View - Andrew R. Ochadlick, Jr., Career Physicist

49.) X. Li, J. Morrison, L. Pietrafesa, A. Ochadlick, Analysis of Oceanic Internal Waves from Airborne
SAR Images, Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 15, No. 4, p. 884-891, Fall 1999.
48.) Hoke, C. , A. Ochadlick, Jr., and J. Wynn, Laser 3He Magnetometer for UGS Applications, SPIE
(The International Society for Optical Engineering), Vol. 3713, p.44 – 53, April 1999.
47. Rino, C., E. Eckert, A. Siegel, T. Webster, A. Ochadlick, Jr., M Rankin, J. Davis, X-Band LowGrazing Angle Ocean Backscatter Obtained During LOGAN 1993, IEEE Journal of Oceanic
Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 1, Jan. 1997.
46. Ochadlick, Jr., A., J. Davis, W. Everett, J. Krauss, M. Rankin, A. Seigel, T. Webster, J. Morrison, J.
Lyden, C. Rino, E. Mebus, Results from the 1993 LOGAN (Low Grazing Angle) Radar Experiment,
IGARSS'94, Vol. III, IEEECat. No. 94CH3378-7, p.1266-1268, Aug 1994.
45. Davis, J., M. Rankin, A. Ochadlick Jr., W. Everett, J. Krauss, A. Siegel, T. Webster, C. Rino, and J.
Lyden, Sea Spikes: The Empirical Dependence of K-Distribution Parameters on System and
Environmental Parameters, IGARSS'94, Vol. II, IEEECat. No. 94CH3378-7, p.812-814, Aug 1994.
44. E. Eckert, C. Rino, A. Siegel, T. Webster, A. Ochadlick Jr., J. Davis, W. Everett, J. Kraus, and M.
Rankin, Ocean Microwave Backscatter from the LOGAN Experiment, IGARSS'94, Vol. II, IEEECat.
No. 94CH3378-7, p.815-817, Aug 1994.
43. A. Siegel, A. Ochadlick Jr., J. Davis, W. Everett, J. Kraus, M. Rankin, J. Lyden, and C. Rino,
Spatial and Temporal Correlation of LOGAN-1 High-Resolution Radar Sea Clutter Data, IGARSS'94,
Vol. II, IEEECat. No. 94CH3378-7, p.818-821, Aug 1994.
42. Ochadlick, A. R. Jr., H. Kritikos, and R. Giegengack, Variations in the period of the sunspot cycle,
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 20, No. 14, p. 1471-1474, July 1993.
41. Kritikos, H. N. and A. R. Ochadlick, Jr., Extraction of Structure in the Sunspot Cycle Using a
Wavelet Analysis Approach (abstract), EOS Trans. AGU, Vol. 73, No. 43, p.443, 1992.
40. Ochadlick, A. R., Jr., R. Shuchman, and F. Ilsemann, INSAR Study of Coastal Waters and Pamlico
Sound (abstract), EOS Trans. AGU, Vol. 73, No. 43, p.251-252, 1992.
39. Morrison, J. M. and A. R. Ochadlick, Jr., Sea Truthing SAR Observations of Slicks off the Mouth of
the Chesapeake (abstract), EOS Trans. AGU, Vol. 73, No. 43, p.297, 1992.
38. Ochadlick, A. R., Jr., O. Shemdin, J. Duke, C. Rino, A.C. Schultheis, H. Kritikos, and J. Kraus,
Measuring sea clutter and doppler properties with low grazing radars, IGARSS'92 International Space
Year, Vol. II, IEEE Cat. No. 92CH3041-1, p. 1444-1447, 1992.
37. Carreras, A., Jr., A. R. Ochadlick, Jr., J. Morrison, and L. Zeitz, NADC SAR imagery of coastal
waters and the Gulf Stream, IGARSS'92 International Space Year, Vol. II, IEEE Cat. No. 92CH3041-1,
p. 465-467, 1992.
36. Shuchman, R., A. Ochadlick, Jr., P. Cho, W. Dunlevy, J. Lyden, D. Lyzenga, and C. Wackerman,
Interferometric SAR measurements collected during the High Resolution ocean experiment, IGARSS'92
International Space Year, Vol. I, IEEE Cat. No. 92CH3041-1, p. 458-461, 1992.
35. Ochadlick, A. R., Jr., P. Cho, and Jeannette Evans-Morgis, SAR Observations of Currents Colocated with Slicks, J. of Geophys. Res., Vol. 97, No. C4, p. 5325-5330, 1992.
34. Shemdin, O., A. Ochadlick, and J. Duke, Measuring ocean surface features with low grazing angle
radars (abstract), EOS Trans. AGU, Vol. 72, No. 51, p.56, 1991.
33. Ochadlick, A. R., Jr., Magnetic Exploration of ocean crust for craters of impact origin: Model
results, Geophysics, Vol. 56, No. 8, p.1153-1157, Aug. 1991.
