Semesters curriculum for the students of 5В071900 Radioengineering, electronics and telecommunications educational program 1 semester 2 semester 1. Bases of mathematics and the natural sciences ECTS 19 1 semester - ECTS 9; 2 semester - ECTS 10 module’s disciplines Computer Science Physics ECTS 4 ECTS 6 Mathematics 1 ECTS 5 Mathematics 2 ECTS 4 21. Political Science ECTS 3 22. State History ECTS 4 module’s disciplines module’s disciplines Political Science ECTS 3 History of Kazakhstan ECTS 4 20. Foreign language ECTS 9 1 semester - ECTS 6; 2 semester - ECTS 3 module’s disciplines English English (German) (German) ECTS 6 ECTS 3 19. Official language ECTS 9 1 semester - ECTS 5; 2 semester - ECTS 4 module’s disciplines Kazakh language Kazakh language ECTS 5 ECTS 4 29. Health-improving (beginner level) ECTS 4 1 semester - ECTS 2; 2 semester - ECTS 2 module’s disciplines Physical training Physical training ECTS 2 ECTS 2 3 semester 4 semester 5 semester 6 semester Fundamental modules (all module’s disciplines are compulsory for learning) 2. Bases of electrical engineering ECTS 9 3 semester - ECTS 4; 4 semester - ECTS 5 module’s disciplines Theory of electrical circuits 1 ECTS 4 25. Social-humanitarian knowledge ECTS 7 module’s disciplines Social science ECTS 3 Philosophy ECTS 4 Basics of electronic and measuring equipment ECTS 5 23. Bases of Economics ECTS 3 module’s disciplines Fundametals of Economic Theory ECTS 3 27. Legal Culture ECTS 3 module’s disciplines Basics of Law ECTS 3 28. Professional official language ECTS 3 module’s disciplines ProfessionalKazakh language ECTS 3 3. Radio circuits and signals ECTS 9 module’s disciplines Bases of Radioengineering and Telecommunications ECTS 4 Theory of Electric Conductivity ECTS 5 30. Health-improving (continuing level) ECTS 4 3 semester - ECTS 2; 4 semester - ECTS 2 module’s disciplines Physical training Physical training ECTS 2 ECTS 2 24. The interaction of man and nature ECTS 6 3 semester - ECTS 3; 4 semester - ECTS 3 module’s disciplines Fundamentals of Life Ecology and Sustainable Safety Development ECTS 3 ECTS 3 26. Technical foreign language ECTS 3 module’s disciplines Profession Oriented Foreign Language ECTS 3 Modules of elective disciplines (include elective courses) 7 semester 8 semester 18. Bachelor’s degree work ECTS 20 module’s disciplines State examination in specialty ECTS 3 Writing and defense of Bachelor’s thesis ECTS 17 4. Bases of radioengineering ECTS 12 1 semester - ECTS 5;2 semester - ECTS 7 module’s disciplines Student's choice Student’s choice ECTS 2 ECTS 5 Introduction to Hardware and software of speciality/ personal computers / Physical Foundations Architecture and interfaces of of Radio Electronics personal computers and Communication Student’s choice ECTS 3 Computerisation of measurement in Radio electronics/ Information Technologies 5. Electronics and electrical engineering ECTS 12 3 semester - ECTS 3; 4 semester - ECTS 9 module’s disciplines Student’s choice Student’s choice ECTS 3 ECTS 4 Functional Electronics / Theory of electrical circuits 2/ Element base of electronic Basics of circuits theory means Student’s choice ECTS 5 Schemotechnique of Analogue Electronic Devices/ Schema- and SystemTechnique of Electronic Devices Study Practice ECTS 2 6. Digital device programming ECTS 10 3 semester - ECTS 5; 4 semester - ECTS 5 module’s disciplines Student’s choice Student’s choice ECTS 5 ECTS 5 Algorythmization and Digital devices and programming in Radio microprocessors / Electronics / Integral and Microprocessor Object-oriented technics programming in Radio Electronics 7. Technical means of data processing and imaging