericardial fluid Expired lymphoma Mary Jane Carolasn 34F 765670 9/22/14 Rebecca Gremio 47F 932353 9/22/14 Andrea Tamayo 12F 612735 9/24/14 Amelia Leonor 62F 911391 Pre op: Full thickness flap necrosis (superolateral) s/p TRAM flap Wound debridement, primary closure Post op: Full thickness flap necrosis (superolateral) s/p TRAM flap Dr. Correa/ Andaya Pre op: Distal colonic obstruction secondary to sigmoid Ca with liver metastasis Explore laparotomy, transverse loop colostomy Post op: Distal colonic obstruction secondary to sigmoid Ca with liver metastasis Dr. Bautista/ Lim/ Docena/ Formales Admitted 9/23/14 9/24/14 COD: Dr. Cajucom Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 9/24/14 Post op: Acute Dr. Calayag/ appendicitis, Formales suppurative COD: Dr. Dizon Pre op: Anterior Rectal CA resection, wide cT2N0M0 mesorectal excision Post op: Rectal CA 9/25/14 cT2N0M0 Dr. Cajucom/ Catis/ Abary/ Ortiz Distended large bowel; proximal sigmoid mass completely obstructing the lumen with encroachment at left to mid dome of the urinary bladder. With multiple liver metastasis largest approximately 3cm Admitted 4x1cm appendix with fibrinopurulent material on its wall. Good base Discharged 3 cm mass noted intraluminaly not extending to external layer. No enlarged lymph node noted Admitted Coniza Rogas 23F 851214 9/24/14 Pre op: Internal hemorrhoids grade III, skin tag anal area Post op: Internal hemorrhoids grade III, skin tag anal area Lili Serrano 43F 928005 9/24/14 Pre op: Chronic calculous cholecystitis Pre op: Post infectious hydrocephalus Post op: Post infectious hydrocephalus Glence Mercia 3M 761610 9/25/14 Monicar Malot 20M 933721 9/25/14 Daisy Quezada 9/25 Dr. Cayabyab/ Docena 1 hemorrhoidal pile noted at the left antero lateral area, skin tag at anterior and posterior anal area Discharged Non-distended gallbladder measuring 10cm with multiple intraluminal stones. Largest measuring 1cm. Normal cystic and common bile duct. Discharged COD: Dr. Cajucom Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 9/25/14 Post op: Chronic calculous cholecystitis John Garcia 5mosM 927057 Hemorrhoidectom y Dr. Bautista/ Ortiz COD: Dr. Santi Cruz VP shunting Admitted 9/25/14 Dr. Acedillo Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 9/25/14 Post op: Acute Dr. Calayag/ Umali appendicitis, ruptured with COD: Dr. Dizon localized peritonitis Pre op: Tenkchoff AKI secondary to catheter insertion leptospirosis 9/25/14 Post op: AKI secondary to Dr. Austria leptospirosis COD: Dr. Celaje Pre op: Transverse loop 7x1cm appendix ruptured middle third located retrocecaly with localized peritonitis. Good base. Admitted Admitted Circumferential mass Admitted 27F 932184 Ovarian Ca, Rectal Ca Post op: Ovarian Ca, Rectal Ca colostomy; proctosigmoido scopy biopsy 9/25/14 Dr. Bautista/ Docena Kevin Gloria 19M 932857 Jonel Toledo 25M 933771 9/25/14 at upper rectum. Almost completely obstructing. Sigmoid densely adherent to the left anterior abdominal wall Multiple liver nodules noted. COD: Dr. Cajucom Proctosigmoidoscop y: Bleeding circumferential mass noted 15cm from the anal verge Pre op: Central neurocytoma Right frontal craniotomy, tumor biopsy Reddish gray, friable and very vascular Post op: Central neurocytoma 9/26/14 Pre op: Gunshot wound 1. anterior shoulder, left 2. lateral aspect proximal third arm, left 3. medial aspect distal third arm, left post op: Gunshot wound 1. anterior shoulder, left 2. lateral aspect proximal Dr. Acedillo/ Mangahas Wound exploration and debridement 9/26/14 Dr. Austria COD: Dr. Celaje Admitted Discharged third arm, left 3. medial aspect distal third arm, left Elaine Pontaneles 21F 761329 9/24/14 Pre op: External hemorrhoids Benedict Carros 24M 933788 9/26/14 Jonel Labar 23M 933776 9/26/14 Bernardo Austria 68M 911960 9/25/14 Raquel Haboc 39F Hemorrhoids noted at the anterior and posterior anal canal Discharged 4x1cm appendix located subceval with ruptured distal third. Good base Admitted 5x1cm appendix located at the pevis at its suppurative stage. Good base Admitted 6x1cm appendix with fibrinopurulent material noted on its wall located retrocecally. Good base Discharged 9/26/14 Post op: External hemorrhoids Jasmine Sicat 7F 932798 9/26/14 Hemorrhoidectom y Pre op: Ruptured appendicitis Dr. Cayabyab COD: Dr. Cajucom Appendectomy 9/26/14 Post op: Dr. Docena Acute appendicitis ruptured with COD: Dr. DIzon localized peritonitis Pre op: Appendectomy acute appendicitis 9/26/14 Post op: Acute Dr. Docena appendicitis, suppurative COD: Dr. Celaje Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 9/26/14 Post op: Acute Dr. Austria appendicitis, suppurative COD: Dr. Celaje Pre op: Cysto TURP BPH 9/26/14 Post op: BPH Dr. Mendiola/Lim Pre op: Pneumothorax, VATS Admitted Admitted right secondary to PTB Post op: Pneumothorax, right secondary to PTB Oscar Dalimocon 41M 934240 9/26/14 Borchard Almendral 21M 934209 Adoracion Marquez 66F 926521 9/24/14 Judy Flojo 20F 927439 9/26/14 Dr. Pablo/ Abary/ Lim Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 9/26/14 Post op: Acute Dr. Formales appendicitis, suppurative COD: Dr. Celaje Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis, 9/26/14 ruptured Dr. Formales/ Post op: Umali Acute appendicitis, ruptured, with localized peritonitis 4x1cm appendix with fibrinopurulent material noted on its wall located retrocecally. Good base Discharged 7x1cm appendix ruptured at the middle third. Located retrocecaly, godo base Admitted Pre op: Breast cancer,right st IIB (T3N0M0) Modified radical mastectomy, right 4cm breast mass at upper outer quadrant, R, multiple lympadenopathies Admitted Post op: cancer,right st IIA (T3N0M0) Dr. Calayag/ Ortiz 6cm mass, firm with irregular borders Discharged Non distended Admitted Pre op: Giant fibroadenoma, Right Post op: Giant Fibroadenoma, right Gregorio 9/26/14 Pre op: 9/26/14 COD: Dr. Resurreccion Excision of breast masss 9/26/14 Dr. Formales/ Austria/ Ortiz COD: Dr. Resurreccion Open Mariano 50M 932907 9/22/14 Estela Samson 56F 929750 9/24/14 Cholelithiasis cholecystectomy Post op: Acute calculous cholecystitis 9/26/14 Pre op: Invasive ductal carcinoma, left st IIB T3N0M0 Post op: Invasive ductal carcinoma, left st IIIA T3N1M0 Dr. Catis/ Andaya COD: Dr. Abary/ Capuno Modified radical mastectomy, Left 9/26/14 Dr. Catis/ Calayag COD: Dr. Alay-ay gallbladder with 3 stones measuring 1cm. non dilated cystic and common bile duct Admitted