
Team Leader Meeting
April 29, 2015
Lakeside Elementary
Lesson Plan Format:
 Review electronic lesson plan.
 We need something more cohesive.
 Our lesson plans ensure that every teacher is accepting the responsibility that all Tier 2 and 3 students are being
 We need to plan appropriately for the RTI situation before labeling a child. The future is moving towards the teacher
having the responsibility to classify the child versus the psychologist.
Lesson Plan Template: (Components to be included)
 Name, Grade, Dates, Times, All Subject Areas, Separate Reading Plan, ESOL, ESE, RTI, Groups, Math Groups, Concepts,
Page #’s Resources (Title of Book), Manipulative, ESOL Strategies listed. Focus needs to be on Tier 2 and 3 (Double/Triple
Dose). ALL PLANS will be typed not handwritten.
 Team Feedback- General Template: Font is too small, not user friendly, concern of formatting…would like vertical
formatting like opening a book. Centers go on the side with brief description of activity and concept. Care Cycles?? Label
Math Block with added Activities and Tier 2/Tier 3 Reteach. Primary: Add Phonics/Vocabulary and
Grammar…….Intermediate: Add Word Study means Vocabulary and Spelling, and Grammar. Skill and Strategy with page
#’s. No phonics for Intermediate…..should be added to guided reading group. Social Studies can be included in the ELA
 Lesson plans - Electronic and placed on the server weekly. Our shoulders are going to be weighted heavily with the
responsibility of labeling students.
 The Collaborative CARE Model is a process that should be a reflective dialogue to the standards however; each person’s
lessons should be designed to meet the needs of their students.
 Guided Reading: (3) Groups, Tier 2 and 3……Primary: Phonics/Phonemic Awareness, Word Study Activity (high frequency
words), Reader/Skill and Activity…..Intermediate: Reader/Skill and Instructional Activity and Vocabulary/T.E. and pg #’s.
Lakeside will develop a lesson plan template based on teacher input and samples from other schools so we have
cohesiveness across the board.
Career and College Ready (CCR):
 Staff development will focus on College and Career Ready topics:
 Accountable Talk
 Difficulty vs Complexity
 Guided Reading and Routine
 Math Fluency
 Performance Task
 Precision Reading Routine
 Stretch Text (Lexile Bands)
 Vocabulary Investigation
 Writing for Learning (Short Constructed Response)
Trainings will take place on “Planning Days” for the 2015-16 school year so important information can be shared.
Articulation Cards and Guidelines:
 Use Pencil
 K will be getting new cards
 Refer to the Artic Card Day 2015 Instruction and Directions Sheet
 Please be professional and specific on comments related to behavior or academic.
 Separate Cards before meeting with Susie on your designated Articulation Card Day
Team Leaders please identify your ACCEL students for your grade level with current data and completed spreadsheet.
Family Life and Human Sexuality:
 New Curriculum but no videos
 Top paper signed and returned to Susie to send to the district
Review Minimum Competency:
 Clarification - Students can be on a minimal competency and can be promoted, however they will struggle in the next grade
 Christine Phillips is the new textbook coordinator.
 Textbooks and every subject T.E’s will receive a barcode this year.
 Anyone transferring or moving grade levels needs to stack up textbooks and T.E’s to be stored in the Textbook room.
Books will be redistributed at the beginning of the year. (Exception-First Grade……Mrs. Lerner will keep 1st grade
Textbooks for Ms. Leitner. Textbooks, Manipulatives, and T.E’s in closing rooms in 1st grade (Leitner/Levine need to be
stored in textbook room.)
BASIS Training……May 12th for Team Leaders
Curriculum Map: Team Goal for Planning Day
 To be used as a guide ensuring we are teaching all of the standards and repeated throughout the year.
 Encouraging us to utilize the ebooks we have purchased at Lakeside with Lexile Levels.
Teacher Resources come with the books.
 During our team planning we need to create the Curriculum Map for at least the first (2) quarters of 2015-16.
 Start building the map using the deconstructed standards and focus units of study.
Food for Thought and Conversation:
 Utilize Formative Assessments next year unless the District provides other resources
 CARE Time: ELA- Setting up a Remediation/Enrichment block of time in the morning after completing the first cycle.
Based on data results. Focus on remediating and enriching on the standard the following week.
Recommendation: Morning - 10 minutes morning check-in and 20 minutes of CARE Time with a team member.
Take back to teams and get feedback…….What will it look like and how will it work?