32. Ochadlick, A. R., Jr., SAR Segments of the Life Cycle of Dark Slick-Like
Features During Gulf Stream 1990 (abstract), EOS Trans. AGU, Vol. 72, No. 17, p.148, 1991.
31. Ochadlick, A. R., Jr., SAR Ocean Imagery for Submesoscale Plate Model (abstract), EOS Trans.
AGU, Vol. 72, No. 17, p.149, 1991.
30. Ochadlick, A. R., Jr., K. Birney, P. Cho, J. C. Duke, S. K. Krasznay, J. Evans-Morgis and J. Verdi,
A Description of the NADC SAR Facility and Examples of Observations and Measurements,
IGARSS'91 Remote Sensing, Vol III, IEEE Cat. No. 91CH2971-0, p. 1785-1789, 1991.
29. Evans-Morgis, J., P. Cho and A. R. Ochadlick, Jr., and S. Krasznay, Pocono Mountain SAR Data
Analysis for Testing Slant Range to Ground Range Conversion, IGARSS'91 Remote Sensing, Vol I,
IEEE Cat. No. 91CH2971-0, p. 1413-1415, 1991.
28. Ochadlick, A. R., Jr., G. R. Valenzuela, K. Birney, P. Cho, J. Evans-Morgis, R. P. Mied, J. M.
Morrison, and J. Yannone, Evolution of Ocean Surface Features Observed with SAR during the July 90
Gulf Stream Experiment, IGARSS'91 Remote Sensing, Vol I, IEEE Cat. No. 91CH2971-0, p. 123-127,
27. Valuezuela, G. R., R. P. Mied, A. R. Ochadlick, Jr., M. Kobrick, P. M. Smith, W. C. Keller, R. J.
Lai, D. Sheres, J. M. Morrison, and R. C. Beal, The July 1990 Gulf Stream Experiment, IGARSS'91
Remote Sensing, Vol. I, IEEE Cat. No. 91CH2971-0, p. 119-122, 1991.
26. Chubb, S. R., A. L. Cooper, G. R. Valenzuela, C. Shen, R. P. Mied, G. Marmorino, C. Trump, A. R.
Ochadlick, Jr., J. Morrison, and J. R. Bennett, Preliminary Investigation of the Nature of Radar
Signatures of the Gulf Stream with SAR (abstract), IGARSS'91 Remote Sensing, Vol.I, IEEE Cat. No.
91CH2971-0, p. 122A, 1991.
25. Ochadlick, A. R., Jr. and N. Engheta, Magnetic Fields Resulting From Ocean Current Structures
Seen in SAR Imagery (abstract), Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS)
Proceedings, Ocean Surface as a Turbulent Scattering Medium II, p. 124, July 1991.
24. Valenzuela, G. R., ...A. R. Ochadlick,..., AIRSAR Observation of the Gulf Stream With
Interpretation from Sea Truth and Modeling, Proceedings of the Third Airborne Synthetic Aperture
Radar (AIRSAR) Workshop, JPL Pub. 91-30, p. 98-108, 1 Aug 1991.
23. Ochadlick, A. R., Jr. and O. Shemdin, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery Containing an
Asymmetric Internal Wave Pattern, IEEE Ninth Annual Benjamin Franklin Symposium, p. 61-64, 9 Mar
22. Ochadlick, A. R., Jr., Time Series and Correlation of Pulsations Observed Simultaneously by Two
Aircraft, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 17, No. 11, p. 1889-1892, Oct. 1990.
21. Ochadlick, A. R., Jr., Correlation Coefficient for Pulsations (2.0-25s) Observed at Points Separated
by 1.6 km to 4600 km (abstract), EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union , Vol. 71, No. 17, p.
494-495, 24 April 1990.
20. Ochadlick, A. R., Jr., Additions to Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Ocean Models: Speculations on
a Weak Hydromagnetic Contribution, IEEE Symposium Digest, Eight Annual Benjamin Franklin
Symposium, p. 81-84, 24 Mar. 1990.
19. Ochadlick, A. R., Jr., W. A. Schmidt and P. Cho, Quantitative Stability of Slicks Observed With
the NADC SAR During SAXON (abstract), EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 71,
No. 2, p. 83, 9 Jan. 1990.
18. Ochadlick, Andrew R. Jr., Measurements of magnetic fluctuations associated with ocean swell
compared with Weaver's theory, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 94, No. 11, p. 16,237-16,242,
15 Nov. 1989.
17. Ochadlick, A. Jr., K. Birney, P. Cho, A. Carreras, C. Haney, S. Krasznay, and S. Lyness, SAR
measurements during SAXON by the NADC aircraft, Proceedings of IGARSS' 89, 12th Canadian
Symposium on Remote Sensing, Vancouver, Canada, Vol. 3, (IEEE no. 89CH2768-0), p. 1934-1937,
10-14 Jul 1989.
16. Ochadlick, A. Jr., P. Cho and S. Deluca, Spatiotemporal dynamics of ocean slicks observed in SAR
images, (abstract), EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 70, No. 15, p. 354, Apr 1989.
