File - Bre`s Project Book

Our Spring Cleaning List
clean/dust chandelier
clean walls & base boards
dust/clean light fixtures
retouch paint on base boards
retouch paint on window panes
re-caulk windows & doors
clean switch plates & outlets
re-stain/glaze stairs, if needed
clean/dust art work
clean/dust plant ledges
clean windows & panes
clean/retouch paint front door
oil front door
dust/clean staircase
polish banisters
dust/clean wall art
apply seasonal decorations
retouch paint on walls
Powder Bathroom
clean walls & base boards
dust/clean light fixtures
retouch paint on base boards
retouch paint on walls
clean/retouch paint on door
clean switch plates & outlets
clean/dust ledges
clean/polish sink bowl
clean/polish mirror
clean toilet bowl
add toilet paper
re-fill lotion & hand soap
add hand paper towels
add air freshner
clean/dust/polish sink counter
apply seasonal decorations
Art Gallery & Library
clean walls & base boards
dust/clean light fixtures
retouch paint on base boards
retouch paint on walls
clean/retouch paint on door
clean switch plates & outlets
clean/dust ledges
dust/clean book shelves
purge books
apply seasonal decorations
Master Suite Bedroom
clean walls & base boards
dust/clean light fixtures
retouch paint on base boards
retouch paint on walls
clean/dust ceiling fan
clean switch plates & outlets
dust/clean trey ceiling
clean/dust light fixtures
retouch paint on doors
clean/dust windows & pane
clean/dust glass tables
change to spring bedding
purchase new pillows
dust/clean/polish bed frame
dust/clean bedside tables
change decor
clean/polish mirror
vacuum carpet
Master Suite Sitting Room
clean walls & base boards
dust/clean light fixtures
retouch paint on base boards
retouch paint on walls
retouch paint on doors
clean switch plates & outlets
clean/dust windows & pane
clean/dust light fixtures
dust/clean glass tables
dust/clean bedside tables
wash bedding
clean upholstery
clean/polish mirror
change decor
vacuum carpet
Master Suite Bathroom
clean walls & base boards
dust/clean light fixtures
retouch paint on base boards
retouch paint on walls
clean switch plates & outlets
clean mirrors
clean sinks
clean/polish sink counter
clean tub & surround
change wash towels & cloths
change décor around tub
refill soap/lotion/oil dispensers
clean toilet/toilet bowl
refill air freshner
wipe down cabinets
clean out cabinets
purge expired medication
re-organize cabinets
clean shower fixtures
clean window
clean tile walls & ledges
clean top of cabinet
dust/polish cabinets
Master SuiteCloset
clean walls & base boards
dust/clean light fixtures
retouch paint on base boards
retouch paint on walls
clean switch plates & outlets
clean mirrors
clean window & window pane
exchange seasonal clothing & accessories
purge/organize clothing
dust/polish clothing cabinets
clean/reorganize vanity
change decor
vacuum carpet
Craft Room
clean walls & base boards
dust/clean light fixtures
retouch paint on base boards
clean switch plates & outlets
clean out desk
purge craft supplies
purge drawers & shelves
re-stock items if needed
clean equipment
dust/clean shelves
mop floor
Multi-Purpose/Laundry Room
clean walls & base boards
dust/clean light fixtures
retouch paint on base boards & window panes
clean walls
dust/clean/re-organize cabinets
clean behind washer & dryer
clean washer, dryer & lint screen
clean/organize refrigerator
wash windows & window panes
purge cabinets
clean/polish sink & counter tops
clean curtains/blinds
mop floor
dust/clean light fixtures
wash cabinets
clean walls, window panes & base boards
clean & polish countertops
retouch paint on base boards & window panes
clean air vents/switch plates & outlets
clean-out/purge & organize cabinets & drawers
clean oven/stove-top & microwave
clean/ re-organize refrigerator
caulk needed areas
clean behind refrigerator
polish stainless steel appliances
clean upholstery chairs
clean/re-organize coffee bar
mop floor
change décor
dust/clean light fixtures
clean walls & base boards
clean windows/window panes
retouch paint on base boards & window panes
clean air vents
clean switch plates & outlets
clean upholstered furniture
clean behind furniture
clean curtains
clean fireplace
change decor
mop floor
Media Room/Sports Bar
dust/clean light fixtures
clean walls, ledges & base boards
clean windows/sliding doors
retouch paint on base boards & windows
clean air vents
clean switch plates & outlets
clean upholstered furniture
clean behind furniture
clean curtains
dust/clean bar area
mop & vacuum floors
polish bar counters
dust/clean wall art
reorganize DJ booth and music
change decor
dust & clean ceiling fans
clean ceiling lights
clean walls
dust & clean fireplace
clean lawn furniture
replace seat cushions
clean staircases & hand rails
clean outdoor kitchen
clean BBQ grill
power clean exterior brick (stairs & fireplace)
change décor
Guest Suite Bedroom
clean walls & base boards
dust/clean light fixtures
retouch paint on base boards
retouch paint on walls
clean/dust ceiling fan
clean switch plates & outlets
clean cob webs
clean/dust light fixtures
retouch paint on doors
clean doors/oil henges
clean/dust windows & pane
clean/polish mirror
wash/change bedding
clean or purchase pillows
clean/dust bed frame
clean/dust bedside tables
change decor
reorganize closet
vacuum carpet
Guest Suite Bathroom
clean walls & base boards
dust/clean light fixtures
retouch paint on base boards
retouch paint on walls
clean switch plates & outlets
clean mirrors & sinks
clean drain w/lemon juice
clean/polish sink counter
clean tub & surround
clean shower fixtures
clean tile walls & ledges
clean doors & oil henges
wash towels & cloths
refill air freshner
refill soap/lotion/oil dispensers
clean toilet
wipe & polish cabinets
clean out cabinets
re-organize cabinets
reorganize linen closet
replace worn towels & cloths
purge medication
restock personal items
change décor
clean vents
clean light fixture
clean walls & base boards
dust/clean light fixtures
retouch paint on walls & base boards
clean switch plates & outlets
clean upholstery
clean out desk
clean desk
purge year old documents
purge drawers & shelves
clean/polish book shelves
clean/reorganize storage closet
change décor
vacuum carpet
deep clean vaccum cleaner
change filters in house
clean carpets
clean out/purge attic
service air conditioner
service fireplaces
House Exterior& Landscape
trim hedges
add fresh mulch
clean trash bins
power clean driveway
clean and/ paint exterior doors
power clean front porch
clean exterior windows
clean/replace exterior light fixtures
clean out flower beds, replace annual flowers
clean garage doors, paint if needed
clean house trim, paint if needed
power wash house, if needed
reseal cracks and chips in stucco, if needed
change front porch decor
inspect house roof, replace any loose shingles