ANNUAL PROGRAMME REVIEW FOR VALIDATED/FRANCHISED PROGRAMMES (INCLUDING FOUNDATION DEGREES) OFFERED IN 2014-15 A: Name of School: ________________________________________ B: Programme/s covered by this report and programme co-ordinators/leaders: This template should be completed for Collaborative Programmes only. completed in collaboration with the partner organisation. Programme title Programme co-ordinator/leader It should be Collaborative University Co-ordinator institution/organisation All sections of the template should be completed in relation to the collaborative programme. Schools that have more than one collaborative programme should complete a separate APR report for each programme. Where specific data is provided by the collaborative organisation this should be highlighted in the relevant sections throughout this APR report. Type of collaborative programme: Validation Foundation Degree Franchise Joint Teaching Joint Award Exact Nature of Collaboration as described in the MOA Completed by: Date: 2 Section 1 ENTRY PROFILE OF STUDENTS Please insert the summary data provided from Qsis or the collaborative partner, over a three year period for each programme and identify any applications or admissions issues arising. Number of applicants: GB 2014-15 NI EU OS ROI total 2013-14 2012-13 Comment: Number of entrants as at 1 November (or date data was extracted): Male Female <21 21-25 >25 FT PT 2014-15 yr1 2 3 2013-14 yr1 2 3 2012-13 yr1 2 3 Other Total Summary entry qualifications: UG all boxes. PGT (‘Degree’ and ‘Other’ only) A/AS level GNVQ Irish Leaving HND Degree Other 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 Total Number of Students: Disability: Specific Learning Difficulties such as Dyslexia/ Dyspraxia Visual/ Hearing Impairment 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2 Mobility Impairment Mental Health Autistic Spectrum/ Aspergers Syndrome Other 3 Evaluate the information in relation to the recruitment of students to the programme, highlighting any particular trends and how the programme team intends to respond to them. Evaluation Action (if any) Section 2 ACHIEVEMENT OF STANDARDS Please insert the data provided from Qsis/Collaborative partner on progression and retention rates; awards by degree classification/other awards. Progression status [number of students] as at 1 November (or date the data was extracted): Year Stage Progressing Repeat Other Total 2014-15 1 2 3 2013-14 1 2 3 2012-13 1 2 3 Transfers and withdrawals: [number of students] Stage Permanent Temporary Transfers Transfers in out 2014-15 1 2 3 2013-14 1 2 3 2012-13 1 3 4 2 3 UG programmes -Degree classification: Ist 2i 2ii No. % No. % No. 2014-15 % 3rd No. % Pass No. % Fail No. % 2013-14 2012-13 PGT programmes – Award: PGC PGD No . % No . % Master’s Pass No. % Commendation No. Fail Distinction No. % % No. % 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 Foundation Degree programmes – Award: High Commendation Pass Commendation 60+ 40+ 70+ No. % No. % No. % 2014-15 Fail Below 40 No. % 2013-14 2012-13 Foundation Degree programmes – progression to Queen’s p/t f/t No. % No. % 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 Evaluate the information, highlighting any particular trends – e.g. in progression or achievement – and how the department/school/collaborative partner intends to respond to them. Evaluation 4 5 Action (if any) For Foundation Degree progressors comment on performance at Queen’s and how this compares with other students who entered at Stage 1 Please provide a comparison of achievement of the students on the collaborative arrangement with University-based students on the same programme (where appropriate. Section 3 EMPLOYMENT/FURTHER STUDY Where information is available (eg DLHE survey), evaluate and summarise the destination of students upon completion of the course including employment or further study/articulation to University courses. Where students complete a programme as part of their professional development, highlight any trends in relation to improvements in career progression (for example). DEs can access DLHE results through the Student Survey Results section of the DASA SharePoint site: Further Study No. % Graduate Employment No. % Non-grad. Employment No. % 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 Evaluation 5 Unemployed No. % Other No. % Total No. % 6 Action Please indicate how the programme aims to extend and embed attributes and skills of employability. Section 4 EXTERNAL COMMENTS Please give a summary of the External Examiner’s comments (both positive and areas of concern) and highlight any action taken. . Indicate how the External Examiner’s report is made available to students as required by QAA Code of Practice Chapter B7 External Examining External Examiner’s comments and issues raised 6 7 Evaluation and action taken to address any issues identified by External Examiners Where information is available provide an overview of feedback from employers and/or graduates and any action taken in response to this feedback. Employers’ comments Graduates’ comments Evaluation Action (if any) 7 8 Section 5 INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES Please indicate what internal review procedures have been carried out during the last year and how this has impacted on the programme. This section should be used to report the review of the modules across the programme and include input from the Collaborative Partner where appropriate. Programme management (management meetings and issues raised and actions taken) Outline the management of the Module and Programme Review process, including representation at meetings. Have all module reviews for the programme taken place? Yes/No If no, please indicate the reason Module/Programme Review Evidence considered Appropriateness of modules for programme 8 9 Appropriateness of the learning opportunities of the collaborative organisation (library resources etc) Please confirm that any outstanding actions or recommendations from the last Periodic Review have been addressed. Outline any arrangements to monitor outstanding recommendations. Section 6 STUDENT FEEDBACK How is student feedback sought and action taken where necessary? Does the collaborative partner operate SSCCs? Obtaining student feedback. Action (if any) 9 10 Section 7 INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS Please evaluate the accuracy, currency and appropriateness of the prospectus entry, online course information and handbooks provided for the programme by QUB and the Collaborative partner. Prospectus, Website, College Handbook, Programme Handbook, information provided by the collaborative partner (delete as appropriate) Evaluation Action (if any) Section 8 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT A collaborative arrangement is governed by a Memorandum of Agreement. The University Co-ordinator has a key role to play in the development, monitoring and enhancement of the collaborative arrangement at programme level. The University Co-ordinator is one of the key players in maintaining standards and ensuring ongoing dialogue with the collaborative organisation. Please evaluate the following aspects for all collaborative teaching relationships. Adherence to the MOA YES No Confirm that the admissions criteria and procedure is adhered to. Confirm that the registration and enrolment procedure is adhered to. Confirm that all external teaching staff are approved. Confirm that module and programme review has taken 10 N/A 11 place. Confirm that the procedure for approving published information has been followed. Confirm that the examination and assessment procedures have been adhered to. Confirm that programme management arrangements have been adhered to. If there are any issues in relation to the above, please explain. Please provide comment on the future viability of the collaboration. 11 12 Section 8 PREVIOUS YEAR’S ACTIONS/ACTION PLAN Please update the action plan submitted with the previous year’s APR report and/ or highlighted in the periodic review if less than two years ago. Evaluate the actions taken and any other changes to the programme which have occurred during the last year. Evaluate the impact of these changes, indicating whether they have led to enhancement of the curriculum or the quality of learning opportunities or improved the achievement of standards by the students. (delete guidelines in italics after use) Actions taken on previous year’s APR process Evaluation Impact of Action taken 12 13 Section 9 IDENTIFICATION OF GOOD PRACTICE Highlight any areas of good practice in relation to the programme/s under review. Good practice can relate to enhancement of the teaching and learning, assessment, course structure, module and programme management [including external input] or delivery arrangements that has contributed to improving the programme or the quality of the students’ learning experience. This may include practice you have developed that may be transferable to other parts of the institution, or ways in which good practice from other areas has been adapted to meet the needs of your department/school. You may wish to highlight any University or national recognition of excellence in teaching and learning achieved by staff associated with the programmes or good practice in the area of equality and diversity of opportunity. In reporting good practice, you may wish to consider the following questions: 1. 2. 3. In what way has the area of good practice had an impact? How, or to what extent, have the benefits of the good practice been monitored? Have the examples of good practice that are being reported potential for adoption by other departments or schools? It is the intention that the examples of good practice that you report are published on the CED website, therefore do not report good practice that you have cited in previous APR reports. New, or continuous good practice in which there have been some developments or about which there is something new that you wish to report should be included. It would also be helpful if you could indicate the area that the good practice relates to, such as one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. learning and teaching assessment e-learning and/or blended learning staff development skills development programme management employability other Category Description of good practice 13 Benefit/Impact 14 Section 10 ACTION PLAN AND CHANGES Action plan and changes – including module and programme changes [change forms to be attached] (Collate actions from 1-8 above). NB actions continuing from previous years should be included [section 8]) Please complete an action plan for the coming year indicating the action required, who is responsible, the time frame and how monitoring will occur. Annual Programme Review Action Plan arising from current review Programme(s): Programme coordinator/leader: University Coordinator School: APR section Action Person responsible 14 Reporting/monitored by Date for completion