15. Ochadlick, A. R. Jr., H. N. Kritikos, J. G. Teti, Jr., K. Birney, P. Cho, S., Krasznay, S. Lyness and
A. Carreras, SAR Imaging of Ocean Current Effects on Wakes, IEEE Symposium Digest, IEEE Seventh
Annual Benjamin Franklin Symposium, Cherry Hill, NJ, p. 46-49, 11 Mar. 1989.
14. Ochadlick, A. Jr., F. Darreff, C. Haney, and J. Schanne, H. Kritikos and N. Engheta, Aircraft
polarimetric and multifrequency SAR studies of current-wave interactions for the planned SIR-C
mission, (abstract), EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 69, No. 16, p. 384-385, 19
Apr 1988.
13. Ochadlick, A. R. Jr., J. Schanne, C. Haney, and R. Shuchman, The Potential to Locate Meteorites in
Antarctica With Synthetic Aperture Radar, (abstract), Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society,
Vol. 18, No. 4, p. 1019, 1986 .
12. Ochadlick, A. R. Jr., S. Boose, W. Gelatka, W. Payton, R. Schmitz and J. Wilks, An Aeromagnetic
Study of Electromagnetic Induction Effects, (abstract), EOS Transactions, American Geophysical
Union, Vol. 66, No. 46, p. 874, 12 Nov 1985.
11. Hermance, J. F., G. A. Neuman, W. Slocum, S. Lusi, W. Peaton, A. Ochadlick, External Source
and Induced Field Effects on Airborne Magnetic Surveys, (abstract), EOS Transactions, American
Geophysical Union, Vol. 66, No. 46, p. 874, 12 Nov 1985.
10. Ochadlick, A. R. Jr., S. Boose, W. Gelatka, W. Payton, R. Schmitz, and J. Wilks, Geomagnetic
Pulsations above a Uniform Conductor, (abstract) , EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union,
Vol. 66, No. 18, , p. 347, 30 April 1985.
9. Ochadlick, A. R. Jr., The Agitation Component of Geomagnetic Noise, Proceedings of the
Workshop on Geomagnetic Properties of Continental Margins, Colorado School of Mines, p. 20 -22, 30
April - 1 May 1984.
8. Ochadlick, A. R. Jr. and S.J. Anthony, The Degree of Similarity of Simultaneous Geomagnetic Field
Fluctuations at Different Locations, (abstract), EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol.
64, No. 45, p. 691, 8 Nov 1983.
7. Ochadlick, A. R. Jr., Magnetometer Observations of Ocean Wave Noise, Proceedings of the First
International Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Anomaly Detection, p. 23-24,
14-16 June 1982.
6. Ochadlick, A R. Jr., F. P. Marshall, J. G. Gibbons, and L. B. Corgnati, Airborne Magnetometer
Observations of Geomagnetic Field Fluctuations Caused By Ocean Swell, (abstract), EOS Transactions
of the American Geophysical Union, Vol. 62, No. 45, p. 846, 10 Nov 1981.
5. a. Ochadlick, A. R. Jr. and H. S. Story, Paramagnetic Impurities and Proton Motion in NH4+ Beta
and NH4+ - H30+ Beta" Alumina, Journal of Solid State Ionics, Vol. 5, p. 257-260, 1981.
b. Also published in a book, Fast Ionic Transport in Solids, editors G.C. Farrington and J.B. Bates,
North Holland Publishing Co., p. 257-260, 1981.
c. Also published in a short form in Extended Abstracts-International Conference on Fast Ionic
Transport in Solids, p. 210-211, 18-22 May 1981.
4. Ochadlick, A. R. Jr., Measurement of Geomagnetic Field Fluctuations Caused by Ocean Waves,
(abstract), EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 62, No. 17, p. 267, April 1981.
3. a. Ochadlick, A. R. Jr., H. S. Story and G. C. Farrington, Proton Motion in NH4+ Beta and NH4+ H30+ Beta" Alumina, Journal of Solid State Ionics, Vol. 3/4, p. 79-84, 1981.
b. Also published in a short form in Extended Abstracts Third International Meeting on Solid
Electrolytes-Solid State Ionics and Galvanic Cells, Tokyo, Japan, p. 181-183, 15-19 Sep 1980.
2. Bailey W.C., H.S. Story, A. R. Ochadlick, Jr. and G. C. Farrington, NMR Study of Sodium Ion
Motion in Beta" Alumina, published in the book Fast Ion Transport in Solids, Electrodes and
Electrolytes, p. 281-284, edited by P. Vashishta, J. N. Mundy and G. K. Shenoy, North Holland
Publishing Company, 1979.
1. Ochadlick, A. R. Jr., W. C. Bailey, R. L. Stamp, H. S. Story, G. C. Farrington and J. L. Briant,
Proton Magnetic Resonance in Single Crystals of Ammonium-Hydronium Beta" and Ammonium Beta
Alumina, published in the book Fast Ion Transport in Solids, Electrodes and Electrolytes, edited by P.
Vashishta, J. N. Mundy and G. C. Shenoy, North Holland Publishing Company, p. 401-402, 1979.