ECTS 6 module’s disciplines Student’s choice ECTS 3 8. Electromagnetic fields and waves ECTS 9 module’s disciplines Student’s choice ECTS 5 Theory of Electromagnetic Waves Transmission / Electrodynamics Student’s choice ECTS 4 The theory of information transmission / Statistical radio engineering 9. Design technologies of radio components and devices ECTS 7 module’s disciplines Student’s choice ECTS 3 Design and Technology of Electronic Components Base / Fundamentals of Constructing and Production Technology of Radio Components Student’s choice ECTS 4 Computer Technologies and Systems of Automated Design / Automation of Electronic Devices Design 10. Digital systems of control ECTS 5 module’s disciplines Student’s choice ECTS 5 Design of Systems on the Basis of Programmed Logical Integral Schemes / Microcontrollers and Special Purpose Microprocessors 12. Generation and procession of signals ECTS 13 5 semester - ECTS 5; 6 semester - ECTS 8 module’s disciplines Student’s choice Student’s choice ECTS 5 ECTS 5 15. Computer modeling of radio electronic means ECTS 22 7 semester - ECTS 12; 8 semester - ECTS 10 module’s disciplines Student’s choice Production practice ECTS 4 ECTS 4 Modeling Radio Electronic and Telecommunication Devices and Systems / Systems of computer Modeling in Radio Electronics Student’s choice Pre-diploma practice ECTS 5 ECTS 6 Antenna- Feeder Devices and Modeling the Expansion of Radio Waves / Design of Antennas and Ultra High-Frequency Devices on the Basis of Modern Mathematical Packages Student’s choice ECTS 3 Radio Technical Systems and their Modeling / Mathematical Modeling of Radio Technical Devices and Systems 16. Digital television ECTS 8 module’s disciplines Student’s choice ECTS 4 Digital signal processing / Information Security and Confidentiality Student’s choice ECTS 4 Fundametals of Television and Video Engineering / Techniques for Obtaining Images 17. Labour safety ECTS 3 module’s disciplines Student’s choice ECTS 3 Chemistry of radio materials / Systems of data collection and processing Student’s choice ECTS 3 Engineering and computer graphics / Graphic design environments Signal generators and transmitters/ Formation of Radio Signals Signal Receivers and Processors / Fundamentals of Receiving and Processing Signals Production practice ECTS 3 13. Theory of automatic control ECTS 7 5 semester - ECTS 4; 6 semester - ECTS 3 module’s disciplines Student’s choice Student’s choice ECTS 4 ECTS 3 Theory of Linear Control Theory of Nonlinear Control Systems / Systems / Fundamentals of Modern Control Systems Automated Control Theory Labor Security / Techniques of Labor Security at Industries 14. Metrological aspects of radioengineering ECTS 7 module’s disciplines Student’s choice ECTS 4 Metrology and radio measurements / Methods of Control and Diagnostics of Radio Electronic Devices Student’s choice ECTS 3 Electromagnetic Compatibility of Radio Electronic Devices / Efficiency and Reliability of Radio Systems 11. Sources of power supply ECTS 4 module’s disciplines Student’s choice ECTS 4 Power Supply of Radio Electronic Devices and Systems/ Power Transformation Devices 1 examination, 1 attestation 4 examinations, 1 state examination, 1 mark (practice report), 1 attestation 2 examinations, 1 attestation 6 examinations, 3 course papers, 1 attestation ECTS30 ECTS 30 ECTS 30 ECTS 30 Semester total: 3 examinations, 1 course paper ECTS30 6 examinations, 2 course papers, 1 mark (practice report) 4 examinations, 2 course papers ECTS 30 ECTS30 2 marks (production practice report, prediploma practice report), 1 state examination in specialty, defense of Bachelor’s thesis ECTS 30