Executive Summary and Data Review 2014 15

IDEA Part B and Preschool Application
Executive Summary and Data Review
SY 2014-15
The Prentiss County School District (PCSD) has reviewed the performance as captured on the
State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) for the Fiscal Year 2012 as
published in May 2014 (see attached SPP/APR Prentiss County School District Performance
Report, FFY2012). Upon careful review of the published data by MDE, areas of success have
been identified, as well as, areas in need of improvement for PCSD in the various results and
compliance indicators.
Of the 34 pieces of data publicly reported, PCSD did not meet 12 (35.3%), met 20 (58.8%), and
2 (5.9%) being reported as not applicable for a school district for which the student population
did not meet the required minimum size for statistical analysis or there were no data. Indicators
were reviewed in four areas, as required by IDEA: Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for Indicators 1 thru 8; Disproportionality for
Indicators 9 and 10; Child Find for Indicator 11; and Effective Transition for Indicators 12 thru
Areas of success (defined as having met the targets indicated in the SPP/APR) include both
compliance and results indicators:
FAPE in the LRE: Dropout Rates (Indicator 2), Statewide Assessment AMO Targets
(Indicator 3 “Participation), Suspensions and Expulsions (Indicator 4), LRE Placement
(Indicator 5), Preschool Placement (Indicator 6), Preschool Skills (Indicator “SS2” 7B &
7C), Parental Involvement (Indicator 8);
Disproportionality Representation in Special Education and Specific Disability
Categories (Indicators 9 and 10);
Child Find: Timely Initial Evaluations (Indicator 11); and
Secondary Transition Goals (Indicator 13).
In order to sustain this performance, Prentiss County School District will continue to provide
needed Professional Development, offer technical assistance, and continue general supervision
responsibilities as outlined in IDEA 2004, including data reviews and internal self-monitoring
Areas of need (defined as having not met the targets in the SPP/APR) include both compliance
and results indicators:
FAPE in the LRE: Graduation Rates (Indicator 1 40.20%), Statewide Assessment AMO
Targets (Indicator 3 “Proficiency”), Preschool Skills (Indicator 7 “SS1” A,B,C, & “SS2”
Effective Transition Part C to B (Indicator 12), and Secondary Transition/Post-School
Outcomes (Indicator 14).
Prentiss County School District addressed the above results Indicators with the decision being
made to continue to serve students with disabilities in as least restrictive educable environment
with peers as often as possible, and only remove special needs students when absolutely
necessary. Teachers will continue to receive training on how to work with students with
disabilities and improve upon the implementation of student behavior plans. All students will be
encouraged to set goals of traditional graduation exit options with non-traditional exit options
only occurring as a last resort. Students will be closely monitored to ensure they are partipating
in all state mandated testing. Faculty will also monitor student suspensions and discipline to
ascertain there in no disproportionality. Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Plan
training will be conducted for teachers and staff with the goal being an increase in behavior plans
designed for positive student outcomes. Prentiss County will increase efforts to successfully
transition high school students into exiting school and entering universities or work forces.
Prentiss County also will increase focus on improvement of special needs population proficiency
as relates to statewide assessments.