Feudalism Test Study Guide Name What is feudalism? Why did the

Feudalism Test Study Guide
What is feudalism?
Why did the feudal system arise (make sure to mention Rome)? Why did people need the
feudal system?
How is land granted in a feudal system? Who gives land to whom and why?
Identify three causes of the decline of feudalism and explain how each contributed to the
decline of feudalism.
Describe the circumstances that led to the signing of the Magna Carta.
Explain how the Magna Carta has impacted our country today and its democratic principles.
Describe the impact of the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages (what sort of things
did the church do during that time?).
What is a barbarian?
What is a vassal?
What is a monarch?
What is a fief?
What is a manor?
What is chivalry?
What is meant by divine right of kings?
Who was Charlemagne?
Draw the feudal system hierarchy below and explain the relationship that exists between the
different levels i.e. what did kings provide lords? What did lords provide kings? What did lords
provide knights? What did knights provide lords? What did knights provide peasants? What did
peasants provide